3,685 research outputs found

    Spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae): Integrated Pest Management on Gramineous Crops in the Neotropical Ecozone

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    Spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) species cause large economic losses on gramineous crops (Poaceae) in tropical and subtropical America. These insects are key pests of sugarcane and forages, crops that experienced a quick expansion in extensive monocultures in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Mobilization toward sustainable crop and livestock systems to supply the growing demand of meat, milk, and sugar in Latin America and the Caribbean region implies developing sustainable and feasible strategies of integrated pest management to control spittlebugs. This review combines information on Cercopidae taxonomy, geographical distribution, insect biology, and control strategies to contribute to the development of integrated pest management in grasses and sugarcane in the Neotropics

    Use of IP-10 detection in dried plasma spots for latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis in contacts via mail

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    IP-10; Tuberculosis; MailIP-10; Tuberculosi; CorreuIP-10; Tuberculosis; CorreoThe aim of this study was to test the use of IP-10 detection in dried plasma from contact studies individuals (contacts of smear positive patients), by comparing it with IP-10 and IFN-γ detection in direct plasma, to establish IP-10 detection in DPS as a useful assay for LTBI diagnosis. Whole blood samples were collected from 80 subjects: 12 with active tuberculosis (TB), and 68 from contact studies. The amount of IFN-γ produced by sensitized T cells was determined in direct plasma by QuantiFERON Gold In-Tube test. IP-10 levels were determined in direct and dried plasma by an in-house ELISA. For dried plasma IP-10 determination, two 25 µl plasma drops were dried in Whatman903 filter paper and sent by mail to the laboratory. Regarding TB patients, 100.0%, 91.7% and 75.0% were positive for IFN-γ detection and IP-10 detection in direct and dried plasma, respectively. In contacts, 69.1%, 60.3% and 48.5% had positive results after IFN-γ and IP-10 in direct and dried plasma, respectively. The agreement among in vitro tests was substantial and IP-10 levels in direct and dried plasma were strongly correlated (r = 0.897). In conclusion, IP-10 detection in dried plasma is a simple and safe method that would help improve LTBI management

    Cárie dentária e fatores relacionados em crianças Brasileiras de região com água fluoretada e não fluoretada

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    PURPOSE: To compare the caries prevalence, saliva buffering capacity (SBC), oral hygiene (OH), dietary habits, family income (FI) and frequency of visits to a dental office (Do) between Brazilian children living in areas with and without fluoridated public water supply. METHODS: Forty-six 5-7-year-old preschoolers were selected in Itatiba, SP, Brazil; 19 were from a fluoridated area, and 27 were from a non-fluoridated area. The caries index was determined according to the World Health Organization criteria, and the SBC was assessed by titration with hydrochloric acid. The FI, frequency of OH and visits to Do were estimated by questionnaire. The dietary habits were assessed with a diet chart. The differences between the groups were analyzed with Mann-Whitney-U tests (α=0.05). RESULTS: Children from the non-fluoridated area showed significantly higher dmft/DMFT than those from the fluoridated area, but they showed significantly lower SBC, OH frequency and FI. No significant differences were observed between the areas for dietary habits and visits to Do. CONCLUSION: Children from fluoridated areas showed higher salivary buffering capacity, family income and oral hygiene frequency as well as lower caries prevalence, supporting the beneficial effect of fluoride in the tap water for caries prevention.OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de cárie, capacidade tamponante da saliva (CTS), higiene bucal (HB), hábitos dietéticos, renda familiar (RF) e frequência de visita a consultórios odontológicos (Co) entre crianças brasileiras residentes em áreas de água de abastecimento público fluoretadas e não fluoretadas. METODOLOGIA: Quarenta e seis crianças entre 5-7 anos foram selecionadas em Itatiba-SP-Brasil, sendo 19 pertencentes à área fluoretada e 27 à área não fluoretada. O índice de cárie foi determinado de acordo com o critério da Organização Mundial de Saúde e a CTS foi medida por titulação com ácido clorídrico. A RF, frequência de HB e visita ao Co foram estimadas por questionário. Os hábitos dietéticos foram avaliados com diário de dieta. As diferenças entre as variáveis foram analisadas pelo teste de Mann Whitney (α=0,05). RESULTADOS: As crianças da área não fluoretada apresentaram significativamente maior ceod/CPOD que àquelas da área fluoretada, porém significativamente menor CTS, HB e RF. Com relação a hábitos dietéticos e visitas ao Co, não foi observada diferença significativa entre as áreas. CONCLUSÃO: As crianças da área fluoretada apresentaram maior capacidade tamponante da saliva, renda familiar e frequência de higiene bucal, assim como menor prevalência de cárie, reforçando o efeito benéfico do flúor nas águas de abastecimento para prevenir a cárie

    Gene therapy with AR isoform 2 rescues spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy phenotype 2 by modulating AR transcriptional activity:AR isoform 2 counteracts polyglutamine AR toxicity

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is an X-linked, adult-onset neuromuscular condition caused by an abnormal polyglutamine (polyQ) tract expansion in androgen receptor (AR) protein. SBMA is a disease with high unmet clinical need. Recent studies have shown that mutant AR-altered transcriptional activity is key to disease pathogenesis. Restoring the transcriptional dysregulation without affecting other AR critical functions holds great promise for the treatment of SBMA and other AR-related conditions; however, how this targeted approach can be achieved and translated into a clinical application remains to be understood. Here, we characterized the role of AR isoform 2, a naturally occurring variant encoding a truncated AR lacking the polyQ-harboring domain, as a regulatory switch of AR genomic functions in androgen-responsive tissues. Delivery of this isoform using a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector type 9 resulted in amelioration of the disease phenotype in SBMA mice by restoring polyQ AR-dysregulated transcriptional activity

    GAPS-megacities: A new global platform for investigating persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in urban air

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    A pilot study was initiated in 2018 under the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) Network named GAPS-Megacities. This study included 20 megacities/major cities across the globe with the goal of better understanding and comparing ambient air levels of persistent organic pollutants and other chemicals of emerging concern, to which humans residing in large cities are exposed. The first results from the initial period of sampling are reported for 19 cities for several classes of flame retardants (FRs) including organophosphate esters (OPEs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) including new flame retardants (NFRs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD). The two cities, New York (USA) and London (UK) stood out with ∼3.5 to 30 times higher total FR concentrations as compared to other major cities, with total concentrations of OPEs of 15,100 and 14,100 pg/m3, respectively. Atmospheric concentrations of OPEs significantly dominated the FR profile at all sites, with total concentrations in air that were 2-5 orders of magnitude higher compared to other targeted chemical classes. A moderately strong and significant correlation (r = 0.625, p < 0.001) was observed for Gross Domestic Product index of the cities with total OPEs levels. Although large differences in FR levels were observed between some cities, when averaged across the five United Nations regions, the FR classes were more evenly distributed and varied by less than a factor of five. Results for Toronto, which is a "reference city" for this study, agreed well with a more in-depth investigation of the level of FRs over different seasons and across eight sites representing different urban source sectors (e.g. traffic, industrial, residential and background). Future sampling periods under this project will investigate trace metals and other contaminant classes, linkages to toxicology, non-targeted analysis, and eventually temporal trends. The study provides a unique urban platform for evaluating global exposome.Fil: Saini, Amandeep. Environment and Climate Change; CanadáFil: Harner, Tom. Environment and Climate Change; CanadáFil: Chinnadhurai, Sita. Environment and Climate Change; CanadáFil: Schuster, Jasmin K.. Environment and Climate Change; CanadáFil: Yates, Alan. Environment and Climate Change; CanadáFil: Sweetman, Andrew. Lancaster Environment Centre; Reino UnidoFil: Aristizabal Zuluaga, Beatriz H.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Jiménez, Begoña. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Manzano, Carlos A.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Gaga, Eftade O.. Eskisehir Technical University; TurquíaFil: Stevenson, Gavin. National Measurement Institute; AustraliaFil: Falandysz, Jerzy. Uniwersytet Gdanski; PoloniaFil: Ma, Jianmin. Peking University; ChinaFil: Miglioranza, Karina Silvia Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Kannan, Kurunthachalam. Nyu Grossman School Of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Tominaga, Maria. Sao Paulo State Environmental Company; BrasilFil: Jariyasopit, Narumol. No especifíca;Fil: Rojas, Nestor Y.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Amador-Muñoz, Omar. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Sinha, Ravindra. Patna University; IndiaFil: Alani, Rose. University of Lagos; NigeriaFil: Suresh, R.. No especifíca;Fil: Nishino, Takahiro. Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection; JapónFil: Shoeib, Tamer. American University In Cairo; Egipt

    The unexplored role of sedentary time and physical activity in glucose and lipid metabolism-related placental mRNAs in pregnant women who are obese : the DALI lifestyle randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: We aimed to explore: (i) the association of sedentary time (ST) and physical activity (PA) during pregnancy with the placental expression of genes related to glucose and lipid metabolism in pregnant women who are obese; (ii) maternal metabolic factors mediating changes in these placental transcripts; and (iii) cord blood markers related to the mRNAs mediating neonatal adiposity. Design: Multicentre randomised controlled trial. Setting: Hospitals in nine European countries. Population: A cohort of 112 pregnant women with placental tissue. Methods: Both ST and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) levels were measured objectively using accelerometry at three time periods during pregnancy. Main outcome measures: Placental mRNAs (FATP2, FATP3, FABP4, GLUT1 and PPAR-γ) were measured with NanoString technology. Maternal and fetal metabolic markers and neonatal adiposity were assessed. Results: Longer periods of ST, especially in early to middle pregnancy, was associated with lower placental FATP2 and FATP3 expression (P 0.05). Additionally, placental FATP2 expression was inversely associated with cord blood triglycerides and free fatty acids (FFAs; P < 0.01). No cord blood marker mediated neonatal adiposity except for cord blood leptin, which mediated the effects of PPAR-γ on neonatal sum of skinfolds (P < 0.05). Conclusions: In early to middle pregnancy, ST is associated with the expression of placental genes linked to lipid transport. PA is hardly related to transporter mRNAs. Strategies aimed at reducing sedentary behaviour during pregnancy could modulate placental gene expression, which may help to prevent unfavourable fetal and maternal pregnancy outcomes. Tweetable abstract: Reducing sedentary behaviour in pregnancy might modulate placental expression of genes related to lipid metabolism in women who are obese

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum