1,149 research outputs found

    Characterization and Lethality of Endotoxic Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Salmonellae

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    Salmonellae Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) could be extracted from different serovars in amounts varying from 1.5% to 5% of bacterial weight. No clear influence of motility on the amount of extracted LPS was detected. These LPS were studied by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and all of them gave one major band representing the core antigen with a molecular weight varying from 4 to 12 while some of them showed extra minor bands. The LD50 of different LPS preparations varied from 150 to 300 µg. The highest value was obtained by motile and non-motile Salmonella Dublin (300 µg each). Sensitization of mice at time of LPS injection by galactosamine resulted in the exaggeration of lethality induced by LPS preparation for up to 300 times. Keywords: Lipopolysaccharide – LPS – Salmonella– SDS-PAGE – electrophoresis

    Entropy generation for MHD natural convection in enclosure with a micropolar fluid saturated porous medium with Al2O3Cu water hybrid nanofluid

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    This contribution gives a numerical investigation of buoyancy-driven flow of natural convection heat transfer and entropy generation of non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid (Al2O3-Cu) within an enclosure square porous cavity. Hybrid nanofluids represent a novel type of enhanced active fluids. During the current theoretical investigation, an actual available empirical data for both thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of hybrid nanofluids are applied directly. Numerical simulation have been implemented for solid nanoparticles, the volumetric concentration of which varies from 0.0% (i.e., pure fluid) to 0.1% of hybrid nanofluids. Heat and sink sources are situated on a part of the left and right sides of the cavity with length B, while the upper and bottom horizontal sides are kept adiabatic. The stated partial differential equations describing the flow are mutated to a dimensionless formulas, then solved numerically via the help of an implicit finite difference approach. The acquired computations are given in terms of streamlines, isotherms, isomicrorotations, isoconcentraions, local Began number, total entropy, local and mean Nusselt numbers. The data illustrates that variations of ratio of the average Nusselt number to the average Nusselt of pure fluid Num+ is a decreasing function of Ha and φ, while e+ is an increasing function of Ha and φ parameters of hybrid nanofluid

    Cattaneo–Christov heat flux impacts on MHD radiative natural convection of Al2O3-Cu-H2O hybrid nanofluid in wavy porous containers using LTNE

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    This paper aims to examine impacts of Cattaneo–Christov heat flux on the magnetohydrodynamic convective transport within irregular containers in the presence of the thermal radiation. Both of the magnetic field and flow domain are slant with the inclination angles Î© and γ, respectively. The worked fluid is consisting of water (H2O) and Al2O3-Cu hybrid nanoparticles. The enclosures are filled with a porous medium, and the local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) model between the hybrid nanofluids and the porous elements are considered. Influences of various types of the obstacles are examined, namely, horizontal cold elliptic, vertical elliptic and cross section ellipsis. The solution methodology is depending on the finite volume method with nonorthogonal grids. The major outcomes revealed that the location (0.75, 0.5) is better for the rate of the flow and temperature gradients. The higher values of H* causes that the solid phase temperature has a similar behavior of the fluid phase temperature indicating to the thermal equilibrium state. Also, the fluid-phase average Nusselt number is maximizing by increasing Cattaneo–Christov heat flux factor

    The Impact of Aspect Ratio, Characteristic Strength and Compression Rebars on the Shear Capacity of Shallow RC Beams

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    This paper investigates the impact of the aspect ratio, the characteristics strength of the concrete, and the compression steel ratio on the shear capacity of wide-shallow beams. An experimental program consists of seven specimens, including a control specimen, all tested under a three-point load test. Three specimens were considered for each parameter (the control specimen was included in all three variables). The experimental results were compared to the theoretical values of six different codes of practice; they were also analyzed to determine the ductility, stiffness, and dissipated energy of each specimen. The results indicated that the shear reinforcement was fully functioning until it yielded, with a minimum contribution of 55% of the total shear capacity of the specimens. The aspect ratio and the characteristic strength had a notable impact on the shear capacity of the specimens, while the compression steel ratio had a minor effect on the shear capacity, but it improved the stiffness and the ductility of the beams. Theoretical concrete shear strengths from design codes ranged between 77 and 163% of the experimental values; EN-1992 was the closest code to the experimental results. A comparison between the experimental results and predicted values using GP and EPR methods from previous research showed accuracies of 72% and 81%, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-09-012 Full Text: PD

    Antioxidant Activity of Crude Extract from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) Pericarp on the Lung Rat which Exposure by Cigarette

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    Ekstrak kasar manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L) Pericarp (Cemp) memiliki banyak kegiatan biologis dan farmakologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efek konsumsi Cemp selama 3 minggu pada peroksidasi lipid seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh tingkat malondialdehyde (MDA) dalam asap rokok yang terpapar tikus. Dua puluh lima tikus laki-laki Wistar secara acak dibagi menjadi lima kelompok, I.E.: Grup kontrol normal, kelompok kontrol rokok yang terbuka dan tiga kelompok perlakuan. kelompok perlakuan Ei R menerima 200. 400. dan 600 mg Cemp / kg dengan berat tikus, masing-masing. Diet dalam bentuk pelet secara bebas dikonsumsi (ad libitum) dan diberikan selama tiga minggu. Tikus terpapar asap rokok satu kali per hari. Sampel darah diambil pada hari terakhir untuk analisis MDA. Perbandingan level MDA dilakukan dengan tes ANOVA pada data normal. Setelah 3 minggu perawatan, rata-rata tingkat MDA antara kelompok secara signifikan perbedaan (p = 0,000). Pada hari ke-21, tingkat MDA pada kontrol normal, paparan oleh kontrol rokok dan kelompok yang ditambah dengan 0. 200. 400 dan 600 mg Cemp / kg seberat tikus 0,126 ± 0,02. 0,637 ± 0,04. 0,423 ± 0,03. 0,235 ± 0,03 dan 0,136 ± 0,03 μg / ml, masing-masing. Juga menarik untuk menunjukkan penurunan kerusakan morfologis paru-paru dengan pengobatan Cemp. Hasil SE menunjukkan efek menguntungkan Cemp dalam tingkat MDA yang mengurangi tikus yang terpapar rokok

    Bishop score versus transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length in predicting successful labor induction in post-term pregnancy: prospective cohort study

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    Background: The current study aims to compare the efficacy of Bishop score assessment and transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of the cervical length in prediction of the outcome of labor induction in post-term pregnancy.Methods: A comparative Prospective observational study conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kom Ombo central hospital from January 2017 to October 2017. Pregnant women were classified into two groups of Bishop Score Group (1): ladies with (Bishop Score 5) = favorable cervix. Also, they were classified into two groups of cervical lengths: Group (1): women with (cervical length <25mm, shorter cervix) and Group (2): those with (cervical length ≥25 mm, longer cervix). The Primary outcome was Bishop score by digital examination and Cervical length by TVS.Results: The study group was 100 women. Regarding sonographic assessment, 44 patients had cervical length <25 mm and the mean cervical length for the whole study group was 25.19±8.16 mm. Successful induction was achieved in 78 patients (78%), while CS was done in 22 patients due to failed induction.  No difference between both groups regarding the parity (p=0.063). When comparing women with successful VD versus those delivered by CS, we found significantly higher Bishop score in the first group 5.12 ± 1.93  vs 3.89 ± 1.71 in the second group (p=0.002). Additionally, VD group had significantly shorter cervix than CS group (22.31 ±7.14 vs. 35.37± 5.80 mm, p=0.007). The Bishop score showed significant moderate negative correlation with the cervical length (r=-0.589, p=0.001).Conclusions: Success of labor induction in women undergoing induction due to prolonged pregnancy can be highly predicted by cervical length as it is more objective and accurate than Bishop Score. The 25 mm cut-off point for cervical length was the best predictor of vaginal delivery

    Support vector machine for simultaneous determination of ultra trace concentrations of copper and cadmium in serum of patients with chronic hepatitis by adsorptive stripping voltammetry

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    The purpose of this study is to establish a simple model and use the clinical data to predict the interferon efficacy. This model is a combination of Feature Subset Selection and the Classifier using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). The study indicates that when five features have been selected, the identification by the SVM is as follows: the identification rate for the effective group is 85%, and the ineffective group 83%.Serum trace elements concentrations and their ratios are frequently reported to be a good marker for diagnosing various diseases; one of these diseases is chronic liver diseases.  This study undertaken to simultaneous determine of Cu2+, and Cd2+ concentrations in sera from viral hepatitis (B and C) patients by adsorptive stripping voltammetry using 3-aminophthalhydrazide (luminol) as a complex agent and classification with support vector machine SVM. Donor's hepatitis patients and healthy persons were selected from different environmental areas, including Arar, Al-auiqilh and Rafha as unpolluted areas, and Al-Jouf , Tarif and Al- Qurayyat as a polluted areas. Hepatitis patients from polluted areas exhibited higher Cu2+ and Cd2+concentrations in their serum than those from the other areas. Patients with hepatitis B show higher levels of Cu2+, and Cd2+ in their serum than those with hepatitis C. Copper and cadmium presented at higher level in patient serum than in healthy ones. In this study the optimum reaction parameters and conditions studies are investigated. The calibration graphs were linear in the concentration range of 0.3– 142.5 and 0.065–60.0 ng/mL for copper and cadmium, respectively. The limit of detection of the method was 0.038ng/mL for Cu2+ and 0.013 ng/mL for Cd2+. The interference of some common ions was studied and it was concluded that application of this method for the determination of Cu2+ and Cd2+in the healthy control and hepatitis patient's serum led to satisfactory results. Keywords: Support Vector Machine; adsorptive stripping voltammetry; chronic hepatitis; heavy metal

    Protective effect of camel milk as anti-diabetic supplement: biochemical, molecular and immunohistochemical study

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    Background: Diabetes is a serious disease affects human health. Diabetes in advanced stages is accompanied by general weakness and alteration in fats and carbohydrates metabolism. Recently there are some scientific trends about the usage of camel milk (CM) in the treatment of diabetes and its associated alterations. CM contains vital active particles with insulin like action that cure diabetes and its complications but how these effects occur, still unclear.Materials and Methods: Seventy-five adult male rats of the albino type divided into five equal groups. Group 1 served as a negative control (C). Group 2 was supplemented with camel milk (CM). Diabetes was induced in the remaining groups (3, 4 and 5). Group 3 served as positive diabetic control (D). Group 4 served as diabetic and administered metformin (D+MET). Group 5 served as diabetes and supplemented with camel milk (D+CM). Camel milk was supplemented for two consecutive months. Serum glucose, leptin, insulin, liver, kidney, antioxidants, MDA and lipid profiles were assayed. Tissues from liver and adipose tissues were examined using RT-PCR analysis for the changes in mRNA expression of genes of carbohydrates and lipid metabolism. Pancreas and liver were used for immunohistochemical examination using specific antibodies.Results: Camel milk supplementation ameliorated serum biochemical measurements that altered after diabetes induction. CM supplementation up-regulated mRNA expression of IRS-2, PK, and FASN genes, while down-regulated the expression of CPT-1 to control mRNA expression level. CM did not affect the expression of PEPCK gene. On the other hand, metformin failed to reduce the expression of CPT-1 compared to camel milk administered rats. Immunohistochemical findings revealed that CM administration restored the immunostaining reactivity of insulin and GLUT-4 in the pancreas of diabetic rats.Conclusion: CM administration is of medical importance and helps physicians in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.Keywords: Camel milk, Diabetes, Gene expression, Immunohistochemistr

    Maximum power point tracking techniques for photovoltaic systems: a comparative study

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    Photovoltaic systems (PV) are one of the most important renewable energy resources (RER). It has limited energy efficiency leading to increasing the number of PV units required for certain input power i.e. to higher initial cost. To overcome this problem, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers are used. This work introduces a comparative study of seven MPPT classical, artificial intelligence (AI), and bio-inspired (BI) techniques: perturb and observe (P&O), modified perturb and observe (M-P&O), incremental conductance (INC), fuzzy logic controller (FLC), artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and cuckoo search (CS). Under the same climatic conditions, a comparison between these techniques in view of some criteria’s: efficiencies, tracking response, implementation cost, and others, will be performed. Simulation results, obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK program, show that the MPPT techniques improve the lowest efficiency resulted without control. ANFIS is the highest efficiency, but it requires more sensors. CS and ANN produce the best performance, but CS provided significant advantages over others in view of low implementation cost, and fast computing time. P&O has the highest oscillation, but this drawback is eliminated using M-P&O. FLC has the longest computing time due to software complexity, but INC has the longest tracking time

    Four-leg active power filter control with SUI-PI controller

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    Four-leg active power filter is considered one of the greatest vital active filters that are frequently used in industrial applications, especially those that need to be controlled in each individual phase. Also, to control the neutral current that created because of a lot of unbalanced and non-linear loads. In this paper, the used active filter was controlled by a proposed control method which can achieve simplicity and intelligence at the same time. The novelty of this paper is using the proposed controller with Four-leg active power filter. This controller relies on instantaneous reactive power theory, which used to create the required currents that are injected into the network via the used active filter to remove the problems created by unbalanced and non-linear loads. It is also maintained that the current source a pure sinusoidal wave. The system is implemented on MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results proved the preference of the proposed controller than the conventional proportional-integration controller, where it reduced the percentage of total harmonic distortion for the current source
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