300 research outputs found

    Evaluating Murabaha in Islamic Banks

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    After the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate in Istanbul and the loss of the First World War, Shari\u27a and Arabic as the law and language of the Muslim world were replaced with common laws and numerous European languages were introduced into the new Arab states. These events led to calls for reestablishing the shari’a for all aspects of life. Arab countries responded by constituting Islamic parties and institutions including Islamic banks. Islamic banks flourished quickly all over the world. Some consider this evidence of success. Most of the operations of Islamic banks (40%-80%) were in the area of Murabaha. Accounting and auditing standards were issued by the Organisation of Accounting and Auditing Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions in Bahrain (OAASIFI) in 1997 by translating the international standards so as to begin from where others reached. Many questions were raised about the lawfulness of Islamic banks operations, although there are shari’a control bodies in every bank, which make it necessary to investigate its activities. This is an analytical study of Islamic bank operations from a shari’a point view regarding Murabaha to the order of the purchaser concluding that it is far from shari’a’s principles and provisions

    Pneumonia due to a Rare Pathogen: Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Subspecies denitrificans

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    Achromobacter xylosoxidans, subspecies denitrificans, is a gram-negative rod recently implicated as an emerging cause of infection in both immunosuppressed and immunocompetent populations. Few cases are reported in literature involvingmultiple body systems. Diagnosis depends on cultures of appropriate specimens, and management usually is by administration of appropriate antibiotics(usually agents with antipseudomonal activity).We report a rare case of pneumonia due to infection with this organism, in a patient with preexisting bronchiectasis secondary to chronic aspiration

    Droughts and the Process of Aridification as Soil Degradation Factor in Deliblato Sands

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    In this doctoral dissertation, the research of the influences of droughts and the process of aridification have been conducted on Deliblato Sands area’s sensitivity, as a Special nature reserve, especially from the aspect of land degradation, the condition of vegetation cover and sustainable management of these ecosystems. Research included two groups: climatological studies (for the period 1980-2010) and the studies of soil. Within climatological studies, the focus was on climate factors most often used in the research of land degradation. This primarily refers to precipitation (P), temperature (T), wind (W) and their extremes, potential evapotranspiration (PET), standardized precipitation index (SPI for 1. 2. 3. 6 and 12 monts ) and aridity indices (AI and BGI). Soil studies (31 pedological profiles) comprised of field and laboratory research that defined morphological, physical and chemical properties. Based on these researches, described and selected soils were grouped into four categories, according to WRB classification: group I – Protic Arenosol (Calcaric), group II – Arenosol (Haplic, Calcaric), group III – Chernozem (Arenic), group IV – Glaysol (Calcaric, Arenic). The results of soil degradation of Deliblato Sands, amongst other, have enabled the marking off of three texture classes which belong to different categories of erodibility: highly erodible soils with 56.17% (sand), medium erodible soils with 41.27% (clay sand) and low erodible soils with 36.62% (sandy clay). Soil sensitivity to the process of wind erosion, in model RWEQ, is defined by the participation of erodible fraction (EF) that contains soil particles <0.84 mm. The erodible fraction depends on physical and chemical soil properties, including the contents of sand, dust and clay, the contents of organic matter and CaCO3 in surface level 0-25 mm. Using the same model, the soil crust factor (SCF) is determined which reflects the changes of abrasive surface resistance, when the surface is modified by precipitation. The analytical data of certain soil properties were processed using mathematicalstatistical methods (Statistical multivariate package): variance analysis (F-test and LSD-test applied (P<0.05)), regression and correlation analysis, cumulative frequency analysis. All statistical analyses were conducted for the selected groups of soils (by WRB method) and for soils sorted out according to the groups of vegetation. The statistical analyses were performed using a statistical program Statgraphics Plus. The results were processed by descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses, as well as variance analysis (ANOVA test). Contemporary statistical methods have been applied in the analysis of geospatial data on the soil sensitivity of Deliblato Sands and their mutual dependence, which have made the analysis of data on raster sets possible. The problems of land degradation, as a primary element of nature, represent significant problems of environment. Among numerous problems related to the processes of degradation, soil erosion is a dominant process, especially in semi-arid and arid areas in which water acts as a limiting factor, conditioning ecosystem productivity and stability. In the area of Deliblato Sands which is characterized by specific land creations and arid and semi-arid conditions during most of year, the problems of land degradation are related to the process of wind erosion. The results of climatological and pedological research enabled the performance of statistical and geostatistical analyses of certain parameters. The given results, along with the analyses of vegetation and management system, allowed for the carrying out of integrated GIS analyses and assessments of soil sensitivity of Deliblato Sands in regards to land degradation, using MEDALUS model (Mediterranean Desertification AndLand Use). The application of the model included a selection of indicators which best characterize soil quality (in regard to soil erodibility), climate quality (with regard to erosivity), vegetation quality (in regards to protection) and the quality of area management. The assessment of the above-mentioned four indices of quality and the final index of sensitivity of Deliblato Sands was conducted based on algorithms, which provided synthesis cards for each index of quality. Based on these results and from the aspect of sensitivity, the area of Deliblato Sands is divided into four classes: class N – soils are not endangered, it covers 3.9 ha or 0.01% of territory; class P – potentially endangered, it covers 186.15 ha or 0.55% of territory; class F – fragile, divided into three subclasses: F1 – 843.69 ha or 2.50% of territory, F2 – 2532.63 ha or 7.49% of territory and F3 – 11217.39 ha or 33.19% of territory; class C – critical, divided into three subclasses: C1 – 648.18 ha or 1.92% of territory, C2 – 9943.44 ha or 29.42% of territory and C3 – 8422.93 ha or 24.92% of territory. These results also show that 99.44% of Deliblato Sands area belongs to classes “fragile” and “critical”, emphasizing the spread and intensity of danger that comes from soil degradation of the area

    Fitness Characteristics of Jordanian Emergency Medical Technicians

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    Introduction: Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) should be always prepared to deal with the stressful condition of treating patients with serious physical and emotional injuries. Given that EMTs consider safety the first priority, they must pay adequate attention to their own physical well-being and fitness to practice.&nbsp;Objective: The present study was conducted to analyze the fitness of Jordanian EMTs.&nbsp;Method: The present prospective study was conducted to evaluate the well-being of Jordanian paramedics. The survey was designed using Google forms, which were completed by the participants. The data collection tools comprised an already-designed checklist, including items such as age, gender as well as height and weight, which are used for calculating body mass index (BMI). In addition, the presence of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal failure and cardiorespiratory diseases as well as the history of surgeries and disabilities were investigated. The participants were also asked about their smoking status and other health-related habits.&nbsp;Results: Out of 115 surveys conducted, 7 were discarded owing to loss of information or making completion mistakes. Out of the remaining 108 respondents, 82 (75.9%) were male and below 10% were over the age of 30 years. BMI was over 25 in 40.7% of the respondents, and only 4 (3.7%) had chronic diseases. Moreover, 46 (42.6%) respondents were smokers, and only 30 (27.8%) performed regular exercise.&nbsp;Conclusion: The present findings suggest health problems in a small percentage of the EMTs, potentially due to the appropriate support provided by the employers or university authorities in this regard. The major health problem was overweight and unhealthy lifestyle, including smoking and not doing regular exercise

    Inferior vena cava filters in cancer patients: to filter or not to filter

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    Hikmat Abdel-Razeq1, Asem Mansour2, Yousef Ismael1, Hazem Abdulelah11Department of Internal Medicine, 2Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, JordanPurpose: Cancer and its treatment are recognized risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE); active cancer accounts for almost 20% of all newly diagnosed VTE. Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are utilized to provide mechanical thromboprophylaxis to prevent pulmonary embolism (PE) or to avoid bleeding from systemic anticoagulation in high-risk situations. In this report, and utilizing a case study, we will address the appropriate utilization of such filters in cancer patients.Methods: The case of a 43-year-old female patient with rectal cancer, who developed deep vein thrombosis following a complicated medical course, will be presented. The patient was anticoagulated with a low molecular weight heparin, but a few months later and following an episode of bleeding, an IVC filter was planned. Using the PubMed database, articles published in English language addressing issues related to IVC filters in cancer patients were accessed and will be presented.Results: Many recent studies questioned the need to insert IVC filters in advanced-stage cancer patients, particularly those whose anticipated survival is short and prevention of PE may be of little clinical benefit and could be a poor utilization of resources.Conclusion: Systemic anticoagulation can be safely offered for the majority of cancer patients. When the risk of bleeding or pulmonary embolism is high, IVC filters can be utilized. However, placement of such filters should take into consideration the stage of disease and life expectancy of such patients.Keywords: anticoagulation, bleeding, chemotherap

    ENSO relationship to summer rainfall variability and its potential predictability over Arabian Peninsula region

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    Rainfall Predictability: Droughts are Predictable in the Arabian Peninsula Drought conditions are particularly alarming for a water-scarce region like the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the prediction of regional rainfall is of utmost importance for the socio-economic sectors such as water and agricultural resources, so the policy makers can cope with drought situations. In the summer season, the Arabian Peninsula receives rainfall mostly in the southwestern region. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) strongly influences the southwestern peninsula rainfall and drives drought conditions in its warm phase. In this study it is shown that models are able to realize this potential, and Arabian Peninsula summer rainfall may be therefore predictable on a seasonal basis

    Study of Treg FOXP3 in childhood bronchial asthma in relation to corticosteroid therapy

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    Background: T cells are considered the main cells responsible for production of suppressive cytokines, and play a key role in balancing the immune responses to maintain the peripheral tolerance against allergens. Objective: The present study investigates T regulatory (Treg) forkheadwinged helix protein 3 FOXP3 expression in childhood asthma and its relation to corticosteroid therapy. Methods: In this case control study, Treg FOXP3 was measured in blood of 60 children using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. Two asthmatic groups were included, one on corticosteroid therapy (20 patients) and the other not on corticosteroid treatment (20 patients). They were compared to 20 healthy children as controls. Results: FOXP3 concentration was significantly elevated in asthmatic patients (90 ± 77.4) compared to healthy children (12.844 ± 10.6) (p= 0.000). FOXP3 was significantly more elevated in asthmatics on corticosteroids (161.158 ± 63.9) than steroid naive asthmatics (36.038 ± 23.4) (p=0.000). Levels of Treg FOXP3 in asthmatics with inhaled corticosteroids (mean 151.16 ± 53.79) were almost similar to FOXP3 in asthmatics with systemic corticosteroids (161.49±72.5) (p&gt;0.05). FOXP3 levels did not differ with smoking, asthma severity or disease control and did not correlate with age, FEV1, blood lymphocytes percentage or eosinophils percentage. Conclusion: Asthmatics have increased expression of FOXP3, and corticosteroid therapy –whether oral or inhaled - enhances FOXP3 expression.Keywords: FOXP3, Treg, Corticosteroids, Bronchial asthma, Transcription factors, CytokinesEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2012;10(1):39-43

    Complete Esophageal Obstruction after Endoscopic Variceal Band Ligation in a Patient with a Sliding Hiatal Hernia

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    Complete esophageal obstruction is a rare complication of endoscopic variceal banding, with only 6 cases in the English literature since the introduction of endoscopic variceal banding in 1986. We report a case of complete esophageal obstruction following esophageal banding due to entrapment of part of a sliding hiatal hernia. To our knowledge, our case is one of few with esophageal obstruction post-banding, and the first associated with a hiatal hernia. We recommend caution when performing esophageal banding on patients with a hiatal hernia

    The Impact of Branding in Building and Enhancing Customer Loyalty for Banking Services: an Applied Study of Commercial Bank Customers in Jordan

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    Purpose:  The aim of this study is to examine the impact of branding in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services.   Theoretical framework: branding dimensions are the first factors, which affect a customer’s opinion of the quality and features a particular product, including brand recognition, mental image, trust, satisfaction, market value, and perceived quality. A large number of studies indicate that customer loyalty influences brand value (Janghyeon &amp; Yuksel, 2011).   Design/methodology/approach:  The research reports on field study that operationalizes a theoretical framework to examine the impact of branding in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services.   Findings:  Evidence from the study indicates that the dimensions of branding have a statistically significant impact in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services in Jordan   Research, Practical &amp; Social implications: the study suggests improving customer trust in their brand and banking services, because such trust is one of the most important dimensions that enhances customer satisfaction, and persuades them to have the desired level of loyalty for these services.   Originality/value:  The results indicate the role of the branding can build and enhance customer loyalty for banking services in commercial bank in Jordan.Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el impacto de la marca en la construcción y mejora de la lealtad del cliente para los servicios bancarios. La muestra del estudio consta de 400 encuestados que fueron seleccionados al azar entre clientes de bancos comerciales en Jordania durante el período de estudio. Se desarrolló un cuestionario para recopilar datos de los encuestados. Se utilizaron métodos descriptivos para analizar los datos y la hipótesis se probó mediante un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. La evidencia del estudio indica que las dimensiones de la marca tienen un impacto estadísticamente significativo en la construcción y mejora de la lealtad del cliente para los servicios bancarios en Jordania.A la luz de los resultados, el estudio presenta una serie de recomendaciones, la más destacada de las cuales es que los bancos comerciales de Jordania deberían aumentar la confianza de los clientes en sus servicios bancarios aumentando el conocimiento de la marca. La confianza es una de las dimensiones más importantes de la marca que aumenta la satisfacción del cliente y, como resultado, aumenta la lealtad. Además, los bancos deben reconocer la importancia de las dimensiones de la marca, ya que todas contribuyen a construir y mejorar la lealtad del cliente.Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar o impacto do branding na construção e fidelização de clientes para serviços bancários. A amostra do estudo consiste em 400 entrevistados que foram selecionados aleatoriamente entre clientes de bancos comerciais na Jordânia durante o período do estudo. Um questionário foi desenvolvido para coletar dados dos entrevistados. Métodos descritivos foram usados para analisar os dados, e a hipótese foi testada por meio de análise de regressão linear múltipla. As evidências do estudo indicam que as dimensões da marca têm um impacto estatisticamente significativo na construção e aumento da fidelidade do cliente para serviços bancários na Jordânia.À luz dos resultados, o estudo apresenta uma série de recomendações, a mais importante das quais é que os bancos comerciais na Jordânia devem aumentar a confiança do cliente em seus serviços bancários, aumentando o conhecimento da marca. A confiança é uma das dimensões mais importantes da marca que aumenta a satisfação do cliente e, como resultado, aumenta a lealdade. Além disso, os bancos devem reconhecer a importância das dimensões da marca, pois todas elas contribuem para construir e aumentar a fidelidade do cliente