307 research outputs found

    A Comunicação Estratégica na Saúde: a relação de poder entre a assessoria de imprensa e o jornalismo

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    O uso da Comunicação Estratégica na saúde é um fenómeno recente, mas em crescimento. Procura-se partilhar informação, conseguir apoio para causas sectoriais, promover a reputação ou responder a pedidos de informação do espaço público, através do uso de técnicas e enunciados estratégicos. De entre esses instrumentos de relação com os públicos da saúde, destacamos a assessoria de imprensa, técnica de Relações Públicas – em si um campo profissional da Comunicação Estratégica – que procura promover a relação das organizações com os media. Ora, porque a assessoria de imprensa em saúde apresenta especificidades que a tornam um estudo de caso relevante no campo da comunicação aplicada (no âmbito da Comunicação Estratégica e no do Jornalismo), apresentaremos uma revisão teórica sobre a temática. Pretendemos pensar as relações entre a Comunicação Estratégica e o Jornalismo, nomeadamente na área da saúde.Este estudo insere-se num projeto de Doutoramento financiado pela FCT (SFRH/BD/86634/2012)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of intake level during milk-feeding period and protein content in the post-weaning diet on performance and body composition in growing lambs

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    9 pages, 7 tables.The effect of intake level during the milk-feeding period and dietary protein content during the post-weaning period on performance, weight of components of the digestive tract and carcass and non-carcass chemical composition was investigated in 28 Churra lambs. A 2 X 2 factorial design was used with two intake levels during the milk-feeding period (L-milk: 0.9 and H-milk: 1.5 MJ gross energy per kg M-0.75 daily) and two concentrate supplements (L-protein: barley grain and H-protein: barley grain plus 200 g/kg fish meal) during the post-weaning period. After selecting an initial slaughter group of four 2-day-old lambs, 12 lambs were assigned randomly to each of two intake levels during a 4-week milk-feeding period and given food individually. Four lambs from each intake level were slaughtered at weaning (30 days old) and the remaining 16 were weaned between 30 and 49 days old (weaning period). Eight lambs from each nutritional regimen during the milk-feeding period were further divided into two equal groups and given food individually ad libitum with hay and the post-weaning concentrate, according to the experimental design until the final slaughter weight (20 kg) (post-weaning period). L-milk lambs showed a capacity to grow as well as the H-milk during the weaning and post-weaning period and there were no differences (P > 0.05) in dry-matter intake and food conversion ratio among treatments. Before weaning, the weight of the reticulo-rumen was not affected by the intake level during the milk-feeding period. The most affected component of the gastrointestinal tract tons the small intestine as proportion of the digestive tract which was lower in L-milk lambs (P < 0.05). At 20 kg live weight, the relative size of the reticulo-rumen was greater (P < 0.01) and the abomasum (P < 0.05) and large intestine (P < 0.01) were smaller in lambs which were given the H-protein concentrate after weaning. The organic matter apparent digestibility (OMD, P < 0.05) and crude protein apparent digestibility (CPD, P < 0.05) of the post-weaning diets was greater in L-milk lambs and the H-protein post-weaning diet was associated with a greater dry-matter apparent digestibility, OMD and CPD when lambs were close to final slaughter weight. At 20 kg live weight, the proportion of protein in the carcass of L-milk lambs was greater (P < 0.05) than in H-milk lambs. The greater growth of the reticulo-rumen of the L-milk lambs might have increased solid food intake after the milk-feeding period, led to greater CPD of post-weaning diets and had consequences in terms of carcass composition.This research was funded by the Commission of Science and Technology (Spain) (Project GAN90-0906).Peer reviewe

    Estimación de la digestibilidad del pasto a partir de la materia seca indigestible a lo largo de la estación de pastoreo

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    4 páginas, 3 tablas.-- Ponencia presentada a las XIX Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (Burgos, España, 1994).La determinación de la digestibilidad de los alimentos es el parámetro más utilizado como indicador de su valor nutritivo. Además, en el caso de los rumiantes en pastoreo, es una medida necesaria para estimar la ingestión, a partir de la excreción fecal. Uno de los métodos que se está desarrollando para la determinación de la digestibilidad de los alimentos en los rumiantes, es la utilización de la Materia Seca Indigestible (MSI) como marcador interno. En el presente trabajo se determinó la digestibilidad de un pasto a partir de la MSI presente en heces y extrusa, en 5 momentos durante la época estival: 29 junio al 3 julio (Pl), 20 julio al 24 julio (P2), 24-28 agosto (P3), 21-25 septiembre (P4), 19-23 octubre (P5). Las muestras de heces y extrusa se obtuvieron en un experimento en pastoreo, en el que se utilizaron 4 ovejas merinas provistas de arneses para la recogida de heces, y 3 ovejas, de la misma raza, provistas de una fístula esofágica. Para la determinación de la MSI de las heces y extrusas, las muestras se incubaron, en el rumen de 3 ovejas merinas provistas de una cánula ruminal, utilizando la técnica de las Bolsas de Nylon, durante 192h. Los coeficientes de digestibilidad obtenidos fueron diferentes en los distintos períodos estudiados (P<0.001). Los valores encontrados fueron de 56.4%, 70.5%, 78.4%, 68.1%, 63.4%, en los períodos Pl, P2, P3, P4, P5 respectivamente. El % de MSI, en las heces obtenidas en los períodos estudiados, no presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas, mientras que este efecto tuvo una marcada influencia sobre el % de MSI presente en las extrusas.Peer reviewe

    The newsmaking of health news : information sources, journalists and the public

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    Este artigo visa apresentar um projeto de doutoramento sobre os processos produtivos das notícias de saúde em Portugal, focando-se nas relações que se estabelecem entre as fontes de informação, os jornalistas e o público. Pretende-se fazer um mapeamento do jornalismo de saúde na imprensa portuguesa, através da análise das notícias recolhidas em seis jornais nacionais (Expresso, Sol, Público, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias e Correio da Manhã) de 2012 a 2014. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a definição do campo da Comunicação na Saúde em Portugal, pretendemos, com o nosso trabalho, propor pistas para os jornalistas especializados e um manual de boas práticas para os profissionais da comunicação estratégica. Sabendo-se que a forma como os media mediatizam a saúde pode influenciar atitudes, é importante perceber o que está a ser feito neste âmbito, preenchendo um vazio relativamente aos estudos de Jornalismo de Saúde desenvolvidos no nosso país.This paper aims at presenting a PhD project on the newsmaking of health in the Portuguese press. We focus on the relationships between news sources, journalists, and the public. Our goal is to map the health journalism in the Portuguese press, through the analysis of news collected from six national newspapers (Expresso, Sol, Público, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias and Correio da Manhã), from 2012 to 2014. We aim at contributing to the definition of a Health Communication field of expertise in Portugal, giving some hints for specialized journalists and a guide of good practices for strategic communication professionals. Since media’s health coverage may influence the public’s behavior, we consider it is important to understand what is being done, filling a void when it comes to Health Journalism in our country.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    El blanqueo de capitales entre la dogmática y la política criminal internacional: resultados desde una perspectiva de derecho comparado

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    La política criminal internacional en materia de crimen organizado se ha ido centrando cada vez más en medidas de carácter preventivo y en la persecución del patrimonio de las organizaciones criminales. Por un lado, los distintos instrumentos supranacionales en materia de blanqueo de capitales desarrollan medidas de carácter administrativo o policial que involucran cada vez más a los sujetos o entidades privados. Por otro lado, por la vía estrictamente penal se trata no solo de perseguir a los partícipes, sino de privar a las entidades criminales de su patrimonio. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es exponer, desde un punto de vista comparado, cómo los objetivos de política criminal provocan efectos distorsionadores al colisionar con postulados que rigen en la dogmática penal. Así mismo, se aporta una solución al problema de si el tipo penal del blanqueo de capitales debe interpretarse como un delito que exige un elemento especial intencional

    Utilización de grasas de origen vegetal en raciones de corderos: rendimientos productivos y composición química de la canal

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    Ponencia presentada a las XI Jornadas de Producción Animal AIDA 2005. Publicada en un Volumen extra de la revista ITEA.Este trabajo ha sido realizado como parte del proyecto VA084/04 financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León.Peer reviewe

    Towards Mapping Experience Design for the Internet of Things.

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    We are witnessing a fundamental transformation in how Internet of Things (IoT) is having an impact on the experience users have with data-driven devices, smart appliances, and connected products. The experience of any place is commonly defined as the result of a series of user engagements with a surrounding place in order to carry out daily activities (Golledge, 2002). Knowing about users? experiences becomes vital to the process of designing a map. In the near future, a user will be able to interact directly with any IoT device placed in his surrounding place and very little is known on what kinds of interactions and experiences a map might offer (Roth, 2015). The main challenge is to develop an experience design process to devise maps capable of supporting different user experience dimensions such as cognitive, sensory-physical, affective, and social (Tussyadiah and Zach, 2012). For example, in a smart city of the future, the IoT devices allowing a multimodal interaction with a map could help tourists in the assimilation of their knowledge about points of interest (cognitive experience), their association of sounds and smells to these places (sensory-physical experience), their emotional connection to them (affective experience) and their relationships with other nearby tourists (social experience). This paper aims to describe a conceptual framework for developing a Mapping Experience Design (MXD) process for building maps for smart connected places of the future. Our MXD process is focussed on the cognitive dimension of an experience in which a person perceives a place as a "living entity" that uses and feeds through his experiences. We want to help people to undergo a meaningful experience of a place through mapping what is being communicated during their interactions with the IoT devices situated in this place. Our purpose is to understand how maps can support a person?s experience in making better decisions in real-time

    Media relations and health news coverage: The dialogue on Influenza A in Portugal

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    In Portugal, the use of strategic communication within the health sector has been growing in the past decade. However, the ambience of health information production in the country is controversial and there is a widespread sense of dissatisfaction among agents involved. In order to enlighten this debate, we have been conducting a systematic study on health news coverage in the country. In 2009, the most significant subject in Portuguese health news coverage was Influenza A.We have used the Influenza A case to analyse the role of media relations strategies and tactics in the construction of news in the health sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio