259 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to discuss the understanding of Islamic theology in Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. This paper mainly discussed the pattern of interpretation of the verses found in the Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, especially in interpreting the verses of kalam used as arguments by the Mutakalimīn. The primary sources were Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. In contrast, the secondary sources were works from rational and traditional mainstreams. This study find that several verses of the Quran were used as Naqlī arguments by rational and traditional mainstreams, which the Ministry of Religious Affairs then interpreted. This paper shows that the interpretation of the verses in the Tafsir tends to be somewhat closer to the rational-Mātūrīdīyah Samarkand style of thought, not the Muʿtazilaʾs rationale. On the other hand, it has very little in common with traditional mainstream, such as Ashʿarīyah and Mātūrīdīyah Bukhārā


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    The Department of Economics and Development Studies at Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Economics (from hereforth referred to as DEDS-FE-GMU) sets its purpose first, to become a leading research based education center, second providing an international first-rate education in economics, and third to be at the forefront of academic institutions in the field of business economics. Accomplishment of the department’s missions requires planning and execution of several phases of improvement programs within the next five academic years. The programs are categorized into improvements in terms of educational facilities, teaching staff and education process, the quality of  student output. The department plans to improve and upgrade all existing education support systems. A more modern and complete library is a necessity, with a competent staff of librarians to assist lecturers and students in obtaining data. The language lab will be enhanced with the most up-to-date teaching aids to facilitate more effective process of learning English. Lastly, the computer lab will be upgraded to incorporate more multimedia and internet aspects. All of the facilities will have more staff and longer opening hours and therefore more student attendance. Improvement of lecturers and the teaching staff is conducted through many efforts. Internationally, more lecturers will be assigned to pursue post-graduate degrees at quality foreign schools in the near future. Domestically, the frequency of attending national conferences and workshops will be increased. Internally, the department plans to start a series of seminars and internal consultations to maintain the quality of education, formulate better methods of education, and establish a system of class notes for courses. Student output is measured in terms of the quality of graduates from the program. The quality of graduates is expected to rise as a result of the following activities in the next five years. More English based instructions and improved language lab will enable students to post higher averageTOEFL scores of 500. The ratio of student to lecturers is expected to reach 7.5 students/lecturer, leading to more concentrated classes. The average study time (coursework plus skripsi) of students is expected to drop from the current figure of 4 years and 10 month. The average cumulative GPA is expected to reach 3.3. Finally, the waiting time of graduates to enter new jobs will be reduced to 3 months after graduation. Through careful planning and execution, the goals of the department will be accomplished. The department can draw upon the resources of its teaching staff, which are among the most respected in the country, and its alumni, who are among the most prominent in the government and private sectors. Its reputation and credibility is proven in the numerous joint education and research programs it has initiated with the most important public institutions and private corporations all over the country. It also holds the distinction as one of two departments offering a doctorate program in economics in Indonesia

    Antara Semangat Pengabdian dan Keterbatasan Diri: Studi Fenomenologi tentang Stress Kerja Perawat yang Bertugas di Ruang Intensif dan Isolasi COVID-19

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    KATA KUNCI KEYWORDS ABSTRAK COVID 19, perawat, stress kerja Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan bertujuan untuk memahami pengalaman perawat di ruang intensif yang rentan mengalami distres psikologis dan bagaimana mereka memaknai pengalamannya. Masih sedikit penelitian yang mencoba untuk menggali lebih dalam mengenai kondisi psikologis perawat dilihat dari sisi subjektif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap tiga orang perawat yang sedang atau pernah bekerja di ruang intensif. Satu perawat ditugaskan Ruang Isolasi COVID 19 yang pernah bertugas di ruang intensif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan beberapa tema yang sama antar partisipan terkait dengan pengalaman mereka di ruang intensif dan ruang isolasi COVID 19 seperti adanya rasa cemas, pekerjaan yang melelahkan. Tema yang muncul sebagian besar mengandung emosi negatif dan distres psikologis yang dialami selama bertugas dalam konteks yang beragam antar partisipan. Terlepas dari emosi negatif, partisipan masih terdapat sikap positif yang menjadi motivasi mereka untuk tetap mengabdi. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan secara spesifik tantangan unik yang dialami oleh partisipan dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan mental mereka yang tidak dapat dijelaskan melalui penelitian kuantitatif. ABSTRACT This study uses a phenomenological approach and aims to perceive nurses' experiences in the intensive room which has vulnerable to have psychological distress and how they interpret their experiences. There are limited studies that reveal about psychological distress from nurse’s subjective view. Data is collected through a depth of interviews with three new nurses, who are on duty in intensive care room and a nurse in the COVID 19 Isolation Room, who has also served in the ICU. The result of this study shows some similar themes about their experiences in intensive care and COVID 19 isolation room such as anxiety and exhausting job. Majority of theme contain negative emotion and psychological distress while on duty in special context among participants. Regardless negative emotion dominated, positive attitude that encourage instrinsic motivation to serve patiens live. The study revealed specific challenge and experience among participants and how affect their mental health which not revealed from quantitative study

    Pengalaman caregiver menantu perempuan bagi pengidap Demensia Parkinson dalam konteks budaya Tionghoa: Studi Fenomenologi

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    This study was conducted to gain understanding and meaning of a caregiver's experience in caring for her mother-in-law who suffers Parkinson's dementia. This is a phenomenological case study. Data were collected using the online semi-structured interview with a woman who is the main caregiver of her mother-in-law who suffers Parkinson's dementia. The results were presented in several themes regarding the participant’s experience and meaning. The conclusion from the results of this study is that there are various dilemmas faced in caring for parent-in-laws which then lead to conflicts between families. The existence of various factors contributing to developing caregiver burden on a caregiver who cares for parents-in-law with Parkinson's dementia

    Kausalitas Pengeluaran Energi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Tahun 1972-2000 = The Causality Between Energy Expenditure and Economics Growth _Utz-Indonesia Period of 1972-2000

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    The research aims to analyze the causality between energy expenditure and economic growth in Indonesia. The data used here are annual time series data for the period of 1972-2000. This research based on the Granger causality test (1969), Granger causality test with Final Prediction Error (FPE), Sims causality test (1972), co integration test, and Granger causality test (1988) or Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Based on the causality estimation test, to be obtained the same conclusion by using Granger causality test ( 1969), Granger causality test with Final Prediction Error(FPE), and also with Sims causality test ( 1972) that is not be found relation from energy expenditure to economics growth. But there is one way relation from economics growth to energy expenditure. By using examination of causality with co integration cannot be done because the equation that be used its result is not be co integrated Keywords : Causality, Energy expenditure and Economics growth

    Tarekat dan Perubahan Sosial di Banten

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    This article aims to describe the involvement of Sufism orders (Tariqa) in the pace of social change in Banten. The main focus to be presented in this research article is how the Tariqa exists and develops in the life of Banten community and how the Tariqa plays a role in the social change. The method used in this study is a field research method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation analysis of literary sources. The article’s research recorded findings that various Sufism organizations or Tariqa had existed and became important actors of social change in Banten’s historical phases since the era of the Banten Sultanate, Western colonialism, until Banten became part of Indonesian territory in the contemporary era. Furthermore, the role of the Tariqa in social change is expressed in three transmissions of its influence in Banten, namely 1) the presence of Sufism teachings as a source of inspiration for the Sultan’s (ruler’s) policies, 2) the establishment of Sufi-sultan teacher connections (ruler/government), and 3) the existence of Sufi scholars and Tariqa organizations as the basis of social and moral movements.

    Strategies Of BUMN Sector Management: Management Evaluation And Supervision

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    Secara garis besar, pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu pengelolaan sektornya, dan pengelolaan individual perusahaan. Tulisan ini membahas yang pertama, pada tingkat pengelolaan sektor yang dilaksanakan oleh departemen keuangan sebagai pemilik mewakili pemerintah serta departemen teknis. Pengelolaan sektornya terutama tertuju pada pengawasan dan pengendalian manajemen badan usaha berdasarkan struktur tertentu. Hal ini terutama dihubungkan dengan tolok-ukur RLS( rentabilitas, likuiditas, dansolvabilitas), kemudian dihubungkan dengan misi dan tujuannya berupa tujuan komersial dan non komersial, serta pengelompokkan mereka berdasarkan berbagai kriteria. Analisis yang dikemukakan terutama be rhubungan dengan keberhasilan organisasi dan manajemen dikaitkan dengan karakteristik dan dimensi BUMN kita yang sangat bervariasi. Di sini dikemukalcan analis is sasaran kelompok terhadap prioritas tujuan dan persepsi manajemen dalam hubungan dengan kriteria alternatif kebijakan pengelolaan sektor, serta strategi perencanaan

    Resilience as a Predictor of Adolescent Happiness in Orphanages in Jakarta

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    Happiness is characterized by the absence of negative emotions and positive emotions. Happiness is associated with fostering positive relationships, excellent health, and overall well-being. Every individual is entitled to happiness. However, certain circumstances can cause individuals to experience a range of stress, negative emotions, and decreased contentment. Adolescents are susceptible to a variety of negative emotions. Sometimes, teenagers may be reared in orphanages due to a lack of parental care, a low socioeconomic background, or other issues. Teenagers who lack a proper upbringing and secure family environment will be susceptible to psychological and behavioral issues. Positive psychology, on the other hand, posits that adolescents have the inner fortitude to endure a variety of pressures and life challenges. This concept is called resiliency. This study seeks to determine the function of resilience as a predictor of adolescent happiness in orphanages in Jakarta. The technique employed is quantitative research with a correlational design. There were a total of 403 participants in the study, including 179 men and 224 women (M = 14.88 + 1.13 years). The results demonstrated that resilience was a predictor of happiness among orphanage adolescents, accounting for 21.2% of the variance. It demonstrated that the resilience of adolescents in orphanages can enable them to withstand a variety of pressures, leading to greater satisfaction. Keywords: Adolescent; Happiness; Orphanage; Resilienc


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    This research is motivated by concerns about the problems of teenagers who are heavily involved in free sex, drugs, alcohol, brawl and pornography. This condition is certainly not stand alone many factors that mempengeruhinya, family, community and school. This study attempts to describe the level of adolescent religiosity in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari, what factors predominate and how strategies improve and increase adolescent religiosity. From the results of the research conducted from May to October 2013, it was found that the level of adolescent religiosity in the three study cities was at a very high level. There is no significant difference between adolescent religiosity in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari. In the aspect of youth religious knowledge in Surabaya is relatively better than adolescents in Mataram and Kendari, the religious attitudes aspect of adolescents in Mataram is relatively better than adolescents in Surabaya and Kendari, and the moral aspect of religious (akhlakul karimah) adolescents in Mataram is relatively better than adolescents in Kendari and Surabaya. Religious conditions in the families in these three study cities are at good level (conducive), there is no significant difference between one city and another. Indicators of religious adherence of parents and habituation cultivate religious values in the family in Mataram lebik both daripda in Surabaya and Kendari. The socio-religious level of society is at a fairly good level (conducive), there are significant differences in the three cities. In the city of Mataram it is better the social level of the religious community than in Surabaya and Kendari. The condition of religious education in schools is at a fairly good level, and there is no significant difference between the codes in the three study cities. In the aspect of availability of religious facilities and intensity of religious execution activities in Mataram city is relatively better than in Surabaya and Kendari. The dominant factors influencing the religiosity of adolescents in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari are religious education factors in school and religion in the family. Socio-socio-cultural factors become the determinants of youth religiosity in Mataram and supporting factors for adolescents in Surabaya and Kendari. It means to produce religious teenagers need attention from family, school and community. However, families and schools have not been able to portray themselves as character bulding places. The fact that families and schools have not played a significant role in the formation of adolescent religiosity is evidence of failure or dysfunctional families and schools as character bulding actors. To that end, the need to improve the ability of families and schools in various aspects and areas as proposed in the quality improvement strategy of family, school and community

    Beberapa Isu Dalam Pembangunan Di Sektor Energi

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    Selama 50 tahun kemerdekaannya secara umum pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia telah banyak menghasilkan perbaikan kesejahteraan rakyat, meskipun masih terdapat banyak kelemahan pula. Jika disederhanakan maka pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia pada pokoknya bertumpu pada tiga hal, yaitu:Penyediaan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dilakukan pemerintah dengan pembangunan di sektor pendidikan, baik formal maupun informal