9,048 research outputs found

    Topological entropy and blocking cost for geodesics in riemannian manifolds

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    For a pair of points x,yx,y in a compact, riemannian manifold MM let nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) (resp. st(x,y)s_t(x,y)) be the number of geodesic segments with length t\leq t joining these points (resp. the minimal number of point obstacles needed to block them). We study relationships between the growth rates of nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) and st(x,y)s_t(x,y) as tt\to\infty. We derive lower bounds on st(x,y)s_t(x,y) in terms of the topological entropy h(M)h(M) and its fundamental group. This strengthens the results of Burns-Gutkin \cite{BG06} and Lafont-Schmidt \cite{LS}. For instance, by \cite{BG06,LS}, h(M)>0h(M)>0 implies that ss is unbounded; we show that ss grows exponentially, with the rate at least h(M)/2h(M)/2.Comment: 13 page

    In-situ measurements of oxygen, carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases from Ochsenkopf tall tower in Germany

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    We present 2.5 years (from June 2006 to December 2008) of in-situ measurements of CO2, O2, CH4, CO, N2O and SF6 mixing ratios sampled from 23, 90 and 163m above ground on the Ochsenkopf tower in the Fichtelgebirge range, Germany (50?0104900 N, 11?4803000 E, 1022ma.s.l.). In addition to the in-situ measurements, flask samples are taken at Ochsenkopf at approximately weekly intervals and are subsequently analysed for the mixing ratios of the same species, as well as H2, and the stable isotopes, ?13C, ?18O in CO2. The in-situ measurements of CO2 and O2 from 23m show substantial diurnal variations that are modulated by biospheric fluxes, combustion of fossil fuels, and by diurnal changes in the planetary boundary layer height. Measurements from 163m exhibit only very weak diurnal variability, as this height (1185ma.s.l.) is generally above the nocturnal boundary layer. CH4, CO, N2O and SF6 show little diurnal variation even at 23m owing to the absence of any significant diurnal change in the fluxes and the absence of any strong local sources or sinks. From the in-situ record, the seasonal cycles of the gas species have been characterized and the multi-annual trends determined. Because the record is short, the calculation of the trend is sensitive to inter-annual variations in the amplitudes of the seasonal cycles. However, for CH4 a significant change in the growth-rate was detected for 2006.5–2008.5 as compared with the global mean from 1999 to 2006 and is consistent with other recent observations of a renewed increasing global growth rate in CH4 since the beginning of 2007

    Superintegrability on the two-dimensional hyperboloid

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    In this work we examine the basis functions for classical and quantum mechanical systems on the two-dimensional hyperboloid that admit separation of variables in at least two coordinate systems. We present all of these cases from a unified point of view. In particular, all of the special functions that arise via variable separation have their essential features expressed in terms of their zeros. The principal new results are the details of the polynomial bases for each of the nonsubgroup bases, not just the subgroup spherical coordinate cases, and the details of the structure of the quadratic symmetry algebras

    Dynamics of Counterion Condensation

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    Using a generalization of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, dynamics of counterion condensation is studied. For a single charged plate in the presence of counterions, it is shown that the approach to equilibrium is diffusive. In the far from equilibrium case of a moving charged plate, a dynamical counterion condensation transition occurs at a critical velocity. The complex dynamic behavior of the counterion cloud is shown to lead to a novel nonlinear force-velocity relation for the moving plate.Comment: 5 pages, 1 ps figure included using eps

    A Serendipitous Search for High-Redshift Lyman alpha Emission: Two Primeval Galaxy Candidates at z~3

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    In the course of our ongoing search for serendipitous high-redshift Lyman alpha (LyA) Emissionin deep archival Keck spectra, we discovered two very high equivalent width (W_{obs} ~ 450A, 2-sigma) LyA emission line candidates at z ~3 in a moderate dispersion (R~1200) spectrogram. Both lines have low velocity dispersions (sigma_v ~ 60 km/s) and deconvolved radii r ~ 1 kpc (h = 0.5). We argue that the lines are LyA, and are powered by stellar ionization. The surface density of robust, high equivalent width LyA candidates is estimated to be ~3 \pm 2 per arcmin^2 per unit redshift at z ~ 3, consistent with the estimate of Cowie etal (1998). The LyA emission line source characteristics are consistent with the galaxies undergoing their first burst of star formation, ie, with being primeval. Source sizes and velocity dispersions are comparable to the theoretical primeval galaxy model of Lin and Murray (1992) based on the inside-out, self-similar collapse of an isothermal sphere. In this model, star formation among field galaxies is a protracted process. Galaxies are thought to be able to display high equivalent widths for only the first few x 10 Myr. This time is short in relation to the difference in look back times between z=3 and z=4, and implies that a substantial fraction of strong line-emitting galaxies at z=3 were formed at redshifts z < 4. We discuss the significance of high-equivalent width LyA-emitting galaxies in terms of the emerging picture of the environment, and the specific characteristics of primeval galaxy formation at high redshift.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, one table. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Not all surveillance data are created equal—A multi‐method dynamic occupancy approach to determine rabies elimination from wildlife

