556 research outputs found

    Transcranial direct current stimulation over the left posterior temporal lobe modulates semantic control: Evidence from episodic memory distortions

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    [EN]Evidence accumulates to show that semantic cognition requires, in addition to semantic representations, control processes that regulate the accessibility and use of semantic knowledge in a task- and time-appropriate fashion. Semantic control has been recently proposed to rely on a distributed network that includes the posterior temporal cortex. Along these lines, recent meta-analyses of neuroimaging data and studies with patients suffering from semantic aphasia have suggested that the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) is critically involved whenever situational context must constrain semantic retrieval. In the present experiment, we used transcranial direct current stimulation over the left posterior temporal lobe in an attempt to interfere with semantic control while participants performed a DRM task, a procedure for inducing conceptually-based false recognition that is contingent on both activation and control processes. Paralleling findings with patients suffering from brain damage restricted to the temporoparietal cortex, anodal stimulation (relative to sham stimulation) resulted in increased false recognition but intact true recognition. These findings fit well with the idea that the left pMTG is a key component of a semantic control network, the alteration of which results in memory performance that is affected by the intrusion of contextually-inappropriate semantic information

    The processing of semantic relatedness in the brain: Evidence from associative and categorical false recognition effects following transcranial direct current stimulation of the left anterior temporal lobe

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    [EN]A dominant view of the role of the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) in semantic memory is that it serves as an integration hub, specialized in the processing of semantic relatedness by way of mechanisms that bind together information from different brain areas to form coherent amodal representations of concepts. Two recent experiments, using brain stimulation techniques along with the DeeseeRoedigereMcDermott (DRM) paradigm, have found a consistent false memory reduction effect following stimulation of the ATL, pointing to the importance of the ATL in semantic/conceptual processing. To more precisely identify the specific process being involved, we conducted a DRM experiment in which transcranial direct current stimulation (anode/cathode/sham) was applied over the participants' left ATL during the study of lists of words that were associatively related to their non-presented critical words (e.g., rotten, worm, red, tree, liqueur, unripe, cake, food, eden, peel, for the critical item apple) or categorically related (e.g., pear, banana, peach, orange, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberry, cherry, kiwi, plum, for the same critical item apple). The results showed that correct recognition was not affected by stimulation. However, an interaction between stimulation condition and type of relation for false memories was found, explained by a significant false recognition reduction effect in the anodal condition for associative lists that was not observed for categorical lists. Results are congruent with previous findings and, more importantly, they help to clarify the nature and locus of false memory reduction effects, suggesting a differential role of the left ATL, and providing critical evidence for under standing the creation of semantic relatedness-based memory illusion

    Encuentros-desencuentros del teatro de corral y de palacio

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    En palacio no sólo se representaban obras de gran aparato y tramoya, sino, de forma muy destacada, las mismas, o semejantes, obras escenificadas en los corrales de comedias. Se estudian los acuerdos y desacuerdos entre el teatro de palacio y el teatro de corral, teniendo en cuenta los excesos económicos del teatro cortesano y las protestas que ello produjo.The plays performed in the palace were not exclusively large spectacular productions but also, and most striking, the same or similar plays as in the public theatres were performed here. In this context, I study the similarities and distinctions between public and court theatre, paying attention to the economic excesses of the court theatre and the protests that they produced

    Lope y sus públicos: estrategias para el éxito

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    El teatro en el siglo XVII, frente a lo que ocurría con otros géneros literarios, tenía una importante rentabilidad económica, especialmente en el caso de Lope de Vega, con el triunfo de su comedia. Ello supone que el éxito, la dependencia de su público, cuanto más extenso mejor, se convirtieron en factores centrales en la creación literaria. Como no estaba claramente asumida la rentabilidad económica de la literatura, van a entrar en oposición conceptos como normas de la poética/gusto; valor de mercado/valor cultural; peso de la norma/peso del éxito…, en definitiva, la función del receptor en la creación literaria. Encontramos así al teatro dependiendo de un público que paga y “mantiene la maquinaria lúdica del espectáculo”, y ello está presente, claro, en la escritura y representación de las obras. Es el teatro de la modernidad, bien estudiado por el profesor Vitse (1984 y 1988), en la línea del análisis del profesor Orozco de la relación gusto/justo, es decir, el peso del receptor frente a una poética exenta. Precisamente, es ese peso del público, de la recepción, lo que me interesa aquí, para analizar cómo está presente en elementos constitutivos de la comedia nueva para encauzar y mantener unas expectativas, lo que en su día llamé “mecanismos de construcción para la recepción”. Lope, el gran responsable de la comercialización del teatro,se ve inmerso en un torbellino, en el ojo de un huracán, en las contradicciones inevitables entre el éxito comercial de su teatro y su orgullo de escritor culto, que sufre los ataques por la venalidad de su teatro. (Díez Borque, en prensa) En otros lugares he estudiado el sentido y alcance de la justificación que hace Lope de su teatro en el Arte nuevo y otras obras,1 tomando en consideración los ataques que sufrió por parte de numerosos escritores y teóricos, sus prejuicios culturalistas, su concepto de vulgo, etc. No voy a volver a esto aquí, y remito a los estudios citados. Lo que me interesa ahora es mostrar cómo todo esto está presente en la “poética” de la comedia nueva. Creo que lo primero es exponer cómo era sentido esto por escritores y teóricos del momento

    Sydowia polyspora dominates fungal communities carried by two Tomicus species in pine plantations threatened by Fusarium circinatum

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    Producción CientíficaBark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) carry a diverse filamentous fungal community sometimes acting as vectors or carriers of phytopathogens. In this study, mycobiota carried by two Tomicus species (Tomicus piniperda and Tomicus destruens) were investigated through (i) morphological and molecular identification of taxa; (ii) taxonomic richness, diversity, evenness, dominance and phoresy indices; (iii) ecological network analysis and (iv) statistical co-occurrence analysis. The studied mycobiota were formed by eleven taxa and showed a moderate fungal diversity with low evenness. The fungus Sydowia polyspora was significantly abundant and dominated the community. All the fungal taxa were randomly associated. Both insect species (T. piniperda and T. destruens) were collected from plantations of Pinus radiata infected by Fusarium circinatum. The ecological factors that could drive community ecology and phoretic links between fungi and bark beetles are discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-69370-R)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project AGL2012-39912)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant ORDEN EDU/1083/2013

    Variable selection for classification and forecasting of the family firm's socioemotional wealth

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    Socioemotional wealth (SEW) refers to those family-centered goals that are likely to have a major influence on the strategic decision-making process and performance of family firms. Many studies have used indirect indicators related to family involvement in ownership and management to measure SEW; meanwhile, others have developed scales to directly measure the level and importance of SEW in family firms. Limitations of both indirect and direct measures of SEW lead empirical research on SEW to be under threat. In the current study, we use random forests to identify the important indicators related to financial and economic decisions, as well as family-related measures, for explaining the family firms' SEW and to design a good prediction model using the smallest set of nonredundant indicators. Our results show that the model that exhibits the minimum out-of-bag sample (OOB) error rate includes variables that refer to the presence of family members in the firm's management positions, long-term nonfinancial debt, personnel expenditures, longterm financial investments, short-term financial debt, average storage period, and accounts receivables. For prediction, the model with a reasonably low estimated classification error includes only three variables, which refer to the presence of family members in the firm's management positions, long-term nonfinancial debt, and accounts receivables.Fundación Cajamurci

    ¿Cómo influye en el éxito de la transferencia de conocimiento la percepción que el receptor tiene del emisor?

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    El trabajo aborda el proceso de transferencia de conocimiento, discutiendo la influencia que ejerce la percepción que el receptor de conocimiento tiene de su emisor. Para ello se analiza un caso específico en el que tiene lugar el citado proceso de transferencia de conocimiento: los acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica entre empresa y universidad. Dichos acuerdos constituyen una de las alternativas, junto a la adquisición y el desarrollo interno, de que dispone la empresa en el momento de afrontar el proceso innovador. El análisis se inicia con una aproximación al concepto de conocimiento y a la justificación de la tecnología como forma de conocimiento, tras lo cual se reflexiona sobre su transferencia. Seguidamente se analizan los acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica, entre los que se encuentran los que se establecen con la universidad. A continuación se exponen las principales ideas en relación con la influencia de la percepción del receptor en el éxito de la transferencia. Finalmente los hallazgos teóricos se someten a contraste empírico de manera exploratoria en una muestra de acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica en el ámbito español.This work addresses knowledge transfer by discussing the influence of the recipient’s perception about the source’s reliability. A specific case of knowledge transfer is analyzed: technological cooperation agreements. These agreements are one of the firm’s alternatives in order to culminate the innovative process. The analysis begins with the introduction to the concept of knowledge and the justification of the technology as a type of knowledge, after which a reflection is done on its transfer. Next, technological cooperation agreements are analyzed, specifically university-industry agreements. After that, we address the main ideas linked to recipient’s perception about the source’s reliability in the success of knowledge transfer. Finally, the theoretical findings are tested empirically in a sample of technological cooperation agreement in Spain from an exploratory view

    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy as a complication of an epileptic status

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    Introducción. Las complicaciones cardiológicas son la causa más frecuente de mortalidad en el estado epiléptico. La miocardiopatía de Takotsubo es una entidad descrita recientemente, que puede aparecer en numerosas emergencias médicas, entre ellas el estado epiléptico. Caso clínico. Se presenta un caso de miocardiopatía de Takotsubo en el contexto de un estado epiléptico y se revisan casos similares descritos en la literatura científica, especialmente la semiología y etiología de las crisis epilépticas, los datos epidemiológicos de los enfermos, las alteraciones en el electrocardiograma y las complicaciones ocurridas. La paciente, una mujer de 43 años, se recuperó por completo tanto cardiológica como neurológicamente, y no tuvo recurrencias en un año de seguimiento. Conclusión. La miocardiopatía de Takotsubo es una complicación grave y tratable que puede ocurrir en el estado epilépticoIntroduction. Cardiological complications are the most frequent cause of mortality in the epileptic status. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a recently reported condition that can appear in a number of medical emergencies, including epileptic status. Case report. We present a case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy within the context of an epileptic status and we also review similar cases reported in the literature. Special attention is given to the semiology and aetiology of the epileptic seizures, patients’ epidemiological data, the alterations noted in the electrocardiogram and the complications that occurred. The patient, a 43-year-old female, recovered completely both cardiologically and neurologically, and did not suffer any relapses during the one-year follow-up. Conclusion. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a severe, treatable complication that can occur in the epileptic statu