1,052 research outputs found

    A dual role for the βPS integrin myospheroid in mediating Drosophila embryonic macrophage migration

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Throughout embryonic development, macrophages not only act as the first line of defence against infection but also help to sculpt organs and tissues of the embryo by removing dead cells and secreting extracellular matrix components. Key to their function is the ability of embryonic macrophages to migrate and disperse throughout the embryo. Despite these important developmental functions, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying embryonic macrophage migration in vivo. Integrins are key regulators of many of the adult macrophage responses, but their role in embryonic macrophages remains poorly characterized. Here, we have used Drosophila macrophages (haemocytes) as a model system to address the role of integrins during embryonic macrophage dispersal in vivo. We show that the main βPS integrin, myospheroid, affects haemocyte migration in two ways; by shaping the three-dimensional environment in which haemocytes migrate and by regulating the migration of haemocytes themselves. Live imaging revealed a requirement for myospheroid within haemocytes to coordinate the microtubule and actin dynamics, and to enable haemocyte developmental dispersal, contact repulsion and inflammatory migration towards wounds.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología [grant numbers BFU2010-16669 and CSD-2007-00008 to M.D.M.-B.] and by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship [grant number 090899/Z/09/Z to W.W.]. R.R. was supported by the DFG as project B11 of the SFB 446 ‘Zellverhalten der Eukaryoten’]; the EMBO Young Investigator Programme [a Formación de. Personal Investigador studentship from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología [to B.J.S.-S.]. and an MRC Doctoral Training Grant to K.C.Peer reviewe

    Incidence of injuries in competition of Leonese wrestling and associated factors (2005–2015) Incidencia de lesiones en la competición de Lucha Leonesa y Factores Asociados (2005-2015)

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    © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Introducción: La lucha tradicional es considerada un patrimonio cultural de la humanidad que debe protegerse. El estudio de las lesiones y sus factores asociados puede favorecer la protección de este patrimonio. El presente estudio pretende analizar la incidencia de las lesiones y sus factores asociados en la competición de una modalidad de lucha tradicional: la Lucha Leonesa (LL). Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo y de cohorte, que recolectó las lesiones ocurridas durante las competiciones de verano entre 2005 y 2015. La incidencia de lesiones fue calculada por cada 1000 atletas/expuestos (AEs), en función de la edad de iniciación a la LL, edad en el momento de la competición, regularidad de los participantes en la competición, perfil ganador y categoría de peso. Se utilizó un análisis multivariante mediante un modelo mixto lineal generalizado, asumiendo que las lesiones seguían una distribución de Poisson. Resultados: Se registraron 308 luchadores y 406 lesiones en 31.970 AEs. La incidencia de lesiones por cada 1000 AEs fue de 3 lesiones (graves), 6,7 (moderadas y graves) y 12,7 (en el total de lesiones registradas). Se observó una mayor incidencia en aquellos luchadores: no regulares (IRR = 1,076; IC: 0,846-1,368), con perfil no ganador y los que se iniciaron en la lucha de adolescentes (IRR = 1,115; IC: 0,856-1,452). Los luchadores con perfil no ganador tuvieron un mayor riesgo de lesiones en las categorías de semipesados y pesados. Conclusiones: La incidencia de lesiones en la LL es consistente con la incidencia esperada en otros deportes de contacto. La ausencia de regularidad a la hora de competir, haberse iniciado tarde en la lucha, mostrar un perfil no ganador y competir en la categoría de los pesos pesados, son factores que se asocian al riesgo de presentar una lesión en sus practicantesPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Teaching technology: from knowing to feeling enhancing emotional and content acquisition performance through Gardner’s multiple intelligences Theory in technology and design lessons

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    Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) can be a cognitive and emotional improvement if is taken into account in the standard development of the Technology lessons. This work presents a preliminary evaluation of the performance enhancement in two concomitant aspects: contents acquisition and emotional yield. The study was made on up to 150 students with ages of 12-13 years old. The control group was submitted to traditional transmission-reception lessons, whereas the experimental one was submitted to novel educational techniques that included specific activities which took into account the different intelligences styles (IS) inside the classroom. The results clearly depicted that both studied variables underwent a statistical significant enhancement through the application of the MIT-based educational methodPeer Reviewe

    Growth, water relations and ion accumulation in Phlomis purpurea plants under water deficit and salinity

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    The effect of different levels of water deficit and salinity on physiological and morphological alterations in Phlomis purpurea plants was studied to evaluate their adaptability to such conditions. P. purpurea plants growing under greenhouse conditions were subjected to four irrigation treatments between November and May 2008: control (C, 1 dS m-1), moderate water deficit (MWD, 1dS m-1, 60% of the control), severe water deficit (SWD, 1 dS m-1, 40% of the control) and saline (S, 4 dS m-1). Aerial dry weight decreased with salinity, response that was more marked in the water deficit treatments, especially SWD. Stem diameter and leaf number were similarly reduced in both water deficit treatments, while leaf area also decreased in saline treated plants. Throughout the experiment, plant height was similar in both control and saline treated plants and was inhibited 10 weeks after application of the deficit irrigation onwards. Only at the end of the experiment were there significant differences in plant height between all treatments. Plants irrigated with saline water had higher Na+ concentrations in their leaves than in their roots and shoots, while Cl- concentrations were similar in leaves and roots, suggesting some resistance to the movement of the latter ions from root to shoots. The accumulation of salt in the leaves was associated with osmotic adjustment, which maintained midday leaf turgor in saline treated plants. However, no osmotic adjustment was observed in plants submitted to water stress. The results indicate that the effect of osmotic stress due to water deficit was more severe than the toxic effect of salt.This work was supported by the projects: CICYT (AGL 2008-05258-C02-1-2), CDTI (IDI-20070868) and Convenio de la Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia-UPCT-CEBAS, 2008.Peer Reviewe

    The Dietary Intervention of Transgenic Low-Gliadin Wheat Bread in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Showed No Differences with Gluten Free Diet (GFD) but Provides Better Gut Microbiota Profile

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    The study evaluated the symptoms, acceptance, and digestibility of bread made from transgenic low-gliadin wheat, in comparison with gluten free bread, in Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) patients, considering clinical/sensory parameters and gut microbiota composition. This study was performed in two phases of seven days each, comprising a basal phase with gluten free bread and an E82 phase with low-gliadin bread. Gastrointestinal clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, and stool samples were collected for gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) determination and the extraction of gut microbial DNA. For the basal and E82 phases, seven and five patients, respectively, showed undetectable GIPs content. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene V1-V2 hypervariable regions were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform and downstream analysis was done using a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. No significant differences in the GSRS questionnaires were observed between the two phases. However, we observed a significantly lower abundance of some gut genera Oscillospira, Dorea, Blautia, Bacteroides, Coprococcus, and Collinsella, and a significantly higher abundance of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium genera during the E82 phase compared with the basal phase. The consumption of low-gliadin bread E82 by NCGS subjects induced potentially positive changes in the gut microbiota composition, increasing the butyrate-producing bacteria and favoring a microbial profile that is suggested to have a key role in the maintenance or improvement of gut permeability.España, MINECO Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R, AGL2013-48946-C and AGL2016-80566-

    Monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pesticide residues and some of their degradation products in natural waters of the Spanish vineyard region included in the Denomination of Origin Jumilla

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    [EN] Water pollution by pesticides used in agriculture is currently a major concern both in Spain and in Europe as a whole, prompting the need to evaluate water quality and ecological risk in areas of intensive agriculture. This study involved monitoring pesticide residues and certain degradation products in surface and ground waters of the Denomination of Origin (DO) Jumilla vineyard area in Spain. Sixty-nine pesticides were selected and evaluated at twenty-one sampling points using a multi-residue analytical method, based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), providing reliable results. Twenty-six compounds from those selected were detected in the samples analyzed (eleven insecticides including one degradation product, nine herbicides, and six fungicides) and fifteen of them were found in concentrations over 0.1 μg L−1 (upper threshold established by the EU for pesticides detected in waters for human consumption). Indoxacarb was present in more than 70% of the samples, being the most frequently detected compound in water samples. Some pesticides were ubiquitous in all the water samples. Ecotoxicological risk indicators, toxic units (TUs) and risk quotients (RQs), for algae, Daphnia magna and fish were calculated to estimate the environmental risk of the presence of pesticides in waters. The compounds with the highest risk were the herbicides pendimethalin, with RQ values > 1 for the three aquatic organisms, and diflufenican, posing a high risk for algae and fish, and the insecticide chlorpyrifos, with a high risk for Daphnia magna and fish. The ∑TUi determined for water at each sampling point posed only a high risk for the three aquatic organisms in a sample. These results are important for considering the selection of pesticides with less environmental risk in intensive agricultural areas

    First identification of the pathogen causing tumor malformations in holm oak in Spain

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    Aim of study: In recent years an increase in pests and diseases associated with truffle plantations has been detected in Spain. The appearance of tumor malformations in trunks and branches of Quercus ilex L. must be highlighted. These bumps have expanded dramatically since the increase in the number and density of truffle plantations. This pathology is not only found in plantations, but also in forests, and in trees of all ages. Area of study: the eastern mountains and the truffle plantations of the Iberian Peninsula. Material and methods: Positive results were obtained by using two types of PCR: Real-Time PCR and nested-PCR. They were carried out with primers that amplified 16S ribosomal gene sequences that are common to all known phytoplasmas. Main result: The disease manifests itself as an irregular thickening in branches of any age and in the trunk that results in the woody tissue cracking open, forming wounds. The affected branches usually undergo necrosis and in case of affecting the trunk, the tree will eventually die. After an extensive literature review and several failed attempts to isolate fungal and bacterial species from these tumors and wounds, the disease-causing organism has been identified as a Candidatus Phytoplasma. Research highlights: The appearance of this disease may endanger the profitability of an a priori profitable crop. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of the organism, and knowing that no phytosanitary treatment is able to control phytoplasmas, future works should be directed towards identifying the transmitter in order to control the diseasePublishe

    A potential spatilized model for black truffle habitat (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) in Huesca province (Spain)

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    El cultivo de la trufa negra (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) es especialmente complicado por las exigencias ambientales que requiere. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo de distribución de su hábitat en la provincia de Huesca (España). Para ello se usan factores condicionantes y limitantes de la presencia de la especie en el territorio en función de experiencias previas, y apoyado por un amplio conjunto de muestras de suelo tomadas directamente en campo. Se consideraron todas aquellas variables ambientales capaces de explicar la presencia/ausencia de la especie en el territorio. Dichas variables se clasifican en tres grupos según su naturaleza: climático, topográfico y edáfico. Se utilizaron Sistemas de Información Geográfica para integrar todas las variables ambientales en su dimensión espacial, y a través de un modelo de decisión de evaluación multicriterio se ponderaron para obtener una cartografía de aptitud. La asignación de los pesos relativos a cada variable se realizó en función de la importancia que tienen para el desarrollo de la especie, las experiencias similares en otros lugares, y en relación al área de estudio trabajada. La combinación de las variables ambientales que condicionan y limitan la aparición de la trufa negra en el territorio, en su dimensión espacial, dio como resultado una cartografía de distribución del hábitat potencial de la especie que muestra, a diferentes niveles, cuáles son las zonas con mayor o menor capacidad de producción de trufa negra. Los resultados muestran que un 2,75% de la superficie de toda la provincia tiene una aptitud óptima para el desarrollo de la especie en función de su hábitat potencial, cifra que se reduce hasta 1,62% cuando se trata de zonas potencialmente cultivables. El mapa fue validado con las presencias de trufa conocidas disponibles para el área de estudio.Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) cultivation is especially complicated by their environmental requirements. We propose in this paper a distribution model of habitat for Huesca province (Spain). We used conditioning and restricting factors to the presence of the species in territory based on previous exGonperiences, and supported by a broad collection of field samples. Environmental variables can explain the presence/absence of the species in the study area. These variables are classified in three groups according to their nature: climatic, topographic and edaphic. We integrated in a GIS all parameters to unify spatial resolution, and by a multi-criteria decision model weighted them to obtain suitability areas. The weights allocation were assigned in function of their importance to black truffle presence and previous experiences. The combination of environmental variables that are conditioning and restricting the presence of black truffle in territory, generates a cartography of potential habitat distribution at different levels These levels are areas with more or less production ability of black truffle. Results show that 2.75% of province has an optimal aptitude to species development, this number is reduced to 1.62% in potential cultivation. Map was validated with available presences of known truffle locations in study area.Publishe

    Rhizoctonia sp. binucleada asociada a raíces micorrizadas por Tuber melanosporum ITTAD: póster

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    PublishedTrabajo financiado por Gobierno Nacional de la República del Ecuador, a través del Programa de Becas Convocatoria Abierta 2012 de la Secretaria de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación SENESCY