31 research outputs found

    Global existence and stability of solution for a nonlinear Kirchhoff type reaction-diffusion equation with variable exponents

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    summary:We consider a class of Kirchhoff type reaction-diffusion equations with variable exponents and source terms \begin {equation*} u_{t}-M\biggl (\int _\Omega \vert \nabla u \vert ^{2} {\rm d}x\bigg ) \Delta u+ \vert u \vert ^{m(x) -2}u_{t}= \vert u \vert ^{r(x) -2}u. \end {equation*} We prove with suitable assumptions on the variable exponents r(â‹…),r( {\cdot }), m(â‹…)m({\cdot }) the global existence of the solution and a stability result using potential and Nihari's functionals with small positive initial energy, the stability being based on Komornik's inequality

    Effect of benzimidazole fungicides and calcium chloride on Alternaria alternata and Penicillium expansum rot during storage of pears

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    The present study assayed the effect of the fungicides benomyl, methyl-thiophanate, thiabendazole and calcium chloride on fungal decay of pears caused by Alternaria alternata and Penicillium expansum. Both in vitro and in vivo, the efficacy of fungicides alone against the two fungi was shownto be weak and without any practical interest. In vitro, CaCl2 alone was tolerated by both species at more than 4%. In vivo and at low temperature, CaCl2 significantly reduced fungal decay when used at 4 and 6%. The association fungicides - CaCl2 (4%) allowed a better control of A. alternata

    Didactique des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre en Formation Professionnelle des Enseignants et ses Impacts sur la Qualité de l’Enseignement au Maroc

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    La didactique appliquée est la base de la formation dans le métier d’enseignement d’une discipline. En Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (SVT), les leçons ou leçons TP encadrées selon la nouvelle vision de la didactique représentent l’avantage de bien préparer les élèves professeurs aux métiers d’enseignement et par conséquent d’améliorer la qualité de notre enseignement. La présente étude a été établie dans le but de valoriser la didactique appliquée en formation initiale et continue. Les résultats de recherche d’évaluation de la didactique appliquée au niveau des centres de formation nous ont permis de retenir que l’horaire consacré au module de la didactique appliquée est généralement insuffisant et que le contenu n’est pas totalement conforme à la nouvelle vision, dans la majorité des descriptifs universitaires d’Éducation. L’évaluation des élèves professeurs en séances de didactique appliquée en SVT montre que la plupart des étudiants ignorent totalement la préparation des fiches scientifiques et pédagogiques et rencontrent des problèmes énormes dans la conception des fiches et la présentation orale ou écrite d’une leçon ; une telle situation exige des formateurs multidisciplinaires et qualifiés. L’évaluation en situation réelle de classe de secondaire, nous a permis de dégager un ensemble d’anomalies dans le métier d’enseignement qui demande une formation continue plus consistante et mieux réfléchie en Didactique Appliquée. Enfin, il convient de signaler que la pratique de la didactique selon les points soulevés dans cette étude, dans les centres de formation des enseignants, pourrait avoir un impact positif sur l’amélioration de la qualité de notre enseignement secondaire. Applied didactic is the basic training in the teaching profession of any discipline. Lessons or practical works, according to the new vision of teaching, seeks to better prepare students teachers. This paper focuses on highlighting applied didactic in both initial and continuous training. Research evaluation results of applied didactics in centre’s training has shown that the hourly volume of applied didactic is generally insufficient. It also shows that the content is not very compliant with the new vision for the majority of curriculum. Evaluation of student teachers according to the new vision of applied didactic in Life and Earth Sciences (LES) has shown that most students have completely ignored the preparation of the scientific and educational sheets. In addition, they have encountered enormous problems in the construction and presentation of their lessons. This situation requires multi-disciplinary and qualified trainers. Real classroom evaluation has enabled us to identify a set of anomalies in the teaching profession, which requires more continuous training in applied didactics. Majority of teachers do not master Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and they considered the integration of technology in their lessons anti-pedagogical. In recent years, the LES lessons taken by students has become a set of data and results experiments, helping students to differentiate essential from nonessential knowledge. In the absence of adequate didactic orientation, classical teaching methods and even erroneous educational and didactic representations will continue to circulate in our educational system. The gravity of all this is the indirect transfer of this classical way of teaching from practicing teachers to student teachers during internships. Lastly, it should be pointed out that the practice of didactics, according to the points raised in this study in teacher training centers, could have a positive impact on improving the quality of our secondary education

    Importance of urbanized wetlands environments in the reproduction of avifauna, city of Martil (Region of Tetouan) in Morocco

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    This study focused on the significance of urban and peri-urban wetlands in the Martil plain of Tetouan, Morocco, for bird reproduction. Conducted over a two-year period, the research employed fixed-site counting and weekly visits to assess reproductive indicators such as chicks, nests, courtship displays, and territorial defense. The findings demonstrated that these wetland environments play a vital role in the reproduction of 37 bird species from 15 families, including species of national importance, declining Mediterranean species, vulnerable species according to the IUCN, and rare breeding species. These results underscore the critical importance of conserving and sustainably managing these wetland areas. By prioritising the preservation of urban and peri-urban wetlands, Morocco can contribute to global biodiversity conservation efforts while addressing the challenges of urbanization and climate chang

    Research and Toxinogenic Characterization of Penicillium Contaminating Goat's Traditional Dairy Products in Northern Morocco

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    The goat rearing in northern Morocco had known a very important evolution with the introduction of European breeds of goats more productive of milk compared to local breeds. Moulds are common contaminants in many traditional dairy products. Some species are responsible for significant economic losses and major public health problems by producing toxic metabolites like mycotoxins. This work aims to isolate, identify and characterize the mycotoxin-producing species of Penicillium from milk and traditional cheese (Jben) in the different northern region of Morocco, based on microbiological analysis and in vitro identification of Penicillium toxinogenic by fluorescence detection and HPLC analysis. Our microbiological analysis clearly show that the fungal flora is highly developed in goat's milk and Jben: 85 mould and yeast isolates from 57 samples collected. The rate of fungal flora (mould and yeast species) is high, it is around 2,6 104 CFU/ml in milk and 5,90 104 CFU/g in Jben. Penicillium isolates were purified and identified according to macroscopic and microscopic criteria. The proportion of Penicillium (61,53 %) in milk is more than Jben (16,94 %). The most important Penicillium species in two dairy products are P.italicum (23,1% in milk against 5,1 % in Jben), P. cyclopium (7,7 % in milk against 5,1% in cheese), and P. expansum (7,7% in milk against 3,4 % in cheese). According to in vitro identification of Penicillium toxinogenic by fluorescence detection, the majority of Penicillium isolates were able to produce mycotoxin type Citrinin and Ochratoxin A. The capacity of mycotoxin production by the identified strains was confirmed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis. The patulin was produced by all Penicillium isolates, while the citrinin was produced by P. nalgiovense, P. simplicissimum, and P. dipodomyis. Unlike the ochratoxin A was produced by all isolates, except the P. nalgiovense and P. dipodomyis. The presence of toxicogenic Penicillium species in Moroccan traditional goat's dairy products suggeststhat contaminated products according to processing conditions and after storage traditionally could be a risk to the health and safety of consumers. The awareness-raising measures, the professional guidance on the concept of hygienic quality and the tendency to semi-industrial production remain worksites to work more efficiently by the state

    Chemical Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Antioxidant Activity of Two Wild Edible Mushrooms Armillaria mellea and Macrolepiota procera from Two Countries (Morocco and Portugal)

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    The present study aimed to investigate the chemical composition, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity of two wild edible mushrooms, the honey fungus (Armillaria mellea) and the parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera), collected from Northern Morocco (MA) and Portugal (PT). Those species were chosen due to their edibility, nutraceutical, and medicinal properties. Bioactive compounds (ascorbic acid, tannin, total phenolic, total flavonoid, beta-carotene, and lycopene) and their antioxidant activity were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Herein, the fruiting body of the samples revealed a significantly higher amount of bioactive compounds, and values varied between the Moroccan and the Portuguese ones. Methanolic extracts shown a strong antioxidant capacity: Using DPPH free radical-scavenging activity radicals (IC50 1.06-1.32 mg/mL); inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching radicals (IC50 0.09-0.53 mg/mL); and, reducing power radicals (IC50 0.52-1.11 mg/mL). The mushroom species with the highest antioxidant capacity was A. mellea from MA. Chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and LC-MS methodologies. GC-MS analysis showed that the most abundant biomolecules group was sugar compositions in the four samples (62.90%, 48.93%, 59.00%, and 53.71%) and the main components were galactitol 16.74%, petroselinic acid 19.83%, d-galactose 38.43%, and glycerol 24.43% in A. mellea (MA), A. mellea (PT), M. procera (MA), and M. procera (PT), respectively. LC-MS analysis of individual phenolic compounds revealed that vanillic acid (198.40 +/- 2.82 mu g/g dry weight (dw) and cinnamic acid (155.20 +/- 0.97 mu g/g dw) were the main compounds detected in A. mellea, while protocatechuic acid (92.52 +/- 0.45 and 125.50 +/- 0.89 mu g/g dw) was predominated in M. procera for MA and PT samples, respectively. In general, the results of this comparative study demonstrate that the geographic and climatic conditions of the collection site can influence biomolecule compounds and antioxidant properties of wild mushrooms. This study contributes to the elaboration of nutritional, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical databases of the worldwide consumed mushrooms

    Asymptotic Behavior of Some Parabolic Equations and Application in Image Restoration

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    In this paper, we consider some nonlinear parabolic problem involving the well known p-laplacian and some operator having exponential growth with respect to the gradient. We start by dealing the asymptotic behavior for some evolution equation then we give some numerical results with an application in image processing

    A review of the avifauna visiting the wetland environments of the Martil plain (Tetouan region, northern Morocco): Preliminary results

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    The wetland environments of the plain of Martil are located in an urban area in the Tetouan region (Northern Morocco); they provide wildlife a place to live and are important for migratory birds as they travel from nesting to wintering sites. The objective of this study is to monitor the avifauna population that frequents these ecosystems. The study duration is from January 2021 to June 2022. The survey methods are the point count and visual identification, using appropriate visual equipment and according to an ornithological guide. The avifauna recorded encompasses a total of 93 bird species and 33 families. A variety of wintering, migratory, and breeding species were identified. The population includes several species of special conservation concern, such as endemic species, heritage species, species in decline, vulnerable species, endangered species and species at risk of extinction, in Morocco, in the Maghreb or in Europe. These ornithological findings underscore the significance of preserving and restoring these urban wetland environments. However, these ecosystems face a range of pressures, including urban development, climate change and anthropogenic activities

    Micropropagation of Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) by cotyledonary buds

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    La micropropagation du Caroubier (Ceratonia siliqua L.) par culture de bourgeons cotylédonaires de plantules âgées de 13 jours a été étudiée sur le milieu WPM additionné de microéléments et de vitamines MS. La comparaison de l’effet de quatre cytokinines (BAP, zéatine, kinétine et 2-iP) a montré que la croissance des pousses est surtout stimulée par la zéatine (1 mg/l) ; alors que l’organogenèse se fait mieux en présence de la BAP ou de la zéatine (1 mg/l). L’effet de quatre auxines (AIA, AIB, ANA et 2,4-D) à faible concentration (0,1 mg/l) combinées à la BAP (0,5 mg/l) a été aussi testé, et a montré que l’ANA favorise la croissance des plantules et la néoformation de tiges. Toutefois, l’association de l’AG3 à différentes concentrations avec la BAP (0,5 mg/l) n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur la culture de ces explants. La multiplication des pousses a été favorisée par des concentrations moyennes de BAP (0,5 à 1 mg/l) seule ou associée avec l’AG3 (0,2 mg/l). Parmi les auxines testées au cours de la phase d’enracinement, l’AIB (2 mg/l) s’est avéré la plus efficace pour la rhizogenèse.In vitro micropropagation of Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) by cotyledonary buds taken from 13 day old seedlings was attempted on Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with microelements and Murashige and Skoog (MS) vitamins. Comparison of the effect of four cytokinines (benzylaminopurine, zeatin, kinetinand 2-iP) has shown that seedling growth was stimulated by zeatin at 1 mg/L, while organogenesis was better under BAP or zeatin at 1 mg/L. The effect of four auxins (AIA, AIB, ANA and 2,4-D) at low concentrations (0.1 mg/L) combined with BAP at 0.5 mg/L has shown that Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) stimulates better stem formation and growth. Moreover, combination of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) at different concentrations with BAP at 0.5 mg/L did not show a significant effect on growth. Shoot multiplication was stimulated by medium concentrations of BAP (0.5 - 1 mg/L) alone or with GA3 at 0.2 mg/L. Among the auxins tested during rooting, Indol-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) (2 mg/L) was found to be the most efficient for root formation