16 research outputs found

    Modelo de descripción documental basado en el paradigma de objetos

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    The objective of this paper is to show the current state of an investigation which aim is the construction of a documentary description model based on the object paradigm. The choice of this paradigm responds to the fact that its use allows the uncoupling between the logic model and its physical implementations; it autonomizes the model (the coherent and robust component of the system) of the computer supports, always varying and heterogeneus. In addition, this paradigm allows the invertion of the traditional methodology that makes the decision on what tools to use (support, software, operative system, databases) and then allows to compose an ad hoc model based on these tools. The language used is Smalltalk. Traditional methodology has derived in a proliferation of bibliographical formats adapted to different database models and the consequent applications that each one supports, and made necessary the creation of countless tools that allow the migration from ones to others. To start from the logic model, on the other hand, secures the coherence and consistence of information, for it frees it from instrumental conditionings. Although the proposed model is basically descriptive in this phase, this modellization configures a framework that will allow to use the objects in other contexts and environments to satisfy ends that go beyond the sole description. Despite the fact that this proposal surpasses the traditional approaches, it contemplates and takes advantages of the guidelines, precisions and possibilities studied and perfected over the years by different specialists, materialized today in different norms (AACR2, MARC, Vaticanas, Dublin Core, ISBD, TEI)

    Fuentes para la historia agraria de América Latina

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    Objetivo en torno a los temas rurales latinoamericanos: construir una herramienta de búsqueda y concentración de información, promover el resguardo digital de las fuentes primarias y la bibliografía, fomentar las investigaciones interdisciplinarias en ciencias sociales y humanasFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    El impacto de FRBR en Argentina: Implementación de un modelo de objetos basados en FRBR, CRM y FRBRoo en CAICYT-CONICET. [English] The Impact of FRBR in Argentina: Implementation of a model based on FRBR-ER, CRM and FRBRoo at CAICYT-CONICET

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    This article presents a computer science design for the registry of documentary material based on models FRBR-ER, CIDOC CRM and FRBR-OO that is being developed in CAICYT-CONICET. The proposal leaves from the first group of entities defined by the model FRBR-ER (Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item) and incorporates some of the proposals of the other two models. In general, it rescues of these the use of the paradigm of objects, which derives in a more rigorous definition of concepts. It takes from them, among other things, the modelization of events, which allows to represent documents in its temporary process. It tries to deepen in other aspects that not yet have been treated by FRBR-OO: the lack of exhaustive classification, ontológical status of the Item and its relation with the hardware, the problem of the responsibility and the function of the documentary person in charge and the problem of the names. Since the presented product is at the moment in use in CAICYT-CONICET’s data base of argentine ISSN, it is detailed which is the approach of the model to the problem of the series. Finally, some particularitities of the implementation are mentioned: use of the Smalltalk language, his dialect of opened code, Squeak, and frameworks independent that has been developed: Atón and Smallfaces

    ¿Quién debe responder a la pregunta “qué es un obra”? Who should answer the question "what is a work?

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    This article covers some of the answers that has received the question: What is a work?, from the Information Science, and from other disciplines. While it is an issue that has always been present in all these areas, it is since the arrival of IFLA FRBR model that the need for a clear answer has been pressing both to resolve practical problems -the cataloging of works- as theoretical also, i.e., the definition of work. We start with the definitions given by IFLA and other authors who have analyzed the FRBR model to demonstrate certain theoretical limitations in light of some texts produced from other knowledges such as sociology of art, semiotics, aesthetics of receptions and culture history. The article concludes that it is necessary to address a multidisciplinary study of the problem, in order to avoid errors in both theory and practice resulting from the application of the new model

    The Work Entity on FRBR: an Object Oriented Approach

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    We discuss some criticism that FRBR has received concerning the entity Work. The main problem refers to the lack in FRBR of a conceptualization for attributes of Work. Both FRBR models, FRBRer and FRBRoo are analized considering, in the first case, the way attributes of work are treated, and the sub classification of class F1 Work in the second case. In the first case the analysis shows that FRBRer, although presenting a new conception of main bibliographic entities, has the weakness of being closely dependent on MARC format when treating other entities. In the second case, the dependency of multiple inheritance, derived from the model which FRBRoo tries to integrate, CRM and an abstract conception of object modeling -which neglected the concrete uses of bibliographic entities- leads to a complicate model, which has proved to be difficult to understand, implement and use. The proposed alternative, which is part of an object oriented model, is to conceive concrete bibliographic entities as subclasses of abstract classes for WEMI entities

    Ferberización de una base de datos bibliográfica

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    This paper presents a software project that converts bibliographic records from a standard database to the entities of the several groups of FRBR conceptual model: works, expressions, manifestations, items, persons, institutions and subjects as well as many of the relationships between them. The software dynamically converts the original records, which correspond to manifestations and items of FRBR in a tree that begins in the work and then displays the remaining entities and relationships. In implementing this we have worked with the database of the library of the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias e la Educación of the UNLP, but because of the modularity with which it stands, the software can be implemented based on any other structure. To carry out this process, the software builds lists of authorities for works, expressions, manifestations, persons, institutions and subjects. At this stage the data used to build the entities and relationships arise exclusively from the information contained in the original database. This implies that many data can not be obtained because they were not covered in the original design, so that raises a second stage in which it collects such information in remote databases. Besides the advantages for the user to have a “ferberized” view, this works mentions the implications of such a structure for bibliometric studies

    Un modelo de objetos para el universo bibiográfico

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    Discussion on FRBR entities Work and Item in the light of object technoogy

    ¿Quién debe responder a la pregunta "que es una obra"?

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    Fil: Manzanos, Norberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina

    Item, Document, Carrier: An Object Oriented Approach

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    I discuss the concept of Item as stated by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in the conceptual model Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and the object-oriented version of it (FRBR OO). Using objectoriented modeling techniques I analyze the relationship of the Item with the Manifestation entity, the concept of Document, and the physical object as a Carrier of a Content. A class scheme is proposed, not only as an implementation example, but as a way of clarifying some bibliographic concepts as well.Fil: Manzanos, Norberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    ¿Quién debe responder a la pregunta "que es una obra"?

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    Fil: Manzanos, Norberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina