14 research outputs found

    Patrones de producción y consumo responsable: La carrera por el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en mercados emergentes

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    Since the end of the 20th century, the role of private multinational enterprises (MNEs) has been recognized as critical in implementing increased sustainable production and consumption atterns. Particularly after the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030, this role has increased. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the measures and actions taken by companies in their contribution to the achievement of the SDG 12. Through the identification of more than 52 metrics in sustainability reports of 854 firms, findings suggest that direct greenhouse gas emissions and indirect greenhouse gas emissions are the most often reported corporate metrics to measure their impact on specific SDGs. This reveals the importance of sustainability actions in emerging market firms as a mechanism to gain legitimacy when operating in foreign markets and as an opportunity to create more sustainable production models.Desde finales del siglo XX, se ha reconocido que el papel de las empresas multinacionales (EMN) privadas es fundamental en el proceso de implementación de patrones de producción y consumo más sostenibles. Especialmente, tras la creación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y la Agenda 2030, este papel ha aumentado. En este sentido, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las medidas y acciones tomadas por las empresas en su contribución al logro del ODS 12. Mediante la identificación de más de 52 métricas en los informes de sostenibilidad de 854 empresas, los hallazgos sugieren que las emisiones directas de gases de efecto invernadero y las emisiones indirectas de gases de efecto invernadero son las métricas corporativas con más información para medir su impacto en ODS específicos. Esto revela la importancia de las acciones de sostenibilidad en las empresas de mercados emergentes como mecanismo para ganar legitimidad al operar en mercados externos y como oportunidad para la creación de modelos de producción más sostenibles

    Estado cognitivo de adultos mayores latinoamericanos y del caribe durante el confinamiento por la pandemia del Covid-19

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    El SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus o síndrome respiratorio agudo severo) fue declarado por la OMS como una pandemia en el mundo. Los países latinoamericanos desarrollaron estrategias de aislamiento social para mitigar el contagio y expansión de este virus. Sin embargo, se ha observado que estas medidas esta teniendo repercusiones directas en la salud mental, sobre todo de población vulnerable, como los adultos mayores; afectando en estos la cognición, el estado emocional y conductual. Estos cambios podrían llevar a un incremento de patologías neurodegenerativas provocando un incremento de las demandas de atención sanitaria, mayores costes para el estado y para la familia. Es por ello que un consorcio de Universidades, Centros de Investigación y Clínicas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe nos propusimos analizar el estado cognitivo de los Adultos Mayores en Latinoamérica en el contexto actual de la pandemia, utilizando metodología de telesalud a través de un medio telefónico. Esperamos encontrar un aumento de los indicadores de deterioro cognitivo asociado a factores sociodemográficos y clínicos. Finalmente, esta información creemos permitirá desarrollar estrategias de mitigación e intervención temprana para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar patología demencial

    Endomarketing and the internal service quality of the small and medium enterprises of the health sector

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    El desarrollo empresarial se logra con estrategias que se generan y ejecutan según las capacidades de la organización y los elementos influyentes del entorno en que se encuentran, en este sentido se considera fundamental orientar acciones hacia el cliente interno con la finalidad de que las empresas sean más competitivas, es así que el presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre el Endomarketing y calidad del servicio interno de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector salud (IPS) de Barranquilla, su desarrollo fue bajo enfoque metodológico deductivo con paradigma cuantitativo y diseño no experimental de campo.The business development is achieved with strategies that are generated and executed according to the capacities of the organization and the influential elements of the environment in which they are; in this sense it is considered fundamental to orient actions towards the internal customer with the purpose of which the companies are more competitive. So the present article aims to analyze the relationship between the Endomarketing and quality of the internal service of the small and medium enterprises of the health sector (IPS) of Barranquilla, its development used methodological approach deductive with quantitative paradigm and non-experimental field design

    Cytogenetic and molecular characterization in gonadal tissue of patients with ovotesticular syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY and 46,XX

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    Objetivos: La etiología de la disgenesia gonadal y el síndrome ovotesticular se desconoce en la mayoría de los casos. Para realizar la caracterización citogenética y molecular de un grupo de pacientes con síndrome ovotesticular y disgenesia gonadal completa a partir de muestras de sangre periférica y tejido gonadal. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron un total de 6 pacientes, 3 con diagnóstico de síndrome ovotesticular 46, XX, uno diagnosticado con 46, XY síndrome ovotesticular; uno con sospecha de disgenesia gonadal 46, XX y otro con disgenesia gonadal completa 46, XY. Resultados Todos los pacientes fueron evaluados con cariotipo, hibridación in situ fluorescente (FISH) para SRY, amplificación de sonda dependiente de ligación múltiple (MLPA) e hibridación genómica comparativa (aCGH) en muestras de sangre periférica. En los casos con tejido gonadal disponible, los niveles de expresión genética de SOX3, SRY y SOX9 se determinaron mediante PCR en tiempo real e inmunofluorescencia. Se descartaron reordenamientos relacionados con el gen SRY. No se detectaron deleciones/duplicaciones o variaciones en el número de copias (NVC) como etiología del trastorno del desarrollo sexual en ninguno de los pacientes estudiados. En un caso de síndrome ovotesticular 46, XX, el cariotipo gonadal era diferente del cariotipo en sangre periférica. Se observó expresión aberrante de SOX3 y SOX9 en tejido gonadal de un caso con síndrome ovotesticular 46, XX. Conclusiones: Se documentaron niveles más bajos de expresión de SRY y SOX9 en comparación con los niveles en líneas celulares humanas de testículo embrionario y Sertoli en el tejido gonadal de un caso con síndrome ovotesticular 46, XY. Los estudios citogenéticos y moleculares de las gónadas como complemento del estudio de sangre periférica tienen el potencial de enriquecer la comprensión de los trastornos del desarrollo sexual en pacientes que son XX o XY en sangre periférica.Q4Objectives: The etiology of gonadal dysgenesis and the ovotesticular syndrome is unknown in most cases. The aim of the study was to perform cytogenetic and molecular characterization of a group of patients with ovotesticular syndrome and complete gonadal dysgenesis from peripheral blood and gonadal tissue samples.Materials and methods: A total of 6 patients were included, 3 with 46,XX ovotesticular syndrome diagnosis, 1 diagnosed with 46,XY ovotesticular syn-drome; 1 suspected with 46,XX gonadal dysgenesis, and 1 with 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis. Results: All patients were evaluated with karyotype, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for SRY, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in peripheral blood samples. In cases with available gonadal tissue, the levels of genetic expression of SOX3, SRY, and SOX9 were determined by real-time PCR and immunofluo-rescence. Rearrangements involving SRY gene were ruled out. No deletions/duplications or copy-number variations (CNVs) were identified as the etiology for the sexual development disorder in any of the studied patients. In one case of 46,XX ovotesticular syndrome, the gonadal karyotype was different from the karyotype in peripheral blood. Aberrant expression of SOX3 and SOX9 in gonadal tissue was observed in one case of 46,XX ovotesticular syndrome. Conclusions: Lower levels of SRY and SOX9 expression were documented in the gonadal tissue of a case of 46,XY ovotesticular syndrome, in commparison with the levels in human cellular lines of embryonic testicle and Sertoli cells. Cytogenetic and molecular studies of gonads complementary to peripheral blood studies have the potential of enhancing the understanding of sexual development disorders in patients who are XX or XY in peripheral blood.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4900-4948https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7109-3342https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8225-4394https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1555-6661https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3463-3565https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0826-6191https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6336-5347https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7856-7213https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2241-7854https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2231-4321https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8528-4433Revista Internacional - IndexadaCN

    Caracterización de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas de butifarras comercializadas en puntos de ventas en el municipio de Soledad Atlántico

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    El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo comointención caracterizar las propiedades fisicoquímicas y lacalidad microbiológica de las butifarras comercializadasen puntos de venta en el municipio de SoledadAtlántico, para este estudio se tomaron como referencia5 microempresas productoras de butifarras, las cualesfueron identificadas como muestra 1, muestra 2, muestra3, muestra 4 y muestra 5. Los análisis se realizaronsiguiendo lo estipulado en la norma técnica colombianaNTC 1325 de 2008, se recolectaron en total 10 muestras,de las cuales cada microempresario productor debutifarras proporciono 2 muestras, una con un peso de100 gr para análisis fisicoquímicos y otra con 250 gr paraanálisis microbiológicos. Las butifarras fueron sometidasa los diferentes análisis establecidos en la norma técnicacolombiana, los resultados obtenidos por cada una delas muestras en los análisis fisicoquímicos, cumplenparcialmente con lo establecido en la norma técnicaNTC 1325 de 2008. Así mismo para los resultadosde los análisis microbiológicos las muestras cumplenparcialmente con lo establecido en la norma técnicaColombia. Los resultados de los análisis realizados alas butifarras comercializadas en puntos de venta en elmunicipio de Soledad Atlántico, fueron muy similares,cumplían teniendo en cuenta lo establecido en la normatécnica colombiana. De igual manera los manipuladoresde alimentos deben implementar las BPM, paragarantizar así que sus productos serán inicuos y no lescausarán daños a sus consumidores finales

