
El impacto de FRBR en Argentina: Implementación de un modelo de objetos basados en FRBR, CRM y FRBRoo en CAICYT-CONICET. [English] The Impact of FRBR in Argentina: Implementation of a model based on FRBR-ER, CRM and FRBRoo at CAICYT-CONICET


This article presents a computer science design for the registry of documentary material based on models FRBR-ER, CIDOC CRM and FRBR-OO that is being developed in CAICYT-CONICET. The proposal leaves from the first group of entities defined by the model FRBR-ER (Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item) and incorporates some of the proposals of the other two models. In general, it rescues of these the use of the paradigm of objects, which derives in a more rigorous definition of concepts. It takes from them, among other things, the modelization of events, which allows to represent documents in its temporary process. It tries to deepen in other aspects that not yet have been treated by FRBR-OO: the lack of exhaustive classification, ontológical status of the Item and its relation with the hardware, the problem of the responsibility and the function of the documentary person in charge and the problem of the names. Since the presented product is at the moment in use in CAICYT-CONICET’s data base of argentine ISSN, it is detailed which is the approach of the model to the problem of the series. Finally, some particularitities of the implementation are mentioned: use of the Smalltalk language, his dialect of opened code, Squeak, and frameworks independent that has been developed: Atón and Smallfaces

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