1,228 research outputs found

    Riesgos ergonómicos y psicosociales en los trabajadores de una residencia geriátrica en Águilas.

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    El aumento de la esperanza de vida y los cambios en las últimas décadas, han posibilitado el desarrollo y aumento de trabajadores en el sector sociosanitario, sobretodo en residencias. Los principales destinatarios de estos servicios son los ciudadanos mayores de 65 años, cada vez más dependientes, provocando un aumento de los cuidados. Estos puestos, presentan gran exposición a riesgos ergonómicos y psicosociales, con un aumento de las tasas de enfermedades y bajas laborales prolongadas, siendo las principales causas trastornos musculoesqueleticos y estrés laboral. OBJETIVOS: Conocer los principales riesgos Ergonómicos y Psicosociales en trabajadores de una residencia y Proponer medidas para la prevención de los riesgos Ergonómicos y Psicosociales. RIESGOS: se realiza un estudio analítico descriptivo. Para la recogida de información se utilizan: método REBA, cuest ionario molestias musculoesqueléticas, cuestionario manipulación de pacientes, cuestionario repetitividad y cuestionario salud general de Golderg. Entre los principales resultados obtenemos una participación del 42%, 93% mujeres y 67% auxiliares de enfermería. Se obtuvo una estimación Alta de padecer riesgo ergonómico, siendo las patologías más afectadas cuello y espalda, seguidas de hombro y brazos. El 67% refirió manipular pacientes la mayor parte del tiempo y el 100% adoptó posturas que superaban los 20º de flexión. En los riesgos Psicosociales, 83% presenta ausencia de patología, 10% sospecha y 7% presenta patología. CONCLUSIÓN: El alto riesgo ergonómico y psicosocial que afecta a los trabajadores de residencias hace necesaria la investigación que permita conocer las patologías más relevantes así como las técnicas de prevención de las mismas

    Bending collapse analysis for thin and medium-thin-walled square and rectangular hollow shapes

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    Thin-walled hollow shapes are of great interest in many industries with weight constraints due to their availability, low price, and strength to weight ratio. However, they are also prone to localized bending collapse, which can be used as an energy absorption mechanism during deformation. Up until now, industrial applications have relied on numerical simulations, non-standardized tests, and a handful of theories to address the bending collapse behavior. In this paper, a modification to the most widely used theory is presented and adapted for hollow shapes with greater thickness that cannot be considered. To verify the accuracy of the proposed modification, a comparison with a detailed FEM model, validated through various three-point bending collapse experimental tests, has been performed. The results seem to show that the proposed modifications can predict the maximum load and collapse stage behavior of hollow shapes with more accuracy than the original analytical model. Thus, the proposed modification may be used to predict the collapse behavior of commercially available square and rectangular hollow shapes in different fields of application.D. Lavayen would like to recognize the financial support providedby CONCYTEC (Peru) and The World Bank, through the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and FONDECYT (Peru): Funding Contract;10-2018-FONDECYT/WB PhD programs in strategic and generalareas. Part of this work has also been supported by Comunidad de Madrid - multiannual agreement with UC3M (Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario - EPUC3M21 ) - Fifth regional research plan2016-202

    Digital Rights and Responsibility in Education: A Scoping Review

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    Studies on digital rights in education have both gained attention and provided a framework for research, policy and practice in educational research within the field of educational technology. The potential benefits we appreciate in Internet use are inseparable from the maximum risks involved. Faced with this responsibility, individuals demand that their rights and freedoms be guaranteed in the digital environment according to their various roles as students, teachers, families or staff. This scoping review selects and analyses 54 theoretical and empirical studies from the last decade (2013-2023), identifying the main topics investigated as privacy protection in online environments, right to digital security or cybersecurity, and right to digital education. The review underscores the need to guide efforts towards digital education for citizens because the legal regulation of rights and responsibilities is necessary but insufficient. The paper also makes arguments about acceptance, limitations and implications for teacher training.European Regional Development Fund’s 2014-2020 Operational Program, the Andalusian Government, and Spain’s Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Project A.SEJ.46.UGR 2020)

    El Instituto Torroja a lo largo de su historia y la investigación en materiales vítreos y cerámicos

