4,852 research outputs found

    Assessing light pollution in vast areas: zenith sky brightness maps of Catalonia

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    Zenith sky brightness maps in the V and B bands of the region of Catalonia are presented in this paper. For creating them we have used the light pollution numerical model Illumina v2. The maps have a sampling of 5x5 km for the whole region with an improved resolution of 1x1 km for one of the provinces within Catalonia, Tarragona. Before creating the final maps, the methodology was tested successfully by comparing the computed values to measurements in nineteen different locations spread out throughout the territory. The resulting maps have been compared to the zenith sky brightness world atlas and also to Sky Quality Meter (SQM) dynamic measurements. When comparing to measurements we found small differences mainly due to mismatching in the location of the points studied, and also due to differences in the natural sky brightness and atmospheric content. In the comparison to the world atlas some differences were expected as we are taking into account the blocking effect of topography and obstacles, and also due to a more precise light sources characterization. The results of this work confirm the conclusion found in other studies that the minimum sampling for studying sky brightness fine details is of 1x1 km. However, a sampling of 5x5 km is interesting when studying general trends, mainly for vast areas, due to the reduction of the time required to create the maps.Comment: 32 pag, 17 figure

    Implementação em Portugal de um estudo de prevalĂȘncia da demĂȘncia e da depressĂŁo geriĂĄtrica: a metodologia do 10/66 Dementia Research Group

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    ResumoIntroduçãoA demĂȘncia e a depressĂŁo tĂȘm um impacto social muito significativo. Em Portugal, escasseiam dados epidemiolĂłgicos em pessoas idosas na comunidade. Em paĂ­ses em desenvolvimento, o 10/66 Dementia Research Group (DRG) conduziu mĂșltiplos estudos sobre a prevalĂȘncia e a incidĂȘncia destes quadros. Os protocolos de avaliação 10/66‐DRG foram validados extensivamente nesses paĂ­ses, havendo vantagens potenciais na aplicação em regiĂ”es europeias com populaçÔes idosas de baixa escolaridade. Neste estudo, fundamentamos e descrevemos a implementação em Portugal da metodologia 10/66‐DRG para estudo da prevalĂȘncia da demĂȘncia e da depressĂŁo geriĂĄtrica.Materiais e mĂ©todosO trabalho de campo desenrola‐se numa fase Ășnica, em ĂĄreas geogrĂĄficas definidas, sendo avaliados detalhadamente e de forma sistemĂĄtica todos os residentes de 65 anos ou mais. A informação Ă© recolhida dos participantes e de informadores prĂłximos (www.alz.co.uk/1066/).ResultadosSelecionĂĄmos e mapeĂĄmos uma ĂĄrea urbana (em FernĂŁo Ferro) e outra rural (em Mora), definindo amostras finais de 702 e 779 pessoas, respetivamente. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram cuidadosamente traduzidos e adaptados ao contexto portuguĂȘs. Teve lugar um treino rigoroso dos entrevistadores, assegurando a fiabilidade de cotação interobservadores.DiscussĂŁo e conclusĂŁoA aplicação dos protocolos 10/66‐DRG permitirĂĄ obter dados robustos de prevalĂȘncia de demĂȘncia e de depressĂŁo, com amostras comunitĂĄrias de pessoas idosas em Portugal. Dada a validade internacional da metodologia utilizada, estes resultados serĂŁo comparĂĄveis com os de outros centros 10/66, Ă  escala mundial.AbstractIntroductionDementia and depression have a huge social impact. In Portugal, epidemiological data is scarce regarding community dwelling elderly people with these conditions. In developing countries, the 10/66 Dementia Research Group‐DRG has conducted multiple studies on the corresponding prevalence and incidence. The 10/66‐DRG protocols for population‐based studies were extensively validated in those countries, and there is a rationale to apply them in low literacy elderly populations in Europe. We describe the implementation of the protocols related to the prevalence study (on dementia and geriatric depression) in Portuguese settings.Materials and methodsThis is a one‐phase survey, in which all people 65+ years living in defined catchment areas are comprehensively evaluated. Information is collected directly from participants and from a related informant (www.alz.co.uk/1066/).ResultsWe selected and mapped an urban area (in FernĂŁo Ferro) and a rural one (in Mora). The final samples were n=702 and n=779 respectively. Questionnaires were carefully translated and culturally adapted. Rigorous training procedures took place to ensure inter‐rater reliability.Discussion and conclusionsThe implementation of the 10/66‐DRG protocols will lead to robust data on the prevalence of dementia and depression in community samples of elderly people in Portugal. Given the international validity of our methodology, these results will be comparable with those from other 10/66 centres around the world

