70 research outputs found

    Recruitment strategies and interventions to increase participation in lung cancer screening programmes: A systematic review protocol

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    IntroductionDespite strong evidence for the efficacy of low-radiation dose CT (LDCT) in reducing lung cancer (LC) mortality, implementing LC screening (LCS) programmes remains a challenge. We aim to systematically review the evidence on the strategies used to recruit the adult population at risk of LC to LDCT within LCS programmes and to estimate the effectiveness of interventions identified, used to reach the potentially eligible population, increase participation and informed choice, and ensure equitable access.Methods and analysisThis sequential systematic literature review will consist of three steps: (1) a scoping review of existing strategies and organisational models for LCS; (2) selecting papers reporting relevant outcomes (test coverage, screening participation and informed choice) and comparing results among different models; (3) a systematic review of interventions implemented to increase participation in LCS programmes. Each step will follow the methodological guidelines provided by the Cochrane Collaboration and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. Data sources include electronic databases such as Medline (PubMed version), Embase, CINAHL (Ebsco version), Scopus and Cochrane CENTRAL. The search will be limited to studies published from January 2000 to March 2023 in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Serbian and Croatian language. Findings will be synthesised quantitatively and qualitatively as appropriate. Risk of bias assessment will be only applied to studies selected in the second and third steps. The quality of evidence will be summarised for each outcome using the Grading Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation methodology.Ethics and disseminationGiven that this is a review of existing literature, ethics approval is not required. The results will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at relevant conferences. The findings of this review will help guide health authorities in organising LCS programmes and developing recommendations, policies, and actions at national and regional levels.PROSPERO registration numberCRD42023408357

    Association of FOBT-assessed faecal Hb content with colonic lesions detected in the Florence screening programme

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    We assessed the correlation between quantitative results of immunological faecal occult blood testing (I-FOBT) and colonic lesions (191 colorectal cancers, 890 adenomas) detected at colonoscopy in 2597 FOBT+ (cutoff 100 ng ml−1 Hb) subjects. At univariate analysis, a higher average faecal Hb content was significantly associated with male gender (P=0.003), age (P=0.02), and colonoscopy findings (P=0.000). Among adenomas, higher faecal Hb content was significantly associated with size (P=0.0000), presence of severe dysplasia (P=0.0001), presence of villous component (P=0.0002), and location in the left colon (P=0.003). At multivariate analysis adjusting for potential confounders, age (P=0.03), size (P=0.0000), and location in the left colon (P=0.0005) were confirmed as having an independent association with higher faecal Hb content. Immunological FOBT is confirmed to be a specific screening test to detect cancer and adenoma, with a low positivity rate (3.7%) and a high positive predictive value (41.5%). Faecal Hb content is significantly higher for those lesions (cancer and high-risk adenomas) screening is aimed at detecting

    Characteristics of the colorectal cancers diagnosed in the early 2000s in Italy. Figures from the IMPATTO study on colorectal cancer screening

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    The impact of organized screening programmes on colorectal cancer (CRC) can be observed at a population level only several years after the implementation of screening. We compared CRC characteristics by diagnostic modality (screen-detected, non-screen-detected) as an early outcome to monitor screening programme effectiveness. Data on CRCs diagnosed in Italy from 2000 to 2008 were collected by several cancer registries. Linkage with screening datasets made it possible to divide the cases by geographic area, implementation of screening, and modality of diagnosis (screen-detected, non-screen-detected).We compared the main characteristics of the different subgroups of CRCs through multivariate logistic regression models. The study included 23,668 CRCs diagnosed in subjects aged 50-69 years, of which 11.9%were screendetected (N=2,806), all from the North-Centre of Italy. Among screen-detected CRCs, we observed a higher proportion of males, of cases in the distal colon, and a higher mean age of the patients. Compared with pre-screening cases, screen-detected CRCs showed a better distribution by stage at diagnosis (OR for stage III or IV: 0.40, 95%CI: 0.36-0.44) and grading (OR for poorly differentiated CRCs was 0.86, 95%CI: 0.75-1.00). Screen-detected CRCs have more favourable prognostic characteristics than non-screen-detected cases. A renewed effort to implement screening programmes throughout the entire country is recommended

    Immunochemical faecal occult blood test: number of samples and positivity cutoff. What is the best strategy for colorectal cancer screening?

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    Immunochemical faecal occult blood tests have shown a greater sensitivity than guaiac test in colorectal cancer screening, but optimal number of samples and cutoff have still to be defined. The aim of this multicentric study was to evaluate the performance of immunochemical-based screening strategies according to different positivity thresholds (80, 100, 120 ng ml−1) and single vs double sampling (one, at least one, or both positive samples) using 1-day sample with cutoff at 100 ng ml−1 as the reference strategy. A total of 20 596 subjects aged 50–69 years were enrolled from Italian population-based screening programmes. Positivity rate was 4.5% for reference strategy and 8.0 and 2.0% for the most sensitive and the most specific strategy, respectively. Cancer detection rate of reference strategy was 2.8‰, and ranged between 2.1 and 3.4‰ in other strategies; reference strategy detected 15.6‰ advanced adenomas (range=10.0–22.5‰). The number needed to scope to find a cancer or an advanced adenoma was lower than 2 (1.5–1.7) for the most specific strategies, whereas it was 2.4–2.7, according to different thresholds, for the most sensitive ones. Different strategies seem to have a greater impact on adenomas rather than on cancer detection rate. The study provides information when deciding screening protocols and to adapt them to local resources

