24 research outputs found

    Kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia pada karangan mahasiswa UIN Maliki Malang pada semester ganjil 2022-2023: sebuah telaah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk kesalahan berbahasa dalam karangan mahasiswa UIN Malaki Malang serta menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan penyebab adanya kesalahan berbahasa dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan dosen dan mahasiswa agar kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karangan dapat diminimalisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan data penelitian berupa kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karangan UIN Maliki Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Uji validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi metode, review informan, dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang: (1) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa meliputi kesalahan penggunaan huruf kapital, kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca, kesalahan penggunaan partikel, kesalahan penulisan kata ulang, kesalahan akibat tipografi, dan kesalahan penulisan kata baku; (2) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa pada bidang morfologi meliputi kesalahan penulisan kata depan, kesalahan penulisan kata bentukan, dan kesalahan akibat pleonasme; (3) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa pada bidang sintaksis meliputi kesalahan struktur frasa-struktur kalimat; dan (4) faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan berbahasa bukan hanya berasal dari siswa melainkan juga karena faktor dosen


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    Abstract. Injustice has been part of life for different ability people, especially for diffabled women in many parts of Indonesia. A diffabled woman writer, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, refuses the assumptionand proves on strength and spirit of life in women and diffable people through her works. This studydiscusses Ibrahim’s short stories about women and the life of her diffabled characters. The data sources ofthe study are novelettes by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim. The data are quotes from the works that talk aboutdiffability. The study was based on understanding and interpretation processes. The study found that theIbrahim’s works discusses the image and strength of the diffabled woman character in defending for herrights. Ibrahim also proves that being diffabled does not necessarily mean constant mercy-seeking anddependence on others. Ibrahim tries to introduce a new paradigm that the diffabled people have the samepontential as the normal people do. The image of diffability is illustrated in her works that are fullyloaded with struggle of both a woman and a diffabled person.Kata kunci: citra, difabel, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahi


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    Abstract: Epiphany is a crucial event encountered by an individual which gives him/her an insight in his/her journey of meaning making to life. This qualitative research aims at finding out epiphany of  RII represented in her anthology of short stories, novelets, novels. The research has found out that RII, as a diffable figure, is mentally capable of creating extraordinary works which are: (a) useful for others, (b) inspiring, (c) affecting surrounding people to be stronger, and (d) mostly true-story based. As a writer, RII's epiphany covers three main issues, i.e. (i) humanity epiphany, (ii) femininity epiphany, and (iii) diffability epiphany. permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v46i12018p04


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    Hand puppet media has visual advantages with various characters supported by ventriloquism techniques, namely the art of speaking without moving the lips, packaged in a humorous way so that it can touch indicators of learning motivation study.The aim of the research is to describe and analyse planning, implementation, The impact of applying hand puppet media with ventriloquism techniques to increase student learning motivation at Roudlatul Jannah Islamic Elementary School Malang. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data are collected using interviews, observations, document studies. Data analysis is carried out during the data collection process including data condensation activities, data presentation and conclusions. To guarantee the credibility of the findings, triangulation techniques and triangulation of data sources are used. The research results show that, First is planning for the application of hand puppet media using ventriloquism techniques in increasing student learning motivation includes choosing teachers who have the competence to teach in first grade, the hand puppet media, teaching module and practice learning technique skills. Second is the implementation of this media consists of opening, core stage, and closing. Third is The impact of applying this media consists of: increasing students' learning motivation, for teachers being able to hone and practice their ventriloquism technique skills, for schools to be unique and superior in educating lower class student

    Resistance, humanism, and Islamic value in Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim’s Lemah Tanjung

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    Islam as a discourse of resistance is not a contemporary issue. Islam occurred to encounter injustice and oppression. Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, an author with disabilities, cannot be detached from the strength of her era. She wrote a novel Lemah Tanjung as a form of resistance to her era. As an author, she experienced essential events in her life. This research concerned on two things: the Islamic value in the resistance in Lemah Tanjung and the value of Islam's veiled resistance. This study implemented Faiclough's critical discourse theory which incorporated three basic components in analyzing text.The method administered was a qualitative. The data were collected from the novel Lemah Tanjung. The results of the study revealed that there was a hidden meaning in the content of Islamic resistance encompassing issues for the general public. The series of criticalities contains a hidden meaning that requires to be unveiled. That people desire enlightenment, liberation and previous issues which are necessary to be discussed openly. In this study, polite resistance possesses a significant contribution in society

    Kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia pada karangan mahasiswa UIN Maliki Malang pada semester ganjil 2022-2023: sebuah telaah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk kesalahan berbahasa dalam karangan mahasiswa UIN Malaki Malang serta menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan penyebab adanya kesalahan berbahasa dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan dosen dan mahasiswa agar kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karangan dapat diminimalisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan data penelitian berupa kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karangan UIN Maliki Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Uji validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi metode, review informan, dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang: (1) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa meliputi kesalahan penggunaan huruf kapital, kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca, kesalahan penggunaan partikel, kesalahan penulisan kata ulang, kesalahan akibat tipografi, dan kesalahan penulisan kata baku; (2) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa pada bidang morfologi meliputi kesalahan penulisan kata depan, kesalahan penulisan kata bentukan, dan kesalahan akibat pleonasme; (3) bentuk kesalahan berbahasa pada bidang sintaksis meliputi kesalahan struktur frasa-struktur kalimat; dan (4) faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan berbahasa bukan hanya berasal dari siswa melainkan juga karena faktor dosen

    Peningkatan penguasaan kosakata mahasiswa BIPA UIN MALIKI Malang 2016/2017

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    Abstract: Epiphany is a crucial event encountered by an individual which gives him/her an insight in his/her journey of meaning making to life. This qualitative research aims at finding out epiphany of  RII represented in her anthology of short stories, novelets, novels. The research has found out that RII, as a diffable figure, is mentally capable of creating extraordinary works which are: (a) useful for others, (b) inspiring, (c) affecting surrounding people to be stronger, and (d) mostly true-story based. As a writer, RII's epiphany covers three main issues, i.e. (i) humanity epiphany, (ii) femininity epiphany, and (iii) diffability epiphany.   permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v46i12018p04

    Mozaik Bahasa Indonesia : materi bahan ajar bernuansa ulul albab/ Mansurudin

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    xii, 194 hal.; 21 cm

    Mozaik Bahasa Indonesia : materi bahan ajar bernuansa ulul albab/ Mansurudin

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    xii, 194 hal.; 21 cm