690 research outputs found

    The standing wave model of the mesons and baryons

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    Only photons are needed to explain the masses of the pi(0), eta, Lambda, Sigma(0), Xi(0), Omega(-), Lambda(c,+), Sigma(c,0), Xi(c,0), and Omega(c,0) mesons and baryons. Only neutrinos are needed to explain the mass of the pi(+-) mesons. Neutrinos and photons are needed to explain the masses of the K-mesons, the neutron and D-mesons. Surprisingly the mass of the mu-meson can also be explained by the oscillation energies and rest masses of a neutrino lattice. From the difference of the masses of the pi(+-) mesons and mu(+-) mesons follows that the rest mass of the muon-neutrino is 47.5 milli-eV. From the difference of the masses of the neutron and proton follows that the rest mass of the electron-neutrino is 0.55 milli-eV. The potential of the weak force that holds the lattices of the particles together can be determined with Born's lattice theory. From the weak force follows automatically the existence of a strong force between the sides of two lattices. The strong nuclear force is the sum of the unsaturated weak forces at the sides of each lattice and is therefore 10^6 times stronger than the weak force.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figure

    Compton Scattering and the Spin Structure of the Nucleon at Low Energies

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    We analyze polarized Compton scattering which provides information on the spin-structure of the nucleon. For scattering processes with photon energies up to 100 MeV the spin-structure dependence can be encoded into four independent parameters-the so-called spin-polarizabilities γi,i=1...4\gamma_i, i=1...4 of the nucleon, which we calculate within the framework of the "small scale expansion" in SU(2) baryon chiral perturbation theory. Specific application is made to "forward" and "backward" spin- polarizabilities.Comment: 8 pages revtex file, separation between pion-pole and regular contributions detailed + minor wording changes, results and conclusions unchange

    Submarine landslide as the source for the October 11, 1918 Mona Passage tsunami : observations and modeling

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine Geology 254 (2008): 35-46, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.05.001.The October 11, 1918 ML 7.5 earthquake in the Mona Passage between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico generated a local tsunami that claimed approximately 100 lives along the western coast of Puerto Rico. The area affected by this tsunami is now significantly more populated. Newly acquired high-resolution bathymetry and seismic reflection lines in the Mona Passage show a fresh submarine landslide 15 km northwest of Rinćon in northwestern Puerto Rico and in the vicinity of the first published earthquake epicenter. The landslide area is approximately 76 km2 and probably displaced a total volume of 10 km3. The landslide's headscarp is at a water depth of 1200 m, with the debris flow extending to a water depth of 4200 m. Submarine telegraph cables were reported cut by a landslide in this area following the earthquake, further suggesting that the landslide was the result of the October 11, 1918 earthquake. On the other hand, the location of the previously suggested source of the 1918 tsunami, a normal fault along the east wall of Mona Rift, does not show recent seafloor rupture. Using the extended, weakly non-linear hydrodynamic equations implemented in the program COULWAVE, we modeled the tsunami as generated by a landslide with a duration of 325 s (corresponding to an average speed of ~ 27 m/s) and with the observed dimensions and location. Calculated marigrams show a leading depression wave followed by a maximum positive amplitude in agreement with the reported polarity, relative amplitudes, and arrival times. Our results suggest this newly-identified landslide, which was likely triggered by the 1918 earthquake, was the primary cause of the October 11, 1918 tsunami and not the earthquake itself. Results from this study should be useful to help discern poorly constrained tsunami sources in other case studies

    Chameleon Gravity, Electrostatics, and Kinematics in the Outer Galaxy

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    Light scalar fields are expected to arise in theories of high energy physics (such as string theory), and find phenomenological motivations in dark energy, dark matter, or neutrino physics. However, the coupling of light scalar fields to ordinary (or dark) matter is strongly constrained from laboratory, solar system, and astrophysical tests of fifth force. One way to evade these constraints in dense environments is through the chameleon mechanism, where the field's mass steeply increases with ambient density. Consequently, the chameleonic force is only sourced by a thin shell near the surface of dense objects, which significantly reduces its magnitude. In this paper, we argue that thin-shell conditions are equivalent to "conducting" boundary conditions in electrostatics. As an application, we use the analogue of the method of images to calculate the back-reaction (or self-force) of an object around a spherical gravitational source. Using this method, we can explicitly compute the violation of equivalence principle in the outskirts of galactic haloes (assuming an NFW dark matter profile): Intermediate mass satellites can be slower than their larger/smaller counterparts by as much as 10% close to a thin shell.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Are direct photons a clean signal of a thermalized quark gluon plasma?

