1,437 research outputs found

    Financial Innovation and Stability of Money Demand Function in Post–reform period in India

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    Innovation in financial sector, financial reforms and changes in the policy environment are the factors responsible for instability in the money demanded in an economy. The dawn of 1991 balance of payment crisis in India brought much needed reforms in the economy and financial sector and triggered financial innovation fueled with revolution in information technology world wide and in India. In this backdrop this paper attempts to take a meticulous look on stability of money demand in India with quarterly data for 1996–97:1–2009–10:3 period. Based on Gregory–Hansen (1996) method of co–integration estimation the analysis confirms that in contrast to most of the previous studies, money demand function in India is not stable in the post reform period.Financial Innovation, Money Demand, Co–integration with Structural Break, Stability

    Present status of acid mine drainage in caol mines of secl and its prevention

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    Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a very common environmental pollution problem which occurs worldwide in mining region. AMD forms when sulfide minerals in rocks are exposed to oxidizing condition in coal and metal mining, highway construction and other large scale excavations.. During mining, the exposed wall rocks come in contact with the oxygenated water, interaction between these causes generation of AMD. Bacterial activity also plays an important role in acid formation. Coal has a crucial role in meeting current needs and is a resource bridge to meet future goals. Through the enhancement of knowledge and technology the challenge is to apply the right technology in the most efficient and environment friendly way. The biggest environmental challenge facing the coal industry is the issue of greenhouse gases and acid rain. The aim of this project is to investigate the water quality parameter in relation to acid mine drainage for the Indian coal fields that includes possibilities for control, minimization and optimal feasibility for the implementation of control method. In Chhattisgarh region S.E.C.L., division of CIL plays a major role for coal extraction.The AMD management practices followed by SECL were not found adequate owing to the technological, environment and natural water resource management problems. Thus there is an urgent need of research regarding control and abatement of AMD. Depending upon site characteristics, so improved reliability and efficiency is required. An attempt is made to view the status of acid mine drainage in Indian coal mine and to study about its preventive measures is an issue of further research

    Comparison of Three Dimensional Partially and Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET Characteristics Using Mathcad

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    In this Paper, comparison of three Dimensional characteristics between partially and fully depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI MOSFET) is presented, this is done through 3D device modeling using mathcad, based on the numerical solution of three dimensional Poisson’s equation. Behavior of Various Parameters like Surface Potential, Threshold Voltage, Electric field and Drain current are presented in this paper

    Surface Potential and Threshold Voltage Model of Fully Depleted Narrow Channel SOI MOSFET Using Analytical Solution of 3D Poisson’s Equation

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    The present paper is about the modeling of surface potential and threshold voltage of Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator MOSFET. The surface potential is calculated by solving the 3D Poisson’s equation analytically. The appropriate boundary conditions are used in calculations. The effect of narrow channel width and short channel length for suppression of SCE is analyzed. The narrow channel width effect in the threshold voltage is analyzed for thin film Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET

    Agro-Morphological Exploitation of Genetic Diversity and Multivariate Analysis of Indigenous Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Germplasm

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    For most of the examined variables, there was significant variation between the germplasm lines. Independent of their breeding locations, the genotypes under study were grouped into seven clusters by genetic diversity analysis. Cluster I contained the most genotypes, 24 and the fewest in clusters V and VII, which were solitary. In contrast, cluster II held 10 genotypes, cluster III had 7, and clusters IV and VI could each hold 4 genotypes. Clusters III and VI had the greatest inter-cluster distance, which indicated that their genotypes had the greatest genetic diversity. According to principal component analysis (PCA), Four of the first fourteen PCs had eigenvalues greater than one. PC 1 alone accounted for the highest variance of 33.1%, followed by PC 2 with 21.7%. The outcomes of this investigation might be used as a foundation for defining and implementing subsequent chickpea breeding initiatives. Seed Yield, Number of Secondary Branches, Harvest Index, and biological yield, test weight, number of seeds per pod, and number of filled pods per plant were all found to be variable in biplot

    Bioinformatics Research in India during 2009-2018: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The aim of the present study is to analyze the productivity growth of Bioinformatics research publications in India during the period (2009-2018). The primary data was collected from the Scopus database. The study examine scientific productivity on various scientometrics parameters i.e. year wise growth rate of publications, most productive authors name and their no. of publications, subject wise distribution of publications, source title, significant keywords, affiliations, funding agencies, after the analysis it has been found that the highest number of 348 research papers were published in the year 2018 and Chakraborty, C. was most productive author with 20 contribution and got the first rank. In the field of Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, the highest 1269 research papers were published and the highest 98 articles were published in PloS one journal while the most significant keyword was ‘Bioinformatics’ which was used in 1604 research papers. The most productive organization is the Vellore Institute of technology which has contributed 89 research papers during the period of study. The most popular funding agency was the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) who have funded 144 research papers in bioinformatics subject area in India from the marked period of study

    IR Based Home Appliances Control System

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    IR-Based Home Appliances Control System is a control system using which the user can control different home appliances with a remote controller. The remote controller can be used to switch on/off different home appliances like a light bulb, fan, television, etc. which are connected to the circuit. It can also be used to regulate the speed of the fan. It can be activated from up to 10 meters. It is easy to build and can be assembled on a general-purpose PCB.This paper proposes the use of Infrared Remote controller to control different home appliances. It consists of Infrared Remote controller and receiver, microcontroller and triac. In this, the Infrared Remote sends signals to change the state of a home appliance when the microcontroller receives the signal it performs its task i.e. to change the state of the appliance according to the corresponding signal received