239 research outputs found

    Kajian Kelayakan Ekonomi Rakitan Teknologi USAhatani Jagung di Lahan Gambut

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    This paper aims to assess feasibility of maize farming system on peat soil agroecosystem using hybrid maizeseed, spesific fertilizer application, and drainage. Assesment was conducted in 2002 in Sukasari village, Sukarajadistrict, South Bengkulu Province. Data were collected through a Participation Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. Datawere analyzed using a partial budget analysis and the parameters were R/C, MBCR, BEP , and sensitivity analysis.The results indicated that (a) performance of maize farming system introduction in peat soil was better off than that ofexisting farmer technology, (b) introduced technology was able to increase maize yield by 2.5 point, i.e., 5.46 tons/hacompared with 2 tons/ha, (c) introduced technology could improve profit value added by Rp 1,598,000 per ha withMBCR of 3.1, (d) introduced technology had BEP less than 15 percent (of input price) and 25 percent (of outputprice), respectively, compared to existing technlogy. To accelerate technology innovation, it needs supply ofaffordable inputs close to the farm areas, direct supervision, and periodic monitoring.Key words: peat soil, zea mays, specific fertilizer application, economic feasibililityMakalah ini bertujuan membahas kelayakan ekonomi USAhatani jagung di lahan gambut dengan inovasipenggunaan benih jagung hibrida, pemupukan khusus, dan pengaturan drainase. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada tahun2002 di Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Sumber data menggunakan data primeryang dikumpulkan dengan pendekatan PRA. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatifmenggunakan analisis anggaran parsial, dengan parameter ekonomi R/C, MBCR, TIP, TIH dilanjutkan dengananalisis sensitivitas. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan : (a) Tampilan komponen hasil jagung pada introduksi teknologirelatif lebih baik dari pada pola petani, (b) Introduksi teknologi menghasilkan produktivitas jagung 2,5 kali lipat dariproduktivitas pola petani yakni 5,46 ton berbanding 2 ton/ha, (c) Penerapan paket teknologi USAhatani jagung di lahangambut mampu meningkatkan tambahan keuntungan USAhatani sebesar Rp 1598000/ha dengan nilai MBCR 3,1, (d)Survival technology USAhatani jagung masih mampu bertahan dalam kondisi peningkatan harga input dan penurunanharga produk jagung dalam batas peningkatan harga input tidak lebih dari 15 persen dan penurunan harga produktidak lebih dari 25 persen. Untuk kelancaran penerapan inovasi teknologi, diperlukan dukungan sarana produksi dekatlokasi USAhatani dengan harga yang terjangkau disertai pendampingan dan monitoring secara periodik

    Classical and quantum Big Brake cosmology for scalar field and tachyonic models

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    We study a relation between the cosmological singularities in classical and quantum theory, comparing the classical and quantum dynamics in some models possessing the Big Brake singularity - the model based on a scalar field and two models based on a tachyon-pseudo-tachyon field . It is shown that the effect of quantum avoidance is absent for the soft singularities of the Big Brake type while it is present for the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. Thus, there is some kind of a classical - quantum correspondence, because soft singularities are traversable in classical cosmology, while the strong Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities are not traversable.Comment: final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Immunomodulation in pediatric asthma

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    Childhood asthma is actually defined as a heterogeneous disease, including different clinical variants and partially sharing similar immune mechanisms. Asthma management is mainly focused on maintaining the control of the disease and reducing the risk of adverse outcomes. Most children achieve good control with standard therapies, such as low doses of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and/or one or more controller. These medications are targeted to suppress bronchial inflammation and to restore airway responsiveness. However, they are not disease-modifying and do not specifically target inflammatory pathways of asthma; in addition, they are not significantly effective in patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. The aim of this review is to update knowledge on current and novel therapeutic options targeted to immunomodulate inflammatory pathways underlying pediatric asthma, with particular reference on biologic therapies

    Food allergies: Current and future treatments

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    Food allergies are an increasingly public health problem, affecting up to 10% of children and causing a significant burden on affected patients, resulting in dietary restrictions, fear of accidental ingestion and related risk of severe reactions, as well as a reduced quality of life. Currently, there is no specific cure for a food allergy, so the only available management is limited to strict dietary avoidance, education on prompt recognition of symptoms, and emergency treatment of adverse reactions. Several allergen specific-and nonspecific-therapies, aiming to acquire a persistent food tolerance, are under investigation as potential treatments; however, to date, only immunotherapy has been identified as the most promising therapeutic approach for food allergy treatment. The aim of this review is to provide an updated overview on changes in the treatment landscape for food allergies

    Towards Growing Robots: A Piecewise Morphology-Controller Co-adaptation Strategy for Legged Locomotion

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    Control of robots has largely been based on the assumption of a fixed morphology. Accordingly, robot designs have been stationary in time, except for the case of modular robots. Any drastic change in morphology, hence, requires a remodelling of the controller. This work takes inspiration from developmental robotics to present a piecewise morphology-controller growth/adaptation strategy that facilitates fast and reliable control adaptation to growing robots. We demonstrate our methodology on a simple 3 degree of freedom walking robot with adjustable foot lengths and with varying inertial conditions. Our results show not only the effectiveness and reliability of the piecewise morphology controller co-adaptation (PMCCA) strategy, but also highlight the need for morphological adaptation as a robot design strategy

    Dynamic Response Characteristics in Variable Stiffness Soft Inflatable Links

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In soft robotics, there is the fundamental need to develop devices that are flexible and can change stiffness in order to work safely in the vicinity of humans. Moreover, these structures must be rigid enough to withstand the force application and accuracy in motion. To solve these issues, previous research proposed to add a compliance element between motor and load – Series Elastic Actuators (SEAs). This approach benefits from improved force control and shock tolerance due to the elasticity introduced at joint level. However, series compliance at the joint level comes at the cost of inferior position controllability and additional mechanical complexity. In this research, we move the elastic compliance to the link, and evaluate the characteristics of variable stiffness soft inflatable links. The detailed investigation of the dynamic behaviour of inflatable link takes into consideration different internal pressures and applied loads. Our results demonstrate that the use of soft inflatable links leads to good weight lifting capability whilst preserving compliance which is beneficial for safety critical applications

    Association Study of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms and Obesity in a Young Mexican-American Population from South Texas

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    Background and Aims Obesity is increasingly a health problem and a risk factor for diabetes in young Mexican-American populations. Genetic association studies in older, mostly non-Hispanic populations have reported that polymorphisms in the candidate genes HSD11B1, CRP, ADIPOQ, PPARG, ANKK1, ABCC8 and SERPINF1 are associated with obesity or diabetes. We analyzed the polymorphisms rs846910, rs1205, rs1501299, rs1801282, rs1800497, rs757110 and rs1136287in these candidate genes, for association with obesity and metabolic traits in a young Mexican-American population from south Texas. Methods Genotyping of the seven common SNPs were performed by allelic discrimination assays in 448 unrelated Mexican Americans (median age = 16 years) from south Texas. χ2 tests and regression analyses using additive models were used for genetic association analyses adjusting for covariates; p values were corrected for multiple testing by permutation analyses. Results rs1800497 (ANKK1) shows association with waist circumference (p = 0.009) and retains the association (p = 0.03) after permutation testing. Analysis of metabolic quantitative traits shows that rs846910 (HSD11B1) was associated with HOMA-IR (p = 0.04) and triglycerides (p = 0.03), and rs1205 (CRP) with HOMA-IR (p = 0.03) and fasting glucose levels (p = 0.007). However, the quantitative traits associations are not maintained after permutation analysis. None of the other SNPs in this study showed associations with obesity or metabolic traits in this young Mexican-American population. Conclusions We report a potential association between rs1800497 (linked to changes in brain dopamine receptor levels) and central obesity in a young Mexican-American population

    Implementing a simple pharmacovigilance program to improve reporting of adverse events associated with biologic therapy in rheumatology: Preliminary results from the Calabria Biologics Pharmacovigilance Program (CBPP)

