56 research outputs found


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    Kekebalan dan keistimewaan yang dimiliki seorang wakil diplomatik didasarkan pada pemberian kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada wakil diplomatik dalam melakukan tugasnya dengan sempurna. Hal tersebut merupakan bentuk perlindungan terhadap perwakilan diplomatik beserta fasilitas-fasilitasnya termasuk di dalamnya gedung perwakilan diplomatik asing. Tanggung jawab negara lahir apabila negara melakukan perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan hukum karena kesalahan atau kelalaiannya sehingga menimbulkan pelanggaran kewajiban hukum internasional. Dalam hal terjadi pelanggaran terhadap kekebalan dan keistimewaan wakil diplomatik, maka negara penerima dapat dikatakan tidak dapat memberikan perlindungan dan kenyaman terhadap para diplomatik dalam menjalankan fungsi dan misi-misinya.Penyelesaian sengketa Internasional antara Indonesia dengan Myanmar dalam kasus penyadapan gedung diplomatik dapat ditempuh dalam berbagai cara diantaranya melalui prosedur penyelesaian secara politik, hukum (yuridis) maupun dalam kerangka kerjasama ASEAN. Namun menggunakan jalur diplomatik atau jalur negosiasi yang didasarkan pada itikad baik dari kedua negara yang merupakan langkah awal yang paling baik dalam penyelesaian sengketa. Bila kesepakatan gagal diambil dalam jalur diplomasi, maka dapat ditempuh cara-cara penyelesaian sengketa secara hukum dan membawanya ke Mahkamah Internasional. The immunities and privileges owned by a diplomatic representative is based on providing greater opportunities to the diplomatic representatives in performing their duties perfectly. This is a form of protection to the diplomatic mission and its facilities-related facilities including the building of foreign diplomatic representative. Responsibility of the state of birth if the state committed acts contrary to law because of mistakes or negligence resulting in violations of international legal obligations. In case of violation of diplomatic immunities and privileges of the vice, then the recipient country can not be said to provide protection and comfort against the run function and diplomatic missions.Settlement of international disputes between Indonesia and Myanmar in diplomatic buildings wiretapping case can be achieved in various ways such as through a political settlement procedures, legal (juridical) and within the framework of ASEAN cooperation. But use diplomatic channels or channels of negotiation that is based on good faith from both countries who are the best first step in dispute resolution. When the deal failed to be taken in diplomacy, it can be done in ways legal dispute resolution and bring it to the International Court of Justice

    Legal Implementation On Land Border Management Between Indonesia And Papua New Guinea According to Stephen B. Jones Theory

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    In the opinion of Stephen B. Jones the management of the border consists of (1) allocation, (2) delimitation, (3) the demarcation of boundaries in the field, and (4) boundary administration. The land border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea has been arranged inside Memorandum of Understanding In Respect of The Land Boundary on The Island of Irian (New Guinea) and The Territorial Sea and Seabed Boundaries Immediately South of That Islands; Protocol about Report of Conference on Certain Seabed Boundaries Between Indonesia and Australia and Certain Seabed and Territorial Boundaries Between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea; Agreement between Indonesia and Australia concerning Certain Boundaries between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea; Memorandum of Understanding between The Government of The Republic of Indonesia and the Government of The Australia/Papua New Guinea concerning Administrative Border Arrangements; Agreement between the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Australia (Acting on Its own Behalf and on Behalf of the Government of Papua New Guinea) concerning Administrative Border Arrangements as to the Border between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This regulation is used as the basis for managing land borders between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea based on the opinion of Stephen B. Jones

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbatasan Darat di Segmen Bidjael Sunan Oben antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste

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    This study aims to analyze the settlement of land border disputes in the Sunan-Oben Bidjael Segment between Indonesia and Timor Leste based on international law. This research is a normative study that uses a statutory editor. The results of this study indicate that both Indonesia and Timor Leste have formed a Joint Border Committee as a forum for resolving land boundary disputes which was then continued to form the Technical Sub-Committee on Border Demarcation and Regulation (TSC - BDR) which has agreed to use the Convention for the Demarcation of Portuguese and Dutch Dominions on the Island of Timor 1904 (Treaty 1904) and Permanent Court of Arbitration 1914 (PCA 1914) as the legal basis for determining and confirming land boundaries between Indonesia and Timor Leste. Based on the 2005 Provisional Agreement Article 6 point (b), which implies that local communities, in this case, indigenous peoples / traditional leaders at the borders are given space to be involved in the dispute resolution process that occurs on the border of the two countries by promoting peaceful and non-violent methods in accordance with Article 8 Provisional Agreement 2005. Whereas the people who inhabit West Timor (Indonesia) and the people who live in East Timor (Timor Leste) have the same socio-cultural background, so it can be ascertained that the customary law system that applies in these two groups of people the same. The substance of the customary law can regulate land issues, as well as the boundaries of customary territories, the potential for customary leaders to actually play a negotiating role to resolve these problems

    Implementation Of Technical Sub Committee Border Demarcation And Regulation (TSC-BDR) Agreement Between Indonesia - Timor Leste In The Resolution Of The Land Border Dispute

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    The unclear and strict land border between Indonesia and Timor Leste in some segments has caused a number of problems in bilateral relations between the two countries. Unclear demarcation (limitation of one country to another bordering on land) is one of the potential factors that can trigger conflicts between the citizens of the two countries living in the border region. The existence of repeated security disturbances at the borders of the two countries further reinforces the belief that in reality unclear land boundaries between Indonesia and Timor Leste, it can easily erupt in disputes, disputes and conflicts, both between communities, or between communities and security forces. The aim of this study is to analyze the Implementation of Technical Sub Committee Border Demarcation and Regulation (TSC-BDR) Between Indonesia - Timor Leste in Completion of The Border Dispute Disorders. To answer the legal issue this study using normative legal research. Result of this study is the Border Demarcation and Regulation (TSC - BDR) Technical Sub Committee forum was established independently under the coordination of JBC Indonesia - Timor Leste which specifically discussed the technical aspects of the Indonesia - Timor Leste border. It is hoped that the formation of the TSC-BDR can help Indonesia and Timor Leste solve the land border problems of the two countries


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    Terbentuknya Border Liason Committee (BLC) antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste merupakan kerjasama sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya masyarakat perbatasan, sekaligus memberikan dukungan terhadap permasalahan perbatasan antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste. Implementasi BLC dalam kerjasama Indonesia dan Timor Leste yaitu konsolidasi antar anggota BLC yang bertujuan untuk menyamakan persepsi, rencana kegiatan serta penganggaran, menginventarisasi permasalahan dan penyelesaiannya, serta menggali potensi kerjasama sosial ekonomi dan budaya misalnya dalam bidang perdagangan lintas batas, kesenian, kebudayaan, adat, pendidikan, dan olah raga. Di mana peran BLC diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi pada pemerintah pusat untuk mengambil kebijakan yang tepat untuk penyelesaian permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi oleh kedua negara.The establishment of a Border Liason Committee (BLC) between Indonesia and Timor Leste is a social, economic, and cultural cooperation between border communities, while providing support for border issues between Indonesia and Timor Leste. Implementation of BLC in cooperation between Indonesia and Timor Leste is consolidation among BLC members which aims to equate perception, activity plan and spreading, inventory the problems and settlement, and explore the potential of socio-economic and cultural cooperation such as cross border, art, culture, education, and sports. Where the role of BLC is expected to contribute to the central government to take the right policy to solve the problems faced by both countries

    Migas Untuk Rakyat (Catatan Seorang Praktisi)

