2,466 research outputs found

    A study of set-sharing analysis via cliques

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    We study the problem of efficient, scalable set-sharing analysis of logic programs. We use the idea of representing sharing information as a pair of abstract substitutions, one of which is a worst-case sharing representation called a clique set, which was previously proposed for the case of inferring pair-sharing. We use the clique-set representation for (1) inferring actual set-sharing information, and (2) analysis within a top-down framework. In particular, we define the abstract functions required by standard top-down analyses, both for sharing alone and also for the case of including freeness in addition to sharing. Our experimental evaluation supports the conclusion that, for inferring set-sharing, as it was the case for inferring pair-sharing, precision losses are limited, while useful efficiency gains are obtained. At the limit, the clique-set representation allowed analyzing some programs that exceeded memory capacity using classical sharing representations.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Un tratado de la condición humana

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    Un áureo y otros hallazgos monetarios en Bilbilis (Calatayud)

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    Nuevas formas de Terra sigillata hispánica

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    Nuevos núcleos romano-imperiales en el Ebro Medio

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    Bronce ibérico hallado en Zaragoza

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    Seismic activity in southern Iberian Peninsula in the 3rd c. AD. Its archaeological impact on Corduba (Córdoba)

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    En los últimos años ha cobrado peso la idea de que el extremo meridional de la península Ibéricasufriese en el siglo III d.C. los efectos de un terremoto que afectó a Baelo Claudia, Carthago Nova,Corduba y Munigua. La revisión de la documentación arqueológica y arqueosísmica apunta más bienhacia varios terremotos de incidencia local. En el caso de Córdoba, creemos que los efectos atribuidosa un posible terremoto fechado hacia los años cincuenta-sesenta han sido magnificados. En el estadoactual de la investigación solo hay evidencias arqueosismológicas seguras en un reducido númerode construcciones. Por el contrario, otras destrucciones y efectos secundarios asignados al citadoterremoto creemos que se pueden explicar mediante hipótesis alternativas.In recent years, it has been widely accepted that the southern Iberian Peninsula suffered an earthquakein the 3rd century AD. It hit cities such as Baelo Claudia, Carthago Nova, Corduba and Munigua.The available archaeological and seismic documentation reveals the occurrence of several earthquakeson a local level. In the case of Córdoba, we believe that the effects of a possible earthquake occurringin the mid 3rd century AD is exaggerated. The latest research points to archaeological seismicevidence only in a couple of structures. In fact, other destruction and secondary effects attributed tothat earthquake could be explained by alternative hypotheses

    Residential Architecture in Late Antique Corduba. Topography, Urbanism and Functionality

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    Entre las diferentes transformaciones que acaecieron en la Antigüedad Tardía, destaca la desigual evolución de la arquitectura doméstica urbana. A lo largo de este extenso período tuvo lugar el ennoblecimiento de las residencias de las clases más privilegiadas; la desaparición de las domus de peristilo y su frecuente transformación en casas familiares; la entrada en escena de un novedoso modelo de residencia aristocrática, o la aparición de una nueva arquitectura doméstica popular. Aun cuando Córdoba debió de participar en dichas dinámicas, la desigual calidad y antigüedad de la documentación arqueológica no siempre ha permitido documentarlas de forma adecuada. Gracias a la revisión crítica de dicha información, hemos podido profundizar en diversas cuestiones topográficas, urbanísticas y funcionales que han sido contextualizadas a escala peninsular, con el fin de ofrecer la imagen más completa posible del período comprendido entre los siglos II y VII d.C.Among the numerous transformations that took place in Late Antiquity, one of the most noteworthy is the differences in how urban domestic architecture developed. Throughout this long period of time, several trends can be seen: the embellishment of the houses belonging to the most privileged classes; the disappearance of the Roman peristyle houses and their transformation into buildings shared by several families; the emergence of a new model of upper-class residence, and the appearance of a new, popular style of domestic architecture. Even though these trends must have occurred in Cordoba, the archaeological information is scarce and this makes it difficult to draw any clear conclusions. However, after analysing all the available information, we have been able to delve into some of the topographical, urbanistic and functional issues affecting domestic architecture in the Iberian Peninsula. The aim of this paper is to provide as complete a picture as possible in the period from the 2nd to the 7th centuries AD

    Joya de oro procedente de Lécera (Zaragoza)

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