183 research outputs found

    Single-molecule stochastic resonance

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a well known phenomenon in dynamical systems. It consists of the amplification and optimization of the response of a system assisted by stochastic noise. Here we carry out the first experimental study of SR in single DNA hairpins which exhibit cooperatively folding/unfolding transitions under the action of an applied oscillating mechanical force with optical tweezers. By varying the frequency of the force oscillation, we investigated the folding/unfolding kinetics of DNA hairpins in a periodically driven bistable free-energy potential. We measured several SR quantifiers under varied conditions of the experimental setup such as trap stiffness and length of the molecular handles used for single-molecule manipulation. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the spectral density of measured fluctuations in molecular extension of the DNA hairpins is a good quantifier of the SR. The frequency dependence of the SNR exhibits a peak at a frequency value given by the resonance matching condition. Finally, we carried out experiments in short hairpins that show how SR might be useful to enhance the detection of conformational molecular transitions of low SNR.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, supplementary material (http://prx.aps.org/epaps/PRX/v2/i3/e031012/prx-supp.pdf

    Force-induced misfolding in RNA

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    RNA folding is a kinetic process governed by the competition of a large number of structures stabilized by the transient formation of base pairs that may induce complex folding pathways and the formation of misfolded structures. Despite of its importance in modern biophysics, the current understanding of RNA folding kinetics is limited by the complex interplay between the weak base-pair interactions that stabilize the native structure and the disordering effect of thermal forces. The possibility of mechanically pulling individual molecules offers a new perspective to understand the folding of nucleic acids. Here we investigate the folding and misfolding mechanism in RNA secondary structures pulled by mechanical forces. We introduce a model based on the identification of the minimal set of structures that reproduce the patterns of force-extension curves obtained in single molecule experiments. The model requires only two fitting parameters: the attempt frequency at the level of individual base pairs and a parameter associated to a free energy correction that accounts for the configurational entropy of an exponentially large number of neglected secondary structures. We apply the model to interpret results recently obtained in pulling experiments in the three-helix junction S15 RNA molecule (RNAS15). We show that RNAS15 undergoes force-induced misfolding where force favors the formation of a stable non-native hairpin. The model reproduces the pattern of unfolding and refolding force-extension curves, the distribution of breakage forces and the misfolding probability obtained in the experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Recovery of free energy branches in single molecule experiments

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    We present a method for determining the free energy of coexisting states from irreversible work measurements. Our approach is based on a fluctuation relation that is valid for dissipative transformations in partially equilibrated systems. To illustrate the validity and usefulness of the approach, we use optical tweezers to determine the free energy branches of the native and unfolded states of a two-state molecule as a function of the pulling control parameter. We determine, within 0.6 kT accuracy, the transition point where the free energies of the native and the unfolded states are equal.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 pages + Supp. Mat. (6 pages

    Improving signal-to-noise resolution in single molecule experiments using molecular constructs with short handles

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    We investigate unfolding/folding force kinetics in DNA hairpins exhibiting two and three states with newly designed short dsDNA handles (29 bp) using optical tweezers. We show how the higher stiffness of the molecular setup moderately enhances the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in hopping experiments as compared to conventional long handles constructs (approximately 700 bp). The shorter construct results in a signal of higher SNR and slower folding/unfolding kinetics, thereby facilitating the detection of otherwise fast structural transitions. A novel analysis of the elastic properties of the molecular setup, based on high-bandwidth measurements of force fluctuations along the folded branch, reveals that the highest SNR that can be achieved with short handles is potentially limited by the marked reduction of the effective persistence length and stretch modulus of the short linker complex.Comment: Main paper: 20 pages and 6 figures. Supplementary Material: 25 page

    Mechanical unfolding of RNA: From hairpins to structures with internal multiloops

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    Mechanical unfolding of RNA structures, ranging from hairpins to ribozymes, using laser optical tweezer (LOT) experiments have begun to reveal the features of the energy landscape that cannot be easily explored using conventional experiments. Upon application of constant force (ff), RNA hairpins undergo cooperative transitions from folded to unfolded states whereas subdomains of ribozymes unravel one at a time. Here, we use a self-organized polymer (SOP) model and Brownian dynamics simulations to probe mechanical unfolding at constant force and constant-loading rate of four RNA structures of varying complexity. Our work shows (i) the response of RNA to force is largely determined by the native structure; (ii) only by probing mechanical unfolding over a wide range of forces can the underlying energy landscape be fully explored.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, Biophys. J. (in press

    Force dependent fragility in RNA hairpins

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    We apply Kramers theory to investigate the dissociation of multiple bonds under mechanical force and interpret experimental results for the unfolding/refolding force distributions of an RNA hairpin pulled at different loading rates using laser tweezers. We identify two different kinetic regimes depending on the range of forces explored during the unfolding and refolding process. The present approach extends the range of validity of the two-states approximation by providing a theoretical framework to reconstruct free-energy landscapes and identify force-induced structural changes in molecular transition states using single molecule pulling experiments. The method should be applicable to RNA hairpins with multiple kinetic barriers.Comment: Latex file, 4 pages+3 figure

    Dynamic force spectroscopy of DNA hairpins. II. Irreversibility and dissipation

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    We investigate irreversibility and dissipation in single molecules that cooperatively fold/unfold in a two state manner under the action of mechanical force. We apply path thermodynamics to derive analytical expressions for the average dissipated work and the average hopping number in two state systems. It is shown how these quantities only depend on two parameters that characterize the folding/unfolding kinetics of the molecule: the fragility and the coexistence hopping rate. The latter has to be rescaled to take into account the appropriate experimental setup. Finally we carry out pulling experiments with optical tweezers in a specifically designed DNA hairpin that shows two-state cooperative folding. We then use these experimental results to validate our theoretical predictions.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamic force spectroscopy of DNA hairpins. I. Force kinetics and free energy landscapes

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    We investigate the thermodynamics and kinetics of DNA hairpins that fold/unfold under the action of applied mechanical force. We introduce the concept of the molecular free energy landscape and derive simplified expressions for the force dependent Kramers-Bell rates. To test the theory we have designed a specific DNA hairpin sequence that shows two-state cooperative folding under mechanical tension and carried out pulling experiments using optical tweezers. We show how we can determine the parameters that characterize the molecular free energy landscape of such sequence from rupture force kinetic studies. Finally we combine such kinetic studies with experimental investigations of the Crooks fluctuation relation to derive the free energy of formation of the hairpin at zero force.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Inferring DNA sequences from mechanical unzipping data: the large-bandwidth case

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    The complementary strands of DNA molecules can be separated when stretched apart by a force; the unzipping signal is correlated to the base content of the sequence but is affected by thermal and instrumental noise. We consider here the ideal case where opening events are known to a very good time resolution (very large bandwidth), and study how the sequence can be reconstructed from the unzipping data. Our approach relies on the use of statistical Bayesian inference and of Viterbi decoding algorithm. Performances are studied numerically on Monte Carlo generated data, and analytically. We show how multiple unzippings of the same molecule may be exploited to improve the quality of the prediction, and calculate analytically the number of required unzippings as a function of the bandwidth, the sequence content, the elasticity parameters of the unzipped strands

    Force unfolding kinetics of RNA using optical tweezers. II. Modeling experiments

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    By exerting mechanical force it is possible to unfold/refold RNA molecules one at a time. In a small range of forces, an RNA molecule can hop between the folded and the unfolded state with force-dependent kinetic rates. Here, we introduce a mesoscopic model to analyze the hopping kinetics of RNA hairpins in an optical tweezers setup. The model includes different elements of the experimental setup (beads, handles and RNA sequence) and limitations of the instrument (time lag of the force-feedback mechanism and finite bandwidth of data acquisition). We investigated the influence of the instrument on the measured hopping rates. Results from the model are in good agreement with the experiments reported in the companion article (1). The comparison between theory and experiments allowed us to infer the values of the intrinsic molecular rates of the RNA hairpin alone and to search for the optimal experimental conditions to do the measurements. We conclude that long handles and soft laser traps represent the best conditions to extract rate estimates that are closest to the intrinsic molecular rates. The methodology and rationale presented here can be applied to other experimental setups and other molecules.Comment: PDF file, 32 pages including 9 figures plus supplementary materia
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