76 research outputs found

    Seasonal activity and use of shelters in a population of Aspidoscelis costata (Squamata: Teiidae) in central Mexico

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    We describe the seasonal activity and use of shelters in a population of Aspidoscelis costata in an area of central Mexico. We visited this locality each month from July of 2013 to April of 2015, and during each visit observed the frequency in which the shelters were used and the microhabitats where they were located. We recorded the climatic conditions (dry or rain), use of the shelters (temporary or permanent), and their respective position (sun or shade). The lizards chose to use temporary shelters and those exposed to the sun more frequently (63% and 53% respectely, of 90 lizards), with similar frequencies shown during the dry and rainy seasons. These results suggest that A. costata chooses refuges with characteristics that allow them to maximize such resources as the availability of sunlight, access to food, and protection from predators. Nonetheless, we believe these results should be reexamined in future studies, especially those conducted in different locations.CONACY

    Plan de mejoramiento administrativo y financiero de la empresa Automotores las Palmeras ltda 2012-2014

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    Automotores Las Palmeras Ltda. nace a mediados del 2009, como una comercializadora de vehículos coreanos y chinos, introduciendo las marcas SSangYong, JAC, Hafei, Chana y JMC, quien inicialmente enfocó su actividad principal a la comercialización de vehículos particulares, de servicio público y de carga, y actualmente amplió sus operaciones agregando el servicio técnico especializado de mantenimiento y reparación, adicional a esto se puede encontrar cualquier repuesto o parte para los vehículos de estas marcas. Como empresa Automotores Las Palmeras Ltda. fue creado por la visión de negocio innata de un grupo familiar, pero no se construyó con base a una planeación rigurosa del negocio ni después de realizar estudios del mercado, por lo que la gerencia trabaja con el día a día, con timón, pero sin brújula definida. El objetivo general de la investigación es Identificar lo que se requiere para obtener mejores resultados en la actividad de la empresa

    Use of backpack radio-transmitters on lizards of the genus Aspidocelis (Squamata: Teiidae)

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    We describe a simple and effective technique for laying extracorporal telemetry radiotransmitters on lizards Aspidoscelis, by placing the radio transmitter in a backpack. To test the effectiveness of this technique, four males were equipped with backpacks-radio transmitter and released to continue their individual trace. Radio-transmitters lizards remained for 12 weeks and a visual assessment a priori suggests no negative effects by backpacks on natural behavior of lizardsCONACY

    Hibernation refuge of Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861, in Central Mexico

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    The use of a refuge during the hibernal period of a snake species in central Mexico is describedThe genus Thamnophis FiTZiNGER, 1843 (garter snakes) includes the most low- temperature-tolerant snake species in North America. The northern species of this group are among the most studied and well known snakes; e.g., T. sirtalis (LiNNAEuS, 1758), selects specific traits of hibernation refuges and congregates in thousands as a strategy for hibernation (ROSSMAN et al. 1996). However, the hibernation process is scarcely known in southern populations.ideaWild Comisión Estatal de Parques Naturales y de la Fauna (CEPANAF

    Overweight or Obesity, Gender, and Age Influence on High School Students of the City of Toluca’s Physical Fitness

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    Articulo que informa de la relación del sobrepeso u obesidad sobre la condición física de estudiantes de preparatoriaMaterial and Method. This is a prospective, cross-sectional, and correlational study with a probabilistic sampling in which 150 teenagers from three different high schools from the city of Toluca, Mexico, aged 15–17, were assessed. Objective. To determine if weight, age, and gender have an influence on physical fitness evaluated with the EUROFIT and ALPHA-FITNESS batteries. Results. Women have a higher overweight and obesity rate than men (3 : 1). Adolescents who have normal weight have regular physical fitness (74.9%). When comparing genders we found that men have a higher mean than women in the tests, except for skinfold thickness and waist circumference. Age was only correlated with the plate tapping test ( = 0.001).There are significant differences in the standing broad jump test and the Course-Navette of the EUROFIT and ALPHA-FITNESS batteries ( = 0.000). Conclusions. It is likely that regular physical activity, and not normal weight, helps generate healthy physical fitness. Male subjects had a higher mean than women, reporting a better physical fitness and more frequent physical activity

    Talla baja y déficit neurocognitivo leve asociado a resistencia a hormonas tiroideas por mutación de subunidad B del receptor de hormona tiroidea, a propósito de un caso

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    La resistencia a hormonas tiroideas (RHTs) es una causa rara de hipotiroidismo con una expresión clínica variable, que se caracteriza por una baja sensibilidad en los tejidos diana a la hormona tiroidea, con un perfil bioquímico que evidencia elevación de las hormonas tiroideas y tirotropina alta o inapropiadamente normal. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 13 años con talla baja y desarrollo neurocognitivo bajo con perfil tiroideo con hormonas tiroideas elevadas y tirotropina inapropiadamente normal por lo cual se sospechó casusa central. Se descartaron causas  estructurales, por lo cual se sospechó resistencia a hormonas tiroideas y se solicitaron estudios genéticos que confirmaron mutación de la subunidad ? del receptor de hormona tiroidea. Ante el compromiso neurocognitivo se inició manejo con triyodotironina

    Human Milk Secretory Antibodies against Attaching and Effacing Escherichia coli Antigens

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    Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is a primary factor responsible for preventing attachment of enteropathogens to gut epithelium in breastfeeding infants. We compared the frequency of sIgA to major surface antigens of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in milk of 123 women from the United States and Mexico to determine whether regional differences existed in the frequency of antibodies to these surface antigens. In both groups of women, milk commonly has sIgA against various EHEC lipopolysaccharides, EspA, EspB, intimin, and less frequently against Shiga toxin. The study suggests that persons living in the U.S. are exposed to attaching/effacing enteropathogens more frequently than is generally assumed. The low frequency of antibodies to Stx1 (in 12% of Mexican and in 22% of U.S. samples) suggests that the rare appearance of hemolytic uremic syndrome in adults is not due to neutralization of toxin at the gut level. Only anti-EspA is found in most milk samples from both populations of women. EspA may represent a useful target for an immunization strategy to prevent EHEC disease in humans

    American College of Rheumatology Provisional Criteria for Clinically Relevant Improvement in Children and Adolescents With Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    10.1002/acr.23834ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH715579-59

    Determination of rifaximine in milk of dairy cows using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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    The objective of this work was to develop and validate a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method for the detection of rifaximine in milk of dairy cows. HPLC grade methanol and ammonium acetate as the Mobile phases, a C18 column and a UV detector were used. Validation of the method was carried out using standards of pure rifaximine dissolved in methanol. It was observed that linearity was above 0.99 of r 2. Average recovery was above 54%. A high specificity was evident and interfering substances did not affect the results. The minimum limit of detection was 30 ng/mL and the quantification limit was 150 ng/mL. For the kinetic analysis the antibiotic (100 mg) was infused into the udder of two lactating cows. For one cow a coefficient of depuration of 0.0122, with a half life of 24.6 hours and 8.65 g/mL*h (* = multiplied by), Area Under the Curve (AUC) was observed. For the second cow the coefficient of depuration was 0.00749 with a half life of 23.9 hrs and 7.75 μg/mL*h was detected. In the field rifaximine (100 and 200 mg) was infused into the udder of 20 cows at the end of the lactation period; thereafter samples were obtained from treated cows and it was observed that rifaximine was not detected in calostrum and milk of treated cows, using the described HPLC method. It was concluded that the use of HPLC is a reliable method to detect rifaximine in milk and colostrum of cows treated with the antibiotic

    Determination of rifaximine in milk of dairy cows using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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    The objective of this work was to develop and validate a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method for the detection of rifaximine in milk of dairy cows. HPLC grade methanol and ammonium acetate as the Mobile phases, a C18 column and a UV detector were used. Validation of the method was carried out using standards of pure rifaximine dissolved in methanol. It was observed that linearity was above 0.99 of r 2. Average recovery was above 54%. A high specificity was evident and interfering substances did not affect the results. The minimum limit of detection was 30 ng/mL and the quantification limit was 150 ng/mL. For the kinetic analysis the antibiotic (100 mg) was infused into the udder of two lactating cows. For one cow a coefficient of depuration of 0.0122, with a half life of 24.6 hours and 8.65 g/mL*h (* = multiplied by), Area Under the Curve (AUC) was observed. For the second cow the coefficient of depuration was 0.00749 with a half life of 23.9 hrs and 7.75 ?g/mL*h was detected. In the field rifaximine (100 and 200 mg) was infused into the udder of 20 cows at the end of the lactation period; thereafter samples were obtained from treated cows and it was observed that rifaximine was not detected in calostrum and milk of treated cows, using the described HPLC method. It was concluded that the use of HPLC is a reliable method to detect rifaximine in milk and colostrum of cows treated with the antibiotic