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    Publicado en: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 44(2): 131-134 (2005).[ES] El Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (IETcc) desde su fundación no sólo ha realizado a lo largo de su ya larga historia investigaciones y valiosas aportaciones científicas y técnicas en el campo de los materiales cerámicos y vidrios, sino que además fue uno de los principales fundadores de la actual Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (SECV) con la destacada participación de D. Francisco Arredondo y Verdú. En los últimos once años esta línea de investigación se ha visto reforzada con la creación del Grupo y Laboratorio de Materiales Vítreos y Cerámicos, por lo que se realiza una revisión de la relación de este centro con este tipo de materiales, recordándose los investigadores y publicaciones que más destacaron en este campo. Se realiza finalmente un análisis de la situación actual y de las perspectivas de I+D+i en este tipo de materiales de construcción, haciendo especial énfasis en sus aplicaciones en fachadas ventiladas y del factor dinamizador de la investigación científica que implicará el reto tecnológico de la aplicación de plaquetas cerámicas en este tipo de fachadas.[EN] Ever since its inception and throughout its history, the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science of the CSIC (IETcc, CSIC) has conducted research in and made valuable scientific and technical contributions to the area of ceramic and glassy materials, and played a key role in the founding of the present Spanish Ceramic and Glass Society (SECV), under the leadership of Francisco Arredondo y Verdú. The creation in recent years of the Glassy and Ceramic Materials Group and Laboratory has reinforced this line of research. The present paper reviews the effort deployed by the Institute in connection with this type of materials, with a tribute to some of the most prominent publications in the field and their authors. Finally, it has been carried out a discussion of the nowadays situation and future prospects onf R+D+I in this type of construction materials, giving emphasis into the uses in vent façades, as well as the dynamic factor over the scientific research implied from the technological challenge of ceramic tiles in this constructive systems.Peer reviewe

    External control of gender budget implementation: Experience of the Audit Office of Andalusia

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    Since the passing of Law 18 in 2003, the autonomous community of Andalusia has been implementing budgeting with a gender perspective, with the aim of correcting inequalities affecting women. The Andalusian Audit Office (AOA) analysis of the gender budgeting (GB) model applied concluded that the degree of integration of a gender perspective is insufficient. The impact of the various programmes aimed at equality have not been assessed, the objectives were too generic and homogeneous indicators are needed.This study was carried out with the financial R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Regional Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities Andalusia 2014-2020, Operational Program, Grant/Award Number: BSEJ-740-UGR20

    Towards the recognition of the emotions of people with visual disabilities through brain-computer interfaces

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    This article belongs to the Section Intelligent Sensors.A brain&-computer interface is an alternative for communication between people and computers, through the acquisition and analysis of brain signals. Research related to this field has focused on serving people with different types of motor, visual or auditory disabilities. On the other hand, affective computing studies and extracts information about the emotional state of a person in certain situations, an important aspect for the interaction between people and the computer. In particular, this manuscript considers people with visual disabilities and their need for personalized systems that prioritize their disability and the degree that affects them. In this article, a review of the state of the techniques is presented, where the importance of the study of the emotions of people with visual disabilities, and the possibility of representing those emotions through a brain&-computer interface and affective computing, are discussed. Finally, the authors propose a framework to study and evaluate the possibility of representing and interpreting the emotions of people with visual disabilities for improving their experience with the use of technology and their integration into today's society.This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACyT, through the number 709656 and by the Research Program of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness—Government of Spain, (DeepEMR project TIN2017-87548-C2-1-R)

    Un modelo Binivel de Ataque-Defensa para mejorar la resiliencia de los sistemas de potencia con generación distribuida

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    Electric transmission and distribution systems are subject not only to natural occurring outages but also to intentional attacks. These lasts performed by malicious agents that aim at maximizing the load shedding of the system. Intentional attacks are counteracted by the reaction of the system operator which deploys strategies to minimize the damage caused by such attacks. This paper presents a bilevel modeling approach for enhancing resilience of power systems with high participation of distributed generation (DG). The model describes the interaction of a disruptive agent that aims at maximizing damage to a power system and the system operator that resorts to different strategies to minimize system damage. The proposed mixed integer nonlinear programming model is solved with a hybrid genetic algorithm. Results are presented on a benchmark power system showing the optimal responses of the system operator for a set of deliberate attacks. It was observed that the higher the participation of DG the lower the impact of the attacks was. The presence of DG also influenced the optimal strategies of the attacker which in some cases deviated from optimal attack plans to suboptimal solutions. This allows concluding that the presence of DG benefits the power system in terms of less expected load shedding under intentional attacks.     Los sistemas de transmisión y distribución están sujetos no solo a fallas naturales sino también a fallas causadas por ataques intencionales. Estos últimos llevados a cabo por agentes maliciosos que tienen como objetivo maximizar el deslastre de carga del sistema. Los ataques intencionales son contrarrestados por la reacción del operador del sistema que lleva a cabo estrategias para minimizar el daño causado por los ataques. Este artículo presenta un modelo de programación binivel para mejorar la resiliencia de los sistemas de potencia con alta participación de generación distribuida (GD). El modelo describe la interacción de un agente disruptivo que pretende maximizar el daño al sistema de potencia y el operador de red que recurre a diferentes estrategias para minimizar el daño. El modelo propuesto es no lineal entero mixto y se soluciona mediante un algoritmo genético híbrido.  Se pudo observar que a mayor participación de la GD el impacto de los ataques era menor. La presencia de GD también tuvo influencia en las estrategias del atacante, el cual, en algunos casos, se desviaba de los ataques óptimos a soluciones sub-óptimas. Lo anterior permite concluir que la presencia de GD beneficia al sistema de potencia en términos de menor deslastre de carga esperado ante ataques intencionales.     &nbsp

    Un modelo Binivel de Ataque-Defensa para mejorar la resiliencia de los sistemas de potencia con generación distribuida

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    Electric transmission and distribution systems are subject not only to natural occurring outages but also to intentional attacks. These lasts performed by malicious agents that aim at maximizing the load shedding of the system. Intentional attacks are counteracted by the reaction of the system operator which deploys strategies to minimize the damage caused by such attacks. This paper presents a bilevel modeling approach for enhancing resilience of power systems with high participation of distributed generation (DG). The model describes the interaction of a disruptive agent that aims at maximizing damage to a power system and the system operator that resorts to different strategies to minimize system damage. The proposed mixed integer nonlinear programming model is solved with a hybrid genetic algorithm. Results are presented on a benchmark power system showing the optimal responses of the system operator for a set of deliberate attacks. It was observed that the higher the participation of DG the lower the impact of the attacks was. The presence of DG also influenced the optimal strategies of the attacker which in some cases deviated from optimal attack plans to suboptimal solutions. This allows concluding that the presence of DG benefits the power system in terms of less expected load shedding under intentional attacks.     Los sistemas de transmisión y distribución están sujetos no solo a fallas naturales sino también a fallas causadas por ataques intencionales. Estos últimos llevados a cabo por agentes maliciosos que tienen como objetivo maximizar el deslastre de carga del sistema. Los ataques intencionales son contrarrestados por la reacción del operador del sistema que lleva a cabo estrategias para minimizar el daño causado por los ataques. Este artículo presenta un modelo de programación binivel para mejorar la resiliencia de los sistemas de potencia con alta participación de generación distribuida (GD). El modelo describe la interacción de un agente disruptivo que pretende maximizar el daño al sistema de potencia y el operador de red que recurre a diferentes estrategias para minimizar el daño. El modelo propuesto es no lineal entero mixto y se soluciona mediante un algoritmo genético híbrido.  Se pudo observar que a mayor participación de la GD el impacto de los ataques era menor. La presencia de GD también tuvo influencia en las estrategias del atacante, el cual, en algunos casos, se desviaba de los ataques óptimos a soluciones sub-óptimas. Lo anterior permite concluir que la presencia de GD beneficia al sistema de potencia en términos de menor deslastre de carga esperado ante ataques intencionales.     &nbsp

    Analysing and evaluating environmental information disclosure in universities: The role of corporate governance, stakeholders, and culture

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the internal and external factors related to the disclosure of environmental information in universities which reflect the actions carried out in these universities. Design/methodology/approach – Taking as reference the first 200 universities in the Shanghai ranking, several factors associated with the degree of environmental information disclosure in universities – governance dimension, the relationship and participation of stakeholders, position and prestige as signs of the quality of the institution and cultural concern in the university’s country for the environment – are analysed. Findings – The results obtained show that the size of the leadership team, stakeholder participation, the position of the university in rankings and cultural concern in the university’s country for the environment are determining factors in the university’s environmental actions and, consequently, in their disclosure. Other factors – such as the size of the university, the level of self-financing and financial autonomy – do not affect the disclosure of environmental information. Originality/value – Scant research exists on the environmental commitments of universities; this paper aims to fill that gap. Their role as the main channel of research and as instructors of future professionals makes them points of reference in society. Research on university ranking has traditionally focussed on teaching and research results, but environmental issues are becoming increasingly important. This paper enumerates the factors that influence the dissemination of environmental information in the most prestigious universities. This research also provides an original approach by considering not only top- down but also bottom-up strategies through communication channels and the incidence of cultural factors.Funding: R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014-2020 Operational Program, Grant/Award Number: B1-SEJ-387-UGR18

    Framework for the Classification of Emotions in People With Visual Disabilities Through Brain Signals

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    Nowadays, the recognition of emotions in people with sensory disabilities still represents a challenge due to the difficulty of generalizing and modeling the set of brain signals. In recent years, the technology that has been used to study a person’s behavior and emotions based on brain signals is the brain–computer interface (BCI). Although previous works have already proposed the classification of emotions in people with sensory disabilities using machine learning techniques, a model of recognition of emotions in people with visual disabilities has not yet been evaluated. Consequently, in this work, the authors present a twofold framework focused on people with visual disabilities. Firstly, auditory stimuli have been used, and a component of acquisition and extraction of brain signals has been defined. Secondly, analysis techniques for the modeling of emotions have been developed, and machine learning models for the classification of emotions have been defined. Based on the results, the algorithm with the best performance in the validation is random forest (RF), with an accuracy of 85 and 88% in the classification for negative and positive emotions, respectively. According to the results, the framework is able to classify positive and negative emotions, but the experimentation performed also shows that the framework performance depends on the number of features in the dataset and the quality of the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is a determining factor.This work was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACyT), through grant number 709656