106 research outputs found

    Three dimensional kinematic and surface interaction analysis of a novel total ankle replacement surface design using a numerical model of the hind foot

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    Ankle joint end stage osteoarthritis can be a deliberating condition that is often not treated due to lack of viable treatment options. The current standard of treatment is total ankle fusion which does not only limit mobility but can lead to further complications with neighboring joints. Alternative treatment uses the currently improving Total Ankle Replacements (TAR). Until recently, TAR have been widely unsuccessful due to the accepted design based off a dated assumption which states that the ankle is a one degree of freedom joint with a fixed axis of rotation. Similar to improvements made to knee implants after the proper kinematics of the knee were noted, the TAR have improved when work done by many researchers concluded that the ankle joint is not a one degree of freedom joint and that it doesn't have a fixed axis of rotation for any of its degrees of freedom. This study proposes a novel design for a TAR based off of a novel morphological study done by Siegler et. al. and analyzes the kinematics and interactions of the novel articulating surfaces compared to traditional TAR designs. The proposed method of analysis uses a currently available 3-D dynamic model of the hind foot to assess ankle joint kinematics and articulating surface interactions by looking at the results of range of motion, kinematic coupling, ligaments strains and spatial distance mapping of the articulating surfaces. Five different models were analyzed. A Natural model of the hind foot, an Inman design based on the dated morphological study done by Inman, a Conic and Cylindrical designs based on current fashions of TAR and a novel Anatomical design based on the morphological study done by Siegler. The results of the study supported the notion that the ankle is not a one degree of freedom joint and that it did not have a fixed axis of rotation. Range of motion was found to be slightly increased compared to the natural ankle with the novel Anatomical design while the traditional designs have not delivered the same range of motion. Kinematic coupling was found to be similar across the five models, which hinted to the larger role ligaments play in kinematic coupling. Ligament strain analysis found that the Anatomical design allowed for major ankle joint ligaments to be strained similar to that of the Natural model. Articulating surface interactions were similar to that of the Natural model in the Anatomical design due to the anatomically similar saddle geometry of the implant surface design compared to the natural anatomy.M.S., Biomedical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    A meta-analysis of the effects of measuring theory of planned behaviour constructs on behaviour within prospective studies

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    Measurement reactivity effects, such as the mere measurement effect, have been proposed as a reason for behavioural changes in a number of theory of planned behaviour intervention studies. However, it is unclear whether such changes are the result of the mere measurement effect or of other artefacts of intervention study design. The aim of this study is to determine the size and direction of changes in health behaviours from baseline to follow-up in prospective studies using the theory of planned behaviour. Electronic databases were searched for the theory of planned behaviour studies which measured health behaviours at two or more time points. Change in behaviour was calculated for all studies. Sixty-six studies were included. Mean effect sizes across all studies were small and negative (d = -.03). Effect size was moderated by behaviour, behaviour type and follow-up length. Subgroup analyses showed significant decreases in socially undesirable behaviour (d = -.28), binge drinking (d = -.17), risk driving (d = -.20), sugar snack consumption (d = -.43) and sun-protective behaviour (d = -.18). Measurement of intention at baseline resulted in significant decreases in undesirable behaviour. Changes in undesirable behaviours reported in other studies may be the result of the mere measurement effect

    Bulletproof Vests/shields Prepared From Composite Material Based On Strong Polyamide Fibers And Epoxy Resin

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    Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) have arisen as a main class of tactual materials having high strength and light weight implemented in a large scale of different applications. This study performs a comparison between the enhanced propidines of Kevlar 49 fiber and Twaron CT 704 reinforced with epoxy resin to obtain an efficient, light weight and slim body m o r capable of resisting high speed projectiles (9 mm bullets). Reinforcing the fabrics adds extra strength to the fabrics instead of using several unreinforced fabrics which increases the weight thickness and the cost of the final product. The response of the prepared composite material based on the two different fibers was studied by using a test barrel for the penetration test. In addition. indentation test is also au lied to compare between the mechanical properties of both laminates and determine which fabric is better for life protection application. The final results showed that using the technique of reinforcing the fabrics specially Twaron is much better where the final bulletproof shield has a smaller number of layers and was found lighter by 40% than those made by Kevlar

