36 research outputs found

    Marsupialisation of Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour of the Mandible: Current Dilemma

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    Autori predstavljaju rezultate liječenja keratocističnog odontogenog tumora (KCOT-a) čeljusti kirurÅ”kim postupkom marsupijalizacije u kontekstu suvremenih dilema koje se o tom problemu mogu naći u literaturi. Na temeljno pitanje, može li marsupijalizacija biti konačan postupak u liječenju KCOT-a, joÅ” se ne može sa sigurnoŔću odgovoriti ni na osnovi podataka iz literature ni pozitivnih podataka predstavljenih u radu. Prikaz neÅ”to promijenjenih rezultata liječenja uzorka iz ranije publiciranog rada i dvaju slučajeva nakon toga izvjeŔća, autorima daju za pravo tvrditi da je marsupijalizacija metoda izbora, s vjerojatnoŔću da bude i konačan postupak u liječenju KCOT-a. Prema suvremenim podatcima iz literature traži se i nadalje viÅ”egodiÅ”nje postoperativno praćenje pacijenata i primjena dodatnih sredstava liječenja kako bi se spriječili recidivi.The authors present the results of treating mandibular keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT) by the surgical method of marsupialisation in the context of current dilemma in the literature regarding this problem. The basic question of whether marsupialisation can be the definitive method in treatment of KCOT still cannot be answered with certainty, neither on the basis of data from the literature nor on the basis of positive data presented in the study. Presentation of slightly modified results of the treatment of a sample from an earlier published study, and two cases treated subsequently give the authors the prerogative to claim that marsupialisation of KCOT is the method of choice, which will probably be the definitive method of treatment. Current data from the literature still require several years of postoperative monitoring of patients and application of additional means of treatment in order to prevent relapse

    Signalment and Clinical Findings Influence on Gunshot Injuries Outcome in Dogs

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    Ozljede pasa uzrokovane vatrenim oružjem uĉestale su u veterinarskoj medicini. Retrospektivnim istraživanjem u razdoblju od ĉetiri godine opisano je 166 sluĉajeva nastrijela pasa. Rengenskim snimanjem ozlijeĊene regije tijela utvrĊena je prisutnost streljiva. Od pretraživane populacije pasa zabilježeno je 75 akutnih ozljeda i 91 sluĉajan nalaz strijelne ozljede. Najveći broj pregledanih pasa prema adresi vlasnika svrstan je u urbane sredine. Ozljede u lovu opisane su kod 21 psa, bez zabilježenih smrtnih ishoda. Prema vrsti streljiva najzastupljenije ozljede bile su uzrokovane zraĉnom puÅ”kom. Rizik fatalnog ishoda kod ozljeda grudnog koÅ”a iznosi 14,4. Suprotno oĉekivanom, strijelne ozljede pretežno nisu povezane sa sudjelovanjem u lovu. Premda većina nastrijela ne uzrokuje teže ozljede stopa smrtnosti kod strijelnih ozljeda pasa iznosila je 9,6 %. Kod nepotpunih anamnestiĉkih podataka veterinar kliniĉar svakako treba uzeti u obzir i strijelne ozljede, obzirom na njihovu uĉestalost i neizvjestan ishod lijeĉenja u pasa.In veterinary medicine, the incidence of gunshot injuries is relatively high. This retrospective study includes 166 cases of dogs with gunshot injuries in a four year period. The presence of projectiles were radiographically recorded. There were 75 acute cases and 91 recorded incidental finding of projectile injuries during the defined period. Most cases were from urban areas. Airgun projectiles were the most common projectile type in our population. Fatality risk in projectile injuries with thoracic trauma was 14,4. Contrary to our expectations, projectile injuries were not usually caused by hunting accidents. Although majority of gunshots did not caused severe injuries, our recorded fatality rate was 9,6 %. In the absence of full medical history it is particularly important to rule out projectile injuries taking into account their incidence and sometimes uncertain outcome

    Angiomyoma ā€“ Angioleiomyoma of the Cheek

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    The authors present the case of an angiomyoma ā€“ angioleiomyoma of the cheek in a 58-year-old man. The tumour was palpable, although clinically not visible, and the only case of a tumour of smooth muscle treated in the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery over the last 40 years. The operation was performed in the Outpatient Department by intraoral procedure. The postoperative course passed without complications. Current literature on leiomyomas is cited in the Introduction, followed by presentation of the case and histological characteristics of the tumour. The example is presented as a rarity and one of the differential diagnostic possibilities in the diagnostics of soft tissue tumours in the oral cavity

    Angiomyoma ā€“ Angioleiomyoma of the Cheek

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    The authors present the case of an angiomyoma ā€“ angioleiomyoma of the cheek in a 58-year-old man. The tumour was palpable, although clinically not visible, and the only case of a tumour of smooth muscle treated in the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery over the last 40 years. The operation was performed in the Outpatient Department by intraoral procedure. The postoperative course passed without complications. Current literature on leiomyomas is cited in the Introduction, followed by presentation of the case and histological characteristics of the tumour. The example is presented as a rarity and one of the differential diagnostic possibilities in the diagnostics of soft tissue tumours in the oral cavity

    Marsupialisation of Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour of the Mandible: Current Dilemma

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    Autori predstavljaju rezultate liječenja keratocističnog odontogenog tumora (KCOT-a) čeljusti kirurÅ”kim postupkom marsupijalizacije u kontekstu suvremenih dilema koje se o tom problemu mogu naći u literaturi. Na temeljno pitanje, može li marsupijalizacija biti konačan postupak u liječenju KCOT-a, joÅ” se ne može sa sigurnoŔću odgovoriti ni na osnovi podataka iz literature ni pozitivnih podataka predstavljenih u radu. Prikaz neÅ”to promijenjenih rezultata liječenja uzorka iz ranije publiciranog rada i dvaju slučajeva nakon toga izvjeŔća, autorima daju za pravo tvrditi da je marsupijalizacija metoda izbora, s vjerojatnoŔću da bude i konačan postupak u liječenju KCOT-a. Prema suvremenim podatcima iz literature traži se i nadalje viÅ”egodiÅ”nje postoperativno praćenje pacijenata i primjena dodatnih sredstava liječenja kako bi se spriječili recidivi.The authors present the results of treating mandibular keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT) by the surgical method of marsupialisation in the context of current dilemma in the literature regarding this problem. The basic question of whether marsupialisation can be the definitive method in treatment of KCOT still cannot be answered with certainty, neither on the basis of data from the literature nor on the basis of positive data presented in the study. Presentation of slightly modified results of the treatment of a sample from an earlier published study, and two cases treated subsequently give the authors the prerogative to claim that marsupialisation of KCOT is the method of choice, which will probably be the definitive method of treatment. Current data from the literature still require several years of postoperative monitoring of patients and application of additional means of treatment in order to prevent relapse

    An overview of encapsulation technologies for food applications

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    Encapsulation is a process to entrap active agents within a carrier material and it is a useful tool to improve delivery of bioactive molecules and living cells into foods. Materials used for design of protective shell of encapsulates must be food-grade, biodegradable and able to form a barrier between the internal phase and its surroundings. Among all materials, the most widely used for encapsulation in food applications are polysaccharides. Proteins and lipids are also appropriate for encapsulation. Spray drying is the most extensively applied encapsulation technique in the food industry because it is flexible, continuous, but more important an economical operation. Most of encapsulates are spray-dried ones, rest of them are prepared by spray-chilling, freeze-drying, melt extrusion and melt injection. Molecular inclusion in cyclodextrins and liposomal vesicles are more expensive technologies, and therefore, less exploited. There are number of reasons why to employ an encapsulation technology and this paper reviews some of them. For example, this technology may provide barriers between sensitive bioactive materials and the environment, and thus, to allow taste and aroma differentiation, mask bad tasting or smelling, stabilize food ingredients or increase their bioavailability. One of the most important reasons for encapsulation of active ingredients is to provide improved stability in final products and during processing. Another benefit of encapsulation is less evaporation and degradation of volatile actives, such as aroma. Furthermore, encapsulation is used to mask unpleasant feelings during eating, such as bitter taste and astringency of polyphenols. Also, another goal of employing encapsulation is to prevent reaction with other components in food products such as oxygen or water. In addition to the above, encapsulation may be used to immobilize cells or enzymes in food processing applications, such as fermentation process and metabolite production processes. There is an increasing demand to find suitable solutions that provide high productivity and, at the same time, satisfy an adequate quality of the final food products. This paper aims to provide a short overview of commonly used processes to encapsulate food actives

    Influence of winter savory (Satureja montana) aqueous extract on mortality of lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica)

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    Losses of grain quality and quantity as a result of insect activity during storage impose the need for proper pest control. One of the major pests of stored wheat is the lesser grain borer (LGB), Rhyzopertha dominica. This pest is usually controlled with insecticides. However, there is recently a growing interest in the use of plant-based products in pest management. Plants are a rich source of active compounds and for centuries have been used for the control of harmful insects. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the effects of Satureja montana aqueous extract on LGB adults in contact and contact-digestive tests. The mortality of LGB adults during contact exposure to S. montana extract was low, regardless of the concentration (16.7-33.3% after 24 h and 30.0-33.3% after 48 h). After 24 h of contact-digestive exposure, the highest mortality was caused by 2% S. montana extract (23.3%), while after 48 h the level of mortality increased in all treatments with S. montana extract (0.5, 1, and 2%) and was 28.4, 28.4, and 41.7%, respectively. After 72 h of contact-digestive exposure, it ranged from 57.5 to 63.5%, while in the control it remained the same (2.7%). After 7 days of such exposure, it was 91.6-98.4%, depending on the concentration. Based on the obtained results, we conclude that S. montana aqueous extract caused mortality of LGB adults, the level of this mortality depending on concentration of the applied extract and duration of the experiment

    Stigmatizacija alkoholičara i drugih visoko rizičnih socijalnih skupina ā€“ odnos sa spolom i vrstom zanimanja

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    Apart from functional problems that arise from the fact that they belong to certain vulnerable social categories (individuals with chronic illnesses and conditions, individuals belonging to minorities and marginalized groups, etc.), members of these groups also face the feeling of distancing and/or rejection by others, including health professionals. The main purpose of this research is to determine social distances towards alcoholics compared with other high-risk social groups and to check for possible differences in social distances (and stigmatization) of alcoholics with regard to gender and occupation type. On a sample of 230 respondents (a deliberate sample of health and non-health professionals, heterogeneous by socio-demographic characteristics), using the Bogardus social distance scale, we investigated social distances for certain social groups: drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, mentally ill individuals and individuals with physical disabilities. The results have shown that individuals with physical disabilities are the least stigmatized group, while the most stigmatized are drug addicts, with alcoholics being second according to social distance. A similar trend was also found in groups of subjects of different sex as well as different types of occupation, with an exception that alcoholics were the most stigmatized group among health professionals, while drug addicts were second most stigmatized group. Sexual differences in social distance towards alcoholics have not been confirmed, nor the differences between the two observed groups of occupations. The research results provide the basic guidelines needed to design the process of destigmatization of alcoholics, as well as other vulnerable social groups studied, in the populations of both health and non-health professionals of both sexes.Uz probleme u funkcioniranju koji proizlaze iz činjenice da pripadaju određenim osjetljivim socijalnim kategorijama (osobe s kroničnim bolestima i stanjima, pripadnici manjinskih i marginaliziranih skupina i dr.), pripadnici tih skupina suočavaju se i s osjećajem distanciranja i/ili odbacivanja od strane drugih ljudi, uključujući i zdravstveno osoblje. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi socijalne udaljenosti prema alkoholičarima u usporedbi s pojedinim drugim visoko rizičnim socijalnim skupinama, te provjeriti eventualne razlike u socijalnim udaljenostima (i stigmatizaciji) alkoholičara s obzirom na spol i vrstu zanimanja. Na uzorku od 230 ispitanika (namjernog uzorka zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika, heterogenih po sociodemografskim obilježjima) primjenom Bogardusove ljestvice socijalne distance ispitivana je socijalna distanca prema određenim socijalnim skupinama: narkomanima, alkoholičarima, homoseksualcima, psihički bolesnim osobama i osobama s tjelesnim invaliditetom. Rezultati su pokazali da su osobe s tjelesnim invaliditetom najmanje stigmatizirana skupina, a najstigmatiziraniji su narkomani, dok su alkoholičari po socijalnoj distanci na visokom drugom mjestu. Sličan trend pronađen je i unutar skupina ispitanika različitog spola, kao i vrsta zanimanja, s tim da su se kod zdravstvenih djelatnika alkoholičari izdvojili kao najstigmatiziranija skupina, dok su se narkomani naÅ”li na drugom mjestu. Spolne razlike u socijalnoj distanci prema alkoholičarima nisu potvrđene, kao ni razlike među dvije promatrane skupine zanimanja. Rezultati istraživanja daju načelne smjernice potrebne za osmiÅ”ljavanje procesa destigmatizacije alkoholičara, ali i drugih ispitivanih rizičnih socijalnih skupina, u populacijama zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika oba spola

    Intra-Annual Dynamics Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in the Extreme Hidrological Events ā€“ Case Study NiÅ”ava River

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    Dynamics of totall dissolved solids (TDS) and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) were monitored on the river NiÅ”ava at the hydrological station Dimitrovgrad. Water samples were collected each day in the period from 01.01.2010ā€“31.12.2010. TDS concentration followed a seasonal pattern imposed by the availability of water, with higher concentrations recorded in low-flow periods and lower concentration in the highflow period. SSC was extremely variable and dominate mainly with specific high-flow events. Mean annual discharge (Q=6.68 m3/s, q=13.9 l/s/km2) over the year was 3.3 times higher than the average for the period of 50 years. In the study period, the annual transport dissolved load (Qd) was 36962.8 t (specific load Qds=76.7 t/km2/yr) and suspended sediment load (Qs) was 98861.9 t (specific load Qss=205.1 t/km2/yr). The transport of dissolved load and suspended sediment load shows temporal variations in different seasons. The analysis revealed that the maximum loads was transferred during the winter (Qd=43.3% and Qs=56.8% of the annual transport) and spring season (Qd=37.9% and Qs=38.9% of the annual transport). A comparative analysis of Q, Qd, and Qs show that the suspended sediment shows greater variability and exponential pattern of transport. For instance, 90% of the time was required to export 65% of the total water and transported 77% of the total dissolved load and only 22% total suspended sediment load. The most extreme precipitation episodes and extreme temperatures events was recorded in February 2010. The floods in February contributed by 44.8% of the total Qs transport over the study period. These findings have important implications for water resource management in the context of sediments mobilization, erosion, channel management, water quality and ecological functions

    Stigmatization of Psychiatric Patients ā€“ Knowledge and Attitudes of Health and Non-health Professionals