    Enhanced Exchange And Reduced Magnetization of Gd in an Fe/Gd/Fe Trilayer

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    The exchange interaction of Gd adjacent to Fe has been characterized by transport measurements on a double spin valve with a Fe/Gd/Fe trilayer as the middle layer. Our measurements show that the ferromagnetism of the Gd is enhanced by the presence of the Fe, and it remains ferromagnetic over its Curie temperature up to a thickness no smaller than 1 nm adjacent to the Fe. This thickness is more than double what has been reported before. Additionally, the saturation magnetization of the thin Gd layer sandwiched in Fe was found to be half of its bulk value. This reduced magnetization does not seem to be related to the proximity of Fe but rather to the incomplete saturation of Gd even for very high field

    Nanoinformatics: a new area of research in nanomedicine

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    Over a decade ago, nanotechnologists began research on applications of nanomaterials for medicine. This research has revealed a wide range of different challenges, as well as many opportunities. Some of these challenges are strongly related to informatics issues, dealing, for instance, with the management and integration of heterogeneous information, defining nomenclatures, taxonomies and classifications for various types of nanomaterials, and research on new modeling and simulation techniques for nanoparticles. Nanoinformatics has recently emerged in the USA and Europe to address these issues. In this paper, we present a review of nanoinformatics, describing its origins, the problems it addresses, areas of interest, and examples of current research initiatives and informatics resources. We suggest that nanoinformatics could accelerate research and development in nanomedicine, as has occurred in the past in other fields. For instance, biomedical informatics served as a fundamental catalyst for the Human Genome Project, and other genomic and ?omics projects, as well as the translational efforts that link resulting molecular-level research to clinical problems and findings

    Ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity combine to enhance the invasiveness of the most widespread daisy in Chile, Leontodon saxatilis

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    Dispersal and reproductive traits of successful plant invaders are expected to undergo strong selection during biological invasions. Numerous Asteraceae are invasive and display dimorphic fruits within a single flower head, resulting in differential dispersal pathways - wind-dispersed fruits vs. nondispersing fruits. We explored ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of seed output and fruit dimorphisms in exotic Chilean and native Spanish populations of Leontodon saxatilis subsp. rothii. We collected flower heads from populations in Spain and Chile along a rainfall gradient. Seeds from all populations were planted in reciprocal transplant trials in Spain and Chile to explore their performance in the native and invasive range. We scored plant biomass, reproductive investment and fruit dimorphism. We observed strong plasticity, where plants grown in the invasive range had much greater biomass, flower head size and seed output, with a higher proportion of wind-dispersed fruits, than those grown in the native range. We also observed a significant ecotype effect, where the exotic populations displayed higher proportions of wind-dispersed fruits than native populations. Together, these patterns reflect a combination of phenotypic plasticity and ecotypic differentiation, indicating that Leontodon saxatilis has probably increased propagule pressure and dispersal distances in its invasive range to enhance its invasiveness

    TriHex: combining formation flying, general circular orbits and alias-free imaging, for high resolution L-band aperture synthesis

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), together with NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, is providing a wealth of information to the user community for a wide range of applications. Although both missions are still operational, they have significantly exceeded their design life time. For this reason, ESA is looking at future mission concepts, which would adequately address the requirements of the passive L-band community beyond SMOS and SMAP. This article proposes one mission concept, TriHex, which has been found capable of achieving high spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, and accuracy, approaching the user needs. This is possible by the combination of aperture synthesis, formation flying, the use of general circular orbits, and alias-free imaging.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gut Microbiota Has a Crucial Role in the Development of Hypertension and Vascular Dysfunction in Toll-like Receptor 7-Driven Lupus Autoimmunity

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    Our group has investigated the involvement of gut microbiota in hypertension in a murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus induced by Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 activation. Female BALB/c mice were randomly assigned to four experimental groups: an untreated control (CTR), a group treated with the TLR7 agonist imiquimod (IMQ), IMQ-treated with vancomycin, and IMQtreated with a cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics. We carried out faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) from donor CTR or IMQ mice to recipient IMQ or CTR animals, respectively. Vancomycin inhibited the increase in blood pressure; improved kidney injury, endothelial function, and oxidative stress; and reduced T helper (Th)17 infiltration in aortas from IMQ-treated mice. The rise in blood pressure and vascular complications present in IMQ mice were also observed in the CTR mice recipients of IMQ microbiota. Reduced relative populations of Sutterella and Anaerovibrio were associated with high blood pressure in our animals, which were increased after stool transplantation of healthy microbiota to IMQ mice. The reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses to acetylcholine induced by IMQ microbiota were normalized after interleukin-17 neutralization. In conclusion, gut microbiota plays a role in the TLR7-driven increase in Th17 cell, endothelial dysfunction, vascular inflammation, and hypertension. The vascular changes induced by IMQ microbiota were initiated by Th17 infiltrating the vasculature.ComisiĂłn Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y competitividad (MINECO) (SAF2017-84894-R, PID2020-116347RBI00)Junta de AndalucĂ­a (CTS 164, P20_00193) with funds from the European Union, and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBER-CV)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Sara Borrell Program)MINECOEuropean Union (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER

    Longer breastfeeding duration is associated with lower consumption of ultraprocessed foods in a sample of spanish preschoolers: The SENDO project

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    Background: Breastfeeding has been linked to a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables at ages 4 to 5 years. More recently, it has been suggested that it may also be associated with lower ultraprocessed food (UPF) consumption in childhood. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess whether breastfeeding duration was associated with consumption of UPF in a sample of Mediterranean preschoolers. Design: This study involved a cross-sectional analysis of baseline information of children in the Child Follow-Up for Optimal Development cohort. Children were enrolled at ages 4 to 5 years and information was gathered through an online questionnaire completed by parents. Dietary information was collected with a previously validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and foods were classified based on the degree of processing according to the NOVA classification. Participants/setting: This study used baseline information for 806 participants enrolled in the Child Follow-Up for Optimal Development cohort between January 2015 and June 2021 in Spain. Main outcomes measures: Main study outcome measures were difference in grams per day and in the percentage of total energy intake from UPF consumption related to breastfeeding duration, and odds ratio that UPF represents a high percentage of total energy intake. Statistical analyses: Crude and multivariable adjusted estimates were calculated with generalized estimating equations to account for intracluster correlation between siblings. Results: The prevalence of breastfeeding in the sample was 84%. After adjusting for potential confounders, children who were breastfed for some time reported significantly lower consumption of UPF than children who were not breastfed at all. The mean differences were -19.2 g (95% CI -44.2 to 10.8) for children who were breastfed for <6 months, -42.5 g (95% CI -77.2 to -7.80) for those who were breastfed for 6 to 12 months, and -43.6 g (95% CI -79.8 to -7.48) for those who were breastfed for 12 months or more (P value for trend = 0.01). After adjusting for potential confounders, compared with children who were not breastfed, those who were breastfed for ≄12 months had consistently lower odds of UPF representing more than 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% of total energy intake. Conclusions: Breastfeeding is associated with lower consumption of UPF in Spanish preschoolers

    Empirical mode decomposition-based filter applied to multifocal electroretinograms in multiple sclerosis diagnosis

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    As multiple sclerosis (MS) usually affects the visual pathway, visual electrophysiological tests can be used to diagnose it. The objective of this paper is to research methods for processing multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) recordings to improve the capacity to diagnose MS. MfERG recordings from 15 early-stage MS patients without a history of optic neuritis and from 6 control subjects were examined. A normative database was built from the control subject signals. The mfERG recordings were filtered using empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The correlation with the signals in a normative database was used as the classification feature. Using EMD-based filtering and performance correlation, the mean area under the curve (AUC) value was 0.90. The greatest discriminant capacity was obtained in ring 4 and in the inferior nasal quadrant (AUC values of 0.96 and 0.94, respectively). Our results suggest that the combination of filtering mfERG recordings using EMD and calculating the correlation with a normative database would make mfERG waveform analysis applicable to assessment of multiple sclerosis in early-stage patients
