1,041 research outputs found

    On the notion of fuzzy adjunctions between fuzzy orders

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    Las adjunciones (también denominadas conexiones de Galois isótonas) entre dos estructuras matemáticas proporcionan una manera de conectar ambas teorías que permite compartir las ventajas de ambas. Hay varios resultados en la literatura previa acerca de las condiciones necesarias y suficientes para la existencia de conexiones de Galois entre dos conjuntos parcialmente ordenados. En otros trabajos anteriores, los autores han estudiado la existencia y construcción del adjunto por la derecha de una aplicación dada entre conjuntos preordenados o dotados de un orden difuso, entendido éste como una relación binaria difusa satisfaciendo reflexividad, transitividad y antisimetría. Se entiende el término adjunción difusa como una pareja de aplicaciones entre dos conjuntos crisp que están dotados de órdenes difusos para las culaes se verifica la condición ρ(a,g(b)) = ρ(f(a),b). Esta definición no está suficientemente justificada en un contexto difuso puesto que las aplicaciones que se consideran se dan entre conjuntos clásicos. En este trabajo se explica la forma en la que la citada definición está relacionada con las funciones difusas, mostrando así que la definición sí es adecuada en ambiente difuso también. La extensión natural de la noción difusa de adjunción contempla dos posibilidades, según si uno considera igualdades difusas o equivalencias difusas asociadas al orden difuso o no.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On the existence of right adjoints for surjective mappings between fuzzy structures0

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    En este trabajo los autores continúan su estudio de la caracterización de la existencia de adjunciones (conexiones de Galois isótonas) cuyo codominio no está dotado de estructura en principio. En este artículo se considera el caso difuso en el que se tiene un orden difuso R definido en un conjunto A y una aplicación sobreyectiva f:A-> B compatible respecto de dos relaciones de similaridad definidas en el dominio A y en el condominio B, respectivamente. Concretamente, el problema es encontrar un orden difuso S en B y una aplicación g:B-> A compatible también con las correspondientes similaridades definidas en A y en B, de tal forma que el par (f,g) constituya un adjunción

    Fuzzy Adjunctions revisited

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    En este trabajo se intenta obtener la noción de adjunción más débil entre estructuras difusas. Este trabajo continúa la línea de investigación en el estudio y construcción d adjunciones que han realizado los autores en contribuciones anteriores. Nos centraremos ahora en la noción de relación difusa que es en cierto sentido interpretable como una función difusa. Existen varios trabajos en la literatura relacionados con este tema. Entre todos ellos, trabajaremos con un enfoque próximo al de Ciric et al cuando definen las denominadas funciones parciales difusas. El nuevo concepto estudiado es el de relaciones difusas funcionales y la construcción de adjunciones entre ellas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rotura cuadricipital en edad pediátrica

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    La rotura del tendón del cuádriceps es una patología característica de la edad adulta, siendo excepcional en la infancia. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 9 años con una gonalgia izquierda de 2 meses de evolución sin claro antecedente traumático. Se realiza Resonancia Magnética, que establece el diagnóstico de rotura parcial del tendón del cuádriceps. Se decide reanclaje del mismo en el polo superior de la rótula, seguido de rehabilitación. Después del tratamiento quirúrgico realizado el paciente recupera el balance articular y muscular. La rotura del tendón del cuádriceps es excepcional en la edad pediátrica. La realización de una buena exploración, tanto clínica como radiológica es fundamental. El tratamiento viene determinado por el tipo de rotura y la clínica asociada. Hemos realizado una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura con el fin de dar a conocer este tipo de patología y su manejo.Rupture of the quadriceps tendon is a common pathology in adults, but exceptionally rare in children. The case reported is that of a 9-year old boy with a 2-month history of pain in the left knee without any clear history of trauma. Magnetic Resonance Imaging study was carried out, leading to the diagnosis of partial tear of the left quadricipital tendon. The tendon was re-anchored at the upper pole of the patella, followed by rehabilitation. The patient recovered joint and muscular balance after the surgery. Rupture of the quadriceps tendon is exceptionally rare at pediatric ages. A thorough examination, both clinical as well as radiological, is of fundamental importance. Treatment is determined by the kind of rupture and associated clinical symptoms. We have carried out a bibliographical review of the literature in order to offer a better understanding of this pathology and its treatment

    Deconstructing Mus gemischus: advances in understanding ancestry, structure, and variation in the genome of the laboratory mouse

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    The laboratory mouse is an artificial construct with a complex relationship to its natural ancestors. In 2002, the mouse became the first mammalian model organism with a reference genome. Importantly, the mouse genome sequence was assembled from data on a single inbred laboratory strain, C57BL/6. Several large-scale genetic variant discovery efforts have been conducted, resulting in a catalog of tens of millions of SNPs and structural variants. High-density genotyping arrays covering a subset of those variants have been used to produce hundreds of millions of genotypes in laboratory stocks and a small number of wild mice. These landmark resources now enable us to determine relationships among laboratory mice, assign local ancestry at fine scale, resolve important controversies, and identify a new set of challenges—most importantly, the troubling scarcity of genetic data on the very natural populations from which the laboratory mouse was derived. Our aim with this review is to provide the reader with an historical context for the mouse as a model organism and to explain how practical decisions made in the past have influenced both the architecture of the laboratory mouse genome and the design and execution of current large-scale resources. We also provide examples on how the accomplishments of the past decade can be used by researchers to streamline the use of mice in their experiments and correctly interpret results. Finally, we propose future steps that will enable the mouse community to extend its successes in the decade to come

    Genome Report: Whole Genome Sequence of Two Wild-Derived Mus musculus domesticus Inbred Strains, LEWES/EiJ and ZALENDE/EiJ, with Different Diploid Numbers

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    Wild-derived mouse inbred strains are becoming increasingly popular for complex traits analysis, evolutionary studies, and systems genetics. Here, we report the whole-genome sequencing of two wild-derived mouse inbred strains, LEWES/EiJ and ZALENDE/EiJ, of Mus musculus domesticus origin. These two inbred strains were selected based on their geographic origin, karyotype, and use in ongoing research. We generated 14× and 18× coverage sequence, respectively, and discovered over 1.1 million novel variants, most of which are private to one of these strains. This report expands the number of wild-derived inbred genomes in the Mus genus from six to eight. The sequence variation can be accessed via an online query tool; variant calls (VCF format) and alignments (BAM format) are available for download from a dedicated ftp site. Finally, the sequencing data have also been stored in a lossless, compressed, and indexed format using the multi-string Burrows-Wheeler transform. All data can be used without restriction

    Discovery of novel variants in genotyping arrays improves genotype retention and reduces ascertainment bias

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-density genotyping arrays that measure hybridization of genomic DNA fragments to allele-specific oligonucleotide probes are widely used to genotype single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genetic studies, including human genome-wide association studies. Hybridization intensities are converted to genotype calls by clustering algorithms that assign each sample to a genotype class at each SNP. Data for SNP probes that do not conform to the expected pattern of clustering are often discarded, contributing to ascertainment bias and resulting in lost information - as much as 50% in a recent genome-wide association study in dogs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified atypical patterns of hybridization intensities that were highly reproducible and demonstrated that these patterns represent genetic variants that were not accounted for in the design of the array platform. We characterized variable intensity oligonucleotide (VINO) probes that display such patterns and are found in all hybridization-based genotyping platforms, including those developed for human, dog, cattle, and mouse. When recognized and properly interpreted, VINOs recovered a substantial fraction of discarded probes and counteracted SNP ascertainment bias. We developed software (MouseDivGeno) that identifies VINOs and improves the accuracy of genotype calling. MouseDivGeno produced highly concordant genotype calls when compared with other methods but it uniquely identified more than 786000 VINOs in 351 mouse samples. We used whole-genome sequence from 14 mouse strains to confirm the presence of novel variants explaining 28000 VINOs in those strains. We also identified VINOs in human HapMap 3 samples, many of which were specific to an African population. Incorporating VINOs in phylogenetic analyses substantially improved the accuracy of a <it>Mus </it>species tree and local haplotype assignment in laboratory mouse strains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The problems of ascertainment bias and missing information due to genotyping errors are widely recognized as limiting factors in genetic studies. We have conducted the first formal analysis of the effect of novel variants on genotyping arrays, and we have shown that these variants account for a large portion of miscalled and uncalled genotypes. Genetic studies will benefit from substantial improvements in the accuracy of their results by incorporating VINOs in their analyses.</p

    Guiding stem cell tenogenesis by modulation of growth factor signaling and cell-scale biophysical cues in bioengineered constructs

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    Tendon injuries and tendinopathies are increasingly prevalent health problems currently lacking effective treatments. Tissue engineering offers promising strategies to boost the low innate regenerative ability of tendons. Within this context, the simultaneous leveraging of both physical and biochemical cues by engineered scaffolding systems can be explored to promote a stronger tenogenic response from stem cells. Here, molecularly imprinted polymeric nanoparticles (MINPs) against transforming growth factor (TGF)-β3 are combined with bioinspired anisotropic hydrogels to produce tenogenesis-inductive constructs. MINPs are first solid phase-imprinted against a TGF-β3 epitope, achieving an affinity comparable to monoclonal antibodies. MINPs and magnetically-responsive microfibers are then encapsulated together with adipose-derived stem cells within gelatin-based hydrogels, applying a magnetostatic field during gelation to align the microfibers. The created anisotropic microstructure guides cell growth and elongation unidirectionally, while MINPs act as artificial receptors for TGF-β3, potentiating its paracrine action in the cellular microenvironment. The combination of both stimuli proves effective at increasing TGF-β signaling, which promotes the expression of tendon-associated genes and corresponding protein synthesis, suggesting that microstructural cues and biomolecule sequestration act in tandem to direct cell fate commitment. Overall, this system recapitulates several elements of tendon development, constituting a promising strategy for the regeneration of this tissue

    CGDSNPdb: a database resource for error-checked and imputed mouse SNPs

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    The Center for Genome Dynamics Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database (CGDSNPdb) is an open-source value-added database with more than nine million mouse single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), drawn from multiple sources, with genotypes assigned to multiple inbred strains of laboratory mice. All SNPs are checked for accuracy and annotated for properties specific to the SNP as well as those implied by changes to overlapping protein-coding genes. CGDSNPdb serves as the primary interface to two unique data sets, the ‘imputed genotype resource’ in which a Hidden Markov Model was used to assess local haplotypes and the most probable base assignment at several million genomic loci in tens of strains of mice, and the Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array, a high density microarray with over 600 000 SNPs and over 900 000 invariant genomic probes. CGDSNPdb is accessible online through either a web-based query tool or a MySQL public login

    On the Existence of Right Adjoints for Surjective Mappings between Fuzzy Structures

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    Abstract. We continue our study of the characterization of existence of adjunctions (isotone Galois connections) whose codomain is insufficiently structured. This paper focuses on the fuzzy case in which we have a fuzzy ordering ρA on A and a surjective mapping f : A, ≈A → B, ≈B compatible with respect to the fuzzy equivalences ≈A and ≈B. Specifically, the problem is to find a fuzzy ordering ρB and a compatible mapping g : B, ≈B → A, ≈A such that the pair (f, g) is a fuzzy adjunction