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    Uz teÅ”koće u svakodnevnom djelovanju zbog simptoma svojih bolesti psihički bolesnici se moraju suočiti i s osjećajem odbačenosti od drugih ljudi, a sve zbog straha od njihovih nepredvidivih reakcija. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razlike u znanjima i stavovima o stigmatizaciji psihičkih bolesnika u odnosu na vrstu zanimanja (zdravstveni, nezdravstveni djelatnici i psihijatrijsko osoblje), razinu obrazovanja (osnovno-srednjoÅ”kolsko obrazovanje, dodiplomska i sveučiliÅ”na diploma), spol i psihijatrijski hereditet u obitelji. Na uzorku od 243 ispitanika [namjernog uzorka zdravstvenih radnika (23,4%), nezdravstvenih radnika (49%) i psihijatrijskog osoblja (27,6%)], heterogenih prema sociodemografskim obilježjima) ispitani su znanje i stavovi prema psihičkim bolesnicima. U istraživanju je primijenjena Revidirana ljestvica za mjerenje stavova prema psihičkim bolesnicima izrađena prema ljestvici Ljetne Å”kole studenata psihologije 2003. te Ljestvica znanja o psihičkim bolesnicima (SZPB) preuzeta iz istraživanja Jokić-Begić, Kamenov, Lauri Korajlija, 2005. Rezultati su pokazali da psihijatrijsko osoblje ima veće znanje o karakteristikama mentalno oboljelih pojedinaca, liječenju te o nastanku mentalnih bolesti od zdravstvenog i nezdravstvenog osoblja, a kod muÅ”karaca samo od zdravstvenih radnika. Nezdravstveno i zdravstveno osoblje viÅ”e od psihijatrijskog osoblja vjeruje da su s njima poželjni neposredni kontakti, osim kod muÅ”karaca gdje nisu pronađene razlike. Obrazovaniji ispitanici imaju veće znanje o psihičkim bolestima i smatraju u većoj mjeri da su psihički bolesnici radno sposobni i ugodni, kao i da su s njima poželjni neposredni kontakti. Manje obrazovani ispitanici u većoj mjeri vjeruju da psihički bolesnici zaslužuju poÅ”tovanje i suosjećanje kao ravnopravni članovi druÅ”tva. Značajne su razlike dobivene između ispitanika sa psiholoÅ”kim hereditetom i bez psihijatrijskog herediteta u odnosu na jedan od aspekata stava. Ispitanici bez psihijatrijskog herediteta smatraju da osobe sa psihičkom bolesti zaslužuju viÅ”e poÅ”tovanja i suosjećanja. Rezultati pružaju okvirne smjernice potrebne za oblikovanje procesa destigmatizacije psihičkih bolesnika u populaciji zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih stručnjaka, kao i osobama različitog stupnja obrazovanja, posebno onima koji rade s mentalno oboljelim pacijentima ili stupaju s njima u kontakt nakon hospitalizacije.With functional problems resulting from the symptoms of their illness, people with mental illness also face the feeling of being rejected by other people, partly because of the fear of their specific and unpredictable reactions. The objective of this study was to determine the differences in knowledge and attitudes regarding psychiatric patients affecting their stigmatization, with respect to the type of employment (health and non-health professionals and psychiatric personnel), level of education (elementary and secondary school, undergraduate degree, university degree), gender, and psychiatric heredity in the family. We used a sample of 243 respondents (intentional sample of health (23.4%), non-health professionals (49%), and psychiatric personnel (27.6%), heterogeneous by socio-demographic characteristics) to examine knowledge and attitudes towards individuals with mental illness using appropriate measuring instruments. The Revised Scale for Measuring Attitudes toward Mental Patients, developed according to the scale of the Summer School of Psychology Students in 2003, and the Scale of Knowledge on Mental Patients (SKMP) taken from the study by Jokić-Begić, Kamenov, Lauri Korajlija, 2005, were applied. Psychiatric personnel were found to have more knowledge on the characteristics of individuals with mental illness as well as treatment and the development of mental illness regarding psychiatric patients compared with non-health and non-health professionals, and in men only compared with non-health professionals. Nonhealth and health professionals, to a greater extent than psychiatric personnel, feel that direct contact with individuals with mental illness was desirable, except in men where no differences were found. The more educated respondents had greater knowledge about individuals with mental illness and largely believed that individuals with mental illness are able to work and participate in the society as well as that direct contact with them was desirable. Respondents with lower educational status were more likely to believe that psychiatric patients deserve respect and compassion as equal members of society. Significant differences were found between subjects with and without psychiatric heredity in relation to one aspect of the attitude. Respondents without psychiatric heredity believe that people with mental illness deserve more respect and compassion. The results provide the framework guidelines needed to design the process of destigmatization of psychiatric patients in the populations of health and non-health professionals as well as people of different levels of education, especially those who work with psychiatric patients or come into contact with them after hospitalization