1,313 research outputs found

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    Quasi-realistic heterotic-string models with vanishing one-loop cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry?

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    Quasi-realistic string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is traditionally restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. By employing the standard analysis of flat directions we present a quasi--realistic three generation string model in which stringent F- and D-flat solution do not appear to exist to all orders in the superpotential. We speculate that this result is indicative of the non-existence of supersymmetric flat F- and D-solutions in this model. We provide some arguments in support of this scenario and discuss its potential implications. Bose-Fermi degeneracy of the string spectrum implies that the one--loop partition function and hence the one-loop cosmological constant vanishes in the model. If our assertion is correct, this model may represent the first known example with vanishing cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry. We discuss the distinctive properties of the internal free fermion boundary conditions that may correspond to a large set of models that share these properties. The geometrical moduli in this class of models are fixed due to asymmetric boundary conditions, whereas absence of supersymmetric flat directions would imply that the supersymmetric moduli are fixed as well and the dilaton may be fixed by hidden sector nonperturbative effects.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Added discussion on stringent flat directions. PRD published versio

    Confronto dei contenuti formativi delle scuole di specializzazione dell'area di sanità pubblica: le basi razionali per una proposta di core curriculum per il percorso formativo universitario ex art. 38, D.Lgs 81/2008

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    E' un confronto dei contenuti formativi delle scuole di specializzazione dell'area di sanità pubblica secondo il nuovo ordinamento al fine della proposta di core curriculum per il percorso formativo universitario ex art. 38, D.Lgs 81/2008 per specializzati in Igiene e Medicina legale, che conseguire i requisiti formativi per la nomina di Medico competente. Nel confronto si ravvisano carenze formative per quanto riguarda il contenuto di valutazione del rischio e prevenzione per gli specializzandi in Medicina legale, mentre carente è il contenuto in approfondimento clinico-diagnostico per gli specializzandi in Igiene. Si propone uno scheda di formazione annuale di percorso universitario

    Impact of displacement demand reliability for seismic vulnerability assessment at an urban scale

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    This paper addresses seismic vulnerability assessment at an urban scale by focusing on the displacement demand determination for building damage prediction. The study is based on the comparison of urban seismic damage distributions obtained by the displacement demand computed using non-linear time-history analysis (NLTHA) with three simplified methods. These methods include the N2 method, the Lin & Miranda proposal and an optimized version of the N2 method. Comparing the different damage distributions from the three simplified methods with the one obtained by time-history analysis helps understanding the reliability of displacement demand determination. The study is carried out on Sion and Martigny, two typical Swiss cities. For the case of Sion, results clearly show that using N2 method may lead to significant overestimation of damage grade distribution. The use of Lin & Miranda method and optimized version of N2 improves the damage prediction in both cases. For the other studied case of Martigny, N2 method and Lin & Miranda proposal are not accurate. The optimized version of N2 method provides stable and reliable results

    Early oral-motor interventions for pediatric feeding problems: What, when and how

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    Children with developmental delays often have feeding difficulties resulting from oral-motor problems. Based on both clinical experience and a review of published studies, oral-motor interventions have been shown to be effective in improving the oral function of preterm infants and children with neuromotor disorders, such as cerebral palsy. However, oral-motor problems may be under identified in other populations of children with developmental difficulties. The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework for understanding oral-motor skill development and problems that can occur in any infant and young child and to review oral-motor treatment techniques and their empirical support

    Ovine Catarrhal fever (bluetongue): Analysis of Culicoides species in seropositive farms

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    Bluetongue (BT) is an orbiviral disease of wild and domestic ruminants, mainly sheep. In Sicily, the first Bluetongue outbreak occurred in October 2000; there have been 76 recorded outbreaks so far. The National Surveillance Plan, based on European Union Commission Decision 138/2001/CE, establishes serological and entomological surveys. This plan consists of controls of seronegative cattle, called 'sentry' as indicators for the presence and circulation of virus in defined areas. To check the seroconversions, the regional territory has been subdivided in 400 km2 areas including 58 seronegative cattle, periodically checked by serological tests. All positive sera have been tested to detect the specific serotype by the National Reference Centre for Exotic Diseases (CESME) at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise in Teramo (IZS Teramo). Moreover, entomological surveillance has been implemented in seropositive herds, to investigate the presence of insect vectors belonging to Culicoides genus. The goal of the present communication is to report on the different species of Culicoides found in the farms with Bluetongue virus and to investigate on the probable role of new competent vectors. This paper concerns data analysis of 581 light-trap catches collected in 321 farms from 2003 to 2008. We observed that 82% of checked farms were positive for Culicoides spp., and only 10% of the farms were positive for Culicoides imicola. © 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

    Premating behavioral tactics of Columbian ground squirrels

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    In polygynous and polygynandrous mating systems males possess a variety of behavioral tactics that increase their access to reproductive females. In addition to overt combat or defending resources that attract mates, males use premating tactics that provide them with subsequent opportunities to copulate with receptive females. For Columbian ground squirrels, Urocitellus columbianus, we report that co-occupation of a burrow system by a reproductive male and a female on the night before the female exhibits diurnal estrus is an example of such a tactic. Our hypothesis was that nocturnal underground association results in successful consortships and therefore constitutes a mating tactic that is complementary to other mating behaviors exhibited during a female's estrus. Under this hypothesis appropriate predictions are that: males co-occupying a burrow system with a female at night should mate first with that female; males co-occupying a burrow system with a female overnight should sire more of her offspring than her subsequent mates; and the reproductive success of males co-occupying a burrow system with females should be higher than the reproductive success of mates that do not. To test our predictions we used a combination of field observations on nocturnal underground consortships (NUCs) and microsatellite DNA analyses of paternity. Males copulated with females during NUCs, as evidenced by inseminations. These males sired more offspring than males that did not participate in NUCs. Males ≥3 years old participated in more NUCs than sexually mature 2-year-old males. Our results supported the hypothesis that entrance into NUCs with a female before she exhibits estrus was a premating tactic that increased male reproductive success when exhibited in concert with other mating tactics such as territorial defens