5,764 research outputs found

    Zenobia Camprubí: the subjectivity on the poetic discourse of an author out of the literary canon

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    Nuestro artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el discurso poético de Zenobia Camprubí, intelectual española, conocida por ser esposa y musa del poeta Juan Ramón Jiménez. Nuestra propuesta indaga tanto en su imagen de esposa abnegada, encadenada a la larga sombra de Juan Ramón, como en la delicadeza y la expresividad casi espontánea de sus versos, de los que emerge un tono melancólico que no solo hace entrever la poesía como alivio sino que ese mismo matiz ayuda a representar la propia historia alejada de la mística femenina tradicional. Su discurso poético es una habitación propia que teje una relación de interdependencia entre el mundo y la palabra. La autora expresa poéticamente su subjetividad, con elegancia, sin afectación, haciendo gala de un lenguaje sencillo que refleja su identidad literaria y su metafísica particular.Our paper aims to analyze the poetic discourse of Zenobia Camprubí, a Spanish intellectual known for being the wife and muse of the poet Juan Ramón Jiménez. Our proposal investigates so much in the image of selfless wife, chained to the long shadow of Juan Ramón as in the emotional delicacy of her verses, from which emerge not only a melancholy tone that makes poetry may seem a relief but this tone in itself makes up a representation of her own story beyond the traditional feminine mystique. Her poetic discourse is a room of her own that weaves a relationship of interdependence between the language and the world. The author poetically expresses her subjectivity with elegance, without affectation, using a simple language that reflects her literary identity and her particular metaphysics

    Identidad, creencias y orden penal: la eximente cultural

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    Las sociedades contemporáneas se caracterizan por su considerable diversidad. Esa diversidad suscita toda una serie de cuestiones, que convergen en la necesidad de lograr un consenso político sobre las diferencias, que son significativas para determinar un trato distinto en orden alcanzar los mismos niveles de inclusión social y posibilidades de participación de todos los individuos. Trasladada al ámbito penal, la diversidad plantea la cuestión de qué tratamiento dar a quienes cometen un delito condicionado por una socialización diferenciada de la que ha quedado plasmada en el Ordenamiento jurídico positivo, al tiempo que nos enfrenta a los límites del Derecho penal como instrumento de control social.Contemporary societies are characterized by a deep diversity. This diversity raises several issues, which converge on the need to achieve a political agreement about differences that are decisive in order to determine a differentiated treatment with a view to reaching the same levels of social inclusion and of participation by all individuals. Transposed in the field of criminal matters, diversity gives rise to the question concerning how to deal with the persons who have committed a crime that was conditioned by a different cultural background, which is reflected in rules embodied in the legal system, while facing the limits inherent in criminal law, seen as a tool of social contro

    Implementation of COIL in mental health education: Outcomes of a collaboration between Spain and the United States nursing students

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    Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL) provides students meaningful and valuable engagement with students in another country to reach the goals of academic programs at the participating institutions. The strategy has demonstrated benefits for nursing students, including the acquisition of self-awareness, empathy, cultural humility, and leadership skills. The aim of this study was to share the results of the partnership in a COIL project using digital technology between a university in the United States and a university in Spain. The goals of this collaboration were twofold: to expose students in the U.S. and Spain to an international experience on mental health and to provide a comparative view of their respective health care systems. The chosen technique focuses on perceptions of mental health and how mental health care is delivered in clinical settings. A total of 166 students took part in this experience. The virtual exchange allowed students and faculty to share best practices in caring for people with mental illness. Nursing students providing care to COVID-19 patients reflected on lessons learned during the pandemic and its impact on community mental health. Small group activities such as icebreakers, homework assignments, and reflections were used to share and compare experiences. Students completed COIL surveys, which demonstrated that students from both countries perceived learning gains using evidence-based best practices related to key nursing concepts in a mutually respectful virtual exchange. The results show a perceived increase in the comprehension of mental health-related content and enhancement of clinical practice. Therefore, the COIL methodology is a feasible option as it allows for an intercultural exchange with an in-depth examination of content from the learners and teaching perspectives. In addition, it prepares students to work in international teams virtually.S

    The Single Period Coverage Facility Location Problem: Lagrangean heuristic and column generation approaches

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    In this paper we introduce the Single Period Coverage Facility Location Problem. It is a multi-period discrete location problem in which each customer is serviced in exactly one period of the planning horizon. The locational decisions are made independently for each period, so that the facilities that are open need not be the same in different time periods. It is also assumed that at each period there is a minimum number of customers that can be assigned to the facilities that are open. The decisions to be made include not only the facilities to open at each time period and the time period in which each customer will be served, but also the allocation of customers to open facilities in their service period. We propose two alternative formulations that use different sets of decision variables. We prove that in the first formulation the coefficient matrix of the allocation subproblem that results when fixing the facilities to open at each time period is totally unimodular. On the other hand, we also show that the pricing problem of the second model can be solved by inspection. We prove that a Lagrangean relaxation of the first one yields the same lower bound as the LP relaxation of the second one. While the Lagrangean dual can be solved with a classical subgradient optimization algorithm, the LP relaxation requires the use of column generation, given the large number of variables of the second model. We compare the computational burden for obtaining this lower bound through both models

    Orientación y psicoterapia familiar con niños y adolescentes con enfermedad crónica

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    El diagnóstico de una enfermedad crónica en un hijo es un acontecimiento que altera el funcionamiento de la familia. En algunas ocasiones es necesaria la intervención de los profesionales de la psicología. Estas familias se enfrentan a situaciones estresantes que pueden afectarles a nivel individual, conyugal y/o familiar. Las técnicas de orientación y terapia familiar son instrumentos muy útiles para abordar estos casos. En el presente trabajo, nos centraremos en la descripción, explicación y comprensión del funcionamiento de una familia con una adolescente que fue diagnosticada de cáncer. Desarrollaremos aspectos de la fase final de la intervención psicoterapeutica en las que se trataron dificultades relativas al curso crónico de la enfermedad y a la reincorporación a la vida cotidiana tras la finalización del tratamiento oncológico.A child chronic illness diagnosis is an event that disturbs the family functioning. Sometimes is necessary a psychologist's intervention. These families cope with stressful situations that may hurt them in an individual, conjugal or family level. Orientation and Family Therapy techniques are very useful tools to broach these cases. This paper regard to the description, explanation and understanding of a teenager cancer diagnosed on 2004 family functioning. We will try to develop some final phase aspects of the psychotherapy intervention where were treat some difficulties that concern to the illness chronic course and the re-entry in the normal life after the oncological treatment finish. Eliminar seleccionado

    Histeria: historia da sexualidade feminina

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    Introducción: Etimológicamente el término Histeria proviene de la palabra griega Hysteron que significa Útero. De esto deducimos, la feminización de la enfermedad y la vinculación al ideal de mujer históricamente vigente. Objetivos: Dar a conocer la Histeria y el lazo que la une con la sexualidad femenina a lo largo de diferentes épocas históricas. Material y método: Revisión Bibliográfica Sistemática en Bases de datos. Resultados: Diferentes racionamientos tratan de esclarecer la etiología y sintomatología de la enfermedad. Resulta llamativo, por otro lado, el tratamiento clandestino que algunas mujeres histéricas reciben: los masajes pélvicos. Conclusiones: Análisis del legado de las mujeres que sufrieron la estigmatización de ser tachadas de histéricas desde una visión actual. Cómo vemos la Histeria hoy: significado y connotaciones.Introduction: Hysteria comes from hysteron, a Greek word that means Uterus. From there it follows the feminization of the disease and the link with the prototype of perfect woman at that time. Objective: Study the relationship between Hysteria and female sexuality through different historical periods. Materials and Methods: Literature Review in Databases. Results: Different studies try to explain the etiology and symptomatology of Hysteria. It calls our attention that some women were treated in a clandestinely way: pelvic massages. Conclusions: Analysis of the legacy of women who suffered from the stigmatization of being branded as hysterical women at present. How we see hysteria today: meaning and connotations.Introduçao: Etimológicamente o termo Histeria vem da palavra grega Hysteron que significa Ùtero. Por isto deduzimos, a feminizaçao da doença e a vinculaçao a um ideal de mulher historicamente vigente. Objectivos: Dar a conhecer a Hisetria e o laço que a associa com a sexualida de feminina durante diferentes épocas históricas. Material e método: Revisao bibliográfica sistemática em bases de dados. Resultados: Diferentes rocionomentos tratam de esclarecer a etiología, sintomatología da doença. Resultado chamativo, por otro lado, o tratamento clandestino que algunas mulheres histéricas recebem: o massagem pelvico. Análise do legado das mulheres que sofrem estigamtiazaçao de serem acusadas de histéricas desde una visao actual. Como vemos a histgeria hoje: significado e conotaçoes

    Internet Addiction and Emotional Intelligence in university nursing students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: The appearance of the Internet has allowed for improved communications and the technological development of society, but it has also led to problematic use, generating addictive behaviors in some university students. Emotional Intelligence helps to improve emotional skills, increase social skills, and act as a protective factor against technological addictions. Objectives: to describe and analyze the relationship between Internet Addiction, Emotional Intelligence, and sociodemographic characteristics in Nursing students. Methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Participants belonged to three different campuses of two Universities. 532 nursing students were included in the study. A self- administered questionnaire was used collecting sociodemographic variables and the TMMS-24 and IAT instruments were employed to measure Emotional Intelligence and Internet Addiction, respectively. Results: 11.1% of the students presented Internet Addiction. Higher Internet Addiction scores were obtained by those who were younger, had a lower academic year, and were more involved in leisure activities. Adequate levels of Emotional Intelligence were found, women showed higher values of Attention and men of Repair. Students aged 24 or over reported higher Clarity and Repair values. There was an inverse relationship between Clarity and Repair with Internet Addiction values. Conclusions: The ability to understand and regulate emotional states is related to lower Internet Addiction values. The group of Internet addicts revealed greater Attention and less Clarity. Internet Addiction values increased as the number of hours of Internet use increases. The development of programs which improve Emotional Intelligence could be essential to facilitate the emotional management of Internet Addiction.S

    Persistencia de medicamentos biológicos durante ocho años en pacientes con artritis reumatoide y espondiloartritis

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    Objective: To calculate the persistence, over a period of eight years, the retention rate of first and second-line of treatment with biological agents in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis and to compare retention rates of the various drugs for each pathology. Method: Retrospective observational study that included patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis, who started treatment with biological agents between January 2009 and December 2012 and followed until December 2016. Results: 132, 87 and 33 patients were included in rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis, respectively. The median retention duration of all biological agents for the first and second-line, was 30.9 months and 14.0 months, respectively for rheumatoid arthritis; 63.06 months and 25.6 months, respectively in spondyloarthritis. Psoriatic arthritis did not reach the median (> 70 months in first-line) (first line p = 0.002). Individual drug survival in first line: the median retention duration of tocilizumab was 58.3 months, followed by etanercept (p = 0.79) in rheumatoid arthritis. For spondyloarthritis, golimumab and etanercept had greater retention than the other drugs (they did not reach the median): adalimumab was 63.0 months and for infliximab was 50.1 months. In psoriatic arthritis, golimumab, infliximab and etanercept not reach the median and they had greater retention arthritis, and golimumab for spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Conclusions: Tocilizumab and etanercept in rheumatoid arthritis, and golimumab in spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis also, were the most persistent drugs in first-line and second-line treatmentObjetivo: Calcular y analizar la persistencia global y por medicamento, en primera y segunda línea de tratamiento, en pacientes con artritis reumatoide, espondiloartritis axial radiográfica y no radiográfica y artritis psoriásica durante un periodo de ocho años. Método: Estudio retrospectivo observacional de persistencia en pacientes que iniciaron su terapia con medicamentos biológicos entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2012 en seguimiento hasta diciembre de 2016. Resultados: Se analizaron 132, 87 y 33 pacientes con artritis reumatoide, espondiloartritis y artritis psoriásica, respectivamente. La persistencia mediana global para los biológicos en primera y segunda línea fueron: 30,9 meses y 14 meses, respectivamente, en artritis reumatoide; 63,06 meses y 25,6 meses en espondiloartritis. No se alcanzó la persistencia mediana en los ocho años de seguimiento en artritis psoriásica (> 70 meses) (p = 0,002 para la función de supervivencia entre patologías en primera línea). Persistencia mediana alcanzada en primera línea por medicamento: tocilizumab (58,3 meses), seguido de etanercept (44 meses) en artritis reumatoide (p = 0,79); en espondiloartritis golimumab y etanercept fueron los más persistentes (no alcanzaron la mediana), seguidos de adalimumab (44 meses) e infliximab (50,1 meses). En artritis psoriásica, golimumab seguido de infliximab y etanercept fueron los más persistentes (no alcanzaron la mediana), y adalimumab (59,4 meses). Persistencia mediana alcanzada en segunda línea por medicamento: tocilizumab (22,1 meses) en artritis reumatoide. Golimumab fue el más persistente en espondiloartritis y artritis psoriásica (sin alcanzar la mediana). Conclusiones: Tocilizumab y etanercept fueron los medicamentos más persistentes en artritis reumatoide, y golimumab en espondiloartritis y artritis psoriásica en primera y segunda línea de tratamient