184 research outputs found


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    Nimekkeen selvennys: Guidelines for acquisition of farm milk cooling tanks .vokMyynti MTT/VAKOLA puh. (09) 224 25

    Sarjakuvavaino Suomessa.

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    Väylähankkeen esisuunnitteluvaiheen kustannushallinta

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    Present designing process and cost management of road and railroad building projects is in unsatisfying level, which has led the situation to cost overruns and budget failures of projects. The cost management of preliminary designing phase has based since now on cost estimates of complete plans. The problem with the current process is that the preliminary designing phase does not include element of cost control which would consider cost comparison of the alternative designing solutions. Basis in this research was development of cost management of projects by using product data modeling and information technology solutions. The research method was qualitative and based on constructive approach. The research was based on the problematic of the current process, which were specified in theme interviews. A new preliminary designing process for road and railroad projects was developed in this research. The new process which was based on problems specified in theme interviews and literature review was verified by workshops and case study test. The new process model, developed in this research, improves the current process significantly. The new process model improves cost control of the preliminary designing phase and utilizes new information technology solutions concerning software of the visualization, mass economy planning and cost management. The basis of the new process model was a project briefing which defines and describes alternative solutions for the road and railroad. The process which utilizes information technology allows an efficient cost estimation comparing for the alternative designing solutions. It also supports to find out the most economical design solution. Research also brings out a new uncertain initial data management process. By the aid of the process range of the cost estimation can be defined and cost risk management can be improved

    Development of wireless KILAVI sensor node

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    Langattomien järjestelmien käyttö koti- ja teollisuusympäristössä on kasvanut huomattavasti viime vuosina. Erityistä huomiota tutkimus- ja kehitystyössä ovat saaneet langattomat sensorit. Sensoriverkkojen käyttö kiinteistöjen automatisoinnissa tuo huomattavia etuja, ja niiden voidaan sanoa parantavan elämisen laatua. Sensoriverkoston kehittämisessä on kuitenkin vielä monia haasteita, jotta niiden toiminta saadaan optimoitua kiinteistöjen käyttöön. Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston Rauman tutkimusyksikössä on aiemmin kehitetty taloautomaatioon soveltuvaa KILAVI-protokollaa. Se on suunniteltu energiatehokkaaksi, mutta samalla tarpeeksi monipuoliseksi takaamaan luotettavan ja turvallisen tiedonsiirron. Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana ECOmfort living (Energy efficient and comfort living) -projektia. Työn tavoitteena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa toimiva sensoriverkkoalusta sekä aloittaa KILAVI-protokollan toiminnallisuuksien toteuttaminen. Työ pohjautuu aiemmin TTY Rauman tutkimusyksikössä tehtyihin tutkimuksiin ja saatuihin tuloksiin. Työn aikana saatiin tavoitteiden mukaisesti suunniteltua ja rakennettua sensoriverkkosolmu. Solmusta teetettiin useampi kopio, ja niihin ohjelmoitiin KILAVI-protokollan perustoiminnallisuuksia. Työn lopussa sensorisolmut pystyivät itsenäisesti keräämään lämpötilatietoa ympäristöstä, lähettämään kerätyn tiedon KILAVI:n periaatteiden mukaisesti verkkoon, välittämään tietoa ja prosessoimaan vastaanotettua tietoa. /Kir1

    Chemotaxonomic Markers for the Leaf Buds of Common Finnish Trees and Shrubs: A Rapid UHPLC MS Fingerprinting Tool for Species Identification

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    In this study, a chemotaxonomic tool was created on the basis of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) for the identification of 13 common Finnish deciduous trees and shrubs from their leaf bud metabolites. The bud extracts were screened with UHPLC-ESI-QqQ-MS and UHPLC-ESI-Q-Orbitrap-MS to discover suitable markers for each species. Two approaches were tested in the marker selection: (1) unique species-specific markers to obtain selective fingerprints per species and (2) major markers to maximise the sensitivity of the fingerprints. The markers were used to create two selected ion-recording-based fingerprinting tools with UHPLC-ESI-QqQ-MS. The methods were evaluated for their selectivity, repeatability, and robustness in plant species identification by analysing leaf buds from several replicates of each species. The created chemotaxonomic tools were shown to provide unique chromatographic profiles for the studied species in less than 6 min. A variety of plant metabolites, such as flavonoids, triterpenoids, and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, were found to serve as good chemotaxonomic markers for the studied species. In 10 out of 13 cases, species-specific markers were superior in creating selective and repeatable fingerprints

    Analysis of sub-3 nm particle growth in connection with sulfuric acid in a boreal forest

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    We analyzed nanoparticle growth during new-particle-formation events based on ten years of measurements carried out at a boreal forest site in Hyytiala, Finland, concentrating on the sub-3 nm particles and the role of sulfuric acid in their growth. Growth rates of 1.5-3 nm diameter particles were determined from ion spectrometer measurements and compared with parameterized sulfuric acid concentration and other atmospheric parameters. The calculated growth rates from sulfuric acid condensation were on average 7.4% of the observed growth rates and the two did not correlate. These suggest that neither sulfuric acid monomer condensation nor coagulation of small sulfuric acid clusters was the primary growth mechanism in these atmospheric conditions. Also no clear sign of organic condensation being the single main growth mechanism was seen. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that several factors have comparative roles in the sub-3 nm growth.Peer reviewe

    Implant survival of constrained acetabular device in primary total hip arthroplasty based on data from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register

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    Background: Constrained acetabular devices were developed to prevent dislocations after total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, the data on their success have been contradictory. In this study, we aimed to assess implant survival of the constrained acetabular device in primary THA based on the Finnish Arthroplasty Register data. Methods: A total of 373 primary THAs with constrained acetabular devices inserted from 2006 to 2017 were included. A reference group was formed on a 1:3 basis and matched for age, sex, and diagnosis, consisting of 1118 conventional THAs. Implant survival estimates using death as a competing risk were assessed with revision for any reason and for any aseptic reason as the endpoints. The Cox multiple regression models were adjusted for age, sex, and diagnosis. The mean follow-up time was 3.3 (0-12.4) years for the constrained device group and 3.8 (0-12.0) years for the reference group. Results: Overall, there were 21 revisions in the constrained device group and 49 in the reference group. The 8-year survivorship for any reason was 94% (confidence interval [CI]: 91-96) for the constrained device group and 93% (CI: 89-97) for the reference group. With revision for any aseptic reason as the endpoint, the 8-year survivorships were 97% (CI: 95-99) and 94% (CI: 90-98), respectively. During the first 1.5 years, the constrained acetabular device group had a similar revision risk (hazard ratio: 1.09 [CI: 0.57-2.07], P = .8) to that of the reference group. Conclusion: The constrained acetabular device had good survival in primary THA, and our results support its continued use even in high-risk patients. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe