52 research outputs found

    Immunotoxic Effects Induced by Microcystins and Cylindrospermopsin: A Review

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    Cyanotoxin occurrence is gaining importance due to anthropogenic activities, climate change and eutrophication. Among them, Microcystins (MCs) and Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) are the most frequently studied due to their ubiquity and toxicity. Although MCs are primary classified as hepatotoxins and CYN as a cytotoxin, they have been shown to induce deleterious effects in a wide range of organs. However, their effects on the immune system are as yet scarcely investigated. Thus, to know the impact of cyanotoxins on the immune system, due to its importance in organisms’ homeostasis, is considered of interest. A review of the scientific literature dealing with the immunotoxicity of MCs and CYN has been performed, and both in vitro and in vivo studies have been considered. Results have confirmed the scarcity of reports on the topic, particularly for CYN. Decreased cell viability, apoptosis or altered functions of immune cells, and changed levels and mRNA expression of cytokines are among the most common effects reported. Underlying mechanisms, however, are still not yet fully elucidated. Further research is needed in order to have a full picture of cyanotoxin immunotoxicity.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-104890RB-I00Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad - FPI grant number BES-2016-07877

    FAS system deregulation in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma

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    The acquisition of resistance towards FAS-mediated apoptosis may be required for tumor formation. Tumors from various histological origins exhibit FAS mutations, the most frequent being hematological malignancies. However, data regarding FAS mutations or FAS signaling alterations are still lacking in precursor T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas (T-LBLs). The available data on acute lymphoblastic leukemia, of precursor origin as well, indicate a low frequency of FAS mutations but often report a serious reduction in FAS-mediated apoptosis as well as chemoresistance, thus suggesting the occurrence of mechanisms able to deregulate the FAS signaling pathway, different from FAS mutation. Our aim at this study was to determine whether FAS-mediated apoptotic signaling is compromised in human T-LBL samples and the mechanisms involved. This study on 26 T-LBL samples confirms that the FAS system is impaired to a wide extent in these tumors, with 57.7% of the cases presenting any alteration of the pathway. A variety of mechanisms seems to be involved in such alteration, in order of frequency the downregulation of FAS, the deregulation of other members of the pathway and the occurrence of mutations at FAS. Considering these results together, it seems plausible to think of a cumulative effect of several alterations in each T-LBL, which in turn may result in FAS/FASLG system deregulation. Since defective FAS signaling may render the T-LBL tumor cells resistant to apoptotic cell death, the correct prognosis, diagnosis and thus the success of anticancer therapy may require such an in-depth knowledge of the complete scenario of FAS-signaling alterations.S

    Mujer joven asmática con disnea de etiología muy inusual

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    We present the case of a 36-year-old woman with a history of bronchial asthma who presented progressive dyspnea without improvement, despite intensive steroid and bronchodilator treatment. In view of the multiple consultations in the Emergency Room, admission to Internal Medicine was decided for study. After the initial approach, and always focused on his asthmatic background, it was a surprise to find the true cause of dyspnea: an infiltrating malignant cardiac tumor of the left atrium of sarcomatous lineage, which despite being operated on, led the patient to death.Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 36 años con antecedentes de asma bronquial que presentó un cuadro de disnea progresiva sin mejoría, a pesar de tratamiento esteroideo y broncodilatador intensivo. Ante las múltiples consultas en Urgencias, se decidió ingreso en Medicina Interna para estudio. Tras el estudio inicial, y siempre enfocado por su antecedente asmático, fue una sorpresa encontrar la verdadera causa de la disnea: un tumor cardíaco maligno infiltrante de aurícula izquierda de estirpe sarcomatosa que, a pesar de ser intervenido, condujo a la paciente a la muerte

    Reseña II Jornada de Historia de la Enfermería. Jueves 8 de mayo de 2014. Teatro de la Facultad de Enfermería Lidia Doce Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana

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    Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE Se describe lo acontecido en la II Jornada de Historia de la Enfermería, realizada por el Centro de Estudios Humanísticos en el teatro de la Facultad de Enfermería Lidia Doce de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, como parte del evento integrador Cuidar Conciencia 2014. Durante la Jornada se expusieron trabajos científicos relacionados con la Historia de la profesión de Enfermería, como parte de la celebración por el Día Internacional de la Enfermera.  Palabras clave: enfermería, Historia de la Enfermería, Día Internacional de la Enfermería. <!--[endif] --

