262 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Applying criteria in essay writing classes has been acknowledged as an important teaching and learning reference of evaluation; however, many students at lower level classes are experiencing difficulty in internalizing the conventional writing criteria and standards fully. As the result, many students produced insufficient pieces of composition and they continue depending on instructors to assess their work. In an attempt to address the situation, several criteria that students commonly encountered difficulties were redefined as supplementary writing criteria applied in planning and developing their essay compositions. Two projects writing of Argumentative essay in Writing 3 class were assigned, observed and evaluated throughout process writing approach, steps and activities. A survey of students’ attitudes was conducted and administered after completion of the second writing project. The results of study show an increase in student’s writing performance demonstrated after the course. Students' products of writing (N=20) were developed particularly on the organizational aspects. Students’ perceptions about the learning system were reported to be high. Some positive feedback and constructive comments were given for better future writing instructions. Keywords: Redefining, Criteria, Standards, descriptors, Assessmen

    Maximized The Young Language Learners’ Motivation Via Songs and Increasing Their Speaking Skill Ability

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    This article is aimed to describe the advantages of why songs are important to support the English language learning process. This article also explains the position where English is learned as the foreign language in Indonesia. Songs are learning resources with many advantages, including linguistics resources, affective/psychological resources, and cognitive resources. Songs can be good learning sources as teaching media for English language classes. As the world of children goes with songs and like to sing it. They love saying chants in rhythm and enjoy repeating phrases that rhyme. Moreover, they enjoy moving to the rhythm, clapping hands, tapping the feet, and dancing. Therefore, music and movement naturally connect to children's hearts, minds, and bodies. Teaching young learners has to be enjoyable for the classroom as young learners often use songs and movement to engage children in the class. Using songs and movement is one of the best ways to teach young learners. Making the learning process interesting for children is important, especially for young learners who learn English as a foreign language. Songs can also support the four skills for the learners such as speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Another language advantages are that pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar are provided in learning through songs. It is such a duty for teachers to create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere in teaching. Using the textbook is no longer efficient for teaching young learners nowadays. The teacher tends to be more creative and tend to find more variation in delivering teaching materials, whether using songs from the internet, CD or tape recorder, or television. There are several benefits for language learning using songs for young English learners' classes. Music and songs can do the following: provided authentic, meaningful context, introduce children to the target culture, emotional and social effects, provide opportunities to practice oral language, Aid in retention and comprehension


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    Abstrak Getaran yang dirasakan oleh awak kapal adalah getaran seluruh tubuh yang dihasilkan karena getaran yang terjadi saat mesin beroperasi. Getaran frekuensi rendah dapat mengakibatkan mabuk, ketidakstabilan tubuh dan kelelahan. Kebisingan adalah segala bunyi yang tidak dikehendaki yang dapat memberi pengaruh negatif terhadap kesehatan dan  kesejahteraan seseorang maupun populasi. Kebisingan dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pada pekerja seperti auditorial (daya dengar pekerja menurun) serta dampak non- auditorial berupa kelelahan kerja pada tenaga kerja yang terpapar. Kebisingan di kapal dihasilkan oleh mesin utama dan mesin bantu seperti generator listrik dan mesin tambahan untuk menggerakkan derek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara getaran dan kebisingan dengan kelelahan kerja pada awak kapal ikan tipe pole and line yang berpangkalan di desa Tulehu.Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Oktober 2018. Faktor pada lingkungan kerja yang diukur adalah tingkat kebisingan dan getaran. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah awak kapal tipe ikan pole and line yang berjumlah 40 orang. Variabel atau kontruks dalam penelitian ini adalah kebisingan, getaran, kelelahan kerja. Kebisingan diukur dengan sound level meter, getaran dengan vibration meter, dan kelelahan kerja dengan kuesioner KAUPK2 (Kuesioner Alat Ukur Perasaan Kelelahan Kerja). Analisis data menggunakan analisis PLS (Partial Least Square). Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diketahui secara signifikan getaran dan kebisingan berpengaruh terhadap kelelahan kerja sebesar 42,2 % dan 57,8 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.&nbsp


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    Lingkungan kerja di kapal dipengaruhi oleh faktor–faktor fisika seperti getaran, kebisingan dan suhu. Paparan dari getaran, kebisingan dan suhu yang dirasakan oleh awak kapal dapat mempengaruhi kesehatannya. Selain itu perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri yang mengikuti aturan dapat melindungi awak kapal dari paparan faktor-faktor tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh paparan pada lingkungan kerja dan perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri terhadap kessehatan awak kapal dalam hal ini kondisi tekanan darah, denyut jantung dan stress kerja. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah awak kapal ikan tipe pole and line. Analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil analisis dengan nilai R square sebesar 0,685 menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja dengan indikator getaran, kebisingan dan suhu serta perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri secara bersama mempengaruhi kesehatan awak kapal sebesar 68,5 % dan 31,5 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Lingkungan kerja dengan indikator getaran, kebisingan dan suhu mempengaruhi kesehatan awak kapal sebesar 37% sedangkan 63% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dengan nilai T-statistik 1,843 > 1,67 pada alpha 0,05, dapat dikatakan lingkungan kerja secara signifikan mempengaruhi kesehatan kerja. Perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri berupa pakaian kerja, sepatu kerja dan alat pelindung telinga mempengaruhi kesehatan awak kapal sebesar 58,4% sedangkan 41,6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dengan nilai Tstatistik 1,712 > 1,67 pada alpha 0,05, dapat dikatakan perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri secara signifikan mempengaruhi kesehatan kerja

    Trial of Efficient Protein Expression Using Thermophilic Archaea as a Host

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    Thermostable enzymes of (hyper)thermophiles which exhibit optimal growth at temperatures above 55℃ have considerable potential for enzyme-based technologies as robust catalyst alternatives because most of them hardly unfold under various denaturing conditions. However, some thermostable proteins from hyperthermophiles often aggregate and form inclusion complex when they are expressed in mesophilic hosts such as Escherichia coli. A hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakarensis grows fast and shows high cell density in nutrient medium and genetic technics including gene knockout and complementation by plasmid. T. kodakarensis contains a transcription repressor, SurR, which binds to the SurR-binding consensus sequence (SBS, GTTn3AAC) by causing conformational change in the absence of element sulfur (S0). S0 was expected as an inducer for the expression of interest of gene in an expression system in T. kodakarensis. The aim of this research is to construct an efficient protein expression system in T. kodakarensis cells as a host. To screen the suitable promoter in T. kodakarensis expression system, four promoters Tk0560, Tk1694, Tk2289 and Tk0895, have been chosen based on reported transcriptome analysis. Each DNA fragment containing the promoter region of these genes was cloned into Escherichia coli-T. kodakarensis shuttle plasmid pTKDR-His, yielding the plasmids pTKDR-pTk0560, pTKDR-pTk1694, pTKDR-pTk2289, and pTKDR-pTk0895 (designated as pCSG-His). Next, the T. kodakarensis DAD (∆pyrF, ∆pdaD) cell harboring each plasmid was separately cultivated anaerobically at 85˚C in nutrient-rich ASW-YT medium in the presence of S0. The cell extracts were applied to western blot analysis, performed by using antibody raised against Pc-Kat (Pyrobaculum calidifontis catalase gene as a reporter gene). The four candidate promoters contain a highly conserved 8-bp sequence element (TWTWTAWR, where W is A/T and R is A/C) and the purine-base-rich BRE (B recognition element), those of which are important for promoter strength. Among them, Tk0895 promoter led to the highest expression of Pc-Kat. To develop the switching system of expression in T. kodakarensis, SBS was tried to be inserted between TATA-Box and TSS in pCSG-His, but expected plasmid was not obtained. It is speculated that the high copy number SBS inserted in the plasmid has some toxic effect on E. coli cell growth. Each DNA fragment containing Tk0306 and Tk0460, which encodes RNA helicase, was cloned into the plasmid pCSG-His, yielding the plasmids pCSG-His-Tk0306 and pCSG-His-Tk0460, respectively. T. kodakarensis transformant harboring pCSG-His-Tk0306 or pCSG-His-Tk0460 were cultivated in ASW-YT media. Purification of the recombinant Tk0306 and Tk0460 proteins from cell extracts was performed using Ni-chelate affinity chromatography. The recombinant Tk0306 and Tk0460 were successfully obtained from T. kodakarensis extracts while Tk0460 showed smaller molecular mass than speculated size in SDS-PAGE, suggesting the recombinant Tk0460 was not fully denatured for SDS-PAGE in the present experimental conditions.


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    This research aimed at this class action research: (1) for the description of stages; steps of applying of method TGT in course of study job application letter (2) for description of the effectiveness of applying of method TGT to write job application letter of student of class of XIIE1PROGRAM TOURISM SMK NEGERI 1 AMBON. Research procedure follow the stages; steps of research of class action which relate of proposal of Research of Class Action (PTK) released by Dikti covering four step. Fourth step of according to the Dikti (1) planning, (2) execution, (3) monitoring, and (4) reflection. The outcome of the research was as follows: (1) the effective method of TGT is enough utilized in the study of job application writing; (2) effective TGT method enough to increase the ability to write job application letters; (3) effective to the TGT method, enough to improve the student participation in the study of writing job application letters; (4) effective to the TGT method is enough to improve the motivation and student enthusiasm in the study of writing job application letters

