1,864 research outputs found

    Incidencia de Rhizoctonia solani en cultivo de patata en Catalunya

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    Durante los últimos diez años el cultivo de patata en Catalunya ha decaído en más del 50% debido a una reducción de la superficie de los cultivos (45%) y a una reducción de la producción (55%). Hasta el momento se han mencionado más de 80 patógenos de cultivo de patata, entre ellos micoplasmas, virus, viroides, bacterias, hongos y nemátodos. La mayoría de estos patógenos se transmiten por el tubérculo. Según los datos disponibles en el Laboratorio de Sanidad Vegetal (DARP), los patógenos de patata con un gran índice de incidencia son: hongos, bacterias y virus. En este trabajo nos concentramos en los hongos y, especialmente, en Rhizoctonia solani, el hongo con mayor incidencia en cultivo de patata, por dos razones: la primera debida a que este hongo no forma parte de la lista de patógenos de cuarentena y, en consecuencia, se escapa a todos los controles fisiosanitarios; la segunda relacionada con la poca importancia de la selección de la patata a la hora de la siembra, ya que el material importado o producido localmente puede contener entre 2-30% de inóculo de patógeno (esclerocios). En el presente trabajo se pretende recopilar la información, que hemos obtenido hasta la fecha, sobre la gravedad de las enfermedades causadas por Rhizoctonia solani.Peer reviewe

    Examination of spores and young mycelia of Rhizopogon roseolus by scanning electron microscopy

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    Los Papiros de Herculano en la España de finales del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX

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    The aim of this article is to explore the interest aroused by the Herculaneum papyri among Spanish intellectuals in the 18th and 19th centuries. For this purpose, the authors draw on the testimony of travellers, scholars and prominent writers like Francisco Pérez Báyer, Nicolás de Azara, Esteban de Arteaga, Leandro Fernández de Moratín, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Pedro Montengón and Juan Andrés y Morell. While the first five writers reflect upon the topic in a general manner, Montegón and Andrés do deal with it in greater detail

    Two new species of Hydnum with ovoid basidiospores: H. ovoideisporum and H. vesterholtii

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    Two new species of Hydnum, characterized by slender Hydnum rufescens-like basidiomes and ovoid to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores, are described from the Iberian Peninsula based on morphological and ITS molecular data. Hydnum ovoideisporum is distinguished by pilei with deep orange tones and strong preference for calcareous soil. It is widespread in the Iberian-Mediterranean area. Hydnum vesterholtii is characterized by its ocher to light ocher pileus, and nearly all the collections were made in the Pyrenees. Both ovoid-spored species are monophyletic well supported groups in the maximum parsimony and Bayesian ITS phylogenies, while the remainder of the samples assigned to H. rufescens s.l. and having globose basidiospores split into six well supported clades. The need to typify the name Hydnum rufescens is discussed, and a provisional key is given for the European taxa of Hydnum.Peer Reviewe

    Contribution to the fungus flora of the Natíonal Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido (Central Pyrenean range, NE Spain).

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    [EN]This work is a floristic catalogue of the fungi collected during an exploration of the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido, in the fall of 1989. Commentaries and iconography are provided in the case of interesting species, such as Lentinus adhaerens (A. et S. : Fr.) FR., Naucoria permixta P. D. Orton, Tephrocybe baeosperma (Romagn.) Moser and Xcromphalina cornui (Quél.) Favre.[CAT] Presentem un catàleg florístic de les espècies recol.lectades en el curs d´una exploració del Parc Nacional d´Ordesa i Monte Perdido (Pirineus centrals) a la tardor de 1989, en el qual comentem i il.lustrem les que considerem més interessants, com són Lentinus adhacrens (A. et S. : Fr.) Fr., Naucoria permixta P. D. Orton, Tephrocybe baeosperma (Romagn) Moser i Xeromphalina cornui (Quél) Favre.Peer reviewe

    Battarrea phalloides in Macedonia: genetic variability, distribution and ecology

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    Morphological and molecular analyses of Battarrea phalloides from Macedonia were done. While B. phalloides specimens shown three kind of spore ornamentation, each one related to a clade in the phylogenetic ITS nrDNA tree; all specimens from Macedonia shown spores with anastomosing truncate ridges and very low variability of the ITS nrDNA sequences. The low genetic variability of these specimens, could be because of genetic drift

    Quercirhiza tomentellocumulata” + Quercus suber L.

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    Mycorrhizae blackish, rough, with soil particles sticking to the mantle. Emanating hyphae dark brown, distributed unevenly. Mantle in outer and middle layers pseudoparenchymatous, with roundish cells. Inner layers with undifferentiated hyphae distributed with no discernible pattern alternating with ring-like arranged regions. Outer mantle layers with roundish cells overlaying groups of 2-6 cells. Emanating hyphae densely warty.Peer reviewe

    Lagarobasidium calongei (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota), a new species of corticioid fungi from Azores Islands

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    6 pages, 3 figures.[EN] On the base of morphologic and molecular studies, a new species of the genus Lagarobasidium (Aphyllophorales, Basi - diomycota), is described and illustrated. This new species was collected on Pico Island (Azores) and is characterized by having two types of cystidia, clavate leptocystidia and cylindrical skeletocystidia, and smooth, thick-walled spores. It is compared with Lagarobasidium detriticum (Bourdot) Jülich and L. cymosum (D.P. Rogers & H.S. Jacks.) Jülich, until now the only two species of the genus.[ES] Sobre la base de estudios morfológicos y moleculares se describe e ilustra una nueva especie dentro del género Lagarobasidium (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota). Esta nueva especie, recolectada en la isla de Pico (Azores), se caracteriza por presentar dos tipos de cistidios, leptocistidios claviformes y esqueletocistidios cilíndricos, y esporas lisas con paredes gruesas. Se compara con Lagarobasidium detriticum (Bourdot) Jülich y L. cymosum (D.P. Rogers & H.S. Jacks.) Jülich, las otras dos especies del género.Financial support was given by DGI project n.º CGL2005- 01192, Biogeographic interconnections of the Corticiaceae (Aphyl lo phorales, Basidiomycota) of the Macaronesian Islands.Peer reviewe