691 research outputs found

    Line profile analysis of the Delta Scuti star HD2724=BB Phe: mode identification and amplitude variations

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    The line profile variations of the Delta Scuti star HD 2724=BB Phe were studied on the basis of new 189 high-resolution spectrograms covering 52 hours of observations on a baseline of 8.3 days. By combining these results with those of a previous campaign 13 pulsation modes were identified: 5 of them are both photometric and spectroscopic, 3 are purely spectroscopic and 5 purely photometric. For the first time it was possible to compare spectroscopic data taken in two different seasons: 6 modes were found to be common to both datasets and furthermore strong amplitude variations of the excited modes were detected. The fit of the line profile variations with a model of non-radial pulsating star allowed us to obtain a reasonable estimate of the inclination of the rotational axis and to propose the l,m typing of the spectroscopic modes. The frequency content resembles that of 4 CVn, a delta Sct star with similar physical parameters.Comment: 7 pages (in A&A style), 5 ps figures (Fig. 4 in colour) Accepted for A&A Main Journa

    Search for second overtone Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. I. Study of three candidates in the SMC

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    Accurate CCD observations of three Cepheids in the SMC were made with the purpose of confirming their nature of second overtone mode Cepheids. The stars were suspected pulsating in the second overtone mode owing to the unusual light curve and short period reported by Payne-Gaposchkin & Gaposchkin (1966). The analysis of the new data shows that for two stars the previous periods are wrong, and in the three cases the new light curves are normal. According to the new observations, HV 1353 is a fundamental mode pulsator with small amplitude, and HV 1777 and HV 1779 are first overtone mode pulsators. Also the star HV 1763, whose nature was unknown, was observed in the field of HV 1777. The new data show that it is a first overtone mode Cepheid with P=2.117d.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. To be published in A&A Suppl.Se

    V39: an unusual object in the field of IC 1613

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    The variable star V39 in the field of IC 1613 is discussed in the light of the available photometric and new spectroscopic data. It has strong emission Balmer lines, and the observed characteristics could be explained by a W Vir pulsating star with a period of 14.341 d, located at more than 115 kpc, that is in the very outer halo of our Galaxy. It should have an apparent companion, a long period (1118d) red variable, belonging to IC 1613. The main uncertainty in this interpretation is an emission feature at 668.4 nm, which we tentatively identified as a He I line.Comment: 5 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On the global structure of conformal gradient solitons with nonnegative Ricci tensor

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    In this paper we prove that any complete conformal gradient soliton with nonnegative Ricci tensor is either isometric to a direct product R×Nn1\mathbb{R}\times N^{n-1}, or globally conformally equivalent to the Euclidean space Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} or to the round sphere Sn\mathbb{S}^{n}. In particular, we show that any complete, noncompact, gradient Yamabe-type soliton with positive Ricci tensor is rotationally symmetric, whenever the potential function is nonconstant.Comment: Minor correction

    Probable nonradial g-mode pulsation in early A-type stars

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    A survey for line profile variability in early A-type stars has been performed in order to detect nonradial pulsation signatures. The star HR 6139, with spectral type A2V and estimated T_eff=8800 K, shows evident line profile variations that can be explained by oscillations in prograde g-modes. This feature and the known photometric variability are similar to those observed in the Slowly Pulsating B-type stars. However HR 6139 is much cooler than the cool border of the instability strip of such variables, and it is hotter than the blue edge of the delta Scuti instability strip. There are indications of a tiny variability also in other four objects, whose nature is not yet clear.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in A&A (letter

    Variable stars in nearby galaxies. VI. Frequency-period distribution of Cepheids in IC 1613 and other galaxies of the Local Group

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    The frequency--period distribution and other properties of Cepheids in IC 1613 are discussed and compared with those of stars in our Galaxy (Milky Way), LMC, SMC, M31 and M33. Taking into account the observational limitations and related incompleteness, it is concluded that the frequency-period distribution of Cepheids in IC 1613 is similar to that of SMC; we suspect that a much larger number of stars exist in IC 1613 with a period of less than 2 d that have not yet been detected. A discussion of the deficiency of fundamental mode Cepheids with periods in the range 8 - 10 d in the Milky Way, M31 and M33 is reported. The present data are not sufficient to verify if this is produced by a real bimodal frequency--period distribution or whether depends on the lack of pulsating stars in such a period range due to pulsational stability reasons. Some arguments are presented in favor of a bimodal distribution that is a function of the average metallicity. The Milky Way, M31 and M33 have the two maxima located at the same periods, about 5 and 13 d, respectively. A comment on very long period Cepheids is also given.Comment: 6 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic