378 research outputs found

    Measuring galaxy cluster masses with CMB lensing using a Maximum Likelihood estimator: Statistical and systematic error budgets for future experiments

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    We develop a Maximum Likelihood estimator (MLE) to measure the masses of galaxy clusters through the impact of gravitational lensing on the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We show that, at low noise levels in temperature, this optimal estimator outperforms the standard quadratic estimator by a factor of two. For polarization, we show that the Stokes Q/U maps can be used instead of the traditional E- and B-mode maps without losing information. We test and quantify the bias in the recovered lensing mass for a comprehensive list of potential systematic errors. Using realistic simulations, we examine the cluster mass uncertainties from CMB-cluster lensing as a function of an experiment's beam size and noise level. We predict the cluster mass uncertainties will be 3 - 6% for SPT-3G, AdvACT, and Simons Array experiments with 10,000 clusters and less than 1% for the CMB-S4 experiment with a sample containing 100,000 clusters. The mass constraints from CMB polarization are very sensitive to the experimental beam size and map noise level: for a factor of three reduction in either the beam size or noise level, the lensing signal-to-noise improves by roughly a factor of two.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures: figs 2, 3 updated, references added: accepted for publication in JCA

    Activity of a trinuclear platinum complex in human ovarian cancer cell lines sensitive and resistant to cisplatin: cytotoxicity and induction and gene-specific repair of DNA lesions

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    A collateral sensitivity or a very modest cross-resistance to BBR 3464 was found in 2 ovarian cancer cell lines with experimentally induced resistance to cisplatin. Loss of mismatch repair proteins (hMLH1, hPMS2) or overexpression of nucleotide excision repair proteins (ERCC1) was not detrimental for the cellular sensitivity to BBR 3464. Moreover, interesting differences in the kinetics of formation and removal of DNA lesions at the single-gene (N- ras) level were observed between BBR 3464 and CDDP. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign www.bjcancer.co

    OVOL2 impairs RHO GTPase signaling to restrain mitosis and aggressiveness of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

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    Background: Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer (ATC) is an undifferentiated and aggressive tumor that often originates from well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (DTC) through a trans-differentiation process. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is recognized as one of the major players of this process. OVOL2 is a transcription factor (TF) that promotes epithelial differentiation and restrains EMT during embryonic development. OVOL2 loss in some types of cancers is linked to aggressiveness and poor prognosis. Here, we aim to clarify the unexplored role of OVOL2 in ATC. Methods: Gene expression analysis in thyroid cancer patients and cell lines showed that OVOL2 is mainly associated with epithelial features and its expression is deeply impaired in ATC. To assess OVOL2 function, we established an OVOL2-overexpression model in ATC cell lines and evaluated its effects by analyzing gene expression, proliferation, invasion and migration abilities, cell cycle, specific protein localization through immunofluorescence staining. RNA-seq profiling showed that OVOL2 controls a complex network of genes converging on cell cycle and mitosis regulation and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation identified new OVOL2 target genes. Results: Coherently with its reported function, OVOL2 re-expression restrained EMT and aggressiveness in ATC cells. Unexpectedly, we observed that it caused G2/M block, a consequent reduction in cell proliferation and an increase in cell death. This phenotype was associated to generalized abnormalities in the mitotic spindle structure and cytoskeletal organization. By RNA-seq experiments, we showed that many pathways related to cytoskeleton and migration, cell cycle and mitosis are profoundly affected by OVOL2 expression, in particular the RHO-GTPase pathway resulted as the most interesting. We demonstrated that RHO GTPase pathway is the central hub of OVOL2-mediated program in ATC and that OVOL2 transcriptionally inhibits RhoU and RhoJ. Silencing of RhoU recapitulated the OVOL2-driven phenotype pointing to this protein as a crucial target of OVOL2 in ATC. Conclusions: Collectively, these data describe the role of OVOL2 in ATC and uncover a novel function of this TF in inhibiting the RHO GTPase pathway interlacing its effects on EMT, cytoskeleton dynamics and mitosis

    Compaction control and related stress–strain behaviour of off-shore land reclamations with calcareous sands

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    AbstractWhen constructing off-shore land reclamations, one aims to ensure that the final soil mass fulfills certain minimal criteria related to shear strength, stiffness and resistance against liquefaction. In general, these characteristics improve with increasing density of the soil mass, which means that the above criteria are usually condensed into a single one: ‘adequate densification’.Quality control of reclamation constructions therefore focuses on the latter. Technical requirements are written based on one single parameter: the relative density Dr. On the site, this parameter is commonly determined indirectly using correlations with the cone penetration resistance qc, making the CPT the main tool for quality control.The paper presents data gathered during the design and construction of an off-shore land reclamation using calcareous sands. For this specific project, density control had to be done through the use of CPT.Calibration chamber tests were performed to establish the CPT qc–Dr correlation for the specific soil material. This correlation was used to analyse CPT results during construction of the site in order to determine the quality of compaction.In a further stage, an elaborate laboratory study was performed to establish additional correlations between soil parameters and the stress–strain parameters. Furthermore, seismic CPT tests were executed on the site to test the relevance of the laboratory correlations and the ‘relative density approach’ in general.It is shown that off-shore land reclamations have a very erratic stress-history, due to the different processes of depositing the soil material and the various densification methods. This stress-history is of great importance in the stress–strain behaviour of the site. Results also suggest that the CPT does not provide enough data to reliably predict soil stiffness when dealing with crushable materials. Specifically, in situ measurements show that there is no direct correlation between the small strain shear modulus G0 and qc

    Sistema de conciliación electrónico de medicación

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    El Proceso de Conciliación de Medicación se desarrolló para prevenir los errores en las transiciones asistenciales. Desde el Área de Calidad y Seguridad del Paciente se trabajó con los diferentes servicios médicos del Hospital Alemán en la confección de una ficha papel adosable a la historia clínica de internación con resultados dispares en cuanto al llenado de la misma. Este trabajo describirá el proceso de pasaje de un formato de registro en papel a digital, que decisiones se tomaron y que producto final se obtuvo. Durante el período marzo de 2013 teniendo en cuenta solamente los ingresos de Clínica Médica, se realizó el 78% de las conciliaciones de medicación de los pacientes ingresados, de las cuales 61% eran electrónicas. Los errores de posología fueron eliminados por el proceso y permanecieron los relacionados a marcado de medicación como que continuaba o no durante la internación. El total de esos errores fue de 3% de todas las indicaciones realizadas en el período. El gran desafío es lograr la carga de la conciliación de medicación de todos los pacientes de internación sin interrumpir el flujo de trabajo de los profesionales durante el ingreso de los pacientes a las diferentes áreas del hospital.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Sistema de conciliación electrónico de medicación

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    El Proceso de Conciliación de Medicación se desarrolló para prevenir los errores en las transiciones asistenciales. Desde el Área de Calidad y Seguridad del Paciente se trabajó con los diferentes servicios médicos del Hospital Alemán en la confección de una ficha papel adosable a la historia clínica de internación con resultados dispares en cuanto al llenado de la misma. Este trabajo describirá el proceso de pasaje de un formato de registro en papel a digital, que decisiones se tomaron y que producto final se obtuvo. Durante el período marzo de 2013 teniendo en cuenta solamente los ingresos de Clínica Médica, se realizó el 78% de las conciliaciones de medicación de los pacientes ingresados, de las cuales 61% eran electrónicas. Los errores de posología fueron eliminados por el proceso y permanecieron los relacionados a marcado de medicación como que continuaba o no durante la internación. El total de esos errores fue de 3% de todas las indicaciones realizadas en el período. El gran desafío es lograr la carga de la conciliación de medicación de todos los pacientes de internación sin interrumpir el flujo de trabajo de los profesionales durante el ingreso de los pacientes a las diferentes áreas del hospital.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Effects of emissions caps on the costs and feasibility of low-carbon hydrogen in the European ammonia industry

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    The European ammonia industry emits 36 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, primarily from steam methane reforming (SMR) hydrogen production. These emissions can be mitigated by producing hydrogen via water electrolysis using dedicated renewables with grid backup. This study investigates the impact of decarbonization targets for hydrogen synthesis on the economic viability and technical feasibility of retrofitting existing European ammonia plants for on-site, semi-islanded electrolytic hydrogen production. Results show that electrolytic hydrogen cuts emissions, on average, by 85% (36%-100% based on grid price and carbon intensity), even without enforcing emission limits. However, an optimal lifespan average well-to-gate emission cap of 1 kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)/kg H2 leads to a 95% reduction (92%-100%) while maintaining cost-competitiveness with SMR in renewable-rich regions (mean levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) of 4.1 euro/kg H2). Conversely, a 100% emissions reduction target dramatically increases costs (mean LCOH: 6.3 euro/kg H2) and land area for renewables installations, likely hindering the transition to electrolytic hydrogen in regions with poor renewables and limited land. Increasing plant flexibility effectively reduces costs, particularly in off-grid plants (mean reduction: 32%). This work guides policymakers in defining cost-effective decarbonization targets and identifying region-based strategies to support an electrolytic hydrogen-fed ammonia industry

    Sistema para la indicación computarizada de esquemas terapéuticos antineoplásicos (SICETAN)

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    Los tratamientos oncológicos suelen ser complejos, multidisciplinarios y confeccionados a medida de cada paciente, el objetivo de éste trabajo es describir el sistema informatizado para la gestión y registro de dichos ciclos. Hemos creado SICETAN con el objeto de disminuir los errores y la heterogeneidad de las indicaciones quimioterápicas en el Servicio de Oncología del Hospital Alemán. Desde el 1ro de enero de 2013, el 100% de las indicaciones de tratamientos quimioterápicos realizados por el Servicio de Oncología se realiza por este medio habiendo logrado la integración con el Sistema de Turnos de Hospital de Día. La cantidad de plantillas activas actualmente es de 7643 indicaciones diferentes en 327 esquemas terapéuticos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