45 research outputs found

    Opac 2.0: el futuro dentro de una realidad tangible

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    Opac has been in the eye of the hurricane for a number of years, evolving to provide management programs with more functionality in terms of accessibility, understood as the capacity to recover information. It is logical to imagine that this has been for the user’s benefit, but a thorough analysis reveals that the Opacs have deficiencies in that arena. They must be truly open to the user, as the backbone of information access, bibliographically or otherwise, so the user participates in his or her own growth and enrichment. Some of the weaknesses in the great majority of current catalogues are discussed, offering some paths toward the intersection between technological innovations that could be introduced and the social participation that could occur under the umbrella of the currently popular Web 2.0

    “Liburutegiak” app: La biblioteca en la palma de tu mano

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    In this communication we present “Liburutegiak”, a native application created for the Net of Public Libraries of Euskadi (NPLE) with the goal of spreading its librarian services from mobile devices, promoting their consultation and access both from tablets and smartphones. Throughout the text, the key processes that have been taken into account in the creation and development of the app “Liburutegiak” will be explained, mainly emphasizing the three key points that, in our point of view, are the foundation for the success for this application. First of all, the decision to create our own application instead of adapt our websites to mobile version. We will show a comparison chart with the advantages and disadvantages that stand for each option, and we will argue our final decision about our own application. Secondly, the choice of the services provided by these devices, through a selection based on the uses and possibilities which mobility offers over network consultation. Third and last, the elaboration of a market plan to spread this new channel of interrelation among libraries and users. Hence the importance to take care of aspects such as the name of the application, the identity brand and a clear and concise explanation of the usefulness of the application so as to encourage its downloading and use and, at the same time, collect data which will be useful to evaluate the impact of this new service so as to ensure its continuity and future success. The application can be downloaded for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices (www.euskadi.net/appliburutegiak)

    User interfaces of tomorrow, today: are mobile devices the needed impetus?

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    Review of new technologies based on touch screens, voice and gestures for user interfaces. Several models and prototypes are described. The importance of usability (size, weight, design), performance, and price for the success of a new application or device is considered

    Administración electrónica: situación actual y retos de futuro

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    Es fa un breu recorregut per les iniciatives que en matèria d'administració electrònica s'han dut a terme a Catalunya per poder reflexionar sobre la situació actual de les administracions. S'evidencia la manca de cooperació interadministrativa que encara hi ha, tot i els avenços en la posada en marxa de serveis electrònics públics i en el grau de sofisticació que aquests estan introduint. Amb l'entrada en vigor de la Llei d'accés electrònic dels ciutadans als Serveis Públics es marca un fet diferencial en reconèixer el dret de la ciutadania a l'accés electrònic als serveis públics, i l'obligació de les administracions d'oferir tots els seus serveis electrònicament a finals de l'any 2009. Aquest impuls necessari promou la idea de pensar en el ciutadà i els seus interessos, al mateix temps que, amb aquest canvi de visió es dóna el substrat ideal per avançar cap a una administració 2.0, més dinàmica (agilitat), col·laborativa (interoperabilitat) i participativa (social).A brief tour is realized on the initiatives that on electronic administration have carried out in Catalonia to be able to think about the current situation of the administrations. There demonstrates the lack of interadministrative cooperation that continues existing, in spite of the advances set in motion of electronic public services and in the degree of sophistication that these are introducing. With the come into force of LAECSP, a differential milestone is marked on having recognized the right of the citizenship to the electronic access to public services, and the obligation on the part of the Administrations to offer all its services electronically at the end of the year 2009. This necessary impulse promotes the idea of thinking aboutthe citizen and its interests, in addition, with this change of vision one gives the ideal substratum to advance towards an Administration 2.0, more dynamic (agility), collaborative (interoperability) and participative (social).Se hace un breve recorrido por las iniciativas en materia de administración pública que se han llevado a cabo en Cataluñapara poder reflexionar sobre la situación actual de las administraciones. Se pone en evidencia la falta de cooperación inter-administrativa que aún existe, a pesar de los avances en la puesta en marcha de servicios electrónicos públicos y en el gradode sofisticación que estos están introduciendo. Con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos se marca un hecho diferencial al reconocerse el derecho de la ciudadanía al acceso electrónico a los servicios públicos, y la obligación por parte de las administraciones de ofrecer todos los servicios electrónicamente a fina-les del año 2009. Este impulso necesario promueve la idea de pensar en el ciudadano y en sus intereses, al mismo tiempo que, con este cambio de visión, se da el sustrato ideal para avanzar hacia una administración 2.0, más dinámica (agilidad), colaborativa (interoperabilidad) y participativa (social)

    "Liburutegiak": una aplicación móvil para servicios bibliotecarios en Red

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    The wide display of high-end mobile devices, together with an increasing tendency to connect to the web through all these devices gives us as a library network a really interesting opportunity to offer the users a wide range of different services wherever they may be working. In this unstoppable progress and adjusting of the libraries to the social and technological society the Reading Public network of Euskadi has being evaluating the possibility to make the jump to symbolic platforms so as to make more visible our list of public services and has opted to create a new application (“libururutegiak”) which is above all practical, focused on the physical and emotional experience of the user. As in every strategic project the objectives have been defined, laying down very clearly what we are going to develope, which are the contents, use and profile of the prospective user. It is about offering the user diferent means of communication which are in no way disruptive with the old ones but complementary, with the idea of usefulness and the ability to foster the feeling of belonging of the user towards this public service offered by this administration

    El Portal de Biblioteques de la Generalitat de Catalunya : un proyecto para los ciudadanos y los profesionales de la biblioteca pública

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    The Subdirecció General of Biblioteques take part as trial in the project of change toward a new culture of management and production of contents that the Culture and Mass Media Department of Generalitat de Catalunya is carrying out under the technological platform of Vignette Corporate, what supposes a great opportunity to present through the Libraries Portal an accurate offering of services, resources and information literacy for citizens and also, from the Extranet, looked at librarians of the public libraries, a good collaborative work environment for professionals. We describe the creation of this portal hold up under the development of two parallel projects, analyzing the impact on recipients, from the existing relationship between its expectations and the offered answer with regard to the formulation of the project

    Rich internet applications (RIA): the plurality of contents

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    The article outlines the main features of the RIA technologies (Rich internet applications). The contents packaged with RIA technology are updated independently and, among other benefits, ensure interoperability between platforms and formats, so they can generate multi-platform contents

    “Liburutegiak” app: La biblioteca en la palma de tu mano

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    In this communication we present “Liburutegiak”, a native application created for the Net of Public Libraries of Euskadi (NPLE) with the goal of spreading its librarian services from mobile devices, promoting their consultation and access both from tablets and smartphones. Throughout the text, the key processes that have been taken into account in the creation and development of the app “Liburutegiak” will be explained, mainly emphasizing the three key points that, in our point of view, are the foundation for the success for this application. First of all, the decision to create our own application instead of adapt our websites to mobile version. We will show a comparison chart with the advantages and disadvantages that stand for each option, and we will argue our final decision about our own application. Secondly, the choice of the services provided by these devices, through a selection based on the uses and possibilities which mobility offers over network consultation. Third and last, the elaboration of a market plan to spread this new channel of interrelation among libraries and users. Hence the importance to take care of aspects such as the name of the application, the identity brand and a clear and concise explanation of the usefulness of the application so as to encourage its downloading and use and, at the same time, collect data which will be useful to evaluate the impact of this new service so as to ensure its continuity and future success. The application can be downloaded for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices (www.euskadi.net/appliburutegiak)

    Knowledge in the cloud, evolution of intranets

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    Current information systems evolve very rapidly, even appearing and disappearing imperceptibly, as new systems emerge without having been able to fully develop the previous ones. This paper provides a study of the concept of intranet in the area of information and documentation, describing its conceptual evolution, methods and main technical characteristics. We establish how from the beginning intranets have been based on web technology, and how today cloud computing allows new ways to understand them. Finally, two examples of intranet in hybrid and private cloud computing are shown

    Evolución de los repositorios documentales. El caso SocialNet

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    Some concepts and technology trends such as digital identity, large sets of data (big data) open data and data visualization that can be applied to document repositories are briefly described. In this article it is presented SocialNet repository model as an example of innovative project designed in line with such trends