12 research outputs found

    Improving the performance of gas sensor systems with advanced data evaluation, operation, and calibration methods

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    In order to facilitate the widespread use of gas sensors, some challenges must still be overcome. Many of those are related to the reliable quantification of ultra-low concentrations of specific compounds in a background of other gases. This thesis focuses on three important items in the measurement chain: sensor material and operating modes, evaluation of the resulting data, and test gas generation for efficient sensor calibration. New operating modes and materials for gas-sensitive field-effect transistors have been investigated. Tungsten trioxide as gate oxide can improve the selectivity to hazardous volatile organic compounds like naphthalene even in a strong and variable ethanol background. The influence of gate bias and ultraviolet light has been studied with respect to the transport of oxygen anions on the sensor surface and was used to improve classification and quantification of different gases. DAV3E, an internationally recognized MATLAB-based toolbox for the evaluation of cyclic sensor data, has been developed and published as opensource. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface and specially tailored algorithms from multivariate statistics. The laboratory tests conducted during this project have been extended with an interlaboratory study and a field test, both yielding valuable insights for future, more complex sensor calibration. A novel, efficient calibration approach has been proposed and evaluated with ten different gas sensor systems.Vor der weitverbreiteten Nutzung von Gassensoren stehen noch einige Herausforderungen, insbesondere die zuverlässige Messung ultrakleiner Konzentrationen bestimmter Substanzen vor einem Hintergrund anderer Gase. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei wichtige Glieder der erforderlichen Messkette: Material und Betriebsweise von Sensoren, Auswertung der anfallenden Daten sowie Generierung von Testgasen zur effizienten Kalibrierung. Neue Betriebsmodi und Materialien für gassensitive Feldeffekttransistoren wurden getestet. Wolframtrioxid kann als Gateoxid die Selektivität für flüchtige organische Verbindungen wie Naphthalin in einem variierenden Ethanolhintergrund verbessern. Der Einfluss von Gate-Bias und ultravioletter Strahlung auf die Bewegung von Sauerstoffionen auf der Oberfläche wurde untersucht und genutzt, um die Klassifizierung und Quantifizierung von Gasen zu verbessern. Eine international anerkannte MATLAB-Toolbox zur Auswertung zyklischer Sensordaten, DAV3E, wurde entwickelt und als open source veröffentlicht. Sie stellt eine nutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und speziell angepasste Algorithmen der multivariaten Statistik zur Verfügung. Die Laborexperimente wurden ergänzt durch vergleichende Messungen in zwei unabhängigen Laboren und einen Feldtest, womit wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die künftig notwendige, komplexe Kalibrierung von Sensoren gewonnen wurden. Ein neuartiger, effizienter Kalibrieransatz wurde vorgestellt und mit zehn unterschiedlichen Sensorsystemen evaluiert

    Random gas mixtures for efficient gas sensor calibration

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    Applications like air quality, fire detection and detection of explosives require selective and quantitative measurements in an ever-changing background of interfering gases. One main issue hindering the successful implementation of gas sensors in real-world applications is the lack of appropriate calibration procedures for advanced gas sensor systems. This article presents a calibration scheme for gas sensors based on statistically distributed gas profiles with unique randomized gas mixtures. This enables a more realistic gas sensor calibration including masking effects and other gas interactions which are not considered in classical sequential calibration. The calibration scheme is tested with two different metal oxide semiconductor sensors in temperature-cycled operation using indoor air quality as an example use case. The results are compared to a classical calibration strategy with sequentially increasing gas concentrations. While a model trained with data from the sequential calibration performs poorly on the more realistic mixtures, our randomized calibration achieves significantly better results for the prediction of both sequential and randomized measurements for, for example, acetone, benzene and hydrogen. Its statistical nature makes it robust against overfitting and well suited for machine learning algorithms. Our novel method is a promising approach for the successful transfer of gas sensor systems from the laboratory into the field. Due to the generic approach using concentration distributions the resulting performance tests are versatile for various applications

    Проблемно-діалогічне спілкування в процесі інструментально-виконавської підготовки майбутнього вчителя музики