    Politeness Strategies in Crazy, Stupid, Love Movie

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    Abstrak Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan betapa serba gunanya kegunaan strategi kesopanan dalam film Crazy, Stupid, Love. Strategi kesopanan berhubungan dengan penggunaan strategi untuk menjaga tindakan pengancaman muka dan tindakan penyelamatan muka. Teori yang digunakan untuk masalah di penelitian ini yaitu teori Brown dan Levinson (strategi kesopanan)untuk memahami fungsi tiap tipe strategi yang ada digunakan dan Leech (prinsip kesopanan) untuk memahami tipe prinsip yang ada dibalik strategi kesopanan yang digunakan. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam menganalisa data dalam penelitian ini. Penggunaan deskriptif kualitatif guna memperdalam penjelasan setiap data. Peneliti memahami film Crazy, Stupid, Love dan mengklasifikasikan data dari awal hingga akhir film. Data yang diperoleh adalah dalam bentuk ucapan yang digunakan oleh dua tokoh utama dalam film ini, yang berkaitan dengan strategi kesopanan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan hasil bahwastrategi kesopanan sangat serba guna dalam penggunaannya. Tokoh utama selalu menggunakan strategi kesopanan dalam segala situasi untuk menyelamatkan kehormatan sang pendengar. Karena seluruh strategi kesopanan berdasar Brown dan Levinson ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Hal tersebut memberikan penekanan lebih kepada betapa serba gunanya strategi kesopanan ini. Saat sedang menyelamatkan kehormatan pendengar, analisa pada prinsip kesopanan menunjukan bagaimana cara menjaga hubungan yang baik antar pembicara dan pendengar. Hubungan antata strategi kesopanan dan rinsip kesopanan adalah sang peneliti dapat menemukan tipe prinsip kesopanan tertentu dibalik strategi kesopanan tertentu. Di saat seorang pembicara ingin meminimalkan tindakan pengancaman muka, dia juga sedang membangun rasa anatara pembicara dan pendengar. Jadi saat pendengar menurunkan tindakan pengancaman muka hal tersebut disebut strategi kesopanan. Dalam proses penurunan ancaman muka, pembicara juga sedang membangun hubungan sosial yang baik yang disebut prinsip kesopanan. Maka dari itu hubungan antara strategi kesopanan dan prinsip kesopanan tak terpisahkan.   Kata Kunci: strategi kesopanan, prinsip kesopanan, tindakan pengancaman muka, tindakan penyelamatan muka Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe the versatility application of politeness strategy in Crazy, Stupid, Love. Politeness strategy is needed to maintain the face threatening act and face saving act. The theories that are used in this research are Brown and Levinson (politeness strategies) to understand the use of politeness strategy and Leech (politeness principles) to get an idea of the politeness principles that underly each politeness strategy. Descriptive qualitative is used to analyze the data in this research. The use of descriptive qualitative to give deeper explanation of each datum. Researcher understands the Crazy, Stupid, Love movie and classified the data from the beginning to the end of the movie. Data that are acquired are in the form of utterances that is used by the main characters, that is related to politeness strategies. The result of this study shows that politeness strategies are so versatile in the application. The main characters apply politeness strategy in every situation to save the hearer’s “face”. Since all politeness strategies according to Brown and Levinson are found in this research. It gives more focus on how versatile politeness strategies are. While saving the honor of the hearer, the analysis on politeness principles shows how to maintain relationship among speaker and hearer. All of politeness principles are found in this research. The relation between politeness strategies and politeness principles is that the researcher can find certain type of politeness principle that underly certain type of politeness strategy. When a speaker wants to minimize face threatening act, he also shall establish feeling between the speaker and the hearer. So when speaker minimizes FTA it is called politeness strategies. In the process of minimizing FTA, the speaker also establishing social relationship, which is called as politeness principle. Therefore, the relation of politeness principles and its strategies are inseparable.   Keywords: politeness strategies, politeness principles, face threatening act, face saving ac

    Perancangan Augmented Realty Media Markerless Point Of Interest dalam Memberikan Informasi Gedung Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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       Abstrak. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) merupakan sebuah intuisi pendidikan swasta yang terletak di Salatiga. Setiap intuisi pendidikan tinggi memiliki fasilitas penunjang berupa gedung tempat mahasiswa berkuliah. Melihat permasalahan umum kesalahan gedung perkuliahan yang sering terjadi bagi mahasiswa baru terlebih di UKSW, maka dibangun sebuah aplikasi pencarian lokasi gedung yang dirancang dengan mengacu pada tata letak gedung yang diperoleh melalui google map. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality sebagai media informasi yang digunakan sebagai point of interest dan penanda gedung yang dapat dijalankan pada smarthphone Android. Objek penelitian ini adalah gedung-gedung perkuliahan yang ada di UKSW. Hasilnya adalah aplikasi Find Buildings dapat memberikan informasi mengenai gedung yang dituju secara cepat dan dapat diintegrasikan dengan media promosi konvensional lainnya.Kata Kunci:  Universitas, Android, Augmented Reality, Pengenalan Gedun
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