    Pileflebitis secundaria a brote de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    Pylephlebitis or pylethrombophlebitis is a clinical condition defined as the presence of septic thrombophlebitis in the duct-portal vein or intrahepatic vessels which may extend through nearby areas. Etiological diagnosis is crucial since it may modify its therapeutic attitude and is related to intra-abdominal infections. We present the case of a patient with ulcerative colitis who was admitted to the hospital due to an inflammatory bowel disease flare. An abdominal CT-scan showed thrombosis of the splenic-portal system and mesenteric veins which confirmed the diagnosis of pylephlebitis. The patient developed a series of infectious and internal medium complications which led to his death.La pileflebitis o piletromboflebitis es una afección definida como la presencia de tromboflebitis séptica en el tronco venoso portal o ramas intrahepáticas que puede extenderse a territorios cercanos. Su diagnóstico etiológico es esencial ya que puede modificar la actitud terapéutica y su aparición se relaciona con procesos infecciosos intraabdominales. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con colitis ulcerosa que ingresó por brote de enfermedad intestinal. La TC abdominal mostró trombosis del eje esplenoportal y venas mesentéricas que confirmaron el diagnóstico de pileflebitis asociada, presentando el paciente complicaciones infecciosas y de medio interno que desembocaron en su fallecimiento

    What remains of the future: sustainability through heritage

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    Coordinators : Felipe Criado Boado (INCIPIT, CSIC), Blanca Ramírez Barat (CENIM, CSIC).Heritage is increasingly being recognized as a key element for social cohesion, sustainable socioeconomic development and people’s welfare. Resources dedicated to heritage conservation have gone from being considered an expense to being regarded as an investment, with a high revenue. The heritage industry has been an active part of this transformations in recent decades, it has generated employment, contributed to the worldwide expansion of tourism and has become a coveted sign of identity for political communities. Today there is no social or political process that does not use heritage in some way. Hence the actuality of the subject, and the importance of an organization such as the CSIC having research capabilities in this field

    Echocardiographic Changes with Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. Long-Term Pickwick Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Spanish Sleep Network.[Rationale] Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking. Rationale: Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking.[Objectives] In a prespecified secondary analysis of the largest multicenter randomized controlled trial of OHS (Pickwick Project; N = 221 patients with OHS and coexistent severe obstructive sleep apnea), we compared the effectiveness of three years of NIV and CPAP on structural and functional echocardiographic changes.[Methods] At baseline and annually during three sequential years, patients underwent transthoracic two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. Echocardiographers at each site were blinded to the treatment allocation. Statistical analysis was performed using a linear mixed-effects model with a treatment group and repeated measures interaction to determine the differential effect between CPAP and NIV. Measurements and Main Results: A total of 196 patients were analyzed: 102 were treated with CPAP and 94 were treated with NIV. Systolic pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 40.5 ± 1.47 mm Hg at baseline to 35.3 ± 1.33 mm Hg at three years with CPAP, and from 41.5 ± 1.56 mm Hg to 35.5 ± 1.42 with NIV (P < 0.0001 for longitudinal intragroup changes for both treatment arms). However, there were no significant differences between groups. NIV and CPAP therapies similarly improved left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and reduced left atrial diameter. Both NIV and CPAP improved respiratory function and dyspnea.[Conclusions] In patients with OHS who have concomitant severe obstructive sleep apnea, long-term treatment with NIV and CPAP led to similar degrees of improvement in pulmonary hypertension and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction

    Fauna e industria sobre materia dura de origen animal del lugar sagrado de la Cultura de las Motillas: Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real).

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    En los últimos años revistas científicas han publicado diversos estudios (cerámica, metal, material lítico, etc.) sobre Castillejo del Bonete. Este trabajo presenta datos inéditos sobre la industria ósea, micro y macromamíferos encontrados en este yacimiento. La industria elaborada sobre materia dura de origen animal está constituida principalmente por piezas elaboradas con hueso, asta o dientes, que fueron utilizados como medios de producción o complementos para vestir y adornar a los difuntos, o tallar ídolos. El estudio de los micromamíferos aporta información sobre el final del uso de estos túmulos, así como sobre aspectos ambientales. Los perfiles de mortalidad de los grandes mamíferos sugieren una explotación mixta, tanto de productos primarios (carne) y secundarios (leche, lana y posibles animales de carga o tracción) en el caso de los ovicaprinos, bovinos y cerdos. Las piezas arqueológicas depositadas aquí fueron puestas al servicio de un ritual creado en torno a los ancestros y a un culto solar desde el Calcolítico hasta la Edad del Bronce. Se aportan dos nuevas dataciones radiocarbónicas del yacimiento. La primera está obtenida de una vértebra de ovicaprino, que marca el momento de monumentalización de la cueva utilizada como cámara funeraria, mediante la construcción del Gran Túmulo 1. La segunda permite datar el momento de uso del Túmulo 2. In recent years, scientific journals have published several studies (ceramics, metal, lithic material, etc.) on Castillejo del Bonete. This work presents unpublished data on the bone industry, small and large mammals found in this site. Bone artifacts are mainly made up of from bone, antler or teeth, which were used as tools for production or accessories to dress and adorn the deceased, or to make idols. The study of small mammals provides information on the end of the use of these burial mounds, as well as on environmental aspects. The mortality profiles of big domestic mammals (ovicaprines, bovines and pigs) suggest a mixed exploitation, such primary (meat) as secondary (milk, wool and probably traction use) products The archaeological pieces depos‑ ited here were put at the service of a ritual created around the ancestors and a solar cult from the Chalcolithic until the Bronze Age. Two new radiocarbon dates of the site are provided, one of them obtained from an ovi‑ caprine vertebra, which marks the moment of monumentalization of the cave used as a burial chamber, through the construction of the Great Mound 1. The second one allows to date the time of use of the Tumulus 2

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Fanhdi<sup>®</sup>, a Plasma-Derived VWF/Factor VIII Concentrate, in von Willebrand Disease in Spain: A Retrospective Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a plasma-derived factor VIII concentrate containing von Willebrand Factor (pdVWF/FVIII) in standard clinical practice in von Willebrand Disease (VWD) patients. Methods: A retrospective, multicentric, observational study of VWD patients treated with Fanhdi®, a pdVWF/FVIII concentrate, from January 2011 to December 2017 was conducted at 14 centers in Spain. Efficacy and safety were evaluated for acute bleeding episodes, for prevention of bleeding in surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis. Results: Seventy-two eligible patients, type 1, 2, 3 VWD (25%/38.9%/36.1%) were treated for spontaneous and traumatic bleeding (140 episodes, n = 41 patients), to prevent surgical bleeding (69 episodes, n = 43 patients); and for secondary long-term prophylaxis (18 programs, n = 13 patients). Replacement therapy with pdVWF/FVIII showed an excellent to good clinical efficacy in 96.7% of the bleeding episodes, 100% during surgical procedures and 100% during prophylaxis. No adverse events (AEs), nor serious AEs related to the product were observed. Conclusions: Fanhdi® was effective, safe and well tolerated in the management of bleeding episodes, the prevention of bleeding during surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis in VWD patientsThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the followingfinancial support forthe research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This workwas supported by Grifols, manufacturer of the pdVWF/FVIII,Fanhdi

    Pautas de consumo y efectos del alcohol en Instagram en tiempos de COVID-19

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    Introducción: Compartir “eventos de la bebida” se ha convertido en una práctica habitual entre las personas jóvenes en redes como Instagram. La pandemia por el Covid-19 ha reestructurado tanto sus pautas de consumo de alcohol, como los usos que hacen de las redes sociales. Objetivos y Métodos: Describir en profundidad las pautas de consu- mo de alcohol y los efectos de este consumo que se muestran en Instagram en una muestra de 118 jóvenes y ado- lescentes en España a través de la etnografía digital. Resultados y Conclusiones: Instagram es parte de la fiesta, parte imbricada en la vida cotidiana de las personas jóvenes, en la que se comparten regularmente imágenes deseables de las pautas de consumo de alcohol y sus efectos. Adolescentes y jóvenes construyen un modelo online idealizado de pautas de consumo de alcohol en el que sólo son visibles los efectos de la fase de desinhibición tras el consumo y se obvian el resto de las fases de los efectos del alcohol en el organismo. Es fundamental incluir estas nuevas formas de transmisión de las pautas de consumo de alcohol en la normativa española que regula la venta y uso de alcohol.Introduction: Sharing “drinking events” has become a common practice among young people on Instagram. The Covid-19 pandemic has restructured both their alcohol consumption patterns and their use of social networks. Ob- jective and Methods: To describe in depth the patterns of alcohol consumption and the effects of this consumption shown on Instagram in a sample of 118 young people and adolescents in Spain through digital ethnography. Results and Conclusions: Instagram is part of the party, part embedded in the daily lives of young people, in which desirable images of drinking patterns and their effects are regularly shared. Adolescents and young people build an idealized online model of alcohol consumption patterns in which only the effects of the disinhibition phase after consumption are visible and the rest of the phases of the effects of alcohol on the body are ignored. It is essential to include these new forms of transmission of alcohol consumption patterns in the Spanish regulations that regulate the sale and use of alcohol.Esta investigación está financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Programas Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad. (PID2019-105122RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)