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    1. A necessary component of elimination programmes for wildlife disease is effective surveillance. The ability to distinguish between disease freedom and non‐detection can mean the difference between a successful elimination campaign and new epizootics. Understanding the contribution of different surveillance methods helps to optimize and better allocate effort and develop more effective surveillance programmes. 2. We evaluated the probability of rabies virus elimination (disease freedom) in an enzootic area with active management using dynamic occupancy modelling of 10 years of raccoon rabies virus (RABV) surveillance data (2006–2015) collected from three states in the eastern United States. We estimated detection probability of RABV cases for each surveillance method (e.g. strange acting reports, roadkill, surveillance‐trapped animals, nuisance animals and public health samples) used by the USDA National Rabies Management Program. 3. Strange acting, found dead and public health animals were the most likely to detect RABV when it was present, and generally detectability was higher in fall– winter compared to spring–summer. Found dead animals in fall–winter had the highest detection at 0.33 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.48). Nuisance animals had the lowest detection probabilities (~0.02). 4. Areas with oral rabies vaccination (ORV) management had reduced occurrence probability compared to enzootic areas without ORV management. RABV occurrence was positively associated with deciduous and mixed forests and medium to high developed areas, which are also areas with higher raccoon (Procyon lotor) densities. By combining occupancy and detection estimates we can create a probability of elimination surface that can be updated seasonally to provide guidance on areas managed for wildlife disease. 5. Synthesis and applications. Wildlife disease surveillance is often comprised of a combination of targeted and convenience‐based methods. Using a multi‐method analytical approach allows us to compare the relative strengths of these methods, providing guidance on resource allocation for surveillance actions. Applying this multi‐method approach in conjunction with dynamic occupancy analyses better informs management decisions by understanding ecological drivers of disease occurrence

    The Accretion of Lyman Alplha Clouds onto Gas-Rech Protogalaxies; A Scenario for the Formation of Globular Star Clusters

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    A satisfactory theory for the formation of globular star clusters (GCs) has long been elusive, perhaps because their true progenitors had not yet been guessed. In this paper I propose a causal relationship between the strongly decreasing densities of Lyman alpha (LyA) clouds at high redshift and the formation of GCs - namely that GCs were created by the accretion of LyA clouds onto protogalaxies. I describe a scenario which involves an inherently stable and orderly cycling of compression and cooling in the central cores of clouds during the extended period of dissipation in the outer regins of gas-rich proto galaxies, culminating in a burst of efficient star formation. I demonstrate that the comoving density of GCs is comparable to that of LyA clouds at high redshift, that the energetic requirements for compression to core GC densities can be met, and that the time-scale for cooling is within obvious limits imposed by dynamical stability. This dissipative process requires there to be a large column of dissipated gas about the attractor in order to form GCs. In addition, the energy requirements for compression requires attractor masses greater than that capable of sustaining circular velocities of ~40 km/s. If this scenario is supported by numerical simulations, then by implication, the GCs were formed at modest redshifts of z~1-3. This knowledge could help to break the degeneracy between lookback time and redshift. The model is consistent with a picture of hierarchical galaxy growth over time scales of many billions of years.Comment: 7 pages. Accepted, 10 June 1999 Astrophysical Journa

    Temperature Effects on Threshold Counterion Concentration to Induce Aggregation of fd Virus

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    We seek to determine the mechanism of like-charge attraction by measuring the temperature dependence of critical divalent counterion concentration (Cc\rm{C_{c}}) for the aggregation of fd viruses. We find that an increase in temperature causes Cc\rm{C_c} to decrease, primarily due to a decrease in the dielectric constant (ϵ\epsilon) of the solvent. At a constant ϵ\epsilon, Cc\rm{C_c} is found to increase as the temperature increases. The effects of TT and ϵ\epsilon on Cc\rm {C_{c}} can be combined to that of one parameter: Bjerrum length (lBl_{B}). Cc\rm{C_{c}} decreases exponentially as lBl_{B} increases, suggesting that entropic effect of counterions plays an important role at the onset of bundle formation.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Interpreting the seasonal cycles of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations at American Samoa Observatory

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    We present seven years of atmospheric O2/N2 ratio and CO2 concentration data measured from flask samples collected at American Samoa. These data are unusual, exhibiting higher short-term variability, and seasonal cycles not in phase with other sampling stations. The unique nature of atmospheric data from Samoa has been noted previously from measurements of CO2, methyl chloroform, and ozone. With our O2 data, we observe greater magnitude in the short-term variability, but, in contrast, no clear seasonal pattern to this variability. This we attribute to significant regional sources and sinks existing for O2 in both hemispheres, and a dependence on both the latitudinal and altitudinal origins of air masses. We also hypothesize that some samples exhibit a component of "older" air, demonstrating recirculation of air within the tropics. Our findings could be used to help constrain atmospheric transport models which are not well characterized in tropical regions