59 research outputs found

    JShelter: Give Me My Browser Back

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    The Web is used daily by billions. Even so, users are not protected from many threats by default. This position paper builds on previous web privacy and security research and introduces JShelter, a webextension that fights to return the browser to users. Moreover, we introduce a library helping with common webextension development tasks and fixing loopholes misused by previous research. JShelter focuses on fingerprinting prevention, limitations of rich web APIs, prevention of attacks connected to timing, and learning information about the computer, the browser, the user, and surrounding physical environment and location. We discovered a loophole in the sensor timestamps that lets any page observe the device boot time if sensor APIs are enabled in Chromium-based browsers. JShelter provides a fingerprinting report and other feedback that can be used by future security research and data protection authorities. Thousands of users around the world use the webextension every day

    Quality of residential facilities in Italy: satisfaction and quality of life of residents with schizophrenia spectrum~disorders

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    Background Recovery and human rights promotion for people with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSDs) is fundamental to provide good care in Residential Facilities (RFs). However, there is a concern about rehabilitation ethos in RFs. This study aimed to investigate the care quality of Italian RFs, the quality of life (QoL) and care experience of residents with SSD. Methods Fourty-eight RFs were assessed using a quality assessment tool (QuIRC-SA) and 161 residents with SSD were enrolled. Seventeen RFs provided high intensity rehabilitation (SRP1), 15 medium intensity (SRP2), and 16 medium-low level support (SRP3). Staff-rated tools measured psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial functioning; user-rated tools assessed QoL and satisfaction with services. RFs comparisons were made using ANOVA and Chi-squared. Results Over two-thirds patients (41.5 y.o., SD 9.7) were male. Seventy-six were recruited from SRP1 services, 48 from SRP2, and 27 from SRP3. The lowest QuIRC-SA scoring was Recovery Based Practice (45.8%), and the highest was promotion of Human Rights (58.4%). SRP2 had the lowest QuIRC-SA ratings and SRP3 the highest. Residents had similar psychopathology (p = 0.140) and functioning (p = 0.537). SRP3 residents were more employed (18.9%) than SRP1 (7.9%) or SRP2 (2.2%) ones, and had less severe negative symptoms (p = 0.016) and better QoL (p = 0.020) than SRP2 residents. There were no differences in the RF therapeutic milieu and their satisfaction with care. Conclusions Residents of the lowest supported RFs in Italy had less severe negative symptoms, better QoL and more employment than others. The lowest ratings for Recovery Based Practice across all RFs suggest more work is needed to improve recovery

    Female sweet-likers have enhanced cross-modal interoceptive abilities

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    There are well known phenotypic differences in sweet-liking across individuals, but it remains unknown whether these are related to broader underlying differences in interoceptive abilities (abilities to sense the internal state of the body). Here, healthy women (N = 64) classified as sweet likers (SLs) or sweet dislikers (SDs) completed a bimodal interoception protocol. A heartbeat tracking and a heartbeat discrimination task determined cardiac interoception; both were accompanied by confidence ratings. A water load task, where participants consumed water to satiation and then to maximum fullness was used to assess gastric interoceptive abilities. Motivational state, psychometric characteristics and eating behaviour were also assessed. SLs performed significantly better than SDs on both heartbeat tasks, independently of impulsivity, anxiety, depression, and alexithymia. No differences in metacognitive awareness and subjective interoceptive measures were found. With gastric interoception, SLs were more sensitive to stomach distention, and they ingested less water than SDs to reach satiety when accounting for stomach capacity. SLs also scored higher on mindful and intuitive eating scales and on emotional eating particularly in response to negative stimuli; emotional overeating was fully mediated via interoceptive performance. Overall, our data suggest the SL phenotype may reflect enhanced responsiveness to internal cues more broadly

    Molecular Cytogenetics as a Tool for Primate Taxonomic identification: A Case Study in Captivity

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    caratteristiche peculiari essendo notturne e monogame. Hanno un\u2019ampia distribuzione geografica che si estende dallo stretto di Panama al nord dell\u2019Argentina; questo determina una notevole complessit\ue0 nella distribuzione e di conseguenza nell\u2019interpretazione sistematica e filogenetica. Lo studio del genere Aotus mediante l\u2019analisi di caratte ri morfologici e genetici ha prodotto una tassonomia controversa. Inizialmente era riconosciuta solo la specie Aotus trivirgatus, successivamente in base alla colorazione del pelo del collo, alla diversa suscettibilit\ue0 alla malaria e ai dati citogenetici sono state identificate fino a nove specie, oltre a due sibling species, per un totale di 11.1,2 Il numero diploide di cromosomi in Aotus varia da 46 a 56; nel cariotipo sono presenti molti polimorfismi dovuti all\u2019ibridazione che si verifica in specie simpatiche; in alcune specie \ue8 presente una traslocazione Y-autosoma. Le undici specie sono state suddivise in due gruppi monofiletici: il gruppo grey-black neck distribuito a nord e il gruppo red neck distribuito a sud del Rio delle Amazzoni. Le specie del gruppo red neck sono omogenee da un punto di v ista del cariotipo con un numero diplolide 2n=49 (maschio)/50 (femmina) e una traslocazione Y- autosoma. Le specie del gruppo grey-black neck presentano numero diploide di cromosomi variabile, con il pi\uf9 basso 2n=46 in A. vociferans e il pi\uf9 alto 2n=56 in A. lemurinus. Solo due specie (Aotus nancymae e Aotus lemurinus) sono state analizzate mediante la citogenetica molecolare (painting cromosomico). Quest\u2019analisi ha permesso di dimostrare che le specie del genere Aotus posseggono un cariotipo piuttosto derivato se confrontato con quello ipotetico ancestrale delle Platyrrhinae, da cui si \ue8 originato attraverso fusioni, fissioni, traslocazioni ed inversioni.3-5 L\u2019identificazione tassonomica di taxa di Aotus mediante l\u2019analisi cromosomica rappresenta, in cattivit\ue0, il prerequisito per programmi di breeding in quanto la ricostruzione del cariotipo bandeggiato \ue8 l\u2019unico approccio per identificare la maggior parte delle specie del genere Aotus. Mediante le tecniche citogenetiche vengono identificati individui compatibili da un punto di vista cromosomico che possono essere incrociati tra loro al fine di evitare ibridazioni interspecie6 e favorire la conservazione delle diverse specie. L\u2019obiettivo del presente lavoro riguarda l\u2019identificazione mediante bandeggio cromosomico di individui di una colonia di Aotus, al fine di avviare un programma di conservazione delle specie mediante breeding. Il gruppo di scimmie, originario della Bolivia, \ue8 presente in Giappone dal 1977 presso The Primate Research Institute di Tokyo; tra gli individui della colonia si \ue8 inavvertitamente verificata la produzione di ibridi prima che fossero riconosciute le diverse specie del genere. Si riportano dati preliminari sull\u2019identificazione di individui idonei da incrociare, in particolare il cariotipo bandeggiato di un maschio di A.l griseimbra (2n=54) (Figura 1). Inoltre si sono revisionati dati citogenetici presenti in letteratura su Aotus al fine di sottolineare l\u2019importanza della citogenetica classica e molecolare negli studi filogenetici e in quelli riguardanti la conservazione delle speci

    Exercise as prescription: an italian pilot program

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