117 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management: an Analysis From the Organizational Development

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    Gestão do conhecimento em uma estrutura organizacional em rede

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    Partnership’s relations are more common among the organizations, creating structures in network and, in this context, the knowledge management is an important activity to the companies of providing services to improve the process of the customers. The purpose of this article is to examine the social and technical aspects of a structure in network to facilitate knowledge management and the continuous improvement activities in a real case. The firm searched implemented a structure constituted by "full service sites” that perform routine and improvement activities in full-time in the customers, as well as "centers of excellence", which assist in the process of knowledge management. To achieve this goal, a qualitative search was conducted in this company, based on exploratory case study. The research indicates that knowledge flow between individuals and also between different sites is enhanced because of the interactions in network, increasing the potential for improvement actions in the organization

    Gestão do conhecimento em uma estrutura organizacional em rede

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    As relações de parceria são cada vez mais comuns entre as organizações, criando estruturas de relações em rede, e uma importante tarefa que emerge nas empresas prestadoras de serviço é a gestão do conhecimento, visando a melhorar seus processos. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como os aspectos organizacionais, de ordem técnica e social, de uma estrutura organizacional em rede facilitam a gestão do conhecimento a fim de promover atividades de melhoria contínua. A empresa pesquisada, uma prestadora de serviços industriais, implementou uma estrutura de sites full service, responsáveis por atividades de rotina e de melhoria, em tempo integral, nos clientes, além de centros de excelência, que promovem o processo de gestão do conhecimento (GC). Para alcançar este objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada em um estudo de caso exploratório. O resultado da pesquisa aponta que o fluxo de conhecimento entre os indivíduos e entre os diversos sites é intensificado devido às interações em rede, aumentando o potencial da organização em promover melhorias. Palavras-chave: Gestão do conhecimento. Aprendizagem organizacional. Estrutura organizacional em rede. Organizações em rede. Empresas prestadoras de serviço. Knowledge management in an organizational strucuture in network Abstract Partnership relations are more common among the organizations, creating structures in network and, in this context, the knowledge management is an important activity to the companies of providing services to improve the process of the customers. The purpose of this article is to examine the social and technical aspects of a structure in network to facilitate knowledge management and the continuous improvement activities in a real case. The firm searched implemented a structure constituted by "full service sites” that perform routine and improvement activities in full-time in the customers, as well as "centers of excellence", which assist in the process of knowledge management. To achieve this goal, a qualitative search was conducted in this company, based on exploratory case study. The research indicates that knowledge flow between individuals and also between different sites is enhanced because of the interactions in network, increasing the potential for improvement actions in the organization. Keywords: Knowledge management. Organizational learning. Organizational structure in network. Organizations in network. Companies of providing service

    Hidrossedimentologic study in piquiri river

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the hidrossedimentologic parameters of the Piquiri river and relating them to basin land use systems. They were monitored the parameters of flood and suspension sediment concentrations during the period from August/2007 to April/2008 in Piquiri bridge station, Ubiratã, PR town, BR-369. They determined the rating curve of flood (R2=0,99), rating curve of suspension sediment concentrations (R2=0,95), rating curve of daily total discharge of sediments (R2=0,98) and rating curve of turbidity in function of suspension sediments (R2=0,94), being that all presented good settlements. The results indicated that can be classified in a very decrease it moderated the output of sediments of the basi

    Accuracy of clinical diagnosis for the identification of potentially malignant disorders and malignant lip lesions

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    The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of clinical diagnosis for lip lesions based on sensitivity and specificity. The retrospective analysis focused on the detection of lesions caused by potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) and malignant lesions (n = 1195). All cases were classified as benign, PMD, and malignant lesions. Concordance between diagnoses based on clinical examination and those based on histopathological analysis was assessed, and accuracy for the identification of PMD and malignant lesions was calculated. Histopathological analysis revealed 44 lesion types; PMD and malignant lesions comprised 8.3% of all cases. Compared with histopathological analysis, clinical examination showed 97.4% accuracy for the identification of non-malignant and potentially malignant/malignant cases. Degrees of specific sensitivity ranged from 34% to 77% for different lesions, and were highest for autoimmune (77%) and reactive (72%) lesions. Positive and negative predictive values for the identification of PMD and malignant lesions were 81.9% and 98.9%, respectively. Clinical examination showed a high degree of accuracy for the detection of PMD and malignant lip lesions, indicating good reliability

    A 10-year analysis of the oral squamous cell carcinoma profile in patients from public health centers in Uruguay

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics and predictive factors of poor prognosis in patients with primary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in Uruguay. Medical records of patients with the diagnosis of primary OSCC treated between 2000 and 2010 in Uruguayan public hospitals were selected. Data on demographic characteristics, risk factors, clinical features, treatment, and outcome were collected. Associations of independent variables with outcomes were assessed using Pearson chi-squared and Fisher's tests. Of 200 patients with OSCC, 79.4% were men (3.8:1 male:female ratio), with a mean age of 60.75 ± 11.26 years. Tobacco and alcohol consumption were reported by 85.3% and 63.5% of patients, respectively. The most commonly affected location was the tongue (42.5%), with lesions exhibiting ulcerous aspects in 87.9% of cases and pain at the time of diagnosis in 70.4% of cases. One hundred sixty-one (82.1%) patients had advanced-stage (III/IV) OSCC. Surgery was the most common treatment option, and the overall 5-year survival rate was 58.5%. Univariate analysis showed that the predictors of poor prognosis were clinical aspect, size, regional metastasis, clinical stage, and treatment. In Uruguay, OSCC is diagnosed late, which is associated with a low survival rate. Educational and preventive measures and investment to improve early diagnosis should be undertake

    Geotechnical behavior of weak rocks in Córrego do Sítio mine, Santa Bárbara (MG)

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    Nesse trabalho, é discutida a caracterização de filitos na Mina Córrego do Sítio, em Santa Bárbara-MG, bem como determinados fatores que influenciam a resistência ao cisalhamento da xistosidade. São apresentados e discutidos resultados de caracterização mineralógica, índices físicos e de ensaios de cisalhamento direto em três áreas dessa Mina. O intemperismo atua na variação de determinadas propriedades, tais como porosidade, índice de vazios, peso específico seco e, também, na resistência mecânica, com queda acentuada de coesão após ensaio de alterabilidade. Por outro lado, a acentuada rugosidade presente na superfície de xistosidade das rochas da Cava Crista influencia no comportamento do maciço rochoso, conferindo-lhe maior resistência ao cisalhamento.In this work the characterization of phyllites in the Córrego do Sítio Mine, Santa Bárbara, MG, is discussed, as well as some factors that influence the shear strength along the foliation surface. Results of mineralogic description, physical indices and direct shear tests of three areas in this mine are presented. Weathering acts on the variability of some properties, such as the porosity, void ratio, dry specific gravity, and also on the shear strength, with considerable reduction of the cohesion after alterability tests. In addition, the roughness observed on the foliation surface in the rocks of Crista pit influences the rock mass behaviour, increasing its shear strength

    Cardiovascular and enjoyment comparisons after active videogame and running in type 1 diabetes patients:A randomized crossover trial

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    International audienceBackground: Active videogames (AVG) have been primarily studied in healthy individuals. To use the technology in type-1 diabetes (T1DM) patients, cardiovascular and enjoyment responses should be studied and compared with traditional exercises.Objective: To compare the effects of AVG and running exercises on cardiovascular and enjoyment responses in T1DM patients. Methods: Cardiovascular (heart rate–HR, blood pressure–BP, double product–DP, vessel size–VD, and endothelial function–%EF) and enjoyment levels were recorded during three weeks and twice per week. On the first day, patients completed baseline assessments, familiarization, and a 30-minute control session. On the second day and after 24 hours, the measurements were repeated. Patients repeated the same protocol in the second and third weeks and performed randomized active sessions.Results: T1DM patients had similar cardiovascular responses during active exercises without significant post-exercise hypotension to HR, BP, and DP over time. However, VD and %EF values were higher in AVG, followed by running and rest, 30 minutes and after 24 hours (VDAVG: 39.6 ± 9.5, 48.8 ± 12.3, and 56.6 ± 13.9 mm; VDRunning: 41.5 ± 9.9, 47.4 ± 10.1, and 46.4 ± 12.4 mm; %EFAVG: 9.6 ± 8.5, 29.6 ± 17.1, and 45.4 ± 25.9 %; %EFRunning: 7.3 ± 9.4, 14.8 ± 14.1, and 26.8 ± 18.9 %, p < 0.05). Enjoyment was also higher in AVG compared to the running session (9.4 ± 0.7 vs. 7.7 ± 1.6; p < 0.05).Conclusions: AVG presented similar cardiovascular responses to running with higher endothelial and enjoyment levels

    Controle avançado aplicado a colunas de destilação / Advanced control applied to distillation columns

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de operação e controle de uma coluna de destilação em uma usina sucroalcooleira que combina a aplicação de ferramentas de sintonia de malhas de controle, de controle avançado de processos e de sistemas de otimização, além do monitoramento do processo em tempo real. Com essa metodologia obtém-se uma diminuição significativa da variabilidade do processo, além da otimização da produção de etanol. O resultado mostrou que a combinação dessas ferramentas de automação contribuiu para uma redução de 91,2% na variabilidade do processo, um aumento de 9,2% na capacidade de produção de etanol e uma redução significativa das intervenções dos operadores no processo