11,140 research outputs found

    Implementation of min–max MPC using hinging hyperplanes. Application to a heat exchanger

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    Min–max model predictive control (MMMPC) is one of the few control techniques able to cope with modelling errors or uncertainties in an explicit manner. The implementation of MMMPC suffers a large computational burden due to the numerical min–max problem that has to be solved at every sampling time. This fact severely limits the range of processes to which this control structure can be applied. An implementation scheme based on hinging hyperplanes that overcome these problems is presented here. Experimental results obtained when applying the controller to the heat exchanger of a pilot plant are given.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-2380-C02-01Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2002-04375-C03-0

    Robust control of the distributed solar collector field ACUREX using MPC for tracking

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    17th IFAC World Congress 2008. Seoul (Korea). 06/07/2008This paper presents the application of a robust model predictive control for tracking of piece-wise constant references (RMPCT) to a distributed collector field, ACUREX, at the solar power plant of PSA (Solar Plant of Almería). The main characteristic of a solar power plant is that the primary energy source, solar radiation, cannot be manipulated. Solar radiation varies throughout the day, causing changes in plant dynamics and strong disturbances in the process. The real plant is assumed to be modeled as a linear system with additive bounded uncertainties on the states. Under mild assumptions, the proposed RMPCT can steer the uncertain system in an admissible evolution to any admissible steady state, that is, under any change of the set point. This allows us to reject constant disturbances compensating the effect of then changing the setpoint

    Evolution of magneto-orbital order upon B-site electron doping in Na1-xCaxMn7O12 quadruple perovskite manganites

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    We present the discovery and refinement by neutron powder diffraction of a new magnetic phase in the Na1-xCaxMn7O12 quadruple perovskite phase diagram, which is the incommensurate analogue of the well-known pseudo-CE phase of the simple perovskite manganites. We demonstrate that incommensurate magnetic order arises in quadruple perovskites due to the exchange interactions between A and B sites. Furthermore, by constructing a simple mean field Heisenberg exchange model that generically describes both simple and quadruple perovskite systems, we show that this new magnetic phase unifies a picture of the interplay between charge, magnetic and orbital ordering across a wide range of compounds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Introducing Linear Matrix Inequalities in a Control Course

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    7TH IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN CONTROL EDUCATION 21/06/2006 MadridThe important role that linear matrix inequalities have attained in the last years makes it compulsory to include them in the education of a control engineer. As the development of efficient semidefinite programming algorithms date from the early nineties, there is a lack of teaching experience in this field (at least when it is compared with other well established aspects of control theory). This paper proposes a simple way to introduce linear matrix inequalities in a control course. The main objective of the paper is to show that in the formulation of (robust) control problems as linear matrix inequalities a very reduced number of elementary technical results are required. It is illustrated how to introduce, in a progressive way, these technical results along with motivating examples. All of this is done in such a way that it facilitates the assimilation of this important subject. The presented methodology has been successfully applied for more than four years in a doctoral course on control theory

    Unconventional magnetic order on the hyperhoneycomb Kitaev lattice in β\beta-Li2IrO3: full solution via magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction

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    The recently-synthesized iridate β\beta-Li2_2IrO3_3 has been proposed as a candidate to display novel magnetic behavior stabilized by frustration effects from bond-dependent, anisotropic interactions (Kitaev model) on a three-dimensional "hyperhoneycomb" lattice. Here we report a combined study using neutron powder diffraction and magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to solve the complete magnetic structure. We find a complex, incommensurate magnetic order with non-coplanar and counter-rotating Ir moments, which surprisingly shares many of its features with the related structural polytype "stripyhoneycomb" γ\gamma-Li2_2IrO3_3, where dominant Kitaev interactions have been invoked to explain the stability of the observed magnetic structure. The similarities of behavior between those two structural polytypes, which have different global lattice topologies but the same local connectivity, is strongly suggestive that the same magnetic interactions and the same underlying mechanism governs the stability of the magnetic order in both materials, indicating that both β\beta- and γ\gamma-Li2_2IrO3_3 are strong candidates to realize dominant Kitaev interactions in a solid state material.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Efficient CRISPR-rAAV engineering of endogenous genes to study protein function by allele-specific RNAi.

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    Gene knockout strategies, RNAi and rescue experiments are all employed to study mammalian gene function. However, the disadvantages of these approaches include: loss of function adaptation, reduced viability and gene overexpression that rarely matches endogenous levels. Here, we developed an endogenous gene knockdown/rescue strategy that combines RNAi selectivity with a highly efficient CRISPR directed recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus (rAAV) mediated gene targeting approach to introduce allele-specific mutations plus an allele-selective siRNA Sensitive (siSN) site that allows for studying gene mutations while maintaining endogenous expression and regulation of the gene of interest. CRISPR/Cas9 plus rAAV targeted gene-replacement and introduction of allele-specific RNAi sensitivity mutations in the CDK2 and CDK1 genes resulted in a >85% site-specific recombination of Neo-resistant clones versus ∼8% for rAAV alone. RNAi knockdown of wild type (WT) Cdk2 with siWT in heterozygotic knockin cells resulted in the mutant Cdk2 phenotype cell cycle arrest, whereas allele specific knockdown of mutant CDK2 with siSN resulted in a wild type phenotype. Together, these observations demonstrate the ability of CRISPR plus rAAV to efficiently recombine a genomic locus and tag it with a selective siRNA sequence that allows for allele-selective phenotypic assays of the gene of interest while it remains expressed and regulated under endogenous control mechanisms

    Very high-energy γ-ray observations of the Crab nebula and other potential sources with the GRAAL experiment

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    The “γ-ray astronomy at Almeria” (GRAAL) experiment uses 63 heliostat-mirrors with a total mirror area of ≈2500 m2 from the CESA-1 field at the “Plataforma Solar de Almeria” to collect Cherenkov light from air showers. The detector is located in a central solar tower and detects photon-induced showers with an energy threshold of 250±110 GeV and an asymptotic effective detection area of about 15 000 m2. A comparison between the results of detailed Monte-Carlo simulations and data is presented. Data sets taken in the period September 1999–September 2000 in the direction of the Crab pulsar, the active galaxy 3C 454.3, the unidentified γ-ray source 3EG J1835+59 and a “pseudosource” were analyzed for high energy γ-ray emission. Evidence for a γ-ray flux from the Crab pulsar with an integral flux of 2.2±0.4 above threshold and a significance of 4.5σ in a total measuring time of 7 h and 10 min on source was found. No evidence for emission from the other sources was found. Some difficulties with the use of heliostat fields for γ-ray astronomy are pointed out. In particular the effect of field-of-view restricted to the central part of a detected air shower on the lateral distribution and timing properties of Cherenkov light are discussed. Upon restriction the spread of the timing front of proton-induced showers sharply decreases and the reconstructed direction becomes biased towards the pointing direction. This is shown to make efficient γ-hadron separation difficult

    Contenido de Cadmio y Plomo en tejido de Hígado y Riñón en el Jote de Cabeza Colorada Cathartes aura (Linneo, 1758) de Chañaral, Desierto de Atacama, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe Atacama region, Chile, presents one of the highest levels of mining exploitation of the country, which leads to high levels of contamination from mine tailings and other related environmental liabilities. One of the most complex situations occurred in the Chañaral city, north of Chile, where for over 50 years mine tailings were dumped on the coast, causing severe damage in the ecosystem. To evaluate the effects on terrestrial biota, we analyzed the concentration of cadmium and lead in tissues of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). The results indicate that accumulation of cadmium in kidney was 10.31 μg/g (SD 8.00, range 0.27 to 20.73 μg/g) while in the liver was 5.24 μg/g (SD 8.00, range 0.49 to 19.70). There values are very high when compared to data for other birds with similar ecological role. In relation to the lead, concentration in liver was 0.86 μg/g (SD 2.03, range 0.15 - 7.90), while in kidney was 1.05 μg/g (DS 2.54, range 0.044 to 9.86), values considered within the normal range. It is interesting to analyze from the perspective of the availability of these metals in the mining tailings, where lead (1.57 to 21.2 μg/g) presented higher levels than cadmium (0.061 to 1.085 μg/g). The difference between organs may be related to the role of metallothionein. We discuss the role of Turkey Vulture as a bioindicator of environmental liabilities.La Región de Atacama, Chile, presenta uno de los mayores niveles de explotación minera del país, el cual a su vez genera altos niveles de contaminación por relaves mineros y otros pasivos ambientales relacionados. Una de las más complejas situaciones ocurrió en la ciudad de Chañaral, norte de Chile, donde fueron liberados relaves mineros a sus costas por sobre 50 años, causando graves daños en el ecosistema. Para evaluar los efectos en la biota terrestre, nosotros analizamos la concentración de Cadmio y Plomo en tejidos del Jote de Cabeza Colorada (Cathartes aura). Los resultados indican que la acumulación de Cadmio en el Riñón fue 10,31 μg/g (DS 8,00, rango 0,27 a 20,73 μg/g) mientras en el Hígado fue 5,24 μg/g (DS 8,00, rango 0,49 a 19,70). Estos valores son muy altos si se compara con datos de otras aves de similar rol ecológico. En relación al Plomo, la concentración en Hígado fue de 0,86 μg/g (DS 2,03, rango 0,15 a 7,90), mientras que en Riñón fue de 1,05 μg/g (DS 2,54, rango 0,044 a 9,86), valores considerados dentro del rango normal. Estos resultados son interesantes de analizar desde la perspectiva de la disponibilidad de estos metales en el relave minero, donde el Plomo (1,57 a 21,2 μg/g) presentó mayores niveles que el Cadmio (0,061 a 1,085 μg/g). La diferencia entre órganos puede ser relacionado al rol de las metalotioneinas. Discutimos el rol del Jote de Cabeza Colorada como bioindicador de contaminaciones ambientales.http://ref.scielo.org/86hcb

    Probing vortices in 4He nanodroplets

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    We present static and dynamical properties of linear vortices in 4He droplets obtained from Density Functional calculations. By comparing the adsorption properties of different atomic impurities embedded in pure droplets and in droplets where a quantized vortex has been created, we suggest that Ca atoms should be the dopant of choice to detect vortices by means of spectroscopic experiments.Comment: Typeset using Revtex4, 4 pages and 2 Postscript file

    Electroweak Contributions to Squark Pair Production at the LHC

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    In this paper we compute electroweak contributions to the production of squark pairs at hadron colliders. These include the exchange of electroweak gauge bosons in the s-channel as well as electroweak gaugino exchange in the t- and/or u-channel. In many cases these can interfere with the dominant QCD contributions. As a result, we find sizable contributions to the production of two SU(2) doublet squarks. At the LHC, they amount to 10 to 20% for typical mSUGRA (or CMSSM) scenarios, but in more general scenarios they can vary between -40 and +55%, depending on size and sign of the SU(2) gaugino mass. The electroweak contribution to the total squark pair production rate at the LHC is about 3.5 times smaller.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure