23 research outputs found


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    In this article a research principle of remote control of direct current motor with independent excitation is considered. For studying this problem a laboratory stand was made. This project is realized on the microcontroller Arduino. The feature of this stand is the fact that the student needn’t be in a university lab, because the stand is designed for remote control through the Internet. Students can see a scheme of the stand on the monitor of their computers and control it by our program. The advantages of this project are: - The increase security for students, the safety of the laboratory stand. - More accuracy when reading motor parameters. The results of this work can be used not only for studying, but also for practical use at factories in the future

    IT-alan yrityksen ja sen verkkosivun perustaminen

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsitellään yrityksen perustamista sekä sen verkkosivun laatimista teoreettisesti sekä case-muotoisena. Työn tarkoituksena on kuvata IT-alan yrityksen perustamista, sen liiketoimintasuunnitelman laatimista sekä analysoida web-suunnittelijan roolia tämän yrityksen verkkosivun perustamisessa ja kehittämisessä. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään yrityksen perustamista ja rekisteröintiä, verkkosivun laatimista ja yrittäjän työtehtävien kuvausta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata ja analysoida, minkälaisia työtehtäviä web-suunnittelijalla on verkkosivun kehityksessä sekä minkälaisia valmisteluja yrittäjän tulee tehdä yrityksen ja sen verkkosivun perustamisen aikana. Työssä käsitellään käytännön asioita sekä kuvataan ja analysoidaan työtehtäviä yrittäjän näkökulmasta, tiedon kerääminen ja rajaaminen perustuu oman kokemuksen pohjalta. Opinnäytetyö koostuu enimmäkseen tehtävien kuvauksesta ja yrittäjän toiminnan raportoinnista. Pohdinnassa käydään läpi ammatillista kehittymistä johtajan näkökulman kannalta sekä opinnäytetyön saavutuksista. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntynyt yritys ja verkkosivun käytetään hyväksi valmistumisen jälkeen oman yritystoiminnan kehittämiseen.The objective of this thesis was to examine the creation of a private company and its website in a case study. The purpose of this thesis was to depict the establishment of an ICT company, its business model preparation, and an analysis of web-programmers role in company’s website creation and development. This thesis was carried out as a project of company establishment, registration and website creation. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the kind of tasks a web-designer has in website development as well as entrepreneur’s tasks in the company’s creation preparations. The case study explores practical matters by describing and analyzing the tasks in the manager’s job picture. All data was collected and based solely on the founder’s own experience. The thesis consists of tasks describing and reporting the entrepreneur’s daily jobs. The reflection section deals with professional developments from the CEO’s perspective, and achievements of the thesis. The company and website that were created as the result of this thesis will be used in the future for the author’s company business development

    Breastfeeding Promotion, Support and Protection: Review of Six Country Programmes

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    Reviews of programmes in Bangladesh, Benin, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Uganda, and Uzbekistan sought to identify health policy and programmatic factors that influenced breastfeeding practices during a 10 to 15 year period. Exclusive breastfeeding rates and trends were analysed in six countries in general and from an equity perspective in two of them. Success factors and challenges were identified in countries with improved and stagnated rates respectively. The disaggregated data analysis showed that progress may be unequal in population subgroups, but if appropriately designed and implemented, a programme can become a “health equalizer” and eliminate discrepancies among different subgroups. Success requires commitment, supportive policies, and comprehensiveness of programmes for breastfeeding promotion, protection and support. Community-based promotion and support was identified as a particularly important component. Although health workers’ training on infant feeding support and counselling was prioritized, further improvement of interpersonal counselling and problem solving skills is needed. More attention is advised for pre-service education, including a stronger focus on clinical practice, to ensure knowledge and skills among all health workers. Large-scale communication activities played a significant role, but essential steps were often underemphasized, including identifying social norms and influencing factors, ensuring community participation, and testing of approaches and messages