254 research outputs found

    Coping Strategies of Women Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: Perspectives of Service Providers

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    ABSTRACT Several studies have focused on understanding coping strategies from the standpoint of women Intimate Partner Violence survivors. This study builds on these insights by exploring service providers’ perspectives about Intimate Partner Violence coping strategies. The study extends the empirical evidence about IPV coping strategies by investigating how service providers understand and describe survivors’ coping strategies, what external support resources they perceive as essential for coping with Intimate Partner Violence, as well as factors service providers discuss as key influencers shaping survivors’ choices in relation to coping strategies and seeking external support. Drawing on intersectional theory, coloniality, and feminist thought, the study used semi-structured interviews to explore the questions posed. Findings from the study suggest that service providers understand survivors’ coping strategies as the personal methods used in dealing with abuse and describe these methods as physical isolation, resistance, minimization, hope, as well as alcohol and drug use. Counselling programs and shelter systems are perceived as essential resources for coping with IPV. However, financial dependence, religion, and limited access to education are barriers that prevent survivors from accessing external services thereby informing their choice of internal coping strategies

    Psychological Wellbeing, Help Seeking Behaviour on Coping Amongst Professional Psychologists

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    The study explored and examined effect of help seeking behaviours on psychological wellbeing and ways of coping among Professional Psychologists in Accra Ghana using a case study research design A total of 116 respondents were selected using purposive sampling Data was collected using standardized Likert type questionnaires which comprised the WHO Well- Being Index WHO-5 1998 version Africultural Coping Systems Inventory ACSI Utsey Adams Bolden 2000 and the Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale ATSPPHS Fischer Farina 1995 Data was analyzed using Descriptive statistics Reliability and Normality tests Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient test Simple Linear Regression Analysis and Multivariate Analysis of Variance test Results revealed that a significant positive correlation exists between help seeking behaviour and psychological wellbeing Secondly Coping style i e cognitive and emotional debriefing and ritual centered coping significantly predicts help seeking behaviours Meanwhile only cognitive and emotional debriefing coping style predicts psychological wellbein


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    Integrin-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions are important determinants of beta cell behaviours. The pi integrin is a well known regulator of beta cell activities, however, little is known of its associated a subunits. In the present study, api integrin expression was examined in rat insulinoma cell line, INS-1 cells, to identify their role in beta cell survival and function. Seven a subunits were identified, of which a3pi was most highly expressed. Remarkable increases in adhesion, proliferation and insulin secretion were observed in cells cultured on collagen I or IV. To investigate relationships between a3pi integrin and these matrices, cells were treated with immunoneutralizing antibodies for pi or a3 integrin and cultured on collagen I or IV. Anti-pi treatments caused marked decreases in adhesion and proliferation on both collagens, while perturbed a3 function led to changes only on collagen IV. Cellular insulin contents and secretion were greatly impaired on collagen I and IV upon anti-pi treatment, while a3 integrin blockade caused similar changes only on collagen IV. Furthermore, perturbing either pi or a3 integrin function decreased FAK and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and increased caspase3 cleavage. Blocking a3 integrin function reduced Akt and GSK3-P phosphorylation and decreased XIAP expression; however, these changes were not observed upon anti-pi treatments. These results suggest that dynamic integrin-ECM interactions are critical for modulating beta cell survival and function through highly specialized signaling cascades

    Education for Liberation: Ghana\u27s move from western to appropriate education system

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    A western based education system that is used throughout Ghana\u27s school system. Education is defined then the study looks at the education system and evaluates whether or not it is successfully educating students based on this definition. Observations are made, interviews carried out and surveys filled in order to gain an understanding of what Ghanaians know about their culture and themselves. People are in need of more knowledge about the society and the education system is one place where that information can be imparted. Suggestions are made for new teaching methods that can be used inside and outside of the school system

    Real time microcalorimetric profiling of prebiotic inulin metabolism

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    The in vitro assessment of prebiotics involves elaborate microbiological techniques or a combination of culture techniques and molecular methods. In this study, the isothermal microcalorimeter, an instrument which can monitor the real time growth of bacteria was applied to investigate the prebiotic effect of inulin in real time. Fresh and standardized frozen faecal slurries were prepared, placed and monitored in the isothermal microcalorimeter. The faecal samples and commercial probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5®, Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12® were cultured in a mixed medium of cooked meat medium (CMM) and brain heart infusion (BHI) broth with and without supplementation with inulin and monitored in the microcalorimeter. The results showed power-time (p-t) curves that were characteristic for the samples. The p-t curves of the fresh and frozen faecal samples were similar. Augmented microbial activity was observed when the faecal sample was inoculated into CMM-BHI mixed broth with significant enhancement of microbial activity detected in the presence of inulin which was reproducible. Deconvoluted p-t curves showed multiple peaks with time and intensity variance depending on presence or absence of inulin suggesting possible differences in utilization of inulin by the different groups of bacteria in the polymicrobial sample. P-t curves of the pure species did not show any significant change when inulin was supplemented into the medium likely due to the inability of the bacteria to primarily utilize inulin