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    Direct photon production from a quark gluon plasma (QGP) in thermal equilibrium is studied directly in real time. In contrast to the usual S-matrix calculations, the real time approach is valid for a QGP that formed and reached LTE a short time after a collision and of finite lifetime (1020fm/c\sim 10-20 \mathrm{fm}/c as expected at RHIC or LHC). We point out that during such finite QGP lifetime the spectrum of emitted photons carries information on the initial state. There is an inherent ambiguity in separating the virtual from the observable photons during the transient evolution of the QGP. We propose a real time formulation to extract the photon yield which includes the initial stage of formation of the QGP parametrized by an effective time scale of formation Γ1\Gamma^{-1}. This formulation coincides with the S-matrix approach in the infinite lifetime limit. It allows to separate the virtual cloud as well as the observable photons emitted during the pre- equilibrium stage from the yield during the QGP lifetime. We find that the lowest order contribution O(αem)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{em}) which does \emph{not} contribute to the S-matrix approach, is of the same order of or larger than the S-matrix contribution during the lifetime of the QGP for a typical formation time 1fm/c\sim 1 \mathrm{fm}/c. The yield for momenta 3Gev/c\gtrsim 3 \mathrm{Gev}/c features a power law fall-off T3Γ2/k5\sim T^3 \Gamma^2/k^{5} and is larger than that obtained with the S-matrix for momenta 4Gev/c\geq 4 \mathrm{Gev}/c. We provide a comprehensive numerical comparison between the real time and S-matrix yields and study the dynamics of the build-up of the photon cloud and the different contributions to the radiative energy loss. The reliability of the current estimates on photon emission is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 12 eps figures, version to appear in PR

    Taxonomic and nutrient controls on phytoplankton iron quotas in the ocean

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    Phytoplankton iron contents (i.e., quotas) directly link biogeochemical cycles of iron and carbon and drive patterns of nutrient limitation, recycling, and export. Ocean biogeochemical models typically assume that iron quotas are either static or controlled by dissolved iron availability. We measured iron quotas in phytoplankton communities across nutrient gradients in the Pacific Ocean and found that quotas diverged significantly in taxon-specific ways from laboratory-derived predictions. Iron quotas varied 40-fold across nutrient gradients, and nitrogen-limitation allowed diatoms to accumulate fivefold more iron than co-occurring flagellates even under low iron availability. Modeling indicates such “luxury” uptake is common in large regions of the low-iron Pacific Ocean. Among diatoms, both pennate and centric genera accumulated luxury iron, but the cosmopolitan pennate genus Pseudo-nitzschia maintained iron quotas 10-fold higher than co-occurring centric diatoms, likely due to enhanced iron storage. Biogeochemical models should account for taxonomic and macronutrient controls on phytoplankton iron quotas

    Effective theory of the Delta(1232) in Compton scattering off the nucleon

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    We formulate a new power-counting scheme for a chiral effective field theory of nucleons, pions, and Deltas. This extends chiral perturbation theory into the Delta-resonance region. We calculate nucleon Compton scattering up to next-to-leading order in this theory. The resultant description of existing γ\gammap cross section data is very good for photon energies up to about 300 MeV. We also find reasonable numbers for the spin-independent polarizabilities αp\alpha_p and βp\beta_p.Comment: 29 pp, 9 figs. Minor revisions. To be published in PR

    A look at the other 90 per cent: Investigating British Sign Language vocabulary knowledge in deaf children from different language learning backgrounds

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    In this study we present new data on deaf children's receptive and expressive vocabulary knowledge in British Sign Language (BSL) from a sample consisting of children with deaf parents, children with hearing parents, and children with additional needs. Their performance on three BSL vocabulary tasks was compared with (previously reported findings from) a sample of deaf fluent signers. We use these data to assess the effects of some key demographic/ child variables on deaf signing children's vocabulary and discuss findings in the relation to the meaning of 'normative' data and samples for this heterogeneous population. Findings show no effect of the presence of additional disabilities on participants' scores for any of the three tasks. As expected, chronological age is the most significant factor in performance on all vocabulary tasks while the number of deaf relatives only becomes statistically significant for the form recall task. This study contributes to the field of sign language assessment by seeking to identify key variables in heterogeneity and how these variables affect signed vocabulary acquisition with the long-term objective of informing intervention

    Generalized Polarizabilities of the Nucleon in Chiral Effective Theories

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    Using the techniques of chiral effective field theories we evaluate the so called generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon, which characterize the structure dependent components in virtual Compton scattering (VCS) as probed in the electron scattering reaction e N \to e' N gamma. Results are given for both spin-dependent and spin-independent structure effects to O(p^3) in SU(2) Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory and to O(epsilon^3) in the SU(2) Small Scale Expansion. Finally we compare our calculations with results from the pioneering VCS experiment on the proton from Mainz.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, revte