18 research outputs found

    Impossible Roads: Cycling Landscapes and Cultural Representation in Colombia, 1930-1958.

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    This dissertation analyzes the social, cultural, and political importance of competitive cycling in Colombia from 1930 to 1958. It examines the sport from the appearance of the first races until its consolidation as a popular mass phenomenon. The dissertation claims that competitive cycling was a place where Colombians could represent themselves to themselves and others. It shows how several agents within the cycling field such as cyclists, journalists, civilian authorities, and spectators addressed national debates on regionalism, politics, class relations, masculinity, and social unrest. In chapter one, the dissertation discusses the place that sports had in Colombian society during the early 1930s and how sporting activities became part of the country’s consumer culture. It also illustrates, from an institutional point of view, the government’s intervention in sports through the formation of the National Commission of Physical Education. The chapter ends with an examination of the first Bolivarian Games held in Bogotá in 1938. Chapter two traces the emergence of cycling as a free time activity in the early twentieth century and the way in which cycling enthusiasts first organized the sport in Colombia. The chapter evaluates the assembly of the National Cycling Association and the celebration of the first-ever national championship in 1946. Chapter three describes the popularization of competitive cycling and the role played by the private sector through the formation of Colombia’s Industrial and Commercial Sporting Federation. The chapter finishes with an account of the way in which La Vuelta a Colombia, the country’s most important stage race, was imagined and organized. Chapter four focuses on the celebration of the first ever Vuelta a Colombia in 1951, and its social, economic, political, and cultural impact. It also shows how the “big Colombian race” became a site for the production of meanings and representations about the country and its people. Chapter five addresses La Vuelta’s regional symbolisms and examines the way in which the race was used politically during the military regime of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. The chapter also dissects how pedalers such as Ramón Hoyos Vallejo became recognized public figures and cultural icons nationwide

    El surgimiento del campo deportivo en Bogotá 1910-1930

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    Esta investigación examina diferentes prácticas y discursos deportivos para reconocerlas condiciones que permitieron el surgimiento del campo deportivo, entendido como un espacio de interacción entre posiciones sociales y la manera en que diversos agentes intelectuales, políticos y sociales, reaccionaron frente al deporte en el escenario público de Bogotá entre 1910 y 1930. Analiza la forma en que, al interior de ese incipiente campo de actividad social, se estructuró un sistema embrionario de posiciones en el que distintos agentes sociales pugnaron por capital económico, cultural y social.Magíster en HistoriaMaestrí

    La violencia lingüística en el aula

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    Trabajo fin de carrera sobre la violencia verbal en las aulas del tercer ciclo de primaria del colegio Santa María de los Reyes de Sevilla.Treball fi de carrera sobre la violència verbal a les aules del tercer cicle de primària del col·legi Santa María de los Reyes de Sevilla

    Recolección, montaje y clasificación de insectos en el parque nacional Isla de Salamanca

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    El presente trabajo se realizó en los predios del Parque Nacional "Isla de Salamanca", bajo la supervisión del INDERENA y al cual se realizaron visitas periódicas para la recolección de los insectos, los cuales eran colocados y transportados en frascos especiales al laboratorio para realizar allí su montaje de acuerdo con las técnicas conocidas para realizar esta labor. Para lograr su clasificación los especímenes fueron trasladados en su totalidad al centro de investigaciones agropecuarias Tibaitatá, para esto se utilizó la colección existente, empleando el método de comparación, también se utilizaron láminas de libros y las claves según Borrar y Delon Algunos inexistentes no pudieron ser clasificados. Realizada esta labor se procede a hacer una breve descripción de los estados observador en el reconocimiento e identificación de los insectos reseñados en el trabajo con el fin de ayudar a su conocimiento, e instalar en el centro de visitas con fines educativos, investigativos y recreativos una colección taxonómica de los insectos encontrados en el parque Debemos tener en cuenta que los especímenes colectados no son todos los que existen, sino que hay muchos más géneros, de ahí la gran necesidad de la continuidad del presente trabajo para poder tener conocimiento en lo posible de toda la entomofauna allí existente

    Enterococcus faecalis internalización en células endoteliales de vena umbilical humana (HUVEC)

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    Initial Enterococcus faecalis–endothelial cell molecular interactions which lead to enterococci associating in the host endothelial tissue, colonizing it and proliferating there can be assessed using in vitro models. Cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) have been used to study other Gram-positive bacteria–cell interactions; however, few studies have been aimed at establishing the relationship of E. faecalis with endothelial cells. The aggregation substance (AS) family of adhesins represents an E. faecalis virulence factor which has been implicated in endocarditis severity and bacterial persistence. The Asc10 protein (a member of this family) promotes bacterium–bacterium aggregation and bacterium–host cell binding. Evaluating Asc10 role in bacterial internalization by cultured enterocytes has shown that this adhesin facilitates E. faecalis endocytosis by HT-29 cells. A few eukaryotic cell structural components, such as cytoskeletal proteins, have been involved in E. faecalis entry into cell-lines; it is thus relevant to determine whether Asc10, as well as microtubules and actin microfilaments, play a role in E. faecalis internalization by cultured endothelial cells. The role of Asc10 and cytoskeleton proteins in E. faecalis ability to enter HUVEC was assessed in the present study, as well as cell apoptosis induction by enterococcal internalization by HUVEC; the data indicated increased cell apoptosis and that cytoskeleton components were partially involved in E. faecalis entry to endothelial cells, thereby suggesting that E. faecalis Asc10 protein would not be a critical factor for bacterial entry to cultured HUVEC

    Enterococcus faecalis internalización en células endoteliales de vena umbilical humana (HUVEC)

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    Initial Enterococcus faecalis–endothelial cell molecular interactions which lead to enterococci associating in the host endothelial tissue, colonizing it and proliferating there can be assessed using in vitro models. Cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) have been used to study other Gram-positive bacteria–cell interactions; however, few studies have been aimed at establishing the relationship of E. faecalis with endothelial cells. The aggregation substance (AS) family of adhesins represents an E. faecalis virulence factor which has been implicated in endocarditis severity and bacterial persistence. The Asc10 protein (a member of this family) promotes bacterium–bacterium aggregation and bacterium–host cell binding. Evaluating Asc10 role in bacterial internalization by cultured enterocytes has shown that this adhesin facilitates E. faecalis endocytosis by HT-29 cells. A few eukaryotic cell structural components, such as cytoskeletal proteins, have been involved in E. faecalis entry into cell-lines; it is thus relevant to determine whether Asc10, as well as microtubules and actin microfilaments, play a role in E. faecalis internalization by cultured endothelial cells. The role of Asc10 and cytoskeleton proteins in E. faecalis ability to enter HUVEC was assessed in the present study, as well as cell apoptosis induction by enterococcal internalization by HUVEC; the data indicated increased cell apoptosis and that cytoskeleton components were partially involved in E. faecalis entry to endothelial cells, thereby suggesting that E. faecalis Asc10 protein would not be a critical factor for bacterial entry to cultured HUVEC