2,613 research outputs found

    La accesibilidad como la necesidad más percibida por las personas con parálisis cerebral en proceso de envejecimiento

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    En este estudio se recogen las necesidades que presentan las personas con parálisis cerebral (PC) en proceso de envejecimiento. Un total de 260 personas con PC de diferentes comunidades cumplimentan una entrevista semiestructurada que recoge información sobre cómo perciben las personas con PC su propio envejecimiento, cuáles son sus necesidades y de qué forma las encuentran satisfechas. Respecto a las preocupaciones presentadas, las más elegidas, con un total de 640 respuestas han sido las relacionadas con la existencia de barreras, principalmente las barreras arquitectónicas, el acceso al transporte y las barreras sociales. La accesibilidad se convierte en un factor indispensable para la igualdad de oportunidades. Este análisis permite diseñar propuestas para atender estas necesidades en la población con PC que envejece, ya que la accesibilidad es una condición previa a la participación en la sociedad y la economía. El diseño para todos es una obligación que se deriva del derecho a la accesibilidad universal, para ello hay que concienciar a la sociedad sobre la relevancia de hacer un mundo accesible que sea capaz de incluir la gran diversidad humana.In this study the needs presented by people with cerebral palsy (CP) in the aging process are collected. A total of 260 people with CP from different communities filled in a semistructured interview that collects information about how people with CP perceive their own aging, what their needs are and how those are met. Regarding the concerns raised, the most chosen responses, of a total of 640, were concerns about the existence of barriers, mainly architectural barriers, access to transportation and social barriers. Accessibility becomes an indispensable factor on the equality of opportunity. This analysis allows designing proposals to address these needs in the aging population with PC, since accessibility is a prerequisite for the participation in the society and the economy. Design for everybody is an obligation that derives from the right to universal accessibility. In order to that public awareness about the importance of making an accessible world able to include the great human diversity is required

    Fundaciones y desarrollo económico

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado trata del importante papel que desempeña el sector fundacional en nuestra sociedad. La posibilidad de desarrollar actividades económicas por este tipo de instituciones constituye una importante cuestión tras la Ley de Fundaciones de 2002. El reconocimiento de esta nueva actividad significa un importante avance en la dinámica creciente de las Fundaciones, no solo en el ámbito estatal sino también en el autonómico, en el sentido en que pueden ejercer no solo directa o indirectamente actividades mercantiles o industriales, o bien intervenir en dichas actividades a través de su participación en sociedades o empresas.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Time-dependent patterns in quasivertical cylindrical binary convection

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    This paper reports on numerical investigations of the effect of a slight inclination a on pattern formation in a shallow vertical cylindrical cell heated from below for binary mixtures with a positive value of the Soret coefficient. By using direct numerical simulation of the three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with Soret effect in cylindrical geometry, we show that a slight inclination of the cell in the range a˜0.036rad=2° strongly influences pattern selection. The large-scale shear flow (LSSF) induced by the small tilt of gravity overcomes the squarelike arrangements observed in noninclined cylinders in the Soret regime, stratifies the fluid along the direction of inclination, and produces an enhanced separation of the two components of the mixture. The competition between shear effects and horizontal and vertical buoyancy alters significantly the dynamics observed in noninclined convection. Additional unexpected time-dependent patterns coexist with the basic LSSF. We focus on an unsual periodic state recently discovered in an experiment, the so-called superhighway convection state (SHC), in which ascending and descending regions of fluid move in opposite directions. We provide numerical confirmation that Boussinesq Navier-Stokes equations with standard boundary conditions contain the essential ingredients that allow for the existence of such a state. Also, we obtain a persistent heteroclinic structure where regular oscillations between a SHC pattern and a state of nearly stationary longitudinal rolls take place. We characterize numerically these time-dependent patterns and investigate the dynamics around the threshold of convection.Postprint (author's final draft

    Of Resistant Mothers and Women Turned Goddesses: Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Salmon Courage

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    [Abstract] Salmon Courage (1983) is Marlene Nourbese Philip’s second collection of poems, published three years after Thorns, her first book, and six before the outstanding She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks. Salmon Courage follows the thematic and formal lines opened up in Thorns yet showing an evolution in form and content, pointing to the directions which will be fully developed later on in her best-known, fully mature poetic work. In Salmon Courage her principal focus is on women, both per se and as mothers. Women are presented as strong and venerable, to the point that they are accorded godly qualities. It manages to repair several wrongs: that of the cultural dispossession meant by the Middle Passage for Afrosporic peoples (particularly women) and that of being forced to live in white- and male-dominated societies which condemn women to live in a state of perpetual oppression

    Fair value on commons-based intellectual property assets: Lessons of an estimation over Linux kernel.

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    Open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials, spreading development burden amongst individuals and companies. This model has resulted in a large and efficient ecosystem and unheralded software innovation, freely available to society. Open source methods are also increasingly being applied in other fields of endeavour, such as biotechnology or cultural production. But under financial reporting framework, general volunteer activity is not reflected on financial statements. As a result, there is not value of volunteer contributions and there is also no single source for cost estimates of how much it has taken to develop an open source technology. This volunteer activity encloses not only individuals but corporations developing and contributing open source products. Standard methodology for reporting open source asset valuation is needed and must include value creation from the perspective of the different stakeholders.FLOSS, commons, accounting standards, financial reporting

    Initial growth of Chrysolaena flexuosa (Sims) H. Rob., native Asteraceae with ornamental potential value

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    Se realizó un estudio para conocer características relacionadas con el crecimiento inicial de la especie Chysolaena flexuosa (Sims) H. Rob., Asteraceae nativa de las sierras bonaerenses con potencial ornamental gracias al colorido de sus capítulos durante la floración y a su inflorescencia. Se empleó para el ensayo simiente de C. flexuosa recolectada en la Sierra La Barrosa (Partido de Balcarce) y se analizó la evolución de las plantas en invernáculo durante un ciclo de crecimiento. Los estadios reproductivos de C. flexuosa comprendieron las estaciones de primavera, verano e inicios de otoño. En todas las plantas se observaron, a mediados de la etapa reproductiva, capítulos con flores violáceas conjuntamente con capítulos fructificados. A principios de otoño todas las plantas poseían capítulos fructificados que exhibían sus papus de color blanco, situación que entrega a la planta otro interesante atributo. Por su rusticidad, establecida sobre la base de la germinación y supervivencia de sus plántulas, y por el atractivo de la especie desde primavera a inicios del otoño, C. flexuosa se destaca como promisoria para la obtención de cultivares ornamentales para uso como ejemplar aislado, en macetas, borduras o como flor de corte para la realización de arreglos florales secos.A study was carried out to know some characteristics related to the initial growth of Chysolaena flexuosa, a native Asteraceae of the Buenos Aires's "sierras". As it has colorful and beautiful flowers, it has a great ornamental potential value. Seeds from C. flexuosa where collected from "Sierra La Barrosa" (Balcarce) and used in this experiment, where the evolution of specimens was analyzed in a greenhouse during a season. C. flexuosa reproductive stage started at spring and finished at the beginning of autumn. In all the cases, during the middle stage, the inflorescences of the plants showed heads with violet flowers and heads with fruits (achene) at the same time. At the beginning of autumn all the plants had only heads with achenes showing its white pappus, situation that gives the plants another interesting attribute because their inflorescences remain attractive even during the fructification stage so they can be used for make dried floral arrangements. Because of the rusticity and beauty of this specie from spring to autumn, C. flexuosa is presented as a promising specie for obtain ornamental cultivars to use as a specimen, in containers, in masses or as cut material for bouquets.Fil: Echeverría, María Lis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Alonso, Sara Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agraria

    Germination and initial growth of Habranthus gracilifolius and Rhodophiala bifida, native amaryllidaceae with ornamental potential

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    La azucena del campo (Az-del campo) (Habranthus gracilifolius) y la azucenita colorada (Az-colorada) (Rhodophiala bifida) son bulbosas nativas de Argentina de valor ornamental potencial, de las que se tiene escasa información sobre la germinación y el crecimiento. Para establecer la aptitud germinativa, el régimen de incubación más adecuado, y el crecimiento de las hojas y los bulbos, se realizó un ensayo de germinación y las plántulas se cultivaron en macetas durante un año. Se emplearon cuatro regímenes de incubación: temperatura constante de 20°C y alternadas de 20°/30°C y de 10°/20°C, todos con 8 horas de luz, y de 10°/20°C en oscuridad. Las semillas resultaron fotoblásticas neutras. A temperaturas de 20°C o de 10°/20°C, en ambas especies, la energía y el poder germinativo superaron el 75 y 92%, respectivamente, pero temperaturas de 20°/30°C demoraron la germinación. De otoño a fin de primavera las plantas presentaron hasta 4 hojas en Az-del campo y 2,5 hojas/ planta en Az-colorada, pero en verano no exhibieron hojas. Los bulbos presentaron crecimiento lineal, siendo mayores las tasas en Az-del campo (ancho = 0,022 y longitud = 0,049 mm.día-1) que en Az-colorada (ancho = 0,011 y longitud = 0,014 mm.día-1). La multiplicación por semillas es efectiva, pero en ambas especies se necesita más de un año para alcanzar el estadio reproductivo.False zephyr (Az-del campo) (Habranthus gracilifolius) and hurricane lily (Az-colorada) (Rhodophiala bifida) are native Argentinean species with ornamental potential value, but there is not enough information about these species. To establish the germination aptitude and the most suitable incubation regime, as well as the growth of leaves and bulbs, a germination test was performed and the seedlings were cultivated in pots during a year. Four incubation regimes were used: constant temperature of 20°C, or alternating temperatures of 10°/20°C or 20°/30°C, all with 8 hours of light, and alternating of 10°/20°C in darkness. Seeds of both species had a neutral reaction to light and at temperatures of 20°C or 10°/20°C, the energy and the final germination percentage were higher than 75 and 92%, respectively, but under 20°/30°C the germination was delayed. From autumn to the end of spring the plants of Az-del campo showed up to 4 leaves and Az-colorada 2.5 leaves/plant, but in summer both species had not leaves at all. The bulbs showed lineal growth and the rates of Az-del campo (width = 0.022; length = 0.049 mm.day-1) were higher than those of the Az-colorada (width = 0.011; length = 0.014 mm.day-1). The seed multiplication is effective but both species need more than a year from seedling emergency to reach reproductive stage.Fil: Echeverría, María Lis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Alonso, Sara Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agraria

    Brainiac Caspases: Beyond the Wall of Apoptosis

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    For the last two decades, caspases, a family of cysteine-aspartic proteases, have evolved from being considered solely as regulators of apoptosis or inflammation to having a wider range of functions. In this mini review, we focus on the most recent "non-apoptotic" roles of caspases in the CNS, particularly in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Non-apoptotic caspase functions in microglia have already been reviewed extensively elsewhere. Here we discuss the involvement of caspases in the activation of the inflammasome, autophagy, and non-apoptotic forms of cell death such as necroptosis and pyroptosis. Also, we review the involvement of caspases in synapses and the processing of aggregates key to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases. Likewise, we mention the recently described involvement of caspases in mitochondrial biogenesis, which is a function independent of the enzymatic activity. We conclude discussing the relevance that "new" functions of caspases have in the CNS and the future of this field of researchEspaña Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2015-64171- R (MINECO/FEDER, EU)España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Programa Ramón y Cajal: RYC-2017-21804

    Teachers’ narratives of resistance to Madrid's bilingual programme: an exploratory study in secondary education

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    This paper looks at secondary teachers’ discourse about Madrid's Bilingual Programme (Spain). Madrid's Bilingual Programme is a large education plan whereby some content subjects are taught in a foreign language –mainly English– following Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and whose characteristics and ubiquity have had an impact on teachers’ daily lives and professional career. By drawing on both Grounded Theory and Positioning Theory as analytical tools, data were collected and analysed from the transcription and annotation of 30 semi-structured interviews with experienced secondary teachers working in CLIL and non-CLIL secondary schools. Our findings point to clear tensions in reconciling these teachers’ personal beliefs and professional motivations within the current organisational and political setting and describe a pattern of resistance towards the Bilingual Programme which manifests discursively through emphatic and emotional verbalisations. The results may be of interest to education authorities, policy makers and researchersThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Competitiveness (Research Project FFI2016-77540-P

    Hotel Location in Tourism Cities: Madrid 1936-1998

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    To determine how the positioning of new hotels is affected by the distribution of similar incumbent competitors, this paper investigates geographic location, price, size, and services. With data on all 240 hotels operating in the city of Madrid between 1936 and 1998, a model of geographic and product location at the time of the hotels’ foundings is estimated based on the above mentioned variables. These are simultaneously determined and contingent upon the changing socioeconomic and urban circumstances of the city. The findings suggest that agglomeration occurs only among differentiated establishments. In the balance between agglomeration and differentiation strategies, particularly significant is the trade-off between price and geographic dimensions.Emplacement des hôtels dans les villes touristiques: Madrid 1936–1998. Pour déterminer comment le positionnement des nouveaux hôtels est affecté par la distribution des concurrents similaires et déjà établis, cet article examine situation géographique, prix, grandeur et services. Avec des données sur tous les 240 hôtels en opération à Madrid entre 1936 et 1998, on calcule un modèle de la situation géographique et des services au moment de la fondation des hôtels, en se basant sur les variables surmentionnées. Celles-ci dépendent au même temps des circonstances urbaines et socioéconomiques changeantes de la ville. Les résultats suggèrent que l’agglomération a lieu seulement parmi les établissements différenciés. Dans l’équilibre entre les stratégies d’agglomération et de différentiation, le compromis entre prix et situation est particulièrement significatif.Publicad