409 research outputs found

    A study of the effect of pigmentation on the film properties of ethocel : Part II. a study of the effect of sun light on the color of pigments.

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine quantitatively the effect of pigmentation on the film properties of ethocel lacquer. This study was confined to the determination of tensile strength, percentage elongation at failure, softening and melting points of the films. Pigments were ground in the ethocel lacquer containing three parts ethocel, one part 276V-9 Dow resin and sixteen parts solvent by weight. Softening and melting points of the films were determined and were found to increase uniformly with increasing amounts of the pigments. The tensile strength of ethocel film with titanium dioxide as a pigment increased from 317 Kgm/Cm2 to 425 Kgm/Cm2 by adding 2 percent followed by a decrease. Similar but less marked results were observed with lithopone, barytes and dicalite

    Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS): Towards Maximizing the potential of its Human Resource Development (HRD)

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    As strategic education agenda works to prepare competent graduates, human resource development has become crucial for uplifting the internal strength of the university. University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) relatively a ‘young’ university has been engaged in establishing learning interaction among its staffs towards excellence. This paradigm is paramount to the strategic human resource provider as it allows not only the students who will be graduating but the young faculty members and its administrative staffs to excel. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the keys to successful university undertaken by UMS. In less than ten years, the faculty members as well as the administrative staffs manage to position the university at par to that of other established higher learning institutions in the nation. With the establishment of learning interaction, human resource development of UMS have shown some impact for promoting educational excellence among Malaysians. Indeed competent human resource plays an important role to meet the vision and the mission of UMS- strive to excel.Human Resource Development; Higher Education


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    In the process of sugar production, information systems software quite influential in increasing production. The software used greatly affect the decisions of each production process and control the calculation and reporting to match the real situation on the ground and reduces the possibility of fraud and human error. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero) as the leader of production of the 11 sugar mills throughout East Java of course must always directly monitor the production process and results of each sugar factory. And if it is done manually, of course, will spend no less clear. In addition, security threats to vital corporate data is risky. Especially in the manipulation of data that could hurt the company. Background of the problems mentioned above, in this study constructed a solution in the form of Enterprise Network Application System which serves to integrate all applications Sugar Production Factory PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (s) through the Private Network and mengoptimalisai monitoring and reporting process of sugar production for rapid decision-making and accurate, and able to save the company budget in the archipelago of sugar production process improvement. Furthermore, this research will make the report of distribution process that occurs between sugar mills and PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero) using a distributed database based applications using WEB, WAP and SMS gateway that aims to broaden the reach of the user's application access. Keywords: distributed database, WAP, WEB, SMS Gatewa

    Crime of Election in Indonesia Based on Islamic Criminal Law

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    Election is procedure of implementation of the principle of resident sovereignty for Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia 1945. During the implementation of election (parliamentary, presidential and local election) crime of election always occur. Numerous offenses that occur are vote selling, manipulation of vote counting and so on. There were 903 cases occurred during 2014 election which was handled by Mahkamah Agung (Supreme Court). While during 2009 election, these were about 627. According to Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (commission of anti-corruption) about 3600 members of parliament were affected by these cases. Therefore about 209 members of Governor and District Head are involved in crime of election. This paper is aimed to determine cases in crime of election in Indonesia. This study used case study method, by collecting data from Supreme Court decision related with 2014 election. Instead of cases that the data gained, we also analyzed data based on the concept of Islamic criminal law, hudud, qisas / diyat and takzir and based on Islamic Scholar view. The Results of the study found that, the mistake can be punished by takzir, and others kaffarah for those violating the oath

    Crowdfunding as Financial Option for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria

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    Abstract Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) act as a promoter of economic development of the developed and under developed nations. Developing countries like Nigeria that, require sustainable economic growth and development must pay attention to the SMEs sectors in order to reduce unemployment, poverty and improve the standard leaving of its society. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, SMEs have underperformed despite that, 90% of the Nigerian businesses are small scales but their contribution to the Nigerian GDP is below 10%. The main reason for this low contribution of SMEs to Nigerian GDP could be attributed to poor funding, lack of management expertise and lack of access to modern technology among others, with proper finance the SMEs can acquire modern technology and employed qualified staff.  Thus, this paper focuses on crowdfunding as financial option for small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. However the paper is based on conceptual framework.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencampurkan kesesuaian materi pada buku teks tematik terbitan kemendikbud tema 3 benda si sekitarku dengan lingkungan sekitar sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumentasi, analisis dimulai dengan membaca dan menelaah seluruh data yang telah tersedia. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa buku teks tematik kemendikbud tema 3 benda si sekitarku sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari segi standar isi dan kesesuaian materi dengan lingkungan sekitar sudah sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSNP. Akan tetapi masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan baik dari segi isi, dan kesesuaian materi dengan lingkungan sekitar dilihat dari segi isi terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada materi yang mendukung tercapainya KI dan KD, dan beberapa pembelajaran tidak memuat salah satu dari dimensi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual dan prosedural.Dari segi materi penerapan materi terhadap lingkungan masih sangat jarang diterapkan di lingkungan sekitar baik lingkungan keluarga,sekolah,dan masyarakat. Simpulan, kesesuaian standar isi, dan kesesuaian materi yang terdapat dalam buku ini sudah memenuhi standar yang telah ditetepkan oleh BSNP


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencampurkan kesesuaian materi pada buku teks tematik terbitan kemendikbud tema 3 benda si sekitarku dengan lingkungan sekitar sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumentasi, analisis dimulai dengan membaca dan menelaah seluruh data yang telah tersedia. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa buku teks tematik kemendikbud tema 3 benda si sekitarku sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari segi standar isi dan kesesuaian materi dengan lingkungan sekitar sudah sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSNP. Akan tetapi masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan baik dari segi isi, dan kesesuaian materi dengan lingkungan sekitar dilihat dari segi isi terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada materi yang mendukung tercapainya KI dan KD, dan beberapa pembelajaran tidak memuat salah satu dari dimensi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual dan prosedural.Dari segi materi penerapan materi terhadap lingkungan masih sangat jarang diterapkan di lingkungan sekitar baik lingkungan keluarga,sekolah,dan masyarakat. Simpulan, kesesuaian standar isi, dan kesesuaian materi yang terdapat dalam buku ini sudah memenuhi standar yang telah ditetepkan oleh BSNP

    Pengaruh manajemen kinerja terhadap peningkatan kinerja pengelola di UPTD BBIAT Kota Cimahi

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    Performance is an achievement of the success or failure of organizational goals that have been set Information about organizational performance is a very important thing that is used to evaluate whether the performance process carried out by the organization so far is in line with the expected goals or not. In government agencies, the need is not much different. This study was conducted with the aim of examining the effect of performance management on the performance of managers in the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) in Cimahi City. The research method used by researchers is descriptive and verification research. The number of samples studied was 30 people using saturated samples. Data analysis using simple linear regression analysis. From the results of data analysis conducted, it is proven that performance management can positively affect the performance of managers at the UPTD Freshwater Fish Seed Center (BBIAT) Cimahi City. The findings of this study are that there is an effect of performance management on the performance of managers at UPTD BBIAT Cimahi city, while the magnitude of the influence of the performance management variable is 0.776 or 77.6%, and the remaining 22.4% is influenced by other factors

    Konsep Uang dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam dan Ekonomi Konvensional

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    Money which is the most liquid asset, is also commodity in the economy. It can be traded just as goods and services. Everybody has an access to enter money market and sell the money to those who demand it either for consumption, production and investment at the market price. The concept of money then is identical to the capital, this lead to the practice of interest in the money market because interest is considered the price of the use of money. The involvement of the interest in the money market can be traced from its theory of money demand and from the function of money itself as store of value and as standard of deferred payment, besides as medium of exchange and as unit of account or measure of value.In the perspective of an Islamic economics, the function of money is only as medium of exchange and as unit of account. Since money is not commodity it can not be traded in the economy. That is why money is not identical to the capital, as result it also can not be kept for a long period of time. It must be circulated in the society and be used to perform economic activity. So in an Islamic economics money is flow concept and not stock concept, money is public property and not individual property. This distinction of the concept of money in the conventional economics and in an Islamic economics can be traced from its function and its theory of money demand which both of them have advantages and disadvantages. For example, the concept of money in an Islamic economic tends to make money always circulate and flow among society to be used for the economic activity while in the conventional economic money tends to be kept idle as individual wealth and will be released only if its price is quite high in the market. It is not necessary however to force ourselves applying to one concept and leaving the other one, but let both of them go hand in hand and complement each other in economy
