94 research outputs found
Selada merupakan tanaman hortikultura yang mempunyai nilai gizi dan bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Selada mempunyai prospek pemasaran yang cerah karena produksinya belum mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan hasil dan produktivitas tanaman selada adalah dengan melakukan pemupukan yang baik. Konsep pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan sangat mengutamakan penggunaan pupuk organik dalam penerapannya terutama dalam konsep pertanian organik. Pupuk kascing merupakan salah satu jenis dari pupuk organik padat yang sangat baik untuk kesuburan tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Sedangkan pupuk organik cair (POC) daun gamal merupakan POC yang bahan bakunya bersumber dari bahan alami yaitu daun gamal yang mengandung berbagai hara esensial yang cukup tinggi bagi pemenuhan hara bagi tanaman. POC pada penelitian ini adalah dibuat sendiri dan pengujiannya dikombinasikan dengan pupuk kascing yang diaplikasikan pada tanaman selada. Adapun tujuan khusus penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai dosis pupuk kascing dan konsentrasi POC daun gamal terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman selada (Lactuca sativa L.) serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk kascing dan konsetrasi POC daun gamal yang terbaik bagi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman selada (Lactuca sativa L). Metode penelitian bersifat validation atau menguji, yaitu menguji pengaruh satu atau lebih variabel terhadap variabel lainnya. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak lengkap (RAL) faktorial 2 faktor dengan menggunakan pupuk kascing sebagai faktor I dan POC daun gamal sebagai faktor II. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pemberian poc daun gamal dengan doses 15 g (K0G3) mampu mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman selada. Dosis ini memberikan respon terbaik untuk pertumbuhan tanaman selad
Pertumbuhan Tanaman Stroberi Pada Berbagai Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair dan Urine Sapi Dengan Sistem Hidroponik Irigasi Tetes
The research aimed at investigating the effect of the liquid organic fertilizer from the cattle dung towards the growth of the strawberry plant, the effect of the cow urine fermented on the growth of the strawberry plant, and the effect of the liquid organic fertilizer from the cattle dung and cow urine fermented towards the growth of the strawberry plant. The research was designed by using complete randomized design with three replications with 36 treatments of the types and concentrations of the liquid organic fertilizer and cow urine. The result of the research indicates that the cow liquid organic fertilizer gives the best results on the plant height and the number of leaves ofthe strawberry plant, whereas the rabbit liquid organic fertilizer gives the best results on the number of flower on every strawberry plant. The addition of the cow urine (50 mL L-1) gives the best result on the growth of the strawberry plant. The cow liquid organic fertilizer (6 mL L-1) and the cow urine(50 mL L-1) give the best results on the plant height and number of leaves, whereas the rabbit liquid organic fertilizer (6 mL L-1) and the cow urine (50 mL L-1) give the best results on the number of flower of every strawberry plant.Keywords: cattle dun, cow urine, growth of strawbery, liquid organic biofertilize
Utilization of Water Spinach Harvest Waste as Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Compost on the Growth and Yield of Large Chili Plants (Capsicum Annuum L.)
The aim of the research was to determine the effect of giving concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer and doses of compost from water spinach harvest waste on the growth and yield of large chili plants (Capsicum annuum L.). The results of the research showed that the administration of various concentrations of LOF and doses of compost from kale harvest waste had a significant effect on the height of large chili plants (Capsicum annuum L.) at 84 DAP, and had no significant effect on the number of leaves at 84 DAP, flowering age, number of flowers and the number of large chili plants (Capsicum annuum L.). The combination of 5 ml/l LOF and no compost (P1K0) treatment resulted in the highest average plant height at 84 DAP (38.33 cm), and the highest average number of plant leaves (56.00). The combination of treatment with a LOF concentration of 5 ml/l and the addition of 250 g compost per plant (P1K1) resulted in the fastest average flowering age (18.67 DAP). The combination of treatment with a LOF concentration of 10 ml/l and the addition of 250 g compost per plant (P2K1) produced the highest average number of flowers (10.33 pieces) and also produced the highest average number of fruit (2.33 pieces)
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Harian Tribun Timur Menghadapi Persaingan Bisnis Surat Kabar di Kota Makassar
Tribun Timur is facing tight newspaper business competition in Makassar. This research aimed to analyze the strength, the opportunities, the challenges, and threat on the marketing communication strategies applied by Tribun Timur Newspaper in facing business competition of other daily newspaper in Makassar. This research used the descriptive and qualitative methods, and the data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The information was collected through the interviews, and the document texts. The research results revealed that Tribun Timur Daily Newspaper war superior over other local daily newspapers in Makassar in terms of prices, number of pages, speed of publication and reaching its customers. Other advantages were the fact that Tribun Timur Newspaper had position as the general newspaper instead of a specialized newspaper. In addition, because Tribun Timur Newspaper was a digital media, it could be carried and read anywhere as long as the facilities, such as the smartphone, laptop, PC computer were available â all these forms of technologies could become a threat for any printed media, particularly Tribun Timur Newspaper printed edition
Education Recruitment System In The University Of Muhammadiyah Makassar
his study aims to describe how the recruitment system of educators at Muhammadiyah University of
Makassar. This research type is qualitative research with descriptive qualitative approach. The primary data
source is educators obtained through interviews of leaders at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The
results showed that the recruitment of new lecturers through the objective information showed that: from 10
components of the statement evaluated, there are 8 components of high categorization and 2 component
statements showing moderate category that is the placement of lecturers tailored to the needs and formations
available in each faculty or program study (2.81%) and lecturers graduated/ accepted all follow the test stages
determined by the committee (2.9%)
Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan secara mendalam tentang perencanaan supervisi PPAI Kota Jayapura dalam peningkatan kompetensi guru madrasah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan teologis normatif, yuridis normatif, pedagosis, sosiologis. Sumber data primer penelitian ini adalah 43 informan di Kota Jayapura yaitu; 1 orang Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Jayapura, 1 orang Kepala Seksi Pendidikan Islam, 1 orang Pengawas PAI, 1 orang kepala Balai Diklat Keagamaan Provinsi Papua, 1 orang petugas di LPMP (Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan) Provinsi Papua, 19 orang Kepala Madrasah, dan 19 guru PAI yang dijadikan sasaran pengamatan serta laporan pengawas. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumenasi dan penelusuran referensi. Instrumen utama penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri, buku catatan, HP sebagai alat perekam dan alat photo. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan model analisis Miles and Huberman (pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan). Pengujian keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, dan triangulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PPAI Kota Jayapura telah melakukan 9 indikator perencanaan supervisi. Perencanaan supervisi bersifat umum. Belum didapati penjelasan rinci tentang data-data evaluasi supervisi guru-guru madrasah tahun sebelumnya (2016/2017). Hal ini menimbulkan ketidak jelasan rencana supervisi yang dilakukan PPAI terhadap masing-masing guru madrasah tahun pelajaran 2017/2018
The dangerous patient Service emergency is service that need it helping soon that is fast, correct and accurate to to prevent death and defectness, or the dangerous patient service emergency to hold role that very important Time saving is life saving that time is soul , factor that influence patient's service its between is load work nurse and time's response . Research this knower have go to exist its not connection of load work nurse with time's response . This Research is done in IGD Hospital Ibnu Sina Makassar. This Research is research type survai analitik with approach Crosssectional. This Research is done with direct Observation by examiner. Research Sample to add 21 responden who fulfill criteria inklusi with to use it sampling's total as sample with drawal technique. The data Analysis that to be used is bivariat's analysis. Analysiical Result load bivariat connection work nurse with time's response to patient's handling in Emergency Dangerous Installation Hospital Ibnu Sina Makassar with to use it test Fisher's Exact be obtained value Ï = 0,673, where value Ï bigger from α = 0,05 so H0 be accepted and Ha be refused. Research result To be based, show that there is no the significant connection between load work nurse with response time to patient's handling in Emergency Dangerous Installation Hospital Ibnu Sina Makassar 2016. To be suggested to installation, so that always to arrest it and level it time's response that according to with standard that to be decided also service quality hospital still to be leveled
Abstract Tribun Timur is facing tight newspaper business competition in Makassar. This research aimed to analyze the strength, the opportunities, the challenges, and threat on the marketing communication strategies applied by Tribun Timur Newspaper in facing business competition of other daily newspaper in Makassar. This research used the descriptive and qualitative methods, and the data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The information was collected through the interviews, and the document texts. The research results revealed that Tribun Timur Daily Newspaper war superior over other local daily newspapers in Makassar in terms of prices, number of pages, speed of publication and reaching its customers. Other advantages were the fact that Tribun Timur Newspaper had position as the general newspaper instead of a specialized newspaper. In addition, because Tribun Timur Newspaper was a digital media, it could be carried and read anywhere as long as the facilities, such as the smartphone, laptop, PC computer were available â all these forms of technologies could become a threat for any printed media, particularly Tribun Timur Newspaper printed edition.Abstrak Sebagai surat kabar, Tribun Timur dihadapkan pada persaingan bisnis surat kabar di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekuatan, peluang, tantangan, dan ancaman dari strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang diterapkan koran Tribun Timur dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis surat kabar harian di Kota Makassar. Tipe penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis SWOT. Sumber informasi dikumpulkan dari hasil wawancara dan data berupa dokumentasi teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan antara lain bahwa dari sisi harga, jumlah halaman, kecepatan terbit atau tiba di pelanggan, surat kabar harian Tribun Timur memiliki banyak keunggulan dibanding beberapa koran lokal yang terbit dan beredar di Kota Makassar. Keunggulan tersebut di antaranya karena koran Tribun Timur memosisikan diri sebagai koran umum alias tidak spesifik. Terbit setiap hari tanpa jeda (7 hari sepekan) dengan ketebalan 40 halaman. Keunggulan Tribun Timur di antaranya dapat diukur dari sisi harga, jumlah halaman maupun bonus. Digital media yang serba modern dan praktis karena dapat dibawa-bawa dan dibaca kapan dan di mana saja sepanjang ada perangkat smartphone, laptop, komputer PC, menjadi ancaman bagi media cetak, khususnya Tribun Timur edisi print.
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