    Composite Materials Based On Twaron And Nano Materials

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    This research aims to participate in producing body shield that can overcome pervious drawbacks using behavior of shear thickening fluid. Initially, the rheological behavior of silica-polyethylene glycol shear thickening fluid is examined at different concentrations. Then, ballistic fabric samples are impregnated into silica-polyethylene glycol shear thickening fluid at various concentrations of silica and tested using gas gun simulating real ballistic threat. After that, the impact of rubbery hot water pack filled with around 66.67 wt% starch in water is tested using gas gun. Results showed as the concentration of silica increases, the indentation depth in the impregnated fabric decreases which may result in improving performance of ballistic fabric to 12.5 % in case of using 60 wt% silica, 7.35 % in case of using 30 wt% silica and 3.31 % in case of using 7.5 wt% silica with respect to plain sample. As it showed that no indentation depth is formed in modelling clay when rubbery hot water pack filled with around 66.67 wt% starch in water is tested using gas gun causing improvement percentage to be 100% compared to plain sample of Twaron (CT 714)

    The pro-social neurohormone oxytocin reverses the actions of the stress hormone cortisol in human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro

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    Copyright: © Mankarious et al. The journey patients with ovarian cancer travel from non-specific symptoms causing delayed diagnosis through surgery and chemotherapy, culminating in a 5-year survival rate of 43%, must have a profound and detrimental psychological impact on patients. Emerging studies link higher levels of oxytocin (OT) and increased social support, an independent prognostic factor in cancer, with a moderating effect on stress. In contrast, there is a known association of tumour cell proliferation with elevated cortisol (stress hormone) levels. We hypothesise therefore that there is cross-talk between cortisol and oxytocin at a molecular level. Three ovarian cancer cell lines, used as in vitro models, were treated with cortisol at concentrations mimicking physiological stress in vivo in the presence or absence of OT. OT reduced cell proliferation and migration, induced apoptosis and autophagy for all three cell lines, partially reversing the effects of cortisol. Quantitative RT-PCR of tissue taken from ovarian cancer patients revealed that the glucocorticoid receptor (splice variant GR-P) and OT receptor (OTR) were significantly upregulated compared to controls. Tissue microarray revealed that the expression of GRα was lower in the ovarian cancer samples compared to normal tissue. OT is also shown to drive alternative splicing of the GR gene and cortisol-induced OTR expression. OT was able to transactivate GR in the presence of cortisol thus providing further evidence of cross-talk in vitro. These data provide explanations for why social support might help distressed ovarian cancer patients and help define novel hypotheses regarding potential therapeutic interventions in socially isolated patients

    Excision of a Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cyst via Open Rhinoplasty Approach and Primary Reconstruction Using Tutoplast-Processed Fascia Lata

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    Nasal dermoid sinus cysts are the most common congenital midline nasal lesion, accounting for 1% to 3% of all dermoid cysts, and 4% to 12% of all head and neck dermoids. Selection of the appropriate reconstruction technique, after dermoid resection, is important for treatment. Here we describe the successful management of a case with a nasal dermoid sinus cyst using an open rhinoplasty approach, and primary reconstruction using Tutoplast-processed fascia lata and crushed septal cartilage

    Stem Cell-Based Tissue-Engineered Laryngeal Replacement.

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    Patients with laryngeal disorders may have severe morbidity relating to swallowing, vocalization, and respiratory function, for which conventional therapies are suboptimal. A tissue-engineered approach would aim to restore the vocal folds and maintain respiratory function while limiting the extent of scarring in the regenerated tissue. Under Good Laboratory Practice conditions, we decellularized porcine larynges, using detergents and enzymes under negative pressure to produce an acellular scaffold comprising cartilage, muscle, and mucosa. To assess safety and functionality before clinical trials, a decellularized hemilarynx seeded with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and a tissue-engineered oral mucosal sheet was implanted orthotopically into six pigs. The seeded grafts were left in situ for 6 months and assessed using computed tomography imaging, bronchoscopy, and mucosal brushings, together with vocal recording and histological analysis on explantation. The graft caused no adverse respiratory function, nor did it impact swallowing or vocalization. Rudimentary vocal folds covered by contiguous epithelium were easily identifiable. In conclusion, the proposed tissue-engineered approach represents a viable alternative treatment for laryngeal defects. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2017;6:677-687