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    Abstract Assistive technologies are tools used to promote access to information and general education curriculum for students with visual impairment. For students with visual impairment access to a diversity of high and low-tech assistive technologies, including screen readers, magnifiers, electronic braillers, braille n’ print, assist students in accessing materials in a standard print format which are not available to them. Provision of assistive technologies is to “level the playing field”, in conformity with the social model of disability where emphasizes is placed on physical and social barriers experienced by students with visual impairment and considers the problem as a society rather than persons with disability. This study focused on the provision of assistive technologies in academic libraries to students with visual impairment to ensure prompt access to relevant and timely information for academic work. Access to information has become increasingly important as society has become information - driven. Information can be transmitted electronically or provided in alternative formats for students with visual impairment. Descriptive research design utilizing the case study approach was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was adopted in selecting students with visual impairment from level 100 to 400 offering different programmes. Simple stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting 50 visually impaired students from level 100-400 representing 22 male and 8 female, bringing the total sample size to 30. The outcome of the study revealed that students with visual impairment find it difficult to access relevant information for academic work, due to unavailability of assistive technologies in the library and its attendant professionals, and no alternative service for students with visual impairment. Recommendations were made to promulgate policies, undertake staff training and purchase the various assistive technologies to enable students with visual impairment access relevant information timely for academic work

    Pembelajaran Ekstrakurikuler Seni Karawitan Dalam Upaya Membentuk Karakter Disiplin Dan Kerjasama Di SD Negeri Gemolong 1

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    Abstract Character education discipline and cooperation can be implanted through a variety of ways, one through extra-musical. The purpose of this study were (1) To describe the implementation of learning extracurricular activities karawitan (2) Describe the character formation of the discipline through extracurricular activities musicians, (3) To describe the character formation of cooperation through extracurricular activities musicians, (4) To describe the barriers and solutions extracurricular activities musical arts in instilling code of discipline and cooperation. This study using the qualitative research. The collection of data is observation, interview and documentation. The validity of the data using triangulation and triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques namely data reduction, data analysis and conclusion. The results obtained are (1) the implementation of learning extracurricular carried out with two patterns is routine and incidental, (2) the character formation discipline by giving the task done on time, keeping each other with a friend so that the task done well and dress modestly and neatly, ( 3) the formation of character through their dependence cooperation between individuals, their individual responsibilities, their skills of working groups, (4) there are obstacles in instilling discipline and cooperation character, the solution used is habituation and approaches. Keywords: extracurricular, disciplined character, the character of cooperatio

    Ethnographic and functional perspectives of tilapia names among the Ewe of Ghana

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    Modern methods of rearing tilapia in recent years and the importation of same may have contributed to the increase in the consumption of tilapia in Ghana as a whole, particularly among the Eʋe. Most organisms, including animals and fish, are named but they may not respond to their names as humans do. Observation also shows that consumers of tilapia are mostly conversant with the generic name of the fish and less interested in particularising the different species with their names. This paper seeks to investigate the essence of animal names with particular reference to tilapia among the Eʋe of Ghana. The research questions that are germane to the study are the following: Does the composition of names of tilapia derive from their physical characteristics? What knowledge do the Eʋe have about the names of tilapia and how does their knowledge influence the production, marketing and consumption of tilapia. The paper adopts a descriptive design approach in data collection and analysis. It establishes that the idiosyncrasies and general physical features of tilapia reflect in their naming system. Analysis also reveals that the names are both free and bound morphemes. The data further shows that geographical location, vocation, sex and age dynamics affect knowledge on the names of tilapia. These, to some extent, influence the production, marketing and consumption of the fish. The paper, therefore, concludes that even though organisms may not respond to their names, the names of those organisms such as tilapia are relevant to the people who ascribe these names to them

    Roll compaction of pharmaceutical excipients and prediction using intelligent software

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    Roll compaction is a dry granulation method. In the pharmaceutical industry it assists in binding tablet ingredients together to form a larger mass. This is conducted to ease subsequent processing, decrease dust, improve flowability, improve material distribution, more suitable for moisture and heat sensitive materials than wet granulation methods, minimises operating space and suited for a continuous manufacturing set-up. In pharmaceutical roll compaction various types of powder material mixtures are compacted into ribbon that are subsequently milled and tableted. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of intelligent software (FormRules and INForm software) for predicting the effects of the roll compaction process and formulation characteristics on final ribbon quality. Firstly, the tablet formulations were characterised in terms of their particle size distribution, densities, compressibility, compactibility, effective angle of friction and angle of wall friction. These tablet formulations were then roll compacted. The tablet formulation characteristics and roll compaction results formed 64 datasets, which were then used in FormRules and INForm software training. FormRules software highlighted the key input variables (i.e. tablet formulations, characteristics and roll compaction process parameters). Next these key input variables were used as input variables in the model development training of INForm. The INForm software produced models which were successful in predicting experimental results. The predicted nip angle values of the INForm models were found to be within 5%, which was more accurate to those derived from Johanson’s model prediction. The Johanson’s model was not successful in predicting nip angle above the roll speed of 1 rpm due to air entrainment. It also over-predicted the experimental nip angle of DCPA and MCC by 200%, while the approximation using Johanson’s pressure profile under-predicted the experimental nip angle of DCPA by 5-20% and MCC by 20%