1,629 research outputs found

    Teletrabajo: Perspectiva empresarial y Perspectiva educativa

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    A continuación se presenta una introducción a los conceptos de teletrabajo y teleenseñanza, destacando su relación y los distintos elementos que influyen en ambos, desde el espacio y el tiempo a los profesionales implicados en esta nueva forma de trabajo y enseñanza

    Impaired Antioxidant Defence Status Is Associated With Metabolic-Inflammatory Risk Factors in Preterm Children With Extrauterine Growth Restriction: The BIORICA Cohort Study

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    This study was funded by the Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (Ithorn DthornI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria Project No. PI13/01245 from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and co-financed by the Consejeria de Innovacion y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucia, PI-0480-2012, Spain. AG was funded by the Research Plan of the ViceRectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spain. This paper will be included in MO-D's doctorate under the Biomedicine Program at the University of Cordoba, Spain. The funding bodies did not partake in the design, collection, analyses, or interpretation of the data or in writing the manuscript. Maternal-Infant and Developmental Health Network (SAMID), RETICS Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), Madrid, Spain (Red SAMID RD12/0026/0015).Introduction: An impaired antioxidant status has been described during foetal growth restriction (FGR). Similarly, the antioxidant defence system can be compromised in preterm children with extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR). The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the antioxidant status in prepubertal children with a history of prematurity without FGR, with and without EUGR, compared to a healthy group.Methods: In total, 211 children were recruited and classified into three groups: 38 with a history of prematurity and EUGR; 50 with a history of prematurity and adequate extrauterine growth (AEUG); and 123 control children born at term. Catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities were assessed in lysed erythrocytes with spectrophotometric methods. Plasma levels of the antioxidants alpha-tocopherol, retinol and beta-carotene were determined through solvent extraction and ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.Results: Children with the antecedent of EUGR and prematurity had lower CAT activity than the other two groups and lower GPx activity than the control children. Lower SOD, GPx and GR activities were observed in the AEUG group compared to the controls. However, higher concentrations of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene were found in the EUGR group compared to the other groups; retinol levels were also higher in EUGR than in AEUG children. In EUGR and AEUG children, enzymatic antioxidant activities and plasma antioxidants were associated with metabolic syndrome components and pro-inflammatory biomarkers.Conclusions: This study reveals, for the first time, that the EUGR condition and prematurity appear to be linked to an impairment of the antioxidant defence status, which might condition an increased risk of adverse metabolic outcomes later in life.Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion TecnologicaInstituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria Project Spanish Ministry of Health andConsumer Affairs PI13/01245Junta de Andalucia PI-0480-2012Research Plan of the ViceRectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, SpainBiomedicine Program at the University of Cordoba, SpainMaternal-Infant and Developmental Health Network (SAMID)RETICS Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), Madrid, Spain Red SAMID RD12/0026/001

    Giving Voice to Women: Social Representations and Experiences of Breastfeeding

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    Breastfeeding is a central issue in research from a gender perspective. We consider breastfeeding as a biopsychosocial, diverse and plural process, which generates ambivalent experiences in mothers. Our research was aimed to increase the understanding of thoughts and experiences of mothers. Ten women, primiparous and non-primiparous mother, were interviewed at two moments in time. The results showed that the breastfeeding period was shorter than the time recommended by health organizations, the reasons to breastfeed were related to the well-being of their children and women´s social support came from their partners.Breastfeeding is a central issue in research from a gender perspective. We consider breastfeeding as a biopsychosocial, diverse and plural process, which generates ambivalent experiences in mothers. Our research was aimed to increase the understanding of thoughts and experiences of mothers. Ten women, primiparous and non-primiparous mother, were interviewed at two moments in time. The results showed that the breastfeeding period was shorter than the time recommended by health organizations, the reasons to breastfeed were related to the well-being of their children and women´s social support came from their partners

    What Does It Mean to Be Responsive to a Partner’s Sexual Needs? Toward a Definition of Sexual Need Responsiveness

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    Being responsive to a partner’s sexual needs in relationships (i.e., sexual need responsiveness) is associated with higher sexual and relationship satisfaction. Previous research has focused on researcher-led definitions of sexual need responsiveness. The purpose of the present study was to develop a participant-informed definition of sexual need responsiveness. A total of 305 individuals responded to five open-ended questions concerning the definition and behaviors pertaining to sexual need responsiveness. The content analysis results showed that the most common elements in participants’ definition included listening to and accommodating each other's sexual needs and wishes whenever possible, while respecting both partners’ safety and boundaries. Both verbal and non-verbal communication in various forms was used to express and share needs with partners and participants often evaluated responsiveness in terms of their sexual satisfaction. The results provide a participant-informed definition of sexual need responsiveness and can be used to inform research and clinical practice.University of Lausann

    Determining kinetic constants and transport efficiencies at membrane interfaces to optimize the removal/recovery of Cu(II) through lulk liquid membranes containing benzoylacetone as carrier

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    The removal, separation, and enrichment of heavy metals in aqueous solutions has become a prime concern over the last few decades because of both their adverse effects on the ecosystem and living organisms and their valuable resource character. This paper describes a study to optimize the simultaneous removal/ recovery of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions by bulk liquid membranes, through a facilitated countertransport mechanism using benzoylacetone as a mobile carrier and hydrochloric acid as a stripping agent (protons as counter ions), by analyzing the effect of different operational variables (carrier concentration in membrane phase, stripping agent concentration in product phase, stirring rate, and membrane phase volume) on the removal/recovery kinetics constants and on the transport efficiencies through the feed/membrane and membrane/product interfaces.We would like to thank Mr. A. Guzmán and Mr. J.A. López for manufacturing the experimental cell

    La documentación audiovisual en las empresas audiovisuales locales e instituciones universitarias andaluzas

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    Estado actual del proyecto, desarrollado por el Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Científica y Desarrollo del Departamento de Periodismo de la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre la situación real de la práctica documental en las empresas audiovisuales de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza.State of the proyect, developed by the Research Group in Scientific Communication and Development of the Departament of Journalism of the University of Sevilla, on the current real situation of the documentary practice in the audiovisual organizations of Andalucía

    El papel de las políticas sociolaborales y los recursos humanos, promoviendo la diversidad y la inclusión en el ámbito laboral

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    El contexto actual está marcado por una serie de Políticas Sociolaborales avaladas por los Derechos Humanos, el Derecho de la Unión Europea y el de la Constitución Española en cumplimiento de la norma suprema, un marco normativo sólido, todas ellas están enfocadas en mejorar el entorno laboral, para fomentar la igualdad de oportunidades y promover la inclusión social. Sin embargo, aún existen retos importantes a los que se enfrentan, por tanto, resulta imprescindible seguir trabajando en el desarrollo de Políticas Sociolaborales eficaces y adaptadas a las necesidades actuales y la regulación en la que esta se sustenta. En este Trabajo de final de grado se hace una aproximación de las nociones de Políticas Sociolaborales, Derechos Humanos y su relación directa con la Gestión de Recursos Humanos, al marco legal que lo sustenta, y a la proyección de estas políticas a través de estos, para fomentar la inclusión y diversidad para su adaptación en nuestro mercado de trabajo y en nuestra sociedad en general. El trabajo finaliza exponiendo retos para superar estos desafíos y se concluye presentando desafíos a los que se enfrentan determinando que es necesario que las Administraciones tengan en cuenta toda esta situación y tomen medidas con el fin de alcanzar soluciones realmente eficaces para evitar la discriminación de estos colectivos y para enriquecimiento de la sociedad.The current context is marked by a series of Social and Labor Policies endorsed by Human Rights, European Union Law and the Spanish Constitution in compliance with the supreme norm, a solid regulatory framework, all of which are focused on improving the work environment., to foster equal opportunities and promote social inclusion. However, there are still important challenges that they face, therefore, it is essential to continue working on the development of effective Social and Labor Policies adapted to current needs and the regulation on which it is based. In this Final Degree Project, an approach is made to the notions of Socio-labour Policies, Human Rights and their direct relationship with Human Resources Management, to the legal framework that supports it, and to the projection of these policies through them, to promote inclusion and diversity for their adaptation in our labor market and in our society in general. The work ends by exposing challenges to overcome these challenges and concludes by presenting challenges that they face, determining that it is necessary for the Administrations to take this whole situation into account and take measures in order to achieve really effective solutions to avoid discrimination against these groups. and for the enrichment of society

    Análisis del riesgo de violencia para las mujeres que inician la ruptura con su agresor

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    El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido analizar el riesgo de violencia para las mujeres que rompen con su agresor. Comenzamos realizando dos estudios cualitativos, uno con mujeres víctimas de violencia de género y otro con profesionales de los servicios de protección. Posteriormente elaboramos un instrumento que midiera las condiciones de riesgo tras la ruptura y realizamos dos nuevos estudios, exploratorio y confirmatorio. Participaron 258 mujeres que habían roto una relación violenta (38.4% de la comunidad y 61.6% atendidas en los servicios para mujeres víctimas de violencia de género). Validamos así la estructura factorial de un instrumento con seis escalas: Conflicto, Percepción de Riesgo, Manipulación, acciones arriesgadas (Rutinas, Contacto e Intimidad), justificaciones (Autoengaño, Dependencia emocional e Indefensión) y Violencia-Directa e Indirecta tras la ruptura). Finalmente, desarrollamos un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que describe los efectos de estos factores sobre la violencia tras la ruptura. El modelo incluyó dos escalas de valoración de riesgo ya validadas (DA y SIVIPAS) como variables exógenas. Seis meses después, comprobamos si se había producido Re-agresión. El modelo estimado fue sometido a validación cruzada con las dos sub muestras. Con las mujeres de los servicios, se utilizó una escala de afrontamiento (CSI) respondida por las profesionales. Entre las conclusiones destacan: la manipulación de los agresores favorece el riesgo de las mujeres (Rutinas e Intimidad) y afecta negativamente a su recuperación, facilitando el autoengaño y la dependencia emocional. La violencia tras la ruptura es más probable con agresores dependientes y celosos. La información recibida en los servicios de atención reduce el Autoengaño y favorece el afrontamiento productivo. La Percepción de riesgo y la Violencia Directa protegen a las mujeres de la comunidad de las re-agresiones. Estos factores resultaron irrelevantes entre las mujeres de los servicios, al contar con la protección y la información del sistema