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    Rakyat di dalam tatanan demokrasi memiliki posisi yang sangat penting dan strategis, rakyat atau penduduk dalam hukum internasional pun merupakan suatu bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari suatu negara hal ini tertuang di dalam Konvensi Montevideo 1933 tentang hak dan kewajiban. Esensi hadirnya rakyat atau penduduk di suatu negara mengharuskan suatu kewajiban sebuah negara untuk memberikan pelayanan serta melayani mereka untuk membuka ruang yang sudah seharusnya diterima oleh rakyat tersebut, tanpa harus mengurangi hak-hak mereka sebab kewa-jiban itu mutlak milik negara. Para pendahulu kita memberikan warisan yang ter-dapat dan terkandung di negara ini bukan untuk kalangan atau golongan tertentu akan tetapi untuk seluruh kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia sebab itu merupakan hak setiap rakyat Indonesia, sejak Indonesia merdeka seluruh yang terdapat wilayah In-donesia termasuk yang terkandung di dalamnya yaitu sumber daya alamnya menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisah dan diperuntukkan untuk kemakmuran seluruh rakyat In-donesia. Sumber daya alam yang terdapat di Indonesia seperti batu bara serta minyak dan gas bumi (migas) sepenuhnya dimiliki dan dikuasai oleh negara yang digunakan untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia akan tetapi jika kita melihat situasi dan kondisi sekarang apakah bangsa ini telah melaksanakan amanat yang telah tertuang di dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945? buku tentang minyak dan gas bumi (migas) untuk rakyat catatan seorang praktisi yang ditulis oleh saudara Junaidi Albab Setiawan ingin mengembalikan dan mengingatkan pada pemegang kekuasaan untuk selalu tunduk pada konstitusi yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan sumber daya alam yang dimiliki oleh bangsa ini hanya untuk kepentingan rakyat Indonesia bukan untuk segelintir orang atau penguasa saja

    Cooperation between ASEAN Member States in Handling Covid-19 in the Southeast Asia Region

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    The outbreak of the covid-19 outbreak is a significant threat in parts of the world, one of which is the Southeast Asia region. Facing these conditions, ASEAN as the largest regional institution that accommodates country cooperation in the Southeast Asia Region has agreed to work together to reduce the negative effects of the corona virus through a number of policies. Cooperation is carried out through ASEAN mechanisms to cooperation with other organizations. The various collaborations discuss a number of matters, including mitigation in the health sector, responses in the economic sector, as well as measures in the tourism and travel sector. However, in this cooperation there are a number of challenges for ASEAN regional cooperation in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic such as the lack of information regarding the handling of Covid-19 received by ASEAN members, the slow response of ASEAN in dealing with Covid-19, the different policies taken by each member country further encouraging ASEAN to continue working to find solutions in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic. This research focuses on any efforts to deal with Covid-19. The methodology used is a qualitative research design. Researchers used the concept of the role of ASEAN and handling the pandemic to analyze this study. The results show that ASEAN member countries have a strategic role in tackling the spread of Covid-19 in a number of fields such as health, trade and socio-economy

    Akibat Hukum Atas Penyalahgunaan Hak Kekebalan Diplomatik Ditinjau Dari Konvensi Wina 1961 (Studi Kasus Penyeludupan Emas Yang Dilakukan Oleh Pejabat Diplomatik Korea Utara Di Bangladesh)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis hak kekebalan dan hak keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh perwakilan diplomatik berdasarkan Konvensi Wina 1961 dan menganalisis akibat hukum atas penyalahgunaan hak kekebalan dan hak keistimewaan diplomatik dalam kasus penyeludupan emas yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan diplomatik Korea Utara di Bangladesh. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian normatif, maka pendekatan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach), dan pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach). Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan yaitu bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum yang digunakan dengn teknik argumentasi dan dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa (1) perwakilan diplomatik Korea Utara yang ada di Bangladesh juga memiliki hak kekebalan dan hak keistimewaan sebagai mana yang ditentukan dalam Konvensi Wina 1961, (2) akibat hukum atas penyalahgunaan hak kekebalan terkait kantong/tas diplomatik bagi Bangladesh sebagai negara penerima yaitu berdasarkan hukum bangladesh, perwakilan diplomatik Korea Utara bisa dikenakan hukuman mati, penjara seumur hidup dan dikenakan denda, namun perwakilan diplomatik Korea Utara memiliki kekebalan yang tidak dapat dijatuhkan hukuman tersebut. Adapun akibat hukum bagi Korea Utara sebagai Negara pengirim yaitu Bangladesh sebagai negara penerima yaitu Bangladesh dapat melakukan persona non grata terhadap perwakilan diplomatik Korea Utara apabila hak kekebalannya telah dilakukan penanggalan oleh Korea Utara
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