20 research outputs found

    Dunn, Clarkson

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    Rector of Christ Church, Newton, NJ for more than thirty years. Established a small classical school in Newton, NJ.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1818/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Pengaruh Investasi CSR Dalam Meningkatkan Profitabilitas dan Harga Saham Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Indeks Sri Kehati Periode 2011–2015

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    This research aimed to analyze the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in increasing the profitability and stock price. This research used an explanatory research approach or a quantitative analysis. The sampling took thirteen companies registered in Sri Kehati Index at the period of 2011–2015. The developed model consists of three independent variables and two dependent variables. This research used the purposive sampling method. The analytical method used in this study was multiple regression analysis on annual data of 2011 to 2015 period. The results of this study indicated that the environmental CSR has no significant to the profitability (NPM), yet has a positively significant effect on stock price. In addition, economic CSR has no significant on profitability (NPM) and stock price, while social CSR has a positively significant effect on profitability (NPM) and has no significant effect on stock price. The correlation between the three CSR variables to profitability (NPM) and stock price is still relatively weak; i.e. 34.5% for profitability (NPM), and 27.3% for stock price, while the contribution of this variable to NPM is only 11.9%, and 7.5% to the stock price.Keywords: environment_CSR, economic_CSR, social CSR, NPM , and stock_priceAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh investasi CSR dalam meningkatkan profitabilitas dan harga saham. Studi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah explanatory research atau studi penjelasan dengan pendekatan Kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 13 perusahaan yang terdaftar pada indeks Sri Kehati periode 2011–2015. Model yang dikembangkan terdiri dari tiga varibel bebas dan dua variabel terikat. Metode yang dipakai dalam pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Analisis menggunakan model regresi berganda dan data tahunan periode 2011–2015. Hasil studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa CSR_lingkungan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas(NPM), tetapi berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap harga_saham. CSR_ekonomi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas (NPM) dan harga_saham, sedangkan CSR_sosial berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap profitabilitas (NPM) dan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga_saham. Hubungan antara ketiga variabel CSR terhadap profitabilitas (NPM) dan harga_saham masih tergolong lemah yaitu 34,5% untuk profitabilitas (NPM) dan 27,3% untuk harga_saham, Adapun untuk kontribusi variabel ini terhadap profitabilitas (NPM) hanya 11,9% dan 7,5% terhadap harga_saham.Kata kunci: CSR_lingkungan, CSR_ekonomi, CSR_sosial, NPM, harga_saha

    Kesadaran Lingkungan di Kalangan Santri terhadap Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    This study aims to identify the level of awareness of the concept of sustainable development among middle high school students at three Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). The survey was conducted with 514 respondents (level XI) from Pesantren Daar El Qolam (Tangerang), Pesantren Al Musaddadiyah (Garut) dan Pesantren Buntet (Cirebon). Dependent variables were the level of environmental awareness of the concept of sustainable development and practices: i.e. Sustainability practices awareness and behavioral and attitudinal awareness, environmental education and Islamic environmentalism. Independent variables were the three types of pesantrens above. The research instrument used was the questionnaire, using a Likert scale. The method of analyzing data was descriptive, Spearman Correlation and one-way Anova, using SPSS software ver. 11.0. Research outcomes showed that all the students from the three pesantren institutions indicated that they have a moderate level of sustainable development awareness (mean=3.86; sd=0.86). They also believe Islam teaches about environment -- Islamic environmentalism –giving guidance on good practice toward the environment (90.38%). Unfortunately their environmental theory gained from schools was not related to their daily attitude, which in turn related to their behavioral awareness (ρ=0.024). They rarely practice in the level of sustainability practice awareness (52%), and behavioral attitude and awareness (62%). But emotionally they have a high concern to the environmental problems (89%). The One-Way Anova showed there were differences between the three institutions in teaching about the environment, Islamic environmentalism and behavioral attitude awareness, but there were no differences between sustainability practice awareness and emotional awareness


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    This study aims to identify the level of awareness of the concept of sustainable development among middle high school students at three Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). The survey was conducted with 514 respondents (level XI) from Pesantren Daar El Qolam (Tangerang), Pesantren Al Musaddadiyah (Garut) dan Pesantren Buntet (Cirebon). Dependent variables were the level of environmental awareness of the concept of sustainable development and practices: i.e. Sustainability practices awareness and behavioral and attitudinal awareness, environmental education and Islamic environmentalism. Independent variables were the three types of pesantrens above. The research instrument used was the questionnaire, using a Likert scale. The method of analyzing data was descriptive, Spearman Correlation and one-way Anova, using SPSS software ver. 11.0. Research outcomes showed that all the students from the three pesantren institutions indicated that they have a moderate level of sustainable development awareness (mean=3.86; sd=0.86). They also believe Islam teaches about environment -- Islamic environmentalism –giving guidance on good practice toward the environment (90.38%). Unfortunately their environmental theory gained from schools was not related to their daily attitude, which in turn related to their behavioral awareness (ρ=0.024). They rarely practice in the level of sustainability practice awareness (52%), and behavioral attitude and awareness (62%). But emotionally they have a high concern to the environmental problems (89%). The One-Way Anova showed there were differences between the three institutions in teaching about the environment, Islamic environmentalism and behavioral attitude awareness, but there were no differences between sustainability practice awareness and emotional awareness. Keyword: environmental awareness, sustainable development, Islamic environmentalism, sustainability practice, behavioral and attitude awareness

    Tolerating tigers: Gaining local and spiritual perspectives on human-tiger interactions in Sumatra through rural community interviews

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    Religious beliefs and spiritual connections to biodiversity have the potential to reduce animosity towards wildlife that might otherwise present a real or perceived threat to local people. Understanding this social dynamic can therefore be important for formulating locally-appropriate species-specific conservation strategies. Using semi-structured interviews which incorporated human-tiger conflict scenarios, we investigated how beliefs towards tigers varied between ethnic groups living around a large protected area that is home to the largest tiger population in Sumatra. We gathered this information to determine the degree to which cultural tolerance may contribute to the survival of the tiger in the Kerinci Seblat landscape, Indonesia. From 154 interviewees, 133 respondents came from three main ethnic groups, Minangkabau, Kerincinese and Melayu. The majority (73.5%) of Minangkabau interviewees cited that their ethnic group had customary laws regarding tigers, as did 52% of Melayu and 44% of Kerincinese. Irrespective of ethnicity, most participants did not perceive there to be a connection between Islam and tigers. All participants acknowledged the existence of zoological tigers and two groups (Minangkabau and Kerincinese) held a strong common belief that different types of spirit tigers also existed. From presenting different human-tiger conflict scenarios, with varying levels of severity towards livestock or human life, an unprovoked tiger attack in the village elicited the most calls for the tiger to be killed. Yet, if a village or family member was killed by a tiger whilst hunting in the forest then most respondents across all ethnic groups said to do nothing. The frequency of this response increased if a tiger killed someone in the village who had committed adultery, reflecting beliefs associated with the role of the tiger as an enforcer of moral rule. Our study highlights the importance of consulting with local communities who live in close proximity to large and potentially dangerous carnivores when developing conflict mitigation strategies, which hitherto has not been the case in Sumatra

    Khazanah Alam: Menggali tradisi islam untuk konservasi

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    ix, 65 p. ; 21 c

    Menanam Sebelum Kiamat : Islam, Ekologi, dan Gerakan Lingkungan Hidup

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    xxxii, 310 p. ; 23 cm

    Bertahan di bumi: gaya hidup menghadapi perubahan iklim

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    xiv, 130 p. ; 23 c

    Bertahan di bumi: gaya hidup menghadapi perubahan iklim

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    xiv, 130 p. ; 23 c

    Bertahan di bumi: gaya hidup menghadapi perubahan iklim

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    xiv, 130 p. ; 23 c