    Disorders of sex development : genetic characterization of a patient cohort

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    Q3Q397-106Disorders of sex development (DSDs) are congenital conditions in which the external appearance of the individual does not coincide with the chromosomal constitution or the gonadal sex. In other words, there is an ambiguous or intermediate condition between the male and female phenotypes of the anatomical sex. These atypical conditions are manifested in several ways, ranging from genital ambiguity to phenotypes that are so attenuated that they can go unnoticed or appear normal. Currently, there is a lack of understanding of the factors responsible for these outcomes; however, they are likely to be conditioned by genetic, hormonal and environmental factors during prenatal and postnatal development. The present study determined the genetic etiology of DSDs in Colombian patients by conventional cytogenetic analysis, FISH and MLPA (for SF1, DAX1, SOX9, SRY and WNT4). A cohort of 43 patients with clinical phenotypes of sex development disorder was used in the present study. Using this multistep experimental approach, a diagnostic percentage of 25.58% was obtained: 17 patients (39.53%) were classified as having gonadal development disorders, the majority of which were ovotesticular disorders with numerical and/or structural alterations of the sex chromosomes, 9 patients (20.93%) were classified as having testicular DSD with a 46,XY karyotype, and 3 patients (6.98%) as having ovarian DSD with a 46,XX karyotype. The remaining 14 patients (32.56%) were classified as ‘other’ since they could not be grouped into a specific class of gonadal development, corresponding to hypospadias and multiple congenital anomalies. These findings highlight the importance of histological and cytogenetic studies in a gonadal biopsy. In 11/43 cases, the multistep experimental protocol presented in the present study yielded etiological or histological findings that could be used to define the medical management of patients with DSDs. In conclusion, for the etiological diagnosis of DSDs, a broad‑spectrum approach that includes endocrinological tests, conventional karyotyping, molecular karyotyping by FISH and, molecular tests is required, in addition to gonadal tissue analyses, to identify genetic alterations

    Mobbing in Organizations: Analysis of Particular Cases in a Higher Education Institution

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    AbstractThe research has been developed from the framework of the relational sociology and articulated functionally with the approaches of the subjective well-being, psychological and social, as well as with the related theoretical and empirical of mobbing in the organizations, in this case in a higher education institution. The methodological approach is historical-hermeneutical, includes a mixed perspective analysis (qualitative – quantitative) of particular situations. It is intended to show the relational complexity of the dysfunctionality of the mobbing on the basis of analysis of the particular situations, expecting that the educational institution - may have additional tools for the resolution of this type of conflict and thus be able to build institutions with healthy environments for their employees

    La excepción en derecho comercial colombiano

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    Tesis (Abogado) -- Universidad de Cartagena. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Programa de Derecho, 1976El derecho mercantil, aun siendo parte del derecho privado, presenta situaciones de excepción que requieren tratamiento legal de derecho publico, por tratarse de actividades profesionalizadas en la vida social, y de mucho control necesario

    Internationalization and performance of small and medium-sized enterprises from emerging economies: Using hazards methodology for competitiveness study

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    Purpose: This paper aims to introduce the use of hazards functions for studying the relationship between internationalization and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from emerging economies. Design/methodology/approach: Hazards functions analysis is applied to a sample of 64 companies, previously grouped into two subsets of manufacturing SMEs from an emerging economy. The first group contains firms that have attained an accelerated internationalization. And the second one those that have followed a sequential internationalization. Findings: The results show strong evidence that internationalization positively affects the probability of a better performance, and therefore more competitiveness of SMEs. Practical implications: The proposed methodology is an invitation to use models other than linear regression to explain the relationship between internationalization and performance, studying the risk function of poor performance, whose characterization in the lifetime of SMEs. The result of this study clearly illustrates how internationalization affects the performance of SMEs for both those SMEs with accelerated internationalization and those with a sequential process of internationalization. Social implications: The implementation of quantitative methodologies, such as the analysis of hazards, has implications in the social practice of research in international business, by inviting the return of data from primary sources, obtained from direct sources, which, although they are not large samples, they are representative, and therefore the results of the well-applied methodology offer powerful and high-reliability information. Irreproducible and non-replicable research results threaten the credibility, usefulness and the very basis of all scientific fields. Studies in entrepreneurship, management and in international business are not exempt from this problem that affects the ethics and credibility of research works. Originality/value: A literature review is presented exposing the disadvantages of the use of traditional correlation methodologies and proposes the methodology traditionally used in industrial engineering studies of hazard functions as a simple option, free of previous assumptions about the relation between internationalization and performance. Finally, the methodology is subjected to triple testing of conceptualization and measurement of internationalization, performance and the relation between internationalization and performance. © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited

    "Mayo Rock" Cosplay Samaria

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