
Modelo de descripción documental basado en el paradigma de objetos


The objective of this paper is to show the current state of an investigation which aim is the construction of a documentary description model based on the object paradigm. The choice of this paradigm responds to the fact that its use allows the uncoupling between the logic model and its physical implementations; it autonomizes the model (the coherent and robust component of the system) of the computer supports, always varying and heterogeneus. In addition, this paradigm allows the invertion of the traditional methodology that makes the decision on what tools to use (support, software, operative system, databases) and then allows to compose an ad hoc model based on these tools. The language used is Smalltalk. Traditional methodology has derived in a proliferation of bibliographical formats adapted to different database models and the consequent applications that each one supports, and made necessary the creation of countless tools that allow the migration from ones to others. To start from the logic model, on the other hand, secures the coherence and consistence of information, for it frees it from instrumental conditionings. Although the proposed model is basically descriptive in this phase, this modellization configures a framework that will allow to use the objects in other contexts and environments to satisfy ends that go beyond the sole description. Despite the fact that this proposal surpasses the traditional approaches, it contemplates and takes advantages of the guidelines, precisions and possibilities studied and perfected over the years by different specialists, materialized today in different norms (AACR2, MARC, Vaticanas, Dublin Core, ISBD, TEI)

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