    Incidence trends of colorectal cancer in the early 2000s in Italy. Figures from the IMPATTO study on colorectal cancer screening

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    We utilised the IMPATTO study's archives to describe the 2000-2008 colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence rate trends in Italy, once screening programmes based on the faecal immunochemical test were implemented in different areas. Data on CRCs diagnosed in Italy from 2000 to 2008 in subjects aged 40-79 years were collected by 23 cancer registries. Incidence rate trends were evaluated as a whole and by macro-area (North-Centre and South-Islands), presence of a screening programme, sex, ten-year age class, anatomic site, stage at diagnosis, and pattern of diagnosis (screen-detected, non-screen-detected). The annual percent change (APC) of incidence rate trends, with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), were computed. The study included 46,857 CRCs diagnosed in subjects aged 40-79 years, of which 2,806 were screendetected. The incidence rates in the North-Centre were higher than in the South and on the Islands. During the study period, screening programmes had been implemented only in the North-Centre and had a significant effect on incidence rates, with an initial sharp increase in incidence, followed by a decrease that started in the 3rd-4th years of screening. These incidence rate trends were exclusively due to modifications in the rates of stage I cases. After screening programmes started, incidence increased in all anatomic sites, particularly in the distal colon. The differential figures introduced by the implementation of screening programmes warrant a continuous surveillance of CRC incidence and mortality trends to monitor the impact of screening at a national level

    Utjecaj hijaluronske kiseline, kalcijeva hidroksida i dentinskih adheziva na odontoblaste i fibroblaste ĆĄtakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and efficiency of pulp capping preparations based on hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxide, and dentin adhesive on the pulp tissue of Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were killed and extracted teeth sectioned transversely through the pulp. The slices were placed in a RPMI 1640 cell culture medium supplemented with 10 % foetal calf serum. During 14 days of cultivation cultures were treated with preparations that contained hyaluronic acid (Gengigel ProfÂź), and calcium hydroxide (ApexCalÂź), or with dentin adhesive (ExciteÂź). Cellularity and viability of fibroblasts and odontoblasts was analysed using a haemocytometer. Hyaluronic acid proved most efficient and the least toxic for direct pulp capping. Even though calcium hydroxide and dentin adhesive demonstrated a higher degree of cytotoxicity, their effects were still acceptable in terms of biocompatibility.Cilj ovog rada bio je istraĆŸiti djelovanje preparata na bazi hijaluronske kiseline i kalcijeva hidroksida te dentinskog adheziva na pulpno tkivo Sprague-Dawley ĆĄtakora u svrhu procjene učinkovitosti navedenih materijala kod direktnog prekrivanja pulpe. Izvađeni zubi transverzalno su podijeljeni kroz pulpu. Naresci su uzgajani u RPMI 1640 staničnom mediju obogaćenom s 10 % fetalnoga telećeg seruma u plastičnim bočicama za staničnu kulturu. Kulture su tijekom 14 dana tretirane preparatima s hijaluronskom kiselinom (Gengigel ProfÂź), kalcijevim hidroksidom (ApexCalÂź) i dentinskim adhezivom (ExciteÂź). Nakon 14 dana pristupilo se analizi staničnosti i vijabilnosti s pomoću hemocitometra. Iako su preparati na bazi kalcijeva hidroksida i dentinski adheziv pokazali neĆĄto viĆĄi stupanj citotoksičnosti, dobiveni su rezultati u granicama biokompatibilnosti. Primjena preparata na bazi hijaluronske kiseline postigla je najbolje rezultate te se ovaj materijal pokazao najboljim za direktno prekrivanje pulpe između tri ispitivana preparata

    Leprosy control: perspectives & epidemiological and operational aspects

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    OBJECTIVES: As a starting point, a vast variety of 200 technical papers and documents published during the ten years 1999-2008, from Brazilian and international organizations dedicated to the control of leprosy, was taken. A study was then undertaken to investigate its future evolutive possibilities by employing resources obtained from scenario analyses. DESIGN: The methodological reconstruction in use was of a qualitative nature, based on a bibliographic review and content analysis techniques. The latter were employed in a documental, categorical, contingent, frequency-based format, in compliance with appropriate and pertinent conditions. RESULTS: Nowadays, important elements on epidemiological and operational aspects have been regained, as well as respective perspectives. CONCLUSIONS: A projection is made towards the fact that the maintenance of the disease's present incidence levels constitute economic and sanitary challenges that confront issues ranging from the neoliberal model of global societal organization to specific competences of actions taken by health teams in the field

    SystemC/C-based Model-driven Design for Embedded Systems

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    his article summarizes our effort, since 2004 up to the present time, for improving the current industrial Systems-on-Chip and Embedded Systems design by joining the capabilities of the unified modeling language (UML) and SystemC/C programming languages to operate at system-level. The proposed approach exploits the OMG model-driven architecture\u2014a framework for Model-driven Engineering\u2014capabilities of reducing abstract, coarse-grained and platform-independent system models to fine-grained and platform-specific models. We first defined a design methodology and a development flow for the hardware, based on a SystemC UML profile and encompassing different levels of abstraction. We then included a multithread C UML profile for modelling software applications. Both SystemC/C profiles are consistent sets of modelling constructs designed to lift the programming features (both structural and behavioral) of the two coding languages to the UML modeling level. The new codesign flow is supported by an environment, which allows system modeling at higher abstraction levels (from a functional executable level to a register transfer level) and supports automatic code-generation/back-annotation from/to UML models