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    Introduction: Post-marketing surveillance activities (namely pharmacovigilance) are crucial to favor the early detection of unexpected adverse events (AEs) and/or serious adverse reactions (SAEs). Indeed, spontaneous reporting of AEs has been demonstrated to underestimate the number of events in different clinical settings. Aim of the present study is to report the preliminary data of a Regional (Calabria, Italy) Pharmacovigilance Program (CBPP) aimed at improving AEs' reporting associated with biologics use in rheumatology. Materials and methods: We developed a simple, cost-effective pharmacovigilance program based on regular training sessions for physicians (stimulated reporting), periodical phone calls by a clinical pharmacologist aimed at identifying new events and stimulating self-awareness and encouraging reporting to the physician during the subsequent follow-up visit for minor AEs. To test this approach, all consecutive patients undergoing treatment with one biologic agent at eight rheumatology centers during a two-years period were invited to participate. Collected AEs were compared to the number of AEs spontaneously reported for the same molecules in the same centers before starting the protocol. Results: During the study period, 399 patients (245 females; mean age: 58 \ub1 11 years) were started on treatment with biologics for active RA (n = 211, 52.9%), PsA (n = 119, 29.8%) or AS (n = 69, 17.3%) at eight rheumatology centers. A total of 125 AEs (31.3%) and 9 SAEs (2.3%) were reported during the two-years study period. In the control cohort (comprising 368 consecutive patients started on treatment with bDMARDs during a two-years period before CBPP study) only 42 (11.4%) AEs and no SAEs were reported (p < 0.0001). The most common AEs were injection site reactions and skin disorders. Conclusions: In conclusion, our study provides further evidence of a critical role of active pharmacovigilance in detection, reporting and analysis of AEs in rheumatology

    Stress related epigenetic changes may explain opportunistic success in biological invasions in Antipode mussels

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    Different environmental factors could induce epigenetic changes, which are likely involved in the biological invasion process. Some of these factors are driven by humans as, for example, the pollution and deliberate or accidental introductions and others are due to natural conditions such as salinity. In this study, we have analysed the relationship between different stress factors: time in the new location, pollution and salinity with the methylation changes that could be involved in the invasive species tolerance to new environments. For this purpose, we have analysed two different mussels’ species, reciprocally introduced in antipode areas: the Mediterranean blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the New Zealand pygmy mussel Xenostrobus securis, widely recognized invaders outside their native distribution ranges. The demetylathion was higher in more stressed population, supporting the idea of epigenetic is involved in plasticity process. These results can open a new management protocols, using the epigenetic signals as potential pollution monitoring tool. We could use these epigenetic marks to recognise the invasive status in a population and determine potential biopollutants

    Radiobiological outcomes, microdosimetric evaluations and monte carlo predictions in eye proton therapy

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    CATANA (Centro di AdroTerapia ed Applicazioni Nucleari Avanzate) was the first Italian protontherapy facility dedicated to the treatment of ocular neoplastic pathologies. It is in operation at the LNS Laboratories of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN-LNS) and to date, 500 patients have been successfully treated. Even though proton therapy has demonstrated success in clinical settings, there is still a need for more accurate models because they are crucial for the estimation of clinically relevant RBE values. Since RBE can vary depending on several physical and biological parameters, there is a clear need for more experimental data to generate predictions. Establishing a database of cell survival experiments is therefore useful to accurately predict the effects of irradiations on both cancerous and normal tissue. The main aim of this work was to compare RBE values obtained from in-vitro experimental data with predictions made by the LEM II (Local Effect Model), Monte Carlo approaches, and semi-empirical models based on LET experimental measurements. For this purpose, the 92.1 uveal melanoma and ARPE-19 cells derived from normal retinal pigmented epithelium were selected and irradiated in the middle of clinical SOBP of the CATANA proton therapy facility. The remarkable results show the potentiality of using microdosimetric spectrum, Monte Carlo simulations and LEM model to predict not only the RBE but also the survival curves