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    (uk) У статті розкривається значення проблемно-діалогічного спілкування в процесі інструментально-виконавської підготовки майбутнього вчителя музики, акцентується увага на тпринципах індивідуально-диференційованого навчання.(ru) В статье раскрывается значение проблемно-дилогического общения в процессе инструментально-исполнительской подготовки будущего учителя музики, акцентируется внимание на принципах индивидуально-диференцированного обучения

    UV-Assisted Gate Bias Cycling in Gas-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors

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    Static and dynamic responses of a silicon carbide field-effect transistor gas sensor have been investigated at two different gate biases in several test gases. Especially the dynamic effects are gas dependent and can be used for gas identification. The addition of ultraviolet light reduces internal electrical relaxation effects, but also introduces new, temperature-dependent effects

    Improving the Performance of Gas Sensor Systems with Advanced Data Evaluation, Operation, and Calibration Methods

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    In order to facilitate the widespread use of gas sensors, some challenges must still be overcome. Many of those are related to the reliable quantification of ultra-low concentrations of specific compounds in a background of other gases. This thesis focuses on three important items in the measurement chain: sensor material and operating modes, evaluation of the resulting data, and test gas generation for efficient sensor calibration. New operating modes and materials for gas-sensitive field-effect transistors have been investigated. Tungsten trioxide as gate oxide can improve the selectivity to hazardous volatile organic compounds like naphthalene even in a strong and variable ethanol background. The influence of gate bias and ultraviolet light has been studied with respect to the transport of oxygen anions on the sensor surface and was used to improve classification and quantification of different gases. DAV3E, an internationally recognized MATLAB-based toolbox for the evaluation of cyclic sensor data, has been developed and published as opensource. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface and specially tailored algorithms from multivariate statistics. The laboratory tests conducted during this project have been extended with an interlaboratory study and a field test, both yielding valuable insights for future, more complex sensor calibration. A novel, efficient calibration approach has been proposed and evaluated with ten different gas sensor systems. Vor der weitverbreiteten Nutzung von Gassensoren stehen noch einige Herausforderungen, insbesondere die zuverlässige Messung ultrakleiner Konzentrationen bestimmter Substanzen vor einem Hintergrund anderer Gase. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei wichtige Glieder der erforderlichen Messkette: Material und Betriebsweise von Sensoren, Auswertung der anfallenden Daten sowie Generierung von Testgasen zur effizienten Kalibrierung. Neue Betriebsmodi und Materialien für gassensitive Feldeffekttransistoren wurden getestet. Wolframtrioxid kann als Gateoxid die Selektivität für flüchtige organische Verbindungen wie Naphthalin in einem variierenden Ethanolhintergrund verbessern. Der Einfluss von Gate-Bias und ultravioletter Strahlung auf die Bewegung von Sauerstoffionen auf der Oberfläche wurde untersucht und genutzt, um die Klassifizierung und Quantifizierung von Gasen zu verbessern. Eine international anerkannte MATLAB-Toolbox zur Auswertung zyklischer Sensordaten, DAV3E, wurde entwickelt und als open source veröffentlicht. Sie stellt eine nutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und speziell angepasste Algorithmen der multivariaten Statistik zur Verfügung. Die Laborexperimente wurden ergänzt durch vergleichende Messungen in zwei unabhängigen Laboren und einen Feldtest, womit wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die künftig notwendige, komplexe Kalibrierung von Sensoren gewonnen wurden. Ein neuartiger, effizienter Kalibrieransatz wurde vorgestellt und mit zehn unterschiedlichen Sensorsystemen evaluiert. Innan gassensorer kan nå en bredare acceptans och användning i vardagen återstår en del utmaningar att övervinna. Många av dessa hänger ihop med att tillförlitligt kunna mäta ultra-små koncentrationer av specifika ämnen i en bakgrund av andra gaser. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på tre viktiga delar i mätsystemet: sensorns design och arbetssätt, utvärderingen av sensordata, samt framställning av gasblandningar för effektiv sensor-kalibrering. Nya driftlägen och material för gas-känsliga fälteffekt-sensorer har studerats. Volframtrioxid som gate-oxid kan förbättra selektiviteten gentemot flyktiga organiska föreningar som naftalen även i närvaro av höga och varierande halter av t.ex. etanol. Inverkan av gate-bias och ultraviolett strålning på transporten av syre-joner på sensorytan har undersökts och applicerats för att förbättra identifikationen och kvantifieringen av olika gaser. En internationellt erkänd MATLAB-toolbox för utvärdering av cykliska sensordata, DAV3E, har utvecklats och gjorts allmänt tillgänglig (open source). Den erbjuder ett användarvänligt grafiskt gränssnitt och speciellt anpassade algoritmer av multivariat statistik. Genom att utvidga laboratoriemätningarna till att också omfatta jämförande mätningar vid två oberoende laboratorier samt fälttest har viktiga insikter nåtts avseende den komplexa sensorkalibrering som kommer att krävas i framtiden. En möjlig strategi för effektiv kalibrering har därvid tagits fram och utvärderats med tio olika gassensorsystem

    Dynamic multi-sensor operation and read-out for highly selective gas sensor systems

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    We describe hardware and algorithms which enable highly selective and sensitive operation of the two gas sensor types used in the SENSIndoor project. The resistance of a metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) type can rise above 1 G Omega in temperature cycled operation (TCO), which is measured using a logarithmic amplifier. A silicon-carbide based, gas-sensitive field-effect transistor (SiC-FET) driven with a combination of TCO and gate-bias cycled operation (GBCO) is used as second, complimentary sensor. The cyclic sensor signals exhibit distinct shape changes depending on the gas present which is captured by pattern recognition. In this study we use Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for discrimination and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) for quantification of ppb concentrations of target VOCs in changing ppm concentrations of interfering gases for indoor air quality assessment. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems Data Set

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    <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>The data set addresses the condition assessment of a hydraulic test rig based on multi sensor data. Four fault types are superimposed with several severity grades impeding selective quantification.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Source:</strong></p> <p>Creator: ZeMA gGmbH, Eschberger Weg 46, 66121 Saarbrücken<br> Contact: t.schneider <strong>'@'</strong> zema.de, s.klein <strong>'@'</strong> zema.de, m.bastuck <strong>'@'</strong> lmt.uni-saarland.de, info <strong>'@'</strong> lmt.uni-saarland.de</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Data Set Information:</strong></p> <p>The data set was experimentally obtained with a hydraulic test rig. This test rig consists of a primary working and a secondary cooling-filtration circuit which are connected via the oil tank [1], [2]. The system cyclically repeats constant load cycles (duration 60 seconds) and measures process values such as pressures, volume flows and temperatures while the condition of four hydraulic components (cooler, valve, pump and accumulator) is quantitatively varied.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Attribute Information:</strong></p> <p>The data set was experimentally obtained with a hydraulic test rig. This test rig consists of a primary working and a secondary cooling-filtration circuit which are connected via the oil tank [1], [2]. The system cyclically repeats constant load cycles (duration 60 seconds) and measures process values such as pressures, volume flows and temperatures while the condition of four hydraulic components (cooler, valve, pump and accumulator) is quantitatively varied.<br> <br> Attribute Information:<br> The data set contains raw process sensor data (i.e. without feature extraction) which are structured as matrices (tab-delimited) with the rows representing the cycles and the columns the data points within a cycle. The sensors involved are:<br> Sensor Physical quantity Unit Sampling rate<br> PS1 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> PS2 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> PS3 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> PS4 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> PS5 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> PS6 Pressure bar 100 Hz<br> EPS1 Motor power W 100 Hz<br> FS1 Volume flow l/min 10 Hz<br> FS2 Volume flow l/min 10 Hz<br> TS1 Temperature °C 1 Hz<br> TS2 Temperature °C 1 Hz<br> TS3 Temperature °C 1 Hz<br> TS4 Temperature °C 1 Hz<br> VS1 Vibration mm/s 1 Hz<br> CE Cooling efficiency (virtual) % 1 Hz<br> CP Cooling power (virtual) kW 1 Hz<br> SE Efficiency factor % 1 Hz<br> <br> The target condition values are cycle-wise annotated in ‘profile.txt’ (tab-delimited). As before, the row number represents the cycle number. The columns are<br> <br> 1: Cooler condition / %:<br> 3: close to total failure<br> 20: reduced effifiency<br> 100: full efficiency<br> <br> 2: Valve condition / %:<br> 100: optimal switching behavior<br> 90: small lag<br> 80: severe lag<br> 73: close to total failure<br> <br> 3: Internal pump leakage:<br> 0: no leakage<br> 1: weak leakage<br> 2: severe leakage<br> <br> 4: Hydraulic accumulator / bar:<br> 130: optimal pressure<br> 115: slightly reduced pressure<br> 100: severely reduced pressure<br> 90: close to total failure<br> <br> 5: stable flag:<br> 0: conditions were stable<br> 1: static conditions might not have been reached yet</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Relevant Papers:</strong></p> <p>[1] Nikolai Helwig, Eliseo Pignanelli, Andreas Schütze, ‘Condition Monitoring of a Complex Hydraulic System Using Multivariate Statistics’, in Proc. I2MTC-2015 - 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, paper PPS1-39, Pisa, Italy, May 11-14, 2015, doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151267.<br> [2] N. Helwig, A. Schütze, ‘Detecting and compensating sensor faults in a hydraulic condition monitoring system’, in Proc. SENSOR 2015 - 17th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, oral presentation D8.1, Nuremberg, Germany, May 19-21, 2015, doi: 10.5162/sensor2015/D8.1.<br> [3] Tizian Schneider, Nikolai Helwig, Andreas Schütze, ‘Automatic feature extraction and selection for classification of cyclical time series data’, tm - Technisches Messen (2017), 84(3), 198 – 206, doi: 10.1515/teme-2016-0072.</p> <p><br>  </p> <p><strong>Citation Request:</strong></p> <p>Nikolai Helwig, Eliseo Pignanelli, Andreas Schütze, ‘Condition Monitoring of a Complex Hydraulic System Using Multivariate Statistics’, in Proc. I2MTC-2015 - 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, paper PPS1-39, Pisa, Italy, May 11-14, 2015, doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151267.</p

    Selectivity enhancement of SiC-FET gas sensors by combining temperature and gate bias cycled operation using multivariate statistics

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    In this paper temperature modulation and gate bias modulation of a gas sensitive field effect transistor based on silicon carbide (SiC-FET) are combined in order to increase the selectivity. Data evaluation based on extracted features describing the shape of the sensor response was performed using multivariate statistics, here by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). It was found that both temperature cycling and gate bias cycling are suitable for quantification of different concentrations of carbon monoxide. However, combination of both approaches enhances the stability of the quantification, respectively the discrimination of the groups in the LDA scatterplot. Feature selection based on the stepwise LDA algorithm as well as selection based on the loadings plot has shown that features both from the temperature cycle and from the bias cycle are equally important for the identification of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ammonia. In addition, the presented method allows discrimination of these gases independent of the gas concentration. Hence, the selectivity of the FET is enhanced considerably

    UV-Assisted Gate Bias Cycling in Gas-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors

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    Static and dynamic responses of a silicon carbide field-effect transistor gas sensor have been investigated at two different gate biases in several test gases. Especially the dynamic effects are gas dependent and can be used for gas identification. The addition of ultraviolet light reduces internal electrical relaxation effects, but also introduces new, temperature-dependent effects

    SiC-FET sensors for selective and quantitative detection of VOCs down to ppb level

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    With the increased interest in development of cheap, simple means for indoor air quality monitoring, and specifically in relation to certain well-known pollutant substances with adverse health effects even at very low concentrations, such as different Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), this contribution aims at providing an overview of the development status of the silicon carbide field effect transistor (SiC FET) based sensor platform for ppb level detection of VOCs. Optimizing the transducer design, the gas-sensitive material(s) composition, structure and processing, its mode of operation - applying temperature cycled operation in conjunction with multivariate data evaluation - and long-term performance it has been possible to demonstrate promising resultsregarding the sensor technology’s ability to achieve both single-digit ppb sensitivity towards e.g. naphthalene as well as selective detection of individual substances in a mixture of different VOCs.SENSIndoo