614 research outputs found

    Editorial: Systemic involvement in obstructive sleep apnea: Personalized medicine to improve health outcomes

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    GL declares grant support from the National Institute of Health (1R21HL161766-01) and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (254-FP-21)

    Interest rate setting at the ECB: Individual preferences and collective decision making

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    We investigate whether the members of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank take into account the specific economic conditions of their states of origin, to set the interest rates for the euro area. Testing the national-based view against the Europeanist perspective is a challenging issue, because voting inside the Governing Council is secret, and the final outcome depends both on the individual preferences and the procedures followed by the Governing Council to arrive at a decision. Accordingly, we model interest rate setting as a two-stage process: first, each member of the Governing Council sets his/her preferred rate, and next the Governing Council meets and decides the actual figure. Our empirical analysis shows that domestic developments play a major role in determining the preferred interest rate of the each member; and that some members exert agenda setting power, that precludes some interest rate policies to be considered at the meeting

    The cosmic-ray positron excess and its imprint in the Galactic gamma-ray sky

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    We study the origin of the positron excess observed in the local cosmic-ray spectrum at high energies, and relate it to the cosmic rays and gamma-ray emission across the entire Galaxy. In particular, we explore the hypothesis of a single, dominant source accountable for primary electron-positron pairs. Since we are agnostic about the physical nature of the underlying source population, we consider four simple models that are representative of young pulsars, old stars (as a tracer of millisecond pulsars), and annihilating dark matter particles. In the dark matter hypothesis, we consider both a cored and a cuspy model for the halo in the Milky Way. Then, we compare the associated gamma-ray sky maps with Fermi-LAT data. The aim of this work is not to derive constraints or upper limits for the different models considered, but rather to explore the possibility, as a proof of concept, of building a self-consistent model able to explain simultaneously the origin of all cosmic-ray species, including positrons, as well as the Galactic center GeV gamma-ray emission. We find that the emission arising from pulsar wind nebulae is fairly concentrated near the mid plane, and therefore additional cosmic-ray sources must be invoked to explain the emission at the center of the Galaxy. If the local positron excess were mainly due to millisecond pulsars, inverse Compton scattering by the particles injected in the Milky Way bulge would naturally account for a non-negligible fraction of the central gamma-ray emission. The case of annihilating dark matter is very sensitive to the precise shape of the dark matter profile. The results for a standard NFW cuspy profile are above the gamma-ray measurements by as much as a factor of 2 in some regions of the Galaxy, while the results for an isothermal, cored profile are still compatible with the data. However, the cross-sections exceed the current constraints.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Orígenes y trayectoria de la industria de combustible nuclear en España: ENUSA, 1972-2022

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    [ES] El objetivo de este artículo es examinar el despliegue de la fabricación industrial de combustible nuclear en España, una actividad altamente especializada ligada a la Empresa Nacional del Uranio SA (ENUSA) y al suministro de tecnología extranjera (Westinghouse y General Electric). ENUSA surgió, a iniciativa del Gobierno y con el apoyo del sector privado, para satisfacer las necesidades de combustible de un programa nuclear tremendamente ambicioso, que luego se redujo a una cuarta parte de lo previsto. Tras algunos años de incertidumbre, la empresa pública logró superar con éxito las dificultades derivadas de la reconversión industrial y el cambio en la política energética del Gobierno, llegando al siglo xxi como una compañía no meramente superviviente, sino líder en su sector de actividad: su planta de Juzbado (Salamanca) se ha convertido en un referente tecnológico e industrial, con amplias externalidades geográficas y sectoriales. En definitiva, a partir un amplio abanico de fuentes mayoritariamente de origen archivístico, trataremos de reconstruir los orígenes de ENUSA y de buscar en el pasado las razones de su posición actual

    Comparative analysis of predictive methods for early assessment of compliance with continuous positive airway pressure therapy

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    Background: Patients suffering obstructive sleep apnea are mainly treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Although it is a highly effective treatment, compliance with this therapy is problematic to achieve with serious consequences for the patients’ health. Unfortunately, there is a clear lack of clinical analytical tools to support the early prediction of compliant patients. Methods: This work intends to take a further step in this direction by building compliance classifiers with CPAP therapy at three different moments of the patient follow-up, before the therapy starts (baseline) and at months 1 and 3 after the baseline. Results: Results of the clinical trial shows that month 3 was the time-point with the most accurate classifier reaching an f1-score of 87% and 84% in cross-validation and test. At month 1, performances were almost as high as in month 3 with 82% and 84% of f1-score. At baseline, where no information of patients’ CPAP use was given yet, the best classifier achieved 73% and 76% of f1-score in cross-validation and test set respectively. Subsequent analyzes carried out with the best classifiers of each time point revealed baseline factors (i.e. headaches, psychological symptoms, arterial hypertension and EuroQol visual analog scale) closely related to the prediction of compliance independently of the time-point. In addition, among the variables taken only during the follow-up of the patients, Epworth and the average nighttime hours were the most important to predict compliance with CPAP. Conclusions: Best classifiers reported high performances after one month of treatment, being the third month when significant differences were achieved with respect to the baseline. Four baseline variables were reported relevant for the prediction of compliance with CPAP at each time-point. Two characteristics more were also highlighted for the prediction of compliance at months 1 and 3.This work is part of the myOSA project (RTC-2014-3138-1), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) under the framework “Retos-Colaboración”, State Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan 2013-2016. The study was also partially funded by the European Community under “H2020-EU.3.1. – Societal Challenges – Health, demographic change and well-being” programme, project grant agreement number 689802 (CONNECARE)

    Propuesta de metodología de documentación aplicada a un proyecto de conservación y restauración de un retablo

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    [EN] Documenting altarpieces according to their formal characteristics and three-dimensionality is a challenge that we can currently address through the use of documentation techniques already used in the immovable cultural heritage field. This study includes the process of developing a digital model of an altarpiece that, through an approach to HBIM methodology, captures its physical configuration to be turned it into a holder of information on technical aspects, state of conservation and interventions carried out. This process contemplates a previous stage of approximation to the object of study, the definition of the uses of the model, and the configuration of a collaborative environment from which information can be added and exchanged. The academic use of the three-dimensional model will guarantee the comprehensive knowledge of the altarpiece, being initially a model for reference and later for management, by recording the interventions carried out by the students, for didactic and dissemination purposes.[ES] Documentar los retablos atendiendo a sus características formales y tridimensionalidad es un reto que a día de hoy podemos abordar mediante el uso de técnicas de documentación ya utilizadas en el ámbito de los bienes inmuebles. Este estudio aborda el proceso de elaboración de un modelo digital de un retablo que, mediante una aproximación a la metodología HBIM, captura su configuración física para convertirlo en contenedor de información relativa a aspectos técnicos, estado de conservación e intervenciones realizadas. Dicho proceso contempla una fase previa de aproximación al objeto de estudio, definición de los usos del modelo, y configuración de un entorno de gestión colaborativa a partir del cual poder añadir e intercambiar información. El uso académico del modelo tridimensional garantizará el conocimiento exhaustivo del retablo, siendo inicialmente modelo de consulta y posteriormente de gestión, al registrar las intervenciones llevadas a cabo por el alumnado, con fines didácticos y de divulgación.This research has received co-funding support by the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) de la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Empleo; and by the European Social Fund (ESF), Canary Islands Integrated Operational Programme 2014- 2020, Axis 3, Priority Theme 74 (85%)Díaz Parrilla, S.; Sánchez Fernández, AJ.; Díaz Alemán, MD.; De La Torre Cantero, JL. (2023). A proposal for a methodology of documentation to be applied to an altarpiece conservation and restoration project. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. (19):82-95. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2023.2075082951