447 research outputs found

    Climate change and extreme wind effects on transmission towers

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    Climate change poses a major threat to electricity power infrastructure due to expected increases in the magnitude and frequency of extreme storm events. This paper uses a methodology for assessment of the vulnerability of UK transmission tower infrastructure to such events, within a framework of performance-based engineering. The challenge of estimating future storm magnitudes is addressed by applying a change factor methodology to present-day wind speeds using information provided by the 2009 UK climate change projections. A Weibull distribution is employed to obtain wind speeds for storm events at different recurrence intervals. Wind loading on the structure and cables is then determined using Eurocodes, and the structure is analysed using pseudo-static finite-element analysis, considering material and geometrical non-linearity as well as linear and non-linear buckling effects. The outcome of the research is that, despite a significant projected increase in wind velocities due to climate change, the typical tower analysed in the study continues to perform satisfactorily at all hazard levels. If this performance can be demonstrated more generally across the UK transmission tower infrastructure network, then it is likely that the cause can be traced back to the high factor of safety applied in the original design of the towers

    The production of FAHFA is enhanced when Haematococcus pluvialis is grown in CO2

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    Microalgae are considered as a potential source of bioactive compounds to be used in different fields including food and pharmaceutical industry. In this context, fatty acid esters of hydroxy-fatty acids (FAHFA) are emerging as a new class of compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. An existing gap in the field of algal research is the limited knowledge regarding the production of these compounds. Our research questions aimed to determine whether the microalga H. pluvialis can synthesize FAHFA and whether the production levels of these compounds are increased when cultivated in a CO2-rich environment. To answer these questions, we used a LC-QTOF/MS method for the characterization of FAHFA produced by H. pluvialis while an LC-MS/MS method was used for their quantitation. The cultivation conditions of H. pluvialis, which include the utilization of CO2, can result in a 10–50-fold increase in FAHFA production

    Low Computational Cost for Sample Entropy

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    Sample Entropy is the most popular definition of entropy and is widely used as a measure of the regularity/complexity of a time series. On the other hand, it is a computationally expensive method which may require a large amount of time when used in long series or with a large number of signals. The computationally intensive part is the similarity check between points in m dimensional space. In this paper, we propose new algorithms or extend already proposed ones, aiming to compute Sample Entropy quickly. All algorithms return exactly the same value for Sample Entropy, and no approximation techniques are used. We compare and evaluate them using cardiac inter-beat (RR) time series. We investigate three algorithms. The first one is an extension of the kd-trees algorithm, customized for Sample Entropy. The second one is an extension of an algorithm initially proposed for Approximate Entropy, again customized for Sample Entropy, but also improved to present even faster results. The last one is a completely new algorithm, presenting the fastest execution times for specific values of m, r, time series length, and signal characteristics. These algorithms are compared with the straightforward implementation, directly resulting from the definition of Sample Entropy, in order to give a clear image of the speedups achieved. All algorithms assume the classical approach to the metric, in which the maximum norm is used. The key idea of the two last suggested algorithms is to avoid unnecessary comparisons by detecting them early. We use the term unnecessary to refer to those comparisons for which we know a priori that they will fail at the similarity check. The number of avoided comparisons is proved to be very large, resulting in an analogous large reduction of execution time, making them the fastest algorithms available today for the computation of Sample Entropy

    Heterogeneous Ca2+ influx along the adult calyx of held: A structural and computational study

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    The calyx of Held is a morphologically complex nerve terminal containing hundreds to thousands of active zones. The calyx must support high rates of transient, sound-evoked vesicular release superimposed on a background of sustained release, due to the high spontaneous rates of some afferent fibers. One means of distributing vesicle release in space and time is to have heterogeneous release probabilities (Pr) at distinct active zones, which has been observed at several CNS synapses including the calyx of Held. Pr may be modulated by vesicle proximity to Ca2+ channels, by Ca2+ buffers, by changes in phosphorylation state of proteins involved in the release process, or by local variations in Ca2+ influx. In this study, we explore the idea that the complex geometry of the calyx also contributes to heterogeneous Pr by impeding equal propagation of action potentials through all calyx compartments. Given the difficulty of probing ion channel distribution and recording from adult calyces, we undertook a structural and modeling approach based on computerized reconstructions of calyces labeled in adult cats. We were thus able to manipulate placement of conductances and test their effects on Ca2+ concentration in all regions of the calyx following an evoked action potential in the calyceal axon. Our results indicate that with a non-uniform distribution of Na+ and K+ channels, action potentials do not propagate uniformly into the calyx, Ca2+ influx varies across different release sites, and latency for these events varies among calyx compartments. We suggest that the electrotonic structure of the calyx of Held, which our modeling efforts indicate is very sensitive to the axial resistivity of cytoplasm, may contribute to variations in release probability within the calyx

    High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells

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    Globular bushy cells (GBCs) of the cochlear nucleus play central roles in the temporal processing of sound. Despite investigation over many decades, fundamental questions remain about their dendrite structure, afferent innervation, and integration of synaptic inputs. Here, we use volume electron microscopy (EM) of the mouse cochlear nucleus to construct synaptic maps that precisely specify convergence ratios and synaptic weights for auditory- nerve innervation and accurate surface areas of all postsynaptic compartments. Detailed biophysically-based compartmental models can help develop hypotheses regarding how GBCs integrate inputs to yield their recorded responses to sound. We established a pipeline to export a precise reconstruction of auditory nerve axons and their endbulb terminals together with high-resolution dendrite, soma, and axon reconstructions into biophysically-detailed compartmental models that could be activated by a standard cochlear transduction model. With these constraints, the models predict auditory nerve input profiles whereby all endbulbs onto a GBC are subthreshold (coincidence detection mode), or one or two inputs are suprathreshold (mixed mode). The models also predict the relative importance of dendrite geometry, soma size, and axon initial segment length in setting action potential threshold and generating heterogeneity in sound-evoked responses, and thereby propose mechanisms by which GBCs may homeostatically adjust their excitability. Volume EM also reveals new dendritic structures and dendrites that lack innervation. This framework defines a pathway from subcellular morphology to synaptic connectivity, and facilitates investigation into the roles of specific cellular features in sound encoding. We also clarify the need for new experimental measurements to provide missing cellular parameters, and predict responses to sound for further in vivo studies, thereby serving as a template for investigation of other neuron classes

    Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NrCAM Regulates Semaphorin 3F-Induced Dendritic Spine Remodeling

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    Neuron-glial related cell adhesion molecule (NrCAM) is a regulator of axon growth and repellent guidance, and has been implicated in autism spectrum disorders. Here a novel postsynaptic role for NrCAM in Semaphorin3F (Sema3F)-induced dendritic spine remodeling was identified in pyramidal neurons of the primary visual cortex (V1). NrCAM localized to dendritic spines of star pyramidal cells in postnatal V1, where it was coexpressed with Sema3F. NrCAM deletion in mice resulted in elevated spine densities on apical dendrites of star pyramidal cells at both postnatal and adult stages, and electron microscopy revealed increased numbers of asymmetric synapses in layer 4 of V1. Whole-cell recordings in cortical slices from NrCAM-null mice revealed increased frequency of mEPSCs in star pyramidal neurons. Recombinant Sema3F-Fc protein induced spine retraction on apical dendrites of wild-type, but not NrCAM-null cortical neurons in culture, while re-expression of NrCAM rescued the spine retraction response. NrCAM formed a complex in brain with Sema3F receptor subunits Neuropilin-2 (Npn-2) and PlexinA3 (PlexA3) through an Npn-2-binding sequence (TARNER) in the extracellular Ig1 domain. A trans heterozygous genetic interaction test demonstrated that Sema3F and NrCAM pathways interacted in vivo to regulate spine density in star pyramidal neurons. These findings reveal NrCAM as a novel postnatal regulator of dendritic spine density in cortical pyramidal neurons, and an integral component of the Sema3F receptor complex. The results implicate NrCAM as a contributor to excitatory/inhibitory balance in neocortical circuits

    53BP1 promotes non-homologous end joining of telomeres by increasing chromatin mobility

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    Double-strand breaks activate the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase, which promotes the accumulation of DNA damage factors in the chromatin surrounding the break. The functional significance of the resulting DNA damage foci is poorly understood. Here we show that 53BP1 (also known as TRP53BP1), a component of DNA damage foci, changes the dynamic behaviour of chromatin to promote DNA repair. We used conditional deletion of the shelterin component TRF2 (also known as TERF2) from mouse cells (TRF2fl/-) to deprotect telomeres, which, like double-strand breaks, activate the ATM kinase, accumulate 53BP1 and are processed by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Deletion of TRF2 from 53BP1-deficient cells established that NHEJ of dysfunctional telomeres is strongly dependent on the binding of 53BP1 to damaged chromosome ends. To address the mechanism by which 53BP1 promotes NHEJ, we used time-lapse microscopy to measure telomere dynamics before and after their deprotection. Imaging showed that deprotected telomeres are more mobile and sample larger territories within the nucleus. This change in chromatin dynamics was dependent on 53BP1 and ATM but did not require a functional NHEJ pathway. We propose that the binding of 53BP1 near DNA breaks changes the dynamic behaviour of the local chromatin, thereby facilitating NHEJ repair reactions that involve distant sites, including joining of dysfunctional telomeres and AID (also known as AICDA)-induced breaks in immunoglobulin